Exhibition Items
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested" Francis Bacon, 'Of Studies' from Essays 1625
The Library holds regular exhibitions, usually organised around a particular theme or collection. Depending on the chosen theme, the exhibition cases might contain anything from irreplaceable works of world importance to newspapers or printed ephemera. They demonstrate the breadth of the Library's holdings and often yield surprises.
Exhibitions are full of fascinating stories - items are carefully selected and captioned and are set within larger contexts and narratives. However curators are frequently required to make very tough choices. They can only open the books or manuscripts at one place. There are constraints in the number of items that can be shown. Some material might not be possible to display at all because of its fragile condition.
Alongside the Digital Library, Cambridge University Library is developing a series of virtual exhibitions to extend the reach of its exhibition programme and offer a fuller experience of some of the items displayed. Some virtual exhibitions will correspond closely to physical exhibitions or events; others will be entirely online.
Where we have full digital facsimiles of exhibited items, these will be included within the Digital Library and linked with the virtual exhibitions websites. This collection brings together exhibited items in one place, enabling you to see them alongside other resources within the Digital Library, or to link though to an associated exhibition and explore the item within that context.
Explanation of the picture 'The broad and the narrow way' (1886.7.541)
This pamphlet explains the large poster The broad and narrow way. The world view illustrated here is very much a product … more -
The broad and narrow way, Matthew vii, 13.14: the picture accompanying Mr. G. Kirkham's lecture on 'The broad and narrow... (Broadsides.AA.8.23)
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The book of bosh: with which are incorporated some amusing and instructive nursery stories in rhyme (1890.11.67)
This brightly illustrated book offers a selection of cautionary tales designed to show children the dangers of bad behaviour. … more -
A travesty of justice. Foreword (1907.12.109)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
A travesty of justice. Part I (1907.12.110)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
A travesty of justice. Part II (1907.12.111)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
A travesty of justice. Part III (1907.12.112)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
A travesty of justice. Part IV (1907.12.113)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
A travesty of justice. Part V (1907.12.114)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
A travesty of justice. Part VI (1907.12.115)
'Mrs. Florence Elizabeth Maybrick tells her own story of 'A Travesty of Justice' after fifteen years' detention in English … more -
Illustrated and unabridged edition of The Times report of the trial of William Palmer for poisoning John Parsons Cook, at... (Item no. 3 in volume 8250.d.26)
The case of 'Palmer the poisoner' gripped British attention for the first six months of 1856. The Times newspaper alone devoted … more -
Dick Turpin: quadrille (A1871.1039)
A glamorous illustration of the highwayman Dick Turpin, crossing Hounslow heath by moonlight with his horse Black Bess, waiting … more -
Particulars of the execution and confession of the five unfortunate men, John Dennis, George Crow, W. Beamis the elder, T.... (Broadsides.B.81.6)
The year 1816 was a time of low wages and widespread unemployment, especially among those working in agriculture. The result … more -
A full and particular account of the trial of Robert Folkes and Levi Ladds, for violently assaulting Elizabeth Heythorpe,... (Broadsides.B.83.2)
Although Robert Folkes was found guilty of rape at this trial, and his execution was set for 21st April, as soon as the trial … more -
A correct account of the trial, execution, life, character and behaviour of the unfortunate man who suffered on the Castle... (Broadsides.B.83.6)
This image, showing Norwich Castle and the place of execution beside the gatehouses, was used frequently on execution broadsides … more -
The trial and execution of the three unfortunate men, that were executed between the 2 lodges on the Castle-Hill, Norwich,... (Broadsides.B.83.7)
Many broadsides gave what purported to be a full and detailed account of legal trials and the fate of criminals and their … more -
Our 'gutter children' (Broadsides.B.86.1)
The idea of sending children as young as five to the colonies was one of the more extreme solutions to the problems of urban … more -
The youth's moral pilot, or, Old proverbs and sayings : illustrated with nine coloured engravings, historical tales, anecdotes,... (CCD.7.25.8)
If it was aimed at children, this brightly coloured volume was clearly written for those of a high social status. Priced … more -
Sebastiana del Castillo: Nuevo y famoso romance en que se refiere las atrocidades de Sebastiana del Castillo y como mató... (Item no. 109 in 7743.b.14)
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D. Juan de Serrallonga: historia escrita en trovos (Item no. 62 in F180.b.8.1)
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Sebastiana del Castillo: Nueva y famosa relacion de las atrocidades de Sebastiana del Castillo y el trágico fin de su vida... (Item no. 130 in F180.b.8.1)
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Sebastiana del Castillo: curioso romance en que se declaran las atrocidades de Sebastiana del Castillo (Item no. 3 in volume 7000.a.10)
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Nueva relacion y curioso romance donde se da cuenta de la amorosa conversacion que tuvo un sacerdote con Dios nuestro señor,... (Item no. 34 in volume 7743.b.14)
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Romance nuevo é historia tragica y verdadera de doña Angela de Valladares y Carrascosa: que mató á su propia hermana... (Item no. 111 in volume 7743.b.14)
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Curiosa relacion, en que se refiere y da cuenta de veinte muertes que hizo una doncella, natural de la ciudad de Valencia,... (Item no. 36 in volume 7743.c.114)
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Lastimosos cantares de una alma pecadora: la que arrepentida de sus muchas culpas, pide perdon ante el S. Christo del Mayor... (Item no. 12 in volume 8000.c.979)
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Primera parte, en que se refiere y da cuenta de la mayor maldad y torpe atrevimiento que ha executado Lorenzo de Texado el... (Item no. 14 in volume 8743.b.13)
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Nueva y graciosa satirilla en que se explican dos raros chistes dados el uno por un cirujano barbero á un miliciano, y el... (Item no. 36 in volume 8743.b.13)
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Sebastiana del Castillo: Nuevo y curioso romance en que se declara las atrocidades de Sebastiana del Castillo : refiérese... (Item no. 10 in volume 8743.c.72)
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Dionisia Perez Losada: Nueva relacion y curioso romance, en que se da cuenta del egemplar castigo que Dios nuestro Señor... (Item no. 23 in volume 8743.c.73)
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Cancion nueva de Catalina Howar en el último dia de su vida (Item no. 94 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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Romance nuevo de Don Carlos Lope de Arimanza y Doña Gabriela Altube (Item no. 106 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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Doña Ines de Alfaro: dió muerte á dos hermanos suyos porque se la habian dado á Don Pedro de Aguilar su amante : huyó... (Item no. 107 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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Gracioso chasco que han dado tres estudiantes á un mesonero, y lo que despues les sucedió con cuatro ladrones (Item no. 126 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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Juan Portela Relacion: puesta en trovos, de los asesinatos y robos que cometió en las inmediaciones de Córdoba (Item no. 127 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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Gracioso y divertido chasco que han dado dos señoritas á un caballero americano en esta córte (Item no. 128 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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La heroina malvina (Item no. 137 in volume F180.b.8.1)
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Siete hermanos vandoleros: Famosa xacara nueva, donde se da cuenta de la vida, prision y muerte de siete hermanos vandoleros... (Item no. 39 in volume Hisp.7.81.2)
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De Pedro Cadenas: Romance de las balentias de Pedro Cadenas y otros tres soldados de las galeras de España (Item no. 51 in volume Hisp.7.81.2)
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Nueva relacion de los desafios, hazañas y valentias del mas jaque de los hombres: Francisquillo El sastre (Item no. 2 in volume S743:1.c.8.2)
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Romance nuevo en el qual se da cuenta de lo que sucedió à una dama con un leon: con todo lo demás que verá el curioso... (Item no. 17 in volume S743:3.c.8.2)
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Atrocidades de Margarita Cisneros: Relación puesta en décimas glosadas, de lo que cometió esta joven natural de Tamarite,... (Item no. 11 in volume S743:3.c.8.8)
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La sogra y la nora: primera part : ilusions de bon viure y projectes de felicitat (Item no. 15 in volume S743:3.c.8.8)
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Matraca burlesca entre hombre y muger (Item no. 25 in volume Syn.6.77.6)
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Don Diego del Castillo: primera parte (Item no. 36 in volume Syn.6.77.6)
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Receta para las mugeres mal casadas (Item no. 16 in volume Syn.6.77.7)
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Nueva relacion y curioso romance donde se da cuenta de la amorosa conversacion que tuvo un señor sacerdote con Dios nuestro... (Item no. 20 in volume Syn.6.77.8)
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La desgraciada Teresa: Nueva relacion en que se da cuenta de la amorosa conversacion que tuvo un sacerdote con Cristo Señor... (Item no. 53 in volume Syn.6.77.9)
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Escenas grotescas contemporaneas (Item no. 24A in volume Tab.b.722)
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Vida de un calavera (Item no. 29 in volume Tab.b.722)
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Vida del estudiante bueno y la del malo (Item no. 32 in volume Tab.b.722)
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Escenas grotescas contemporaneas (Item no. 56 in volume Tab.b.723)
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El corazon de un bandido (Item no. 64 in volume Tab.b.723)
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Vida del hombre, obrando bien y obrando mal (Item no. 90 in volume Tab.b.723)
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El vicio y la virtud: auquilla para niños (Item no. 100(1) in volume Tab.b.724)
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Dansa macabra (Item no. 155 in volume Tab.b.725)
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Trilingual compendium of texts (MS Gg.1.1)
MS Gg.1.1 is a Trilingual compendium of texts put together in the early fourteenth century. It contains literary, historical, … more -
De humani corporis fabrica. Epitome (CCF.46.36)
The Epitome was a companion piece to the Seven books on the fabric of the human body (commonly known as the Fabrica, both … more -
Blondi Flavii Forliviensis in Roma instaurata prefatio incipit (Inc.2.B.2.39[1320])
In 1443, after ten years away, the curia returned to Rome, and in 1446 Biondo dedicated to Eugenius IV his first work, Roma … more -
Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde (Inc.2.J.1.1[3494])
Caxton’s translation and edition of the thirteenth-century scientific work Image du monde (Myrrour of the worlde), was the … more -
[Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis cum figuris] (Inc.3[4245])
Blockbook printing, which in its purest form meant the production of books with text and pictures entirely printed from incised … more -
Ortus sanitatis (Inc.3.A.1.8[37])
This is the first natural history encyclopaedia. Today we consult such works to discover more about wonders of the world … more -
Opus pandectarum Matthei siluatici cum Simone ianuense et cu[m] quotationibus auctoritatum Plinii galieni & alioru[m] auctor[um]... (Inc.3.B.3.68[1602])
Learned medicine was mostly written in Latin, but readers of medical books had to cope with an extraordinary variety of technical … more -
Jncipiu[n]t tractat[us] petri hispani b[e]n[e] eme[n]=dati · & ad nu[m]er[um] vsq[ue] ad duodenariu[m] [com]pleti (Inc.5.A.4.17[4139])
The Summulae logicales was a standard textbook on logic up to the seventeenth century. As is often the case for editions … more -
Incomentiano le deuote meditatione sopra la passione del nostro signore (Inc.5.B.3.2[4321])
This lovely book is finely illuminated, in its original binding, and generously annotated by an early owner, who identifies … more -
[Horae: ad usum Romanum (Rome): (French and Latin)] (Inc.5.D.1.19[2530])
This Book of Hours, printed on vellum, containing as its main texts the Offices of the Virgin Mary and of the Dead, is illustrated … more -
Hec figura omnes scientias et artes in vnam radicem ex qua pullulant reducit (Inc.Broadsides.0[1048])
This practical medieval educational tool charts the common root of all arts and sciences back to philosophy. It is interspersed … more -
S[anctus] Gregori[us] [et] S[anctus] Lucas (Inc.Frags.4[3739])
Woodcut was not the only means of reproducing single-sheet images, and printed images of all types frequently found their … more -
Dis ist der Cisianus zu dutsche vnd <...> (Inc.0.A.1.2[6])
The Cisioianus is a mnemonic poem in twelve verses, one for each month, designed as an aide-mémoire to help the user remember … more -
[Crucifixion] (Inc.1.A.3.3[4187a])
This Crucifixion woodcut, printed on vellum, was pasted inside the binding of a Missal, a book containing the directions … more -
[Image of pity] (Inc.5.F.6.3[3409])
This ghostly impression is the only surviving evidence of the printing of an indulgence issued by William Caxton. This is … more -
Tabula minutionu[m] super meridiano Budensi Anno d[omi]ni Mccccxcv (Inc.Broadsides.0[4100])
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Hie seind zemercken die zeichen der Falschen guldin jm nyderland gemacht (Inc.Broadsides.2[4421])
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Women and Fiction: Autograph manuscript of A Room of One’s Own (MS 1-1942)
Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own has a special connection to Cambridge and to the Fitzwilliam Museum. Its origins lie … more -
Drawings of a printing press (1814) (MS Add.10086)
These drawings, executed in Metz in 1814, include plans, elevations and sections of a printing press, as well as details … more