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Darwin Manuscripts : 'Natural Selection', summary of whole book-plan, table of contents, chap. 3:

Darwin Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Transcription and apparatus © American Museum of Natural History</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Editorial symbols</a></p>

Page: B32ar

'Natural Selection', summary of whole book-plan, table of contents, chap. 3: (DAR 8)

Transcription and apparatus © American Museum of Natural History

Editorial symbols

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
  • Classmark: DAR 8
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 72014
  • Date of Creation: 1856.10.13- 1856.12.16

Section shown in images 23 to 296

  • Classmark: 8: B
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 106585
  • Title: 'Natural selection' chapter 3 (On the possibility of all organic beings occasionally crossing and on the remarkable susceptibility of the reproductive system to external agencies):

Section shown in images 111 to 111

  • Classmark: DAR 8: B32ar
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 107625
  • Title: Note to Ms p 32:

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8: A: 'Natural selection' summary of whole book-plan: (image 3, page A1r)     DAR 8: A1r: Ms p 1: (image 3, page A1r)     DAR 8: A1v: Ms p 1 verso: (image 4, page A1v)     DAR 8: A2r: Ms p 2: (image 5, page A2r)     DAR 8: A3r: Ms p 3: (image 7, page A3r)     DAR 8: A3bisv: Ms p 3bis: (image 10, page A3bisv)     DAR 8: A4r: Ms p 4: (image 11, page A4r)     DAR 8: A4bisv: Ms p 4bis: (image 14, page A4bisv)     DAR 8: A5r: Ms p 5: (image 15, page A5r)     DAR 8: A6r: Ms p 6: (image 17, page A6r)     DAR 8: A7r: Ms p 7: (image 19, page A7r)     DAR 8: A8r: Ms p 8: (image 21, page A8r) 8: B: 'Natural selection' chapter 3 (On the possibility of all organic beings occasionally crossing and on the remarkable susceptibility of the reproductive system to external agencies): (image 23, page B1r)     DAR 8: B1r: Ms p 1: (image 23, page B1r)     DAR 8: B1v: Inserts to Ms p 1: (image 24, page B1v)     DAR 8: B2r: Ms p 2: (image 25, page B2r)     DAR 8: B2v: <Ms p 2>: (image 26, page B2v)     DAR 8: B2bisv: Ms p 2bis: (image 28, page B2bisv)     DAR 8: B3r: Ms p 3: (image 29, page B3r)     DAR 8: B4r: Ms p 4: (image 31, page B4r)     DAR 8: B5r: Ms p 5: (image 33, page B5r)     DAR 8: B6r: Ms p 6: (image 35, page B6r)     DAR 8: B6ar: [Ms p 6 cont.]: (image 37, page B6ar)     DAR 8: B7r: Ms p 7: (image 39, page B7r)     DAR 8: B8r: Ms p 8: (image 41, page B8r)     DAR 8: B9r: Ms p 9: (image 43, page B9r)     DAR 8: B9ar: [Ms p 9 cont.]: (image 45, page B9ar)     DAR 8: B10r: Ms p 10: (image 47, page B10r)     DAR 8: B11r: Ms p 11: (image 49, page B11r)     DAR 8: B11v: [Ms p 11 cont.] & Inserts: (image 50, page B11v)     DAR 8: B12r: Ms p 12: (image 51, page B12r)     DAR 8: B13r: Ms p 13: (image 53, page B13r)     DAR 8: B14r: Ms p 14: (image 55, page B14r)     DAR 8: B15r: Ms p 15: (image 57, page B15r)     DAR 8: B15v: Insert to Ms p 15: (image 58, page B15v)     DAR 8: B16r: Ms p 16: (image 59, page B16r)     DAR 8: B16v: Insert to Ms p 16: (image 60, page B16v)     DAR 8: B17r: Ms p 17: (image 61, page B17r)     DAR 8: B18r: Ms p 18: (image 63, page B18r)     DAR 8: B19r: Ms p 19: (image 65, page B19r)     DAR 8: B20r: Ms p 20: (image 67, page B20r)     DAR 8: B20v: Insert to Ms p 20: (image 68, page B20v)     DAR 8: B21r: Ms p 21: (image 69, page B21r)     DAR 8: B22r: Ms p 22: (image 71, page B22r)     DAR 8: B22v: Insert (a) to Ms p 22: (image 72, page B22v)     DAR 8: B23r: Ms p 23: (image 73, page B23r)     DAR 8: B24r: Ms p 24: (image 75, page B24r)     DAR 8: B24v: Insert[1] to Ms p 24: (image 76, page B24v)     DAR 8: B24Vv: Insert[2] to Ms p 24: (image 78, page B24Vv)     DAR 8: B25r: Ms p 25: (image 79, page B25r)     DAR 8: B26r: Ms p 26: (image 81, page B26r)     DAR 8: B26Vv: Insert to Ms p 26: (image 84, page B26Vv)     DAR 8: B26bisr: Ms p 26bis: (image 85, page B26bisr)     DAR 8: B27r: Ms p 27: (image 87, page B27r)     DAR 8: B27v: Inserts (a) & (B) to Ms p 27: (image 88, page B27v)     DAR 8: B27V[1]v: Insert (zz) to Ms p 27: (image 90, page B27V[1]v)     DAR 8: B27V[2]v: [Ms p 27 cont.]: (image 92, page B27V[2]v)     DAR 8: B27V[3]v: Insert to Ms p 27: (image 94, page B27V[3]v)     DAR 8: B28r: Ms p 28: (image 95, page B28r)     DAR 8: B29r: Ms p 29: (image 97, page B29r)     DAR 8: B30r: Ms p 30: (image 99, page B30r)     DAR 8: B30V[1]v: Inserts <a> & (b) to Ms p 30: (image 102, page B30V[1]v)     DAR 8: B31r: Ms p 31: (image 105, page B31r)     DAR 8: B31v: Insert (a) to Ms p 31: (image 106, page B31v)     DAR 8: B32r: Ms p 32: (image 107, page B32r)     DAR 8: B32Vv: Insert zz to Ms p 32: (image 110, page B32Vv)     DAR 8: B32ar: Note to Ms p 32: (image 111, page B32ar)     DAR 8: B32bv: Note continued to Ms p 32: (image 114, page B32bv)     DAR 8: B33r: Ms p 33: (image 115, page B33r)     DAR 8: B34r: Ms p 34: (image 117, page B34r)     DAR 8: B35r: Ms p 35: (image 119, page B35r)     DAR 8: B35V[1]v: Insert zz to Ms p 35: (image 122, page B35V[1]v)     DAR 8: B35V[2]r: Insert B to Ms p 35: (image 123, page B35V[2]r)     DAR 8: B36r: Ms p 36: (image 125, page B36r)     DAR 8: B36Vr: Insert to Ms p 36: (image 127, page B36Vr)     DAR 8: B37r: Ms p 37: (image 129, page B37r)     DAR 8: B37v: Insert (aa) to Ms p 37: (image 130, page B37v)     DAR 8: B38r: Ms p 38: (image 131, page B38r)     DAR 8: B39r: Ms p 39: (image 133, page B39r)     DAR 8: B40r: Ms p 40: (image 135, page B40r)     DAR 8: B40av: [Ms p 40 cont.]: (image 138, page B40av)     DAR 8: B40Vv: Insert to Ms p 40: (image 140, page B40Vv)     DAR 8: B41r: Ms p 41: (image 141, page B41r)     DAR 8: B41v: Insert to Ms p 41: (image 142, page B41v)     DAR 8: B42r: Ms p 42: (image 143, page B42r)     DAR 8: B43r: Ms p 43: (image 145, page B43r)     DAR 8: B43Vv: Insert zz to Ms p 43: (image 148, page B43Vv)     DAR 8: B44r: Ms p 44: (image 149, page B44r)     DAR 8: B45r: Ms p 45: (image 151, page B45r)     DAR 8: B46r: Ms p 46: (image 153, page B46r)     DAR 8: B46v: Insert to Ms p 46: (image 154, page B46v)     DAR 8: B47r: Ms p 47: (image 155, page B47r)     DAR 8: B47v: Insert (a) to Ms p 47: (image 156, page B47v)     DAR 8: B47bisr: <Ms p 47bis>: (image 157, page B47bisr)     DAR 8: B47bisv: Ms p 47bis: (image 158, page B47bisv)     DAR 8: B47tresr: Ms p 47tres: (image 159, page B47tresr)     DAR 8: B47tresv: expansion-hidden DAR 8: B47tresv: (image 160, page B47tresv)     DAR 8: B47(4)v: Ms p 47 (4): (image 162, page B47(4)v)     DAR 8: B47ar: Ms p 47 (a): (image 163, page B47ar)     DAR 8: B47bv: Ms p 47 (b): (image 166, page B47bv)     DAR 8: B47bA: Letter from Asa Gray to Charles Robert Darwin; written at Cambridge (Mass): (image 167, page B47bA_ar)     DAR 8: B48r: Ms p 48: (image 171, page B48r)     DAR 8: B49r: Ms p 49: (image 173, page B49r)     DAR 8: B50r: Ms p 50: (image 175, page B50r)     DAR 8: B51r: Ms p 51: (image 177, page B51r)     DAR 8: B52r: Ms p 52: (image 179, page B52r)     DAR 8: B53r: Ms p 53: (image 181, page B53r)     DAR 8: B54r: Ms p 54: (image 183, page B54r)     DAR 8: B55r: Ms p 55: (image 185, page B55r)     DAR 8: B56r: Ms p 56: (image 187, page B56r)     DAR 8: B57r: Ms p 57: (image 189, page B57r)     DAR 8: B57av: Inserts to Ms p 57: (image 192, page B57av)     DAR 8: B58r: Ms p 58: (image 193, page B58r)     DAR 8: B59r: Ms p 59: (image 195, page B59r)     DAR 8: B60r: Ms p 60: (image 197, page B60r)     DAR 8: B60Vv: Insert to Ms p 60: (image 200, page B60Vv)     DAR 8: B61r: Ms p 61: (image 201, page B61r)     DAR 8: B62r: Ms p 62: (image 203, page B62r)     DAR 8: B62v: Insert (a) to Ms p 62: (image 204, page B62v)     DAR 8: B63r: Ms p 63: (image 205, page B63r)     DAR 8: B63v: Insert to Ms p 63: (image 206, page B63v)     DAR 8: B64r: Ms p 64: (image 207, page B64r)     DAR 8: B64v: <Ms p 64>: (image 208, page B64v)     DAR 8: B64Vv: Note to Ms p 64: (image 210, page B64Vv)     DAR 8: B65r: Ms p 65: (image 211, page B65r)     DAR 8: B66r: Ms p 66: (image 213, page B66r)     DAR 8: B67ar: Insert (wrong reference) to Ms p 67: 'Gard Chron' 21 November[?] 1845 [ref inc] (image 215, page B67ar)     DAR 8: B67av: expansion-hidden DAR 8: B67av: 'Gard Chron' 21 November[?] 1845 [ref inc] (image 216, page B67av)     DAR 8: B67r: Ms p 67: (image 217, page B67r)     DAR 8: B68r: Ms p 68: (image 219, page B68r)     DAR 8: B69r: Ms p 69: (image 221, page B69r)     DAR 8: B70r: Ms p 70: (image 223, page B70r)     DAR 8: B70Vv: Insert (a) to Ms p 70: (image 226, page B70Vv)     DAR 8: B71r: Ms p 71: (image 227, page B71r)     DAR 8: B72r: Ms p 72: (image 229, page B72r)     DAR 8: B73r: Ms p 73: (image 231, page B73r)     DAR 8: B74r: Ms p 74: (image 233, page B74r)     DAR 8: B74v: [Ms p 74 cont.]: (image 234, page B74v)     DAR 8: B75r: Ms p 75: (image 235, page B75r)     DAR 8: B75v: Insert to Ms p 75: (image 236, page B75v)     DAR 8: B76r: Ms p 76: (image 237, page B76r)     DAR 8: B77r: Ms p 77: (image 239, page B77r)     DAR 8: B78r: Ms p 78: (image 243, page B78r)     DAR 8: B79r: Ms p 79: (image 241, page B79r)     DAR 8: B80r: Ms p 80: (image 245, page B80r)     DAR 8: B81r: Ms p 81: (image 247, page B81r)     DAR 8: B82r: Ms p 82: (image 249, page B82r)     DAR 8: B83r: Ms p 83: (image 251, page B83r)     DAR 8: B84r: Ms p 84: (image 253, page B84r)     DAR 8: B85r: Ms p 85: (image 255, page B85r)     DAR 8: B86r: Ms p 86: (image 257, page B86r)     DAR 8: B87r: Ms p 87: (image 259, page B87r)     DAR 8: B87v: Insert (a) to Ms p 86: (image 260, page B87v)     DAR 8: B87Vr: <[Insert to Ms p 87]>: (image 261, page B87Vr)     DAR 8: B87Vv: Insert (a) to Ms p 87: (image 262, page B87Vv)     DAR 8: B87bisr: Ms p 87bis: (image 263, page B87bisr)     DAR 8: B88r: Ms p 88: (image 265, page B88r)     DAR 8: B89r: Ms p 89: (image 267, page B89r)     DAR 8: B90r: Ms p 90: (image 269, page B90r)     DAR 8: B91r: Ms p 91: (image 271, page B91r)     DAR 8: B92r: Ms p 92: (image 273, page B92r)     DAR 8: B93r: Ms p 93: (image 275, page B93r)     DAR 8: B94r: Ms p 94: (image 277, page B94r)     DAR 8: B95r: Ms p 95: (image 279, page B95r)     DAR 8: B96r: Ms p 96: (image 281, page B96r)     DAR 8: B96Vv: Insert (b) to Ms p 96: (image 284, page B96Vv)     DAR 8: B97r: Ms p 97: (image 285, page B97r)     DAR 8: B97v: Inserts B & (a) to Ms p 97: (image 286, page B97v)     DAR 8: B98r: Ms p 98: (image 287, page B98r)     DAR 8: B99r: Ms p 99: (image 289, page B99r)     DAR 8: B99v: Insert to Ms p 99: (image 290, page B99v)     DAR 8: B100r: Ms p 100: (image 291, page B100r)     DAR 8: B101r: Ms p 101: (image 293, page B101r)     DAR 8: B102r: Ms p 102: (image 295, page B102r)

    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
    • Classmark: DAR 8
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 72014
    • Date of Creation: 1856.10.13- 1856.12.16

    Section shown in images 3 to 22

    • Classmark: 8: A
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 106584
    • Title: 'Natural selection' summary of whole book-plan:

    Section shown in images 3 to 3

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A1r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107571
    • Title: Ms p 1:

    Section shown in images 4 to 4

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A1v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107993
    • Title: Ms p 1 verso:

    Section shown in images 5 to 5

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A2r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107572
    • Title: Ms p 2:

    Section shown in images 7 to 7

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A3r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107573
    • Title: Ms p 3:

    Section shown in images 10 to 10

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A3bisv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107996
    • Title: Ms p 3bis:

    Section shown in images 11 to 11

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A4r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107575
    • Title: Ms p 4:

    Section shown in images 14 to 14

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A4bisv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107998
    • Title: Ms p 4bis:

    Section shown in images 15 to 15

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A5r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107577
    • Title: Ms p 5:

    Section shown in images 17 to 17

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A6r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107578
    • Title: Ms p 6:

    Section shown in images 19 to 19

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A7r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107579
    • Title: Ms p 7:

    Section shown in images 21 to 21

    • Classmark: DAR 8: A8r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107580
    • Title: Ms p 8:

    Section shown in images 23 to 296

    • Classmark: 8: B
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 106585
    • Title: 'Natural selection' chapter 3 (On the possibility of all organic beings occasionally crossing and on the remarkable susceptibility of the reproductive system to external agencies):

    Section shown in images 23 to 23

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B1r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107581
    • Title: Ms p 1:

    Section shown in images 24 to 24

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B1v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108003
    • Title: Inserts to Ms p 1:

    Section shown in images 25 to 25

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B2r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107582
    • Title: Ms p 2:

    Section shown in images 26 to 26

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B2v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108004
    • Title: <Ms p 2>:

    Section shown in images 28 to 28

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B2bisv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108005
    • Title: Ms p 2bis:

    Section shown in images 29 to 29

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B3r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107584
    • Title: Ms p 3:

    Section shown in images 31 to 31

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B4r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107585
    • Title: Ms p 4:

    Section shown in images 33 to 33

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B5r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107586
    • Title: Ms p 5:

    Section shown in images 35 to 35

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B6r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107587
    • Title: Ms p 6:

    Section shown in images 37 to 37

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B6ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107588
    • Title: [Ms p 6 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 39 to 39

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B7r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107589
    • Title: Ms p 7:

    Section shown in images 41 to 41

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B8r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107590
    • Title: Ms p 8:

    Section shown in images 43 to 43

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B9r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107591
    • Title: Ms p 9:

    Section shown in images 45 to 45

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B9ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107592
    • Title: [Ms p 9 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 47 to 47

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B10r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107593
    • Title: Ms p 10:

    Section shown in images 49 to 49

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B11r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107594
    • Title: Ms p 11:

    Section shown in images 50 to 50

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B11v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108016
    • Title: [Ms p 11 cont.] & Inserts:

    Section shown in images 51 to 51

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B12r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107595
    • Title: Ms p 12:

    Section shown in images 53 to 53

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B13r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107596
    • Title: Ms p 13:

    Section shown in images 55 to 55

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B14r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107597
    • Title: Ms p 14:

    Section shown in images 57 to 57

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B15r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107598
    • Title: Ms p 15:

    Section shown in images 58 to 58

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B15v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108020
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 15:

    Section shown in images 59 to 59

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B16r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107599
    • Title: Ms p 16:

    Section shown in images 60 to 60

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B16v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108021
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 16:

    Section shown in images 61 to 61

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B17r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107600
    • Title: Ms p 17:

    Section shown in images 63 to 63

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B18r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107601
    • Title: Ms p 18:

    Section shown in images 65 to 65

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B19r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107602
    • Title: Ms p 19:

    Section shown in images 67 to 67

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B20r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107603
    • Title: Ms p 20:

    Section shown in images 68 to 68

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B20v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108025
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 20:

    Section shown in images 69 to 69

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B21r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107604
    • Title: Ms p 21:

    Section shown in images 71 to 71

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B22r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107605
    • Title: Ms p 22:

    Section shown in images 72 to 72

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B22v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108027
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 22:

    Section shown in images 73 to 73

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B23r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107606
    • Title: Ms p 23:

    Section shown in images 75 to 75

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B24r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107607
    • Title: Ms p 24:

    Section shown in images 76 to 76

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B24v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108029
    • Title: Insert[1] to Ms p 24:

    Section shown in images 78 to 78

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B24Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108030
    • Title: Insert[2] to Ms p 24:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 79 to 79

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B25r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107609
    • Title: Ms p 25:

    Section shown in images 81 to 81

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B26r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107610
    • Title: Ms p 26:

    Section shown in images 84 to 84

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B26Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108034
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 26:

    Section shown in images 85 to 85

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B26bisr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107612
    • Title: Ms p 26bis:

    Section shown in images 87 to 87

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B27r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107613
    • Title: Ms p 27:

    Section shown in images 88 to 88

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B27v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108035
    • Title: Inserts (a) & (B) to Ms p 27:

    Section shown in images 90 to 90

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B27V[1]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108036
    • Title: Insert (zz) to Ms p 27:

    Section shown in images 92 to 92

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B27V[2]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108037
    • Title: [Ms p 27 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 94 to 94

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B27V[3]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108038
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 27:

    Section shown in images 95 to 95

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B28r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107617
    • Title: Ms p 28:

    Section shown in images 97 to 97

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B29r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107618
    • Title: Ms p 29:

    Section shown in images 99 to 99

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B30r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107619
    • Title: Ms p 30:

    Section shown in images 102 to 102

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B30V[1]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108042
    • Title: Inserts <a> & (b) to Ms p 30:

    Section shown in images 105 to 105

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B31r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107622
    • Title: Ms p 31:

    Section shown in images 106 to 106

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B31v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108044
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 31:

    Section shown in images 107 to 107

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B32r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107623
    • Title: Ms p 32:

    Section shown in images 110 to 110

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B32Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108048
    • Title: Insert zz to Ms p 32:

    Section shown in images 111 to 111

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B32ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107625
    • Title: Note to Ms p 32:

    Section shown in images 114 to 114

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B32bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108047
    • Title: Note continued to Ms p 32:

    Section shown in images 115 to 115

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B33r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107627
    • Title: Ms p 33:

    Section shown in images 117 to 117

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B34r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107628
    • Title: Ms p 34:

    Section shown in images 119 to 119

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B35r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107629
    • Title: Ms p 35:

    Section shown in images 122 to 122

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B35V[1]v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108052
    • Title: Insert zz to Ms p 35:

    Section shown in images 123 to 123

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B35V[2]r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107631
    • Title: Insert B to Ms p 35:

    Section shown in images 125 to 125

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B36r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107632
    • Title: Ms p 36:

    Section shown in images 127 to 127

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B36Vr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107633
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 36:

    Section shown in images 129 to 129

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B37r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107634
    • Title: Ms p 37:

    Section shown in images 130 to 130

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B37v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108056
    • Title: Insert (aa) to Ms p 37:

    Section shown in images 131 to 131

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B38r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107635
    • Title: Ms p 38:

    Section shown in images 133 to 133

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B39r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107636
    • Title: Ms p 39:

    Section shown in images 135 to 135

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B40r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107637
    • Title: Ms p 40:

    Section shown in images 138 to 138

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B40av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108060
    • Title: [Ms p 40 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 140 to 140

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B40Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108061
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 40:

    Section shown in images 141 to 141

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B41r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107640
    • Title: Ms p 41:

    Section shown in images 142 to 142

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B41v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108062
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 41:

    Section shown in images 143 to 143

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B42r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107641
    • Title: Ms p 42:

    Section shown in images 145 to 145

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B43r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107642
    • Title: Ms p 43:

    Section shown in images 148 to 148

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B43Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108065
    • Title: Insert zz to Ms p 43:

    Section shown in images 149 to 149

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B44r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107644
    • Title: Ms p 44:

    Section shown in images 151 to 151

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B45r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107645
    • Title: Ms p 45:

    Section shown in images 153 to 153

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B46r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107646
    • Title: Ms p 46:

    Section shown in images 154 to 154

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B46v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108068
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 46:

    Section shown in images 155 to 155

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107647
    • Title: Ms p 47:

    Section shown in images 156 to 156

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108069
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 47:

    Section shown in images 157 to 157

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47bisr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107648
    • Title: <Ms p 47bis>:

    Section shown in images 158 to 158

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47bisv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108072
    • Title: Ms p 47bis:

    Section shown in images 159 to 159

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47tresr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107649
    • Title: Ms p 47tres:

    Section shown in images 160 to 160

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47tresv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108291
    • Title: expansion-hidden DAR 8: B47tresv:

    Section shown in images 162 to 162

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47(4)v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108292
    • Title: Ms p 47 (4):

    Section shown in images 163 to 163

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107651
    • Title: Ms p 47 (a):

    Section shown in images 166 to 166

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108071
    • Title: Ms p 47 (b):

    Section shown in images 167 to 170

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B47bA
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 114360; 2098
    • Title: Letter from Asa Gray to Charles Robert Darwin; written at Cambridge (Mass):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 171 to 171

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B48r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107655
    • Title: Ms p 48:

    Section shown in images 173 to 173

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B49r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107656
    • Title: Ms p 49:

    Section shown in images 175 to 175

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B50r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107657
    • Title: Ms p 50:

    Section shown in images 177 to 177

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B51r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107658
    • Title: Ms p 51:

    Section shown in images 179 to 179

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B52r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107659
    • Title: Ms p 52:

    Section shown in images 181 to 181

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B53r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107660
    • Title: Ms p 53:

    Section shown in images 183 to 183

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B54r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107661
    • Title: Ms p 54:

    Section shown in images 185 to 185

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B55r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107662
    • Title: Ms p 55:

    Section shown in images 187 to 187

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B56r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107663
    • Title: Ms p 56:

    Section shown in images 189 to 189

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B57r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107664
    • Title: Ms p 57:

    Section shown in images 192 to 192

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B57av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108083
    • Title: Inserts to Ms p 57:

    Section shown in images 193 to 193

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B58r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107666
    • Title: Ms p 58:

    Section shown in images 195 to 195

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B59r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107667
    • Title: Ms p 59:

    Section shown in images 197 to 197

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B60r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107668
    • Title: Ms p 60:

    Section shown in images 200 to 200

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B60Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108087
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 60:

    Section shown in images 201 to 201

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B61r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107670
    • Title: Ms p 61:

    Section shown in images 203 to 203

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B62r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107671
    • Title: Ms p 62:

    Section shown in images 204 to 204

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B62v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108089
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 62:

    Section shown in images 205 to 205

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B63r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107672
    • Title: Ms p 63:

    Section shown in images 206 to 206

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B63v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108090
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 63:

    Section shown in images 207 to 207

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B64r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107673
    • Title: Ms p 64:

    Section shown in images 208 to 208

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B64v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108091
    • Title: <Ms p 64>:

    Section shown in images 210 to 210

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B64Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108092
    • Title: Note to Ms p 64:

    Section shown in images 211 to 211

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B65r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107675
    • Title: Ms p 65:

    Section shown in images 213 to 213

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B66r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107676
    • Title: Ms p 66:

    Section shown in images 215 to 215

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B67ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107677
    • Title: Insert (wrong reference) to Ms p 67: 'Gard Chron' 21 November[?] 1845 [ref inc]
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 216 to 216

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B67av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108096
    • Title: expansion-hidden DAR 8: B67av: 'Gard Chron' 21 November[?] 1845 [ref inc]
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 217 to 217

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B67r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107678
    • Title: Ms p 67:

    Section shown in images 219 to 219

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B68r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107679
    • Title: Ms p 68:

    Section shown in images 221 to 221

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B69r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107680
    • Title: Ms p 69:

    Section shown in images 223 to 223

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B70r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107681
    • Title: Ms p 70:

    Section shown in images 226 to 226

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B70Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108100
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 70:

    Section shown in images 227 to 227

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B71r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107683
    • Title: Ms p 71:

    Section shown in images 229 to 229

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B72r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107684
    • Title: Ms p 72:

    Section shown in images 231 to 231

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B73r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107685
    • Title: Ms p 73:

    Section shown in images 233 to 233

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B74r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107686
    • Title: Ms p 74:

    Section shown in images 234 to 234

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B74v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108104
    • Title: [Ms p 74 cont.]:

    Section shown in images 235 to 235

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B75r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107687
    • Title: Ms p 75:

    Section shown in images 236 to 236

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B75v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108105
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 75:

    Section shown in images 237 to 237

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B76r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107688
    • Title: Ms p 76:

    Section shown in images 239 to 239

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B77r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107689
    • Title: Ms p 77:

    Section shown in images 243 to 243

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B78r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107690
    • Title: Ms p 78:

    Section shown in images 241 to 241

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B79r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107691
    • Title: Ms p 79:

    Section shown in images 245 to 245

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B80r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107692
    • Title: Ms p 80:

    Section shown in images 247 to 247

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B81r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107693
    • Title: Ms p 81:

    Section shown in images 249 to 249

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B82r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107694
    • Title: Ms p 82:

    Section shown in images 251 to 251

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B83r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107695
    • Title: Ms p 83:

    Section shown in images 253 to 253

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B84r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107696
    • Title: Ms p 84:

    Section shown in images 255 to 255

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B85r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107697
    • Title: Ms p 85:

    Section shown in images 257 to 257

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B86r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107698
    • Title: Ms p 86:

    Section shown in images 259 to 259

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B87r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107699
    • Title: Ms p 87:

    Section shown in images 260 to 260

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B87v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108117
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 86:

    Section shown in images 261 to 261

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B87Vr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107700
    • Title: <[Insert to Ms p 87]>:

    Section shown in images 262 to 262

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B87Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108119
    • Title: Insert (a) to Ms p 87:

    Section shown in images 263 to 263

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B87bisr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107701
    • Title: Ms p 87bis:

    Section shown in images 265 to 265

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B88r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107702
    • Title: Ms p 88:

    Section shown in images 267 to 267

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B89r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107703
    • Title: Ms p 89:

    Section shown in images 269 to 269

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B90r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107704
    • Title: Ms p 90:

    Section shown in images 271 to 271

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B91r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107705
    • Title: Ms p 91:

    Section shown in images 273 to 273

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B92r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107706
    • Title: Ms p 92:

    Section shown in images 275 to 275

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B93r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107707
    • Title: Ms p 93:

    Section shown in images 277 to 277

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B94r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107708
    • Title: Ms p 94:

    Section shown in images 279 to 279

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B95r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107709
    • Title: Ms p 95:

    Section shown in images 281 to 281

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B96r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107710
    • Title: Ms p 96:

    Section shown in images 284 to 284

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B96Vv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108129
    • Title: Insert (b) to Ms p 96:

    Section shown in images 285 to 285

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B97r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107712
    • Title: Ms p 97:

    Section shown in images 286 to 286

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B97v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108130
    • Title: Inserts B & (a) to Ms p 97:

    Section shown in images 287 to 287

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B98r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107713
    • Title: Ms p 98:

    Section shown in images 289 to 289

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B99r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107714
    • Title: Ms p 99:

    Section shown in images 290 to 290

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B99v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 108132
    • Title: Insert to Ms p 99:

    Section shown in images 291 to 291

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B100r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107715
    • Title: Ms p 100:

    Section shown in images 293 to 293

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B101r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107716
    • Title: Ms p 101:

    Section shown in images 295 to 295

    • Classmark: DAR 8: B102r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 107717
    • Title: Ms p 102:


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