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Darwin Manuscripts : Cross and self fertilisation chaps 1-4 (through Viola):

Darwin Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Transcription and apparatus © American Museum of Natural History</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Editorial symbols</a></p>

Page: 139r

Cross and self fertilisation chaps 1-4 (through Viola): (DAR 2)

Transcription and apparatus © American Museum of Natural History

Editorial symbols

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
  • Classmark: DAR 2
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 72005
  • Date of Creation: [nd]

Section shown in images 377 to 377

  • Classmark: DAR 2: 139r
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 107480
  • Title: Ms p 139 [also numbered 80]:

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Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved.
DAR 2: 0r: Ms p 0 Chapter I: (image 3, page 0r) DAR 2: 1ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 1: (image 5, page 1ar) DAR 2: 1r: Ms p 1: (image 7, page 1r) DAR 2: 2r: Ms p 2: (image 9, page 2r) DAR 2: 3r: Ms p 3: (image 11, page 3r) DAR 2: 4r: Ms p 4: (image 13, page 4r) DAR 2: 5r: Ms p 5: (image 15, page 5r) DAR 2: 6ar: Insert * (foot-note) to Ms p 6: (image 17, page 6ar) DAR 2: 6r: Ms p 6: (image 19, page 6r) DAR 2: 7r: Ms p 7: (image 21, page 7r) DAR 2: 8r: Ms p 8: (image 23, page 8r) DAR 2: 9r: Ms p 9: (image 25, page 9r) DAR 2: 9ar: Insert * to Ms p 9: (image 27, page 9ar) DAR 2: 10ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 10: (image 29, page 10ar) DAR 2: 10[1]r: Ms p 10: (image 31, page 10[1]r) DAR 2: 10[2]r: Ms p 10 cont.: (image 33, page 10[2]r) DAR 2: 11ar: Insert to Ms p 11: (image 35, page 11ar) DAR 2: 11[1]r: Ms p 11: (image 37, page 11[1]r) DAR 2: 11[2]r: [Ms p 11 cont.]: (image 39, page 11[2]r) DAR 2: 12r: Ms p 12: (image 41, page 12r) DAR 2: 13r: Ms p 13: (image 43, page 13r) DAR 2: 14r: Ms p 14: (image 45, page 14r) DAR 2: 15r: Ms p 15: (image 47, page 15r) DAR 2: 16r: Ms p 16: (image 49, page 16r) DAR 2: 17r: Ms p 17: (image 51, page 17r) DAR 2: 17Ar: Ms p 17A: (image 53, page 17Ar) DAR 2: 18r: Ms p 18: (image 55, page 18r) DAR 2: 19r: Ms p 19: (image 57, page 19r) DAR 2: 19v: Insert (a) to Ms p 19: (image 58, page 19v) DAR 2: 20r: Ms p 20: (image 59, page 20r) DAR 2: 20ar: Insert * to Ms p 20: (image 61, page 20ar) DAR 2: 21r: Ms p 21: (image 63, page 21r) DAR 2: 22r: Ms p 22: (image 65, page 22r) DAR 2: 22Ar: Ms p 22A: (image 67, page 22Ar) DAR 2: 22ar: Ms p 22A cont.: (image 69, page 22ar) DAR 2: 22Br: Ms p 22B <37>: (image 71, page 22Br) DAR 2: 22br: MS p 22B cont.: (image 73, page 22br) DAR 2: 22Cr: Ms p 22C: (image 75, page 22Cr) DAR 2: 22Dr: Ms p 22D: (image 77, page 22Dr) DAR 2: 22Er: Ms p 22E: (image 79, page 22Er) DAR 2: 23r: Ms p 23: (image 81, page 23r) DAR 2: 24r: Ms p 24: (image 83, page 24r) DAR 2: 25ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 25: (image 85, page 25ar) DAR 2: 25r: Ms p 25: (image 87, page 25r) DAR 2: 26r: Ms p 26: (image 89, page 26r) DAR 2: 27r: Ms p 27: (image 91, page 27r) DAR 2: 28r: Ms p 28: (image 93, page 28r) DAR 2: 29ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 29: (image 95, page 29ar) DAR 2: 29r: Ms p 29: (image 97, page 29r) DAR 2: 30r: Ms p 30: (image 99, page 30r) DAR 2: 31ar: Insert *(1) to Ms p 31: (image 101, page 31ar) DAR 2: 31r: Ms p 31: (image 103, page 31r) DAR 2: 32ar: Insert * to Ms p 32: (image 105, page 32ar) DAR 2: 32r: Ms p 32: (image 107, page 32r) DAR 2: 33r: Ms p 33: (image 109, page 33r) DAR 2: 34r: Ms p 34: (image 111, page 34r) DAR 2: 35r: Ms p 35: (image 113, page 35r) DAR 2: 36r: Ms p 36: (image 115, page 36r) DAR 2: 37-to-40r: Ms p 37 to 40: (image 117, page 37-to-40r) DAR 2: 41r: Ms p 41 Chapter II: (image 119, page 41r) DAR 2: 42r: Ms p 42: (image 121, page 42r) DAR 2: 43r: Ms p 43 (with Table 1): (image 123, page 43r) DAR 2: 44r: Ms p 44: (image 125, page 44r) DAR 2: 45ar: Ms p 45 cont.: (image 127, page 45ar) DAR 2: 45r: Ms p 45: (image 129, page 45r) DAR 2: 45v: Insert (a) to Ms p 45: (image 130, page 45v) DAR 2: 46ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 46: (image 131, page 46ar) DAR 2: 46r: Ms p 46: (image 133, page 46r) DAR 2: 47r: Ms p 47 (with Table 2): (image 135, page 47r) DAR 2: 48r: Ms p 48: (image 137, page 48r) DAR 2: 49r: Ms p 49: (image 139, page 49r) DAR 2: 49v: Inserts (B), (a), & (P) to Ms p 49: (image 140, page 49v) DAR 2: 50r: Ms p 50 (with Table 4): (image 141, page 50r) DAR 2: 51r: Ms p 51: (image 143, page 51r) DAR 2: 52r: Ms p 52 (with Table 5): (image 145, page 52r) DAR 2: 53r: Ms p 53: (image 147, page 53r) DAR 2: 54r: Ms p 54 (with Table 6): (image 149, page 54r) DAR 2: 55r: Ms p 55: (image 151, page 55r) DAR 2: 56r: Ms p 56 (with Table 7): (image 153, page 56r) DAR 2: 56v: Insert (a) to Ms p 56: (image 154, page 56v) DAR 2: 57r: Ms p 57: (image 155, page 57r) DAR 2: 58r: Ms p 58 (with Table 8): (image 157, page 58r) DAR 2: 59r: Ms p 59: (image 159, page 59r) DAR 2: 60r: Ms p 60 (with Table 9): (image 161, page 60r) DAR 2: 61r: Ms p 61: (image 163, page 61r) DAR 2: 62r: Ms p 62: (image 165, page 62r) DAR 2: 62v: Table 10: (image 166, page 62v) DAR 2: 63r: Ms p 63: (image 167, page 63r) DAR 2: 64r: Ms p 64 (with Table 11): (image 169, page 64r) DAR 2: 65r: Ms p 65: (image 171, page 65r) DAR 2: 66r: Ms p 66: (image 173, page 66r) DAR 2: 67ar: Table 12: (image 175, page 67ar) DAR 2: 67r: Ms p 67: (image 177, page 67r) DAR 2: 68r: Ms p 68: (image 179, page 68r) DAR 2: 69ar: Insert * to Ms p 69: (image 181, page 69ar) DAR 2: 69r: Ms p 69: (image 183, page 69r) DAR 2: 70r: Ms p 70: (image 185, page 70r) DAR 2: 71r: Ms p 71: (image 187, page 71r) DAR 2: 72ar: Table 13: (image 189, page 72ar) DAR 2: 72av: [discarded note?]: (image 190, page 72av) DAR 2: 72r: Ms p 72: (image 191, page 72r) DAR 2: 73r: Ms p 73: (image 193, page 73r) DAR 2: 73v: ‹Ms p 75›: (image 194, page 73v) DAR 2: 74r: Ms p 74: (image 195, page 74r) DAR 2: 75[1]r: Table 14: (image 197, page 75[1]r) DAR 2: 75[2]r: Table 15: (image 199, page 75[2]r) DAR 2: 75[3]r: Ms p 75 (without inserts): (image 201, page 75[3]r) DAR 2: 75[3]_a: Ms p 75 (with inserts - Tables 14 & 15): (image 203, page 75[3]_a) DAR 2: 76r: Ms p 76: (image 204, page 76r) DAR 2: 77[1]r: Table 16: (image 206, page 77[1]r) DAR 2: 77[2]r: Ms p 77 (without insert): (image 208, page 77[2]r) DAR 2: 77[2]_a: Ms p 77 (with insert - Table 16): (image 210, page 77[2]_a) DAR 2: 78r: Ms p 78: (image 211, page 78r) DAR 2: 79r: Ms p 79: (image 213, page 79r) DAR 2: 80r: Ms p 80 [also numbered 47]: (image 215, page 80r) DAR 2: 81r: Ms p 81: (image 217, page 81r) DAR 2: 82r: Ms p 82: (image 219, page 82r) DAR 2: 83ar: Table 17 <12>: (image 221, page 83ar) DAR 2: 83av: [calculations] - verso of Table 17: (image 222, page 83av) DAR 2: 83r: Ms p 83: (image 223, page 83r) DAR 2: 83v: Insert (a) to Ms p 83: (image 224, page 83v) DAR 2: 84r: Ms p 84: (image 225, page 84r) DAR 2: 84v: Insert (a) to Ms p 84: (image 226, page 84v) DAR 2: 85r: Ms p 85: (image 227, page 85r) DAR 2: 86r: Ms p 86: (image 229, page 86r) DAR 2: 87r: Ms p 87: (image 231, page 87r) DAR 2: 87a[1]r: [Ms p 87 cont.]: (image 233, page 87a[1]r) DAR 2: 87a[2]r: [Ms p 87 cont.] / p. 88: (image 235, page 87a[2]r) DAR 2: 87b[1]r: [Ms p 87 cont.]: (image 237, page 87b[1]r) DAR 2: 87b[2]r: Insert to [Ms p 87 cont.]: (image 239, page 87b[2]r) DAR 2: 88r: Ms p 88: (image 241, page 88r) DAR 2: 89r: Ms p 89: (image 243, page 89r) DAR 2: 90[1]r: Ms p 90: (image 245, page 90[1]r) DAR 2: 90[2]r: Ms p 90 cont. [also numbered 27]: (image 247, page 90[2]r) DAR 2: 91[1]r: Ms p 91 [also numbered 28]: (image 249, page 91[1]r) DAR 2: 91[1]v: Insert (a) to Ms p 91: (image 250, page 91[1]v) DAR 2: 91[2]r: Ms p 91 cont.: (image 251, page 91[2]r) DAR 2: 92r: Ms p 92 <94>: (image 253, page 92r) DAR 2: 93r: Ms p 93 ['3' written over '2']: (image 255, page 93r) DAR 2: 94[1]r: Ms p 94 ['4' written over '3']: (image 257, page 94[1]r) DAR 2: 94[2]r: Ms p 94 cont.: (image 259, page 94[2]r) DAR 2: 95ar: Insert to Ms p 95: (image 261, page 95ar) DAR 2: 95r: Ms p 95 Chapter III: (image 263, page 95r) DAR 2: 96r: Ms p 96: (image 265, page 96r) DAR 2: 97r: Ms p 97: (image 267, page 97r) DAR 2: 98r: Ms p 98: (image 269, page 98r) DAR 2: 98ar: [Ms p 98 cont.] <99>: (image 271, page 98ar) DAR 2: 99r: Ms p 99 <100>: (image 273, page 99r) DAR 2: 100r: Ms p 100: (image 275, page 100r) DAR 2: 101r: Ms p 101: (image 277, page 101r) DAR 2: 102r: Ms p 102: (image 279, page 102r) DAR 2: 103r: Ms p 103: (image 281, page 103r) DAR 2: 104r: Ms p 104: (image 283, page 104r) DAR 2: 104ar: [Ms p 104 cont.]: (image 285, page 104ar) DAR 2: 105r: Ms p 105: (image 287, page 105r) DAR 2: 106r: Ms p 106: (image 289, page 106r) DAR 2: 106ar: [Ms p 106 cont.]: (image 291, page 106ar) DAR 2: 107r: Ms p 107: (image 293, page 107r) DAR 2: 107ar: [Ms p 107 cont.]: (image 295, page 107ar) DAR 2: 108r: Ms p 108: (image 297, page 108r) DAR 2: 108v: Insert (a) to Ms p 108: (image 298, page 108v) DAR 2: 108ar: Table 18: (image 299, page 108ar) DAR 2: 109r: Ms p 109: (image 301, page 109r) DAR 2: 110r: Ms p 110 (with Table 19): (image 303, page 110r) DAR 2: 110ar: [Ms p 110 cont.]: (image 305, page 110ar) DAR 2: 111r: Ms p 111: (image 307, page 111r) DAR 2: 112r: Ms p 112: (image 309, page 112r) DAR 2: 113ar: Table 20 (p. 113): (image 311, page 113ar) DAR 2: 113r: Ms p 113: (image 313, page 113r) DAR 2: 114r: Ms p 114: (image 315, page 114r) DAR 2: 115r: Ms p 115: (image 317, page 115r) DAR 2: 116r: Ms p 116: (image 319, page 116r) DAR 2: 117r: Ms p 117: (image 321, page 117r) DAR 2: 118ar: Table 21: (image 323, page 118ar) DAR 2: 118r: Ms p 118: (image 325, page 118r) DAR 2: 119ar: Table 22: (image 327, page 119ar) DAR 2: 119r: Ms p 119: (image 329, page 119r) DAR 2: 120r: Ms p 120: (image 331, page 120r) DAR 2: 121r: Ms p 121: (image 333, page 121r) DAR 2: 122r: Ms p 122: (image 335, page 122r) DAR 2: 123r: Ms p 123: (image 337, page 123r) DAR 2: 124r: Ms p 124: (image 339, page 124r) DAR 2: 125r: Ms p 125: (image 341, page 125r) DAR 2: 126r: Ms p 126: (image 343, page 126r) DAR 2: 127r: Ms p 127: (image 345, page 127r) DAR 2: 128r: Ms p 128: (image 347, page 128r) DAR 2: 129r: Ms p 129 ['9' retouched from '0']: (image 349, page 129r) DAR 2: 130r: Ms p 130: <!--Ms p 130 [written over '73' (erased)]--> (image 351, page 130r) DAR 2: 130ar: [Ms p 130 cont.]: (image 353, page 130ar) DAR 2: 131r: Ms p 131: <!--Ms p 131 [written over '75' (erased)]--> (image 355, page 131r) DAR 2: 132ar: Table 23: (image 357, page 132ar) DAR 2: 132av: [draft of 'Descent'?]: (image 358, page 132av) DAR 2: 132r: Ms p 132: <!--Ms p 132 [written over '76' (erased)]--> (image 359, page 132r) DAR 2: 133r: Ms p 133: <!--Ms p 133 [written over '77' (in pencil)]--> (image 361, page 133r) DAR 2: 134r: Ms p 134: <!--Ms p 134 [written over '78' (in pencil)]--> (image 363, page 134r) DAR 2: 135r: Ms p 135: (image 365, page 135r) DAR 2: 136ar: Table 24: (image 367, page 136ar) DAR 2: 136r: Ms p 136: (image 369, page 136r) DAR 2: 136v: Ms p 136 verso [deleted note?]: (image 370, page 136v) DAR 2: 137r: Ms p 137: (image 371, page 137r) DAR 2: 138r: Ms p 138: (image 373, page 138r) DAR 2: 138v: Insert (a) to Ms p 138: (image 374, page 138v) DAR 2: 138ar: [Ms p 138 cont.]: (image 375, page 138ar) DAR 2: 139r: Ms p 139 [also numbered 80]: (image 377, page 139r) DAR 2: 139v: Insert (a) to Ms p 139: (image 378, page 139v) DAR 2: 140r: Ms p 140: (image 379, page 140r) DAR 2: 140ar: Ms p 140 cont.: (image 381, page 140ar) DAR 2: 141r: Ms p 141: (image 383, page 141r) DAR 2: 141ar: [Ms p 141 cont.]: (image 385, page 141ar) DAR 2: 142r: Ms p 142 (with Table 25 <24>): <!--Ms p 142 [written over '82' (in pencil)]--> (image 387, page 142r) DAR 2: 143r: Ms p 143: <!--Ms p 143 [written over '83' (in pencil)]--> (image 389, page 143r) DAR 2: 143ar: Ms p 143 cont.: (image 391, page 143ar) DAR 2: 144r: Ms p 144: (image 393, page 144r) DAR 2: 145r: Ms p 145: (image 395, page 145r) DAR 2: 145ar: Ms p 145 cont.: (image 397, page 145ar) DAR 2: 146r: Ms p 146 (with Table 26 [deleted '5' from '25']): <!--Ms p 146 [written over '85' (erased)]--> (image 399, page 146r) DAR 2: 146v: Insert (a) to Ms p 146: (image 400, page 146v) DAR 2: 147ar: Insert to Ms p 147: (image 401, page 147ar) DAR 2: 147r: Ms p 147: <!--Ms p 147 [written over '86' (in pencil)]--> (image 403, page 147r) DAR 2: 148r: Ms p 148 (with Table 27 <26>): <!--Ms p 148 [written over '87' (in pencil)]--> (image 405, page 148r) DAR 2: 149r: Ms p 149: (image 407, page 149r) DAR 2: 150r: Ms p 150: (image 409, page 150r) DAR 2: 151r: Ms p 151: (image 411, page 151r) DAR 2: 152r: Ms p 152 (with Table 28 <27>): (image 413, page 152r) DAR 2: 153r: Ms p 153: (image 415, page 153r) DAR 2: 154r: Ms p 154: <!--Ms p 154 [written over '91' (in pencil; conjectured)]--> (image 417, page 154r) DAR 2: 155r: Ms p 155: (image 419, page 155r) DAR 2: 155Ar: Ms p 155A: (image 421, page 155Ar) DAR 2: 156r: Ms p 156 Chapter IV: (image 423, page 156r) DAR 2: 156ar: Ms p 156 cont.: (image 425, page 156ar) DAR 2: 157r: Ms p 157: <!--Ms p 157 [written over erasure (illegible)]--> (image 427, page 157r) DAR 2: 158ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 158: (image 429, page 158ar) DAR 2: 158av: [draft of?]: (image 430, page 158av) DAR 2: 158r: Ms p 158: <!--Ms p 158 [written over erasure (illegible)]--> (image 431, page 158r) DAR 2: 159ar: Table 29 [deleted '8' from '28']: (image 433, page 159ar) DAR 2: 159av: [draft of?]: (image 434, page 159av) DAR 2: 159r: Ms p 159: <!--Ms p 159 [written over '96' (erased)]--> (image 435, page 159r) DAR 2: 159v: Insert (a) to Ms p 159: (image 436, page 159v) DAR 2: 160r: Ms p 160: <!--Ms p 160 [written over '97' (erased)]--> (image 437, page 160r) DAR 2: 161ar: Table 30 <29>: (image 439, page 161ar) DAR 2: 161av: [draft of?]: (image 440, page 161av) DAR 2: 161r: Ms p 161: <!--Ms p 161 [written over '98' (erased)]--> (image 441, page 161r) DAR 2: 161v: Insert (a) to Ms p 161: (image 442, page 161v) DAR 2: 162r: Ms p 162: (image 443, page 162r) DAR 2: 163r: Ms p 163: (image 445, page 163r) DAR 2: 164r: Ms p 164: <!--Ms p 164 [written over '101' (erased)]--> (image 447, page 164r) DAR 2: 165r: Ms p 165: <!--Ms p 165 [written over '102' (erased)]--> (image 449, page 165r) DAR 2: 166r: Ms p 166 (with Table 31 ['1' written over '0']): <!--Ms p 166 [written over '103' (erased)]--> (image 451, page 166r) DAR 2: 166v: Insert (a) to Ms p 166: (image 452, page 166v) DAR 2: 167r: Ms p 167: <!--Ms p 167 [written over '104' (erased)]--> (image 453, page 167r) DAR 2: 167v: ‹Ms p 104›: (image 454, page 167v) DAR 2: 168a[1]r: Table 32 ['2' written over '1']: (image 455, page 168a[1]r) DAR 2: 168a[1]v: [draft of?]: (image 456, page 168a[1]v) DAR 2: 168a[2]v: verso of Table 32 [lifted]: (image 458, page 168a[2]v) DAR 2: 168r: Ms p 168: <!--Ms p 168 [written over '105' (erased)]--> (image 459, page 168r) DAR 2: 168v: ‹Ms p 103›: (image 460, page 168v) DAR 2: 168a[3]r: [Ms p 168 cont.]: (image 461, page 168a[3]r) DAR 2: 169r: Ms p 169: <!--Ms p 169 [written over '106' (erased)]--> (image 463, page 169r) DAR 2: 170r: Ms p 170: (image 465, page 170r) DAR 2: 171r: Ms p 171 ['1' written over '0']: <!--Ms p 171 ['1' written over '0'; '107' (erased)]--> (image 467, page 171r) DAR 2: 171v: Insert (a) to [Ms p 171]: (image 468, page 171v) DAR 2: 172r: Ms p 172: <!--Ms p 172 [written over '108' (erased)]--> (image 469, page 172r) DAR 2: 172v: Table 33 ['3(second)' retouched from '2']: (image 470, page 172v) DAR 2: 173r: Ms p 173: <!--Ms p 173 [written over '109' (in pencil)]--> (image 471, page 173r) DAR 2: 174ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 174: (image 473, page 174ar) DAR 2: 174br: Insert to Ms p 174: (image 475, page 174br) DAR 2: 174r: Ms p 174: Table 34 ['4' written over '3'] <!--Ms p 174 [written over '110' (in pencil)]--> (image 477, page 174r) DAR 2: 175r: Ms p 175: <!--Ms p 175 [written over '111' (in pencil)]--> (image 479, page 175r) DAR 2: 176r: Ms p 176: <!--Ms p 176 [written over '112' (in pencil)]--> (image 481, page 176r) DAR 2: 177r: Ms p 177: <!--Ms p 177 [written over '113' (in pencil)]--> (image 483, page 177r) DAR 2: 178ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 178: (image 485, page 178ar) DAR 2: 178r: Ms p 178: <!--Ms p 178 [written over '114' (erased)]--> (image 487, page 178r) DAR 2: 179r: Ms p 179: (image 489, page 179r) DAR 2: 180r: Ms p 180: (image 491, page 180r) DAR 2: 181r: Ms p 181: <!--Ms p 181 [written over '116' (erased)]--> (image 493, page 181r) DAR 2: 182r: Ms p 182: (image 495, page 182r) DAR 2: 183r: Ms p 183: (image 497, page 183r) DAR 2: 184ar: Insert (a) to Ms p 184: (image 499, page 184ar) DAR 2: 184r: Ms p 184: <!--Ms p 184 [written over erasure (illegible)]--> (image 501, page 184r) DAR 2: 185r: Ms p 185 <184>: <!--Ms p 185 <184 [written over '119' (erased)]> --> (image 503, page 185r) DAR 2: 185v: Insert (a) to Ms p 185: (image 504, page 185v) DAR 2: 186r: Ms p 186: (image 505, page 186r) DAR 2: 187r: Ms p 187: (image 507, page 187r) DAR 2: 188r: Ms p 188: (image 509, page 188r) DAR 2: 189ar: Table 35 <34>: (image 511, page 189ar) DAR 2: 189av: [draft of 'Descent'?', Ms p 58]: (image 512, page 189av) DAR 2: 189r: Ms p 189: <!--Ms p 189 [written over '122' (in pencil)]--> (image 513, page 189r) DAR 2: 190r: Ms p 190: <!--Ms p 190 [written over '123' (erased)]--> (image 515, page 190r) DAR 2: 191ar: Table [illegible deletion?]: (image 517, page 191ar) DAR 2: 191r: Ms p 191: <!--Ms p 191 [written over '124' (in pencil)]--> (image 519, page 191r) DAR 2: 191v: verso of Ms p 191: (image 520, page 191v) DAR 2: 192ar: Table 36: (image 521, page 192ar) DAR 2: 192r: Ms p 192: <!--Ms p 192 [written over '125' (in pencil)]--> (image 523, page 192r) DAR 2: 192v: verso of Ms p 192: (image 524, page 192v) DAR 2: 193ar: Table 38 [deleted '7' from '37']: (image 525, page 193ar) DAR 2: 193av: [draft of?]: (image 526, page 193av) DAR 2: 193r: Ms p 193: <!--Ms p 193 [written over '126' (in pencil)]--> (image 527, page 193r) DAR 2: 194ar: Table 39 <38>: (image 529, page 194ar) DAR 2: 194r: Ms p 194: <!--Ms p 194 [written over '127' (in pencil)]--> (image 531, page 194r) DAR 2: 194v: verso of Ms p 194: (image 532, page 194v) DAR 2: 195r: Ms p 195 (with Table 40 <39>): <!--Ms p 195 [written over '128' (erased)]--> (image 533, page 195r) DAR 2: 195_ar: Table 40 <39> [lifted]: (image 535, page 195_ar) DAR 2: 195_av: [draft of?]: (image 536, page 195_av) DAR 2: 196a[1]r: Insert to Ms p 196: (image 537, page 196a[1]r) DAR 2: 196r: Ms p 196: <!--Ms p 196 <illegible [written over '129' (in pencil)]>--> (image 539, page 196r) DAR 2: 196a[2]r: [Ms p 196 cont.]: (image 541, page 196a[2]r) DAR 2: 197ar: Insert to Ms p 197: (image 543, page 197ar) DAR 2: 197r: Ms p 197: <!--Ms p 197 [written over '130' (in pencil)]--> (image 545, page 197r) DAR 2: 198r: Ms p 198: (image 547, page 198r) DAR 2: 199ar: Table 41 <40>: (image 549, page 199ar) DAR 2: 199av: [draft of?]: (image 550, page 199av) DAR 2: 199r: Ms p 199: <!--Ms p 199 [written over '131' (in pencil)]--> (image 551, page 199r) DAR 2: 200r: Ms p 200: <!--Ms p 200 [written over '132' (in pencil)]--> (image 553, page 200r) DAR 2: 200ar: Ms p 200 cont.: (image 555, page 200ar) DAR 2: 201r: Ms p 201: <!--Ms p 201 [written over '133' (in pencil)]--> (image 557, page 201r) DAR 2: 202r: Ms p 202: <!--Ms p 202 [written over '134' (erased)]--> (image 559, page 202r) DAR 2: 203r: Ms p 203 (with Table 42 <41>): <!--Ms p 203 [written over '135' (in pencil)]--> (image 561, page 203r)

    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
    • Classmark: DAR 2
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 72005
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 3 to 3

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 0r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107298
    • Title: Ms p 0 Chapter I:

    Section shown in images 5 to 5

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 1ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107299
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 1:

    Section shown in images 7 to 7

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 1r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107300
    • Title: Ms p 1:

    Section shown in images 9 to 9

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 2r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107301
    • Title: Ms p 2:

    Section shown in images 11 to 11

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 3r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107302
    • Title: Ms p 3:

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 4r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107303
    • Title: Ms p 4:

    Section shown in images 15 to 15

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 5r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107304
    • Title: Ms p 5:

    Section shown in images 17 to 17

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 6ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107305
    • Title: Insert * (foot-note) to Ms p 6:

    Section shown in images 19 to 19

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 6r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107306
    • Title: Ms p 6:

    Section shown in images 21 to 21

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 7r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107307
    • Title: Ms p 7:

    Section shown in images 23 to 23

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 8r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107308
    • Title: Ms p 8:

    Section shown in images 25 to 25

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 9r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107309
    • Title: Ms p 9:

    Section shown in images 27 to 27

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 9ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107310
    • Title: Insert * to Ms p 9:

    Section shown in images 29 to 29

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 10ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107311
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 10:

    Section shown in images 31 to 31

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 10[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107312
    • Title: Ms p 10:

    Section shown in images 33 to 33

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 10[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107313
    • Title: Ms p 10 cont.:

    Section shown in images 35 to 35

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 11ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107314
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 11:

    Section shown in images 37 to 37

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 11[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107315
    • Title: Ms p 11:

    Section shown in images 39 to 39

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 11[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108859
    • Title: [Ms p 11 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 41 to 41

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 12r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107316
    • Title: Ms p 12:

    Section shown in images 43 to 43

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 13r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107317
    • Title: Ms p 13:

    Section shown in images 45 to 45

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 14r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107318
    • Title: Ms p 14:

    Section shown in images 47 to 47

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 15r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107319
    • Title: Ms p 15:

    Section shown in images 49 to 49

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 16r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107320
    • Title: Ms p 16:

    Section shown in images 51 to 51

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 17r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107321
    • Title: Ms p 17:

    Section shown in images 53 to 53

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 17Ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107322
    • Title: Ms p 17A:

    Section shown in images 55 to 55

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 18r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107323
    • Title: Ms p 18:

    Section shown in images 57 to 57

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 19r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107324
    • Title: Ms p 19:

    Section shown in images 58 to 58

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 19v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107745
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 19:

    Section shown in images 59 to 59

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 20r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107325
    • Title: Ms p 20:

    Section shown in images 61 to 61

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 20ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107326
    • Title: Insert * to Ms p 20:

    Section shown in images 63 to 63

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 21r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107327
    • Title: Ms p 21:

    Section shown in images 65 to 65

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107328
    • Title: Ms p 22:

    Section shown in images 67 to 67

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22Ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107329
    • Title: Ms p 22A:

    Section shown in images 69 to 69

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107330
    • Title: Ms p 22A cont.:

    Section shown in images 71 to 71

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22Br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107331
    • Title: Ms p 22B <37>:

    Section shown in images 73 to 73

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107332
    • Title: MS p 22B cont.:

    Section shown in images 75 to 75

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22Cr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107333
    • Title: Ms p 22C:

    Section shown in images 77 to 77

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22Dr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107334
    • Title: Ms p 22D:

    Section shown in images 79 to 79

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 22Er
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107335
    • Title: Ms p 22E:

    Section shown in images 81 to 81

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 23r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107336
    • Title: Ms p 23:

    Section shown in images 83 to 83

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 24r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107337
    • Title: Ms p 24:

    Section shown in images 85 to 85

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 25ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107338
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 25:

    Section shown in images 87 to 87

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 25r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107339
    • Title: Ms p 25:

    Section shown in images 89 to 89

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 26r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107340
    • Title: Ms p 26:

    Section shown in images 91 to 91

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 27r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107341
    • Title: Ms p 27:

    Section shown in images 93 to 93

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 28r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107342
    • Title: Ms p 28:

    Section shown in images 95 to 95

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 29ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107343
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 29:

    Section shown in images 97 to 97

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 29r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107344
    • Title: Ms p 29:

    Section shown in images 99 to 99

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 30r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107345
    • Title: Ms p 30:

    Section shown in images 101 to 101

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 31ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107346
    • Title: Insert *(1) to Ms p 31:

    Section shown in images 103 to 103

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 31r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107347
    • Title: Ms p 31:

    Section shown in images 105 to 105

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 32ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107348
    • Title: Insert * to Ms p 32:

    Section shown in images 107 to 107

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 32r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107349
    • Title: Ms p 32:

    Section shown in images 109 to 109

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 33r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107350
    • Title: Ms p 33:

    Section shown in images 111 to 111

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 34r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107351
    • Title: Ms p 34:

    Section shown in images 113 to 113

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 35r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107352
    • Title: Ms p 35:

    Section shown in images 115 to 115

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 36r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107353
    • Title: Ms p 36:

    Section shown in images 117 to 117

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 37-to-40r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107354
    • Title: Ms p 37 to 40:

    Section shown in images 119 to 119

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 41r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107355
    • Title: Ms p 41 Chapter II:

    Section shown in images 121 to 121

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 42r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107356
    • Title: Ms p 42:

    Section shown in images 123 to 123

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 43r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107357
    • Title: Ms p 43 (with Table 1):

    Section shown in images 125 to 125

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 44r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107358
    • Title: Ms p 44:

    Section shown in images 127 to 127

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 45ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107359
    • Title: Ms p 45 cont.:

    Section shown in images 129 to 129

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 45r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107360
    • Title: Ms p 45:

    Section shown in images 130 to 130

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 45v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107780
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 45:

    Section shown in images 131 to 131

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 46ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107361
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 46:

    Section shown in images 133 to 133

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 46r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107362
    • Title: Ms p 46:

    Section shown in images 135 to 135

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 47r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107363
    • Title: Ms p 47 (with Table 2):

    Section shown in images 137 to 137

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 48r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107364
    • Title: Ms p 48:

    Section shown in images 139 to 139

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 49r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107365
    • Title: Ms p 49:

    Section shown in images 140 to 140

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 49v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107786
    • Title: Inserts (B), (a), & (P) to Ms p 49:

    Section shown in images 141 to 141

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 50r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107366
    • Title: Ms p 50 (with Table 4):

    Section shown in images 143 to 143

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 51r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107367
    • Title: Ms p 51:

    Section shown in images 145 to 145

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 52r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107368
    • Title: Ms p 52 (with Table 5):

    Section shown in images 147 to 147

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 53r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107369
    • Title: Ms p 53:

    Section shown in images 149 to 149

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 54r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107370
    • Title: Ms p 54 (with Table 6):

    Section shown in images 151 to 151

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 55r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107371
    • Title: Ms p 55:

    Section shown in images 153 to 153

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 56r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107372
    • Title: Ms p 56 (with Table 7):

    Section shown in images 154 to 154

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 56v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107793
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 56:

    Section shown in images 155 to 155

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 57r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107373
    • Title: Ms p 57:

    Section shown in images 157 to 157

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 58r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107374
    • Title: Ms p 58 (with Table 8):

    Section shown in images 159 to 159

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 59r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107375
    • Title: Ms p 59:

    Section shown in images 161 to 161

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 60r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107376
    • Title: Ms p 60 (with Table 9):

    Section shown in images 163 to 163

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 61r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107377
    • Title: Ms p 61:

    Section shown in images 165 to 165

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 62r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107378
    • Title: Ms p 62:

    Section shown in images 166 to 166

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 62v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107799
    • Title: Table 10:

    Section shown in images 167 to 167

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 63r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107379
    • Title: Ms p 63:

    Section shown in images 169 to 169

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 64r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107380
    • Title: Ms p 64 (with Table 11):

    Section shown in images 171 to 171

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 65r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107381
    • Title: Ms p 65:

    Section shown in images 173 to 173

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 66r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107382
    • Title: Ms p 66:

    Section shown in images 175 to 175

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 67ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107383
    • Title: Table 12:

    Section shown in images 177 to 177

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 67r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107384
    • Title: Ms p 67:

    Section shown in images 179 to 179

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 68r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107385
    • Title: Ms p 68:

    Section shown in images 181 to 181

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 69ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107386
    • Title: Insert * to Ms p 69:

    Section shown in images 183 to 183

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 69r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107387
    • Title: Ms p 69:

    Section shown in images 185 to 185

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 70r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107388
    • Title: Ms p 70:

    Section shown in images 187 to 187

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 71r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107389
    • Title: Ms p 71:

    Section shown in images 189 to 189

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 72ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107390
    • Title: Table 13:

    Section shown in images 190 to 190

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 72av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107812
    • Title: [discarded note?]:

    Section shown in images 191 to 191

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 72r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107391
    • Title: Ms p 72:

    Section shown in images 193 to 193

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 73r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107392
    • Title: Ms p 73:

    Section shown in images 194 to 194

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 73v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107813
    • Title: ‹Ms p 75›:

    Section shown in images 195 to 195

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 74r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107393
    • Title: Ms p 74:

    Section shown in images 197 to 197

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 75[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107394
    • Title: Table 14:

    Section shown in images 199 to 199

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 75[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108862
    • Title: Table 15:

    Section shown in images 201 to 201

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 75[3]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108864
    • Title: Ms p 75 (without inserts):

    Section shown in images 203 to 203

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 75[3]_a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108865
    • Title: Ms p 75 (with inserts - Tables 14 & 15):

    Section shown in images 204 to 204

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 76r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107395
    • Title: Ms p 76:

    Section shown in images 206 to 206

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 77[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107396
    • Title: Table 16:

    Section shown in images 208 to 208

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 77[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108867
    • Title: Ms p 77 (without insert):

    Section shown in images 210 to 210

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 77[2]_a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108869
    • Title: Ms p 77 (with insert - Table 16):

    Section shown in images 211 to 211

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 78r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107397
    • Title: Ms p 78:

    Section shown in images 213 to 213

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 79r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107398
    • Title: Ms p 79:

    Section shown in images 215 to 215

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 80r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107399
    • Title: Ms p 80 [also numbered 47]:

    Section shown in images 217 to 217

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 81r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107400
    • Title: Ms p 81:

    Section shown in images 219 to 219

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 82r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107401
    • Title: Ms p 82:

    Section shown in images 221 to 221

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 83ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107402
    • Title: Table 17 <12>:

    Section shown in images 222 to 222

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 83av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107824
    • Title: [calculations] - verso of Table 17:

    Section shown in images 223 to 223

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 83r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107403
    • Title: Ms p 83:

    Section shown in images 224 to 224

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 83v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107823
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 83:

    Section shown in images 225 to 225

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 84r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107404
    • Title: Ms p 84:

    Section shown in images 226 to 226

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 84v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107825
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 84:

    Section shown in images 227 to 227

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 85r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107405
    • Title: Ms p 85:

    Section shown in images 229 to 229

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 86r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107406
    • Title: Ms p 86:

    Section shown in images 231 to 231

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 87r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107407
    • Title: Ms p 87:

    Section shown in images 233 to 233

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 87a[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107408
    • Title: [Ms p 87 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 235 to 235

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 87a[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107409
    • Title: [Ms p 87 cont.] / p. 88:

    Section shown in images 237 to 237

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 87b[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107410
    • Title: [Ms p 87 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 239 to 239

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 87b[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107411
    • Title: Insert to [Ms p 87 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 241 to 241

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 88r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107412
    • Title: Ms p 88:

    Section shown in images 243 to 243

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 89r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107413
    • Title: Ms p 89:

    Section shown in images 245 to 245

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 90[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107414
    • Title: Ms p 90:

    Section shown in images 247 to 247

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 90[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107415
    • Title: Ms p 90 cont. [also numbered 27]:

    Section shown in images 249 to 249

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 91[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107416
    • Title: Ms p 91 [also numbered 28]:

    Section shown in images 250 to 250

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 91[1]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107837
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 91:

    Section shown in images 251 to 251

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 91[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107417
    • Title: Ms p 91 cont.:

    Section shown in images 253 to 253

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 92r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107418
    • Title: Ms p 92 <94>:

    Section shown in images 255 to 255

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 93r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107419
    • Title: Ms p 93 ['3' written over '2']:

    Section shown in images 257 to 257

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 94[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107420
    • Title: Ms p 94 ['4' written over '3']:

    Section shown in images 259 to 259

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 94[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107421
    • Title: Ms p 94 cont.:

    Section shown in images 261 to 261

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 95ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107422
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 95:

    Section shown in images 263 to 263

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 95r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107423
    • Title: Ms p 95 Chapter III:

    Section shown in images 265 to 265

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 96r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107424
    • Title: Ms p 96:

    Section shown in images 267 to 267

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 97r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107425
    • Title: Ms p 97:

    Section shown in images 269 to 269

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 98r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107426
    • Title: Ms p 98:

    Section shown in images 271 to 271

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 98ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107427
    • Title: [Ms p 98 cont.] <99>:

    Section shown in images 273 to 273

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 99r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107428
    • Title: Ms p 99 <100>:

    Section shown in images 275 to 275

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 100r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107429
    • Title: Ms p 100:

    Section shown in images 277 to 277

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 101r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107430
    • Title: Ms p 101:

    Section shown in images 279 to 279

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 102r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107431
    • Title: Ms p 102:

    Section shown in images 281 to 281

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 103r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107432
    • Title: Ms p 103:

    Section shown in images 283 to 283

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 104r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107433
    • Title: Ms p 104:

    Section shown in images 285 to 285

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 104ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107434
    • Title: [Ms p 104 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 287 to 287

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 105r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107435
    • Title: Ms p 105:

    Section shown in images 289 to 289

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 106r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107436
    • Title: Ms p 106:

    Section shown in images 291 to 291

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 106ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107437
    • Title: [Ms p 106 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 293 to 293

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 107r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107438
    • Title: Ms p 107:

    Section shown in images 295 to 295

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 107ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107439
    • Title: [Ms p 107 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 297 to 297

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 108r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107440
    • Title: Ms p 108:

    Section shown in images 298 to 298

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 108v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107861
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 108:

    Section shown in images 299 to 299

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 108ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107441
    • Title: Table 18:

    Section shown in images 301 to 301

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 109r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107442
    • Title: Ms p 109:

    Section shown in images 303 to 303

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 110r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107443
    • Title: Ms p 110 (with Table 19):

    Section shown in images 305 to 305

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 110ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107444
    • Title: [Ms p 110 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 307 to 307

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 111r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107445
    • Title: Ms p 111:

    Section shown in images 309 to 309

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 112r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107446
    • Title: Ms p 112:

    Section shown in images 311 to 311

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 113ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107447
    • Title: Table 20 (p. 113):

    Section shown in images 313 to 313

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 113r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107448
    • Title: Ms p 113:

    Section shown in images 315 to 315

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 114r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107449
    • Title: Ms p 114:

    Section shown in images 317 to 317

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 115r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107450
    • Title: Ms p 115:

    Section shown in images 319 to 319

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 116r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107451
    • Title: Ms p 116:

    Section shown in images 321 to 321

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 117r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107452
    • Title: Ms p 117:

    Section shown in images 323 to 323

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 118ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107453
    • Title: Table 21:

    Section shown in images 325 to 325

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 118r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107454
    • Title: Ms p 118:

    Section shown in images 327 to 327

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 119ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107455
    • Title: Table 22:

    Section shown in images 329 to 329

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 119r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107456
    • Title: Ms p 119:

    Section shown in images 331 to 331

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 120r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107457
    • Title: Ms p 120:

    Section shown in images 333 to 333

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 121r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107458
    • Title: Ms p 121:

    Section shown in images 335 to 335

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 122r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107459
    • Title: Ms p 122:

    Section shown in images 337 to 337

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 123r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107460
    • Title: Ms p 123:

    Section shown in images 339 to 339

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 124r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107461
    • Title: Ms p 124:

    Section shown in images 341 to 341

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 125r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107462
    • Title: Ms p 125:

    Section shown in images 343 to 343

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 126r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107463
    • Title: Ms p 126:

    Section shown in images 345 to 345

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 127r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107464
    • Title: Ms p 127:

    Section shown in images 347 to 347

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 128r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107465
    • Title: Ms p 128:

    Section shown in images 349 to 349

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 129r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107466
    • Title: Ms p 129 ['9' retouched from '0']:

    Section shown in images 351 to 351

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 130r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107467
    • Title: Ms p 130: <!--Ms p 130 [written over '73' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 353 to 353

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 130ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107468
    • Title: [Ms p 130 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 355 to 355

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 131r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107469
    • Title: Ms p 131: <!--Ms p 131 [written over '75' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 357 to 357

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 132ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107470
    • Title: Table 23:

    Section shown in images 358 to 358

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 132av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107892
    • Title: [draft of 'Descent'?]:

    Section shown in images 359 to 359

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 132r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107471
    • Title: Ms p 132: <!--Ms p 132 [written over '76' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 361 to 361

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 133r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107472
    • Title: Ms p 133: <!--Ms p 133 [written over '77' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 363 to 363

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 134r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107473
    • Title: Ms p 134: <!--Ms p 134 [written over '78' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 365 to 365

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 135r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107474
    • Title: Ms p 135:

    Section shown in images 367 to 367

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 136ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107475
    • Title: Table 24:

    Section shown in images 369 to 369

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 136r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107476
    • Title: Ms p 136:

    Section shown in images 370 to 370

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 136v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107896
    • Title: Ms p 136 verso [deleted note?]:

    Section shown in images 371 to 371

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 137r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107477
    • Title: Ms p 137:

    Section shown in images 373 to 373

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 138r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107478
    • Title: Ms p 138:

    Section shown in images 374 to 374

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 138v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107899
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 138:

    Section shown in images 375 to 375

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 138ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107479
    • Title: [Ms p 138 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 377 to 377

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 139r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107480
    • Title: Ms p 139 [also numbered 80]:

    Section shown in images 378 to 378

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 139v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107901
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 139:

    Section shown in images 379 to 379

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 140r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107481
    • Title: Ms p 140:

    Section shown in images 381 to 381

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 140ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107482
    • Title: Ms p 140 cont.:

    Section shown in images 383 to 383

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 141r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107483
    • Title: Ms p 141:

    Section shown in images 385 to 385

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 141ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107484
    • Title: [Ms p 141 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 387 to 387

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 142r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107485
    • Title: Ms p 142 (with Table 25 <24>): <!--Ms p 142 [written over '82' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 389 to 389

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 143r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107486
    • Title: Ms p 143: <!--Ms p 143 [written over '83' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 391 to 391

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 143ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107487
    • Title: Ms p 143 cont.:

    Section shown in images 393 to 393

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 144r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107488
    • Title: Ms p 144:

    Section shown in images 395 to 395

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 145r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107489
    • Title: Ms p 145:

    Section shown in images 397 to 397

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 145ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107490
    • Title: Ms p 145 cont.:

    Section shown in images 399 to 399

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 146r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107491
    • Title: Ms p 146 (with Table 26 [deleted '5' from '25']): <!--Ms p 146 [written over '85' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 400 to 400

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 146v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107912
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 146:

    Section shown in images 401 to 401

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 147ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107492
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 147:

    Section shown in images 403 to 403

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 147r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107493
    • Title: Ms p 147: <!--Ms p 147 [written over '86' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 405 to 405

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 148r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107494
    • Title: Ms p 148 (with Table 27 <26>): <!--Ms p 148 [written over '87' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 407 to 407

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 149r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107495
    • Title: Ms p 149:

    Section shown in images 409 to 409

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 150r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107496
    • Title: Ms p 150:

    Section shown in images 411 to 411

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 151r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107497
    • Title: Ms p 151:

    Section shown in images 413 to 413

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 152r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107498
    • Title: Ms p 152 (with Table 28 <27>):

    Section shown in images 415 to 415

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 153r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107499
    • Title: Ms p 153:

    Section shown in images 417 to 417

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 154r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107500
    • Title: Ms p 154: <!--Ms p 154 [written over '91' (in pencil; conjectured)]-->

    Section shown in images 419 to 419

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 155r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107501
    • Title: Ms p 155:

    Section shown in images 421 to 421

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 155Ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107502
    • Title: Ms p 155A:

    Section shown in images 423 to 423

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 156r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107503
    • Title: Ms p 156 Chapter IV:

    Section shown in images 425 to 425

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 156ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107504
    • Title: Ms p 156 cont.:

    Section shown in images 427 to 427

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 157r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107505
    • Title: Ms p 157: <!--Ms p 157 [written over erasure (illegible)]-->

    Section shown in images 429 to 429

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 158ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107506
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 158:

    Section shown in images 430 to 430

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 158av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107928
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 431 to 431

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 158r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107507
    • Title: Ms p 158: <!--Ms p 158 [written over erasure (illegible)]-->

    Section shown in images 433 to 433

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 159ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107508
    • Title: Table 29 [deleted '8' from '28']:

    Section shown in images 434 to 434

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 159av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107930
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 435 to 435

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 159r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107509
    • Title: Ms p 159: <!--Ms p 159 [written over '96' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 436 to 436

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 159v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107929
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 159:

    Section shown in images 437 to 437

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 160r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107510
    • Title: Ms p 160: <!--Ms p 160 [written over '97' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 439 to 439

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 161ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107511
    • Title: Table 30 <29>:

    Section shown in images 440 to 440

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 161av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107933
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 441 to 441

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 161r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107512
    • Title: Ms p 161: <!--Ms p 161 [written over '98' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 442 to 442

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 161v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107932
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 161:

    Section shown in images 443 to 443

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 162r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107513
    • Title: Ms p 162:

    Section shown in images 445 to 445

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 163r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107514
    • Title: Ms p 163:

    Section shown in images 447 to 447

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 164r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107515
    • Title: Ms p 164: <!--Ms p 164 [written over '101' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 449 to 449

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 165r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107516
    • Title: Ms p 165: <!--Ms p 165 [written over '102' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 451 to 451

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 166r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107517
    • Title: Ms p 166 (with Table 31 ['1' written over '0']): <!--Ms p 166 [written over '103' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 452 to 452

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 166v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107938
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 166:

    Section shown in images 453 to 453

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 167r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107518
    • Title: Ms p 167: <!--Ms p 167 [written over '104' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 454 to 454

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 167v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107939
    • Title: ‹Ms p 104›:

    Section shown in images 455 to 455

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 168a[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107519
    • Title: Table 32 ['2' written over '1']:

    Section shown in images 456 to 456

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 168a[1]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107941
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 458 to 458

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 168a[2]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107942
    • Title: verso of Table 32 [lifted]:

    Section shown in images 459 to 459

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 168r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107520
    • Title: Ms p 168: <!--Ms p 168 [written over '105' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 460 to 460

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 168v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107940
    • Title: ‹Ms p 103›:

    Section shown in images 461 to 461

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 168a[3]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108870
    • Title: [Ms p 168 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 463 to 463

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 169r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107522
    • Title: Ms p 169: <!--Ms p 169 [written over '106' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 465 to 465

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 170r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107523
    • Title: Ms p 170:

    Section shown in images 467 to 467

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 171r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107524
    • Title: Ms p 171 ['1' written over '0']: <!--Ms p 171 ['1' written over '0'; '107' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 468 to 468

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 171v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107945
    • Title: Insert (a) to [Ms p 171]:

    Section shown in images 469 to 469

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 172r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107525
    • Title: Ms p 172: <!--Ms p 172 [written over '108' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 470 to 470

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 172v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107946
    • Title: Table 33 ['3(second)' retouched from '2']:

    Section shown in images 471 to 471

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 173r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107526
    • Title: Ms p 173: <!--Ms p 173 [written over '109' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 473 to 473

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 174ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107527
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 174:

    Section shown in images 475 to 475

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 174br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107528
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 174:

    Section shown in images 477 to 477

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 174r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107529
    • Title: Ms p 174: Table 34 ['4' written over '3'] <!--Ms p 174 [written over '110' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 479 to 479

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 175r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107530
    • Title: Ms p 175: <!--Ms p 175 [written over '111' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 481 to 481

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 176r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107531
    • Title: Ms p 176: <!--Ms p 176 [written over '112' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 483 to 483

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 177r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107532
    • Title: Ms p 177: <!--Ms p 177 [written over '113' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 485 to 485

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 178ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107533
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 178:

    Section shown in images 487 to 487

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 178r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107534
    • Title: Ms p 178: <!--Ms p 178 [written over '114' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 489 to 489

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 179r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107535
    • Title: Ms p 179:

    Section shown in images 491 to 491

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 180r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107536
    • Title: Ms p 180:

    Section shown in images 493 to 493

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 181r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107537
    • Title: Ms p 181: <!--Ms p 181 [written over '116' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 495 to 495

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 182r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107538
    • Title: Ms p 182:

    Section shown in images 497 to 497

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 183r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107539
    • Title: Ms p 183:

    Section shown in images 499 to 499

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 184ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107540
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 184:

    Section shown in images 501 to 501

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 184r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107541
    • Title: Ms p 184: <!--Ms p 184 [written over erasure (illegible)]-->

    Section shown in images 503 to 503

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 185r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107542
    • Title: Ms p 185 <184>: <!--Ms p 185 <184 [written over '119' (erased)]> -->

    Section shown in images 504 to 504

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 185v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107963
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 185:

    Section shown in images 505 to 505

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 186r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107543
    • Title: Ms p 186:

    Section shown in images 507 to 507

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 187r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107544
    • Title: Ms p 187:

    Section shown in images 509 to 509

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 188r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107545
    • Title: Ms p 188:

    Section shown in images 511 to 511

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 189ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107546
    • Title: Table 35 <34>:

    Section shown in images 512 to 512

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 189av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107968
    • Title: [draft of 'Descent'?', Ms p 58]:

    Section shown in images 513 to 513

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 189r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107547
    • Title: Ms p 189: <!--Ms p 189 [written over '122' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 515 to 515

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 190r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107548
    • Title: Ms p 190: <!--Ms p 190 [written over '123' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 517 to 517

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 191ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107549
    • Title: Table [illegible deletion?]:

    Section shown in images 519 to 519

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 191r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107550
    • Title: Ms p 191: <!--Ms p 191 [written over '124' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 520 to 520

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 191v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107970
    • Title: verso of Ms p 191:

    Section shown in images 521 to 521

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 192ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107551
    • Title: Table 36:

    Section shown in images 523 to 523

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 192r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107552
    • Title: Ms p 192: <!--Ms p 192 [written over '125' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 524 to 524

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 192v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107972
    • Title: verso of Ms p 192:

    Section shown in images 525 to 525

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 193ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107553
    • Title: Table 38 [deleted '7' from '37']:

    Section shown in images 526 to 526

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 193av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107975
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 527 to 527

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 193r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107554
    • Title: Ms p 193: <!--Ms p 193 [written over '126' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 529 to 529

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 194ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107555
    • Title: Table 39 <38>:

    Section shown in images 531 to 531

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 194r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107556
    • Title: Ms p 194: <!--Ms p 194 [written over '127' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 532 to 532

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 194v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107976
    • Title: verso of Ms p 194:

    Section shown in images 533 to 533

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 195r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107557
    • Title: Ms p 195 (with Table 40 <39>): <!--Ms p 195 [written over '128' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 535 to 535

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 195_ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108872
    • Title: Table 40 <39> [lifted]:

    Section shown in images 536 to 536

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 195_av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108873
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 537 to 537

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 196a[1]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107558
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 196:

    Section shown in images 539 to 539

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 196r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107559
    • Title: Ms p 196: <!--Ms p 196 <illegible [written over '129' (in pencil)]>-->

    Section shown in images 541 to 541

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 196a[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107560
    • Title: [Ms p 196 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 543 to 543

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 197ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107561
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 197:

    Section shown in images 545 to 545

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 197r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107562
    • Title: Ms p 197: <!--Ms p 197 [written over '130' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 547 to 547

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 198r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107563
    • Title: Ms p 198:

    Section shown in images 549 to 549

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 199ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107564
    • Title: Table 41 <40>:

    Section shown in images 550 to 550

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 199av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107986
    • Title: [draft of?]:

    Section shown in images 551 to 551

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 199r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107565
    • Title: Ms p 199: <!--Ms p 199 [written over '131' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 553 to 553

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 200r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107566
    • Title: Ms p 200: <!--Ms p 200 [written over '132' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 555 to 555

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 200ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107567
    • Title: Ms p 200 cont.:

    Section shown in images 557 to 557

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 201r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107568
    • Title: Ms p 201: <!--Ms p 201 [written over '133' (in pencil)]-->

    Section shown in images 559 to 559

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 202r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107569
    • Title: Ms p 202: <!--Ms p 202 [written over '134' (erased)]-->

    Section shown in images 561 to 561

    • Classmark: DAR 2: 203r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107570
    • Title: Ms p 203 (with Table 42 <41>): <!--Ms p 203 [written over '135' (in pencil)]-->


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