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Darwin Manuscripts : Calculations and tables for 'Natural Selection', chap. 4, cont. (DAR 46.2: B1-B58):

Darwin Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Transcription and apparatus © American Museum of Natural History</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Editorial symbols</a></p>

Page: 236r

Calculations and tables for 'Natural Selection', chap. 4, cont. (DAR 46.2: B1-B58): (DAR 16)

Transcription and apparatus © American Museum of Natural History

Editorial symbols

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
  • Classmark: DAR 16
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 72034

Section shown in images 320 to 327

Section shown in images 326 to 326

  • Classmark: DAR 16: 236r
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 115807
  • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
  • Date of Creation: 1857

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DAR 16: fc1: Volume (1) Front Cover: (image 1, page fc1) DAR 16: 0epr: [end page - blank]: (image 3, page 0epr) DAR 16: 0epv: [end page - blank]: (image 4, page 0epv) DAR 16: 106--110: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 5, page 106r)     DAR 16: 106r: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 5, page 106r)     DAR 16: 106v: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 6, page 106v)     DAR 16: 107r: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 7, page 107r)     DAR 16: 107v: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 8, page 107v)     DAR 16: 108r: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 9, page 108r)     DAR 16: 108v: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 10, page 108v)     DAR 16: 109r: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 11, page 109r)     DAR 16: 110r: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 13, page 110r)     DAR 16: 110v: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards: (image 14, page 110v) DAR 16: 111--114: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 15, page 111r)     DAR 16: 111r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 15, page 111r)     DAR 16: 111v: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 16, page 111v)     DAR 16: 112r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 17, page 112r)     DAR 16: 113r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 19, page 113r)     DAR 16: 113v: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 20, page 113v)     DAR 16: 114r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations): (image 21, page 114r) DAR 16: 115--118: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations): (image 23, page 115r)     DAR 16: 115r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations): (image 23, page 115r)     DAR 16: 116r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations): (image 25, page 116r)     DAR 16: 117r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations): (image 27, page 117r)     DAR 16: 118r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations): (image 29, page 118r) DAR 16: 119--121a: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations): (image 31, page 119r)     DAR 16: 119r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations): (image 31, page 119r)     DAR 16: 120r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations): (image 33, page 120r)     DAR 16: 120v: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations): (image 34, page 120v)     DAR 16: 121ar: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations): (image 35, page 121ar) DAR 16: 121br: Flora Rossica C Ledebour vol 1 1842 / Count all -- but not vars marked a -- not subvarieties: (image 37, page 121br) DAR 16: 122r: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Ranges / Genera with 10 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 9 & under (calculations): (image 39, page 122r) DAR 16: 123r: Ledebour Vol 1 2 & 3 / Species belonging to Genera with 10 sp[ecies] and upwards / Species inhabiting 8 or more provinces: (image 41, page 123r) DAR 16: 124a: Large & small genera varying / (miscellaneous calculations): (image 43, page 124ar)     DAR 16: 124ar: Large & small genera varying / (miscellaneous calculations): (image 43, page 124ar)     DAR 16: 124av: Large & small genera varying / (miscellaneous calculations): (image 44, page 124av) DAR 16: 124b--126: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 45, page 124br)     DAR 16: 124br: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 45, page 124br)     DAR 16: 124bv: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 46, page 124bv)     DAR 16: 125ar: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 47, page 125ar)     DAR 16: 125br: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 49, page 125br)     DAR 16: 126r: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 51, page 126r) DAR 16: 127r: Asa Gray / 2d Edit / 1856 / Omitting Salix & Nat[uralised] plants (calculations): (image 53, page 127r) DAR 16: 128r: Loudon Catalogue Large and small genera (calculations): (image 55, page 128r) DAR 16: 129: Summary on Loudon Catalogue 1853: (image 57, page 129r)     DAR 16: 129r: Summary on Loudon Catalogue 1853: (image 57, page 129r)     DAR 16: 129v: Summary on Loudon Catalogue 1853: (image 58, page 129v) DAR 16: 130--131: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations): (image 59, page 130r)     DAR 16: 130r: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations): (image 59, page 130r)     DAR 16: 131r: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations): (image 61, page 131r)     DAR 16: 131v: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations): (image 62, page 131v) DAR 16: 132: Loudon Catalogue Ranges Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 63, page 132r)     DAR 16: 132r: Loudon Catalogue Ranges Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 63, page 132r)     DAR 16: 132v: Loudon Catalogue Ranges Corrected Calc (calculations): (image 64, page 132v) DAR 16: 133ar: Mr Norman / First copy list of genera divided into 5 sp[ecies] & up -- into 4 sp[ecies] & 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] Add Carex to big side (table): (image 65, page 133ar) DAR 16: 133br: Loudon Cat[alogue] of B[ritish] Plants / 4th Edition / Ranges: (image 67, page 133br) DAR 16: 134: Visiani R de 'Flora Dalmatica' (see Back for self) (calculations): (image 69, page 134r)     DAR 16: 134r: Visiani R de 'Flora Dalmatica' (see Back for self) (calculations): (image 69, page 134r)     DAR 16: 134v: Visiani R de 'Flora Dalmatica' (see Back for self) (calculations): (image 70, page 134v) DAR 16: 135r: Orders / No of indigenous species / Species with widest Range (table) [relating to Gray A in 'N Am Phil Jnl']: (image 71, page 135r) DAR 16: 135v: Orders / No of indigenous species / Species with widest Range (table) [relating to Gray A in 'N Am Phil Jnl']: (image 72, page 135v) DAR 16: 136a--136b: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1: (image 73, page 136ar)     DAR 16: 136ar: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1: (image 73, page 136ar)     DAR 16: 136av: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1: (image 74, page 136av)     DAR 16: 136br: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1: (image 75, page 136br) DAR 16: 136cr: Hooker Flora Antarctica / Genera with 3 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 77, page 136cr) DAR 16: 137a--137c: Boreau Corrected Calculation: (image 79, page 137ar)     DAR 16: 137ar: Boreau Corrected Calculation: (image 79, page 137ar)     DAR 16: 137av: Boreau Corrected Calculation: (image 80, page 137av)     DAR 16: 137br: Boreau Corrected Calculation: (image 81, page 137br)     DAR 16: 137bv: Boreau Corrected Calculation: (image 82, page 137bv)     DAR 16: 137cr: Boreau Corrected Calculation: (image 83, page 137cr)     DAR 16: 137cv: expansion-hidden DAR 16: 137cv: (image 84, page 137cv) DAR 16: 138a--138c: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted: (image 85, page 138ar)     DAR 16: 138ar: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted: (image 85, page 138ar)     DAR 16: 138av: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted: (image 86, page 138av)     DAR 16: 138br: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted: (image 87, page 138br)     DAR 16: 138cr: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted: (image 89, page 138cr) DAR 16: 139: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / with 482 sp[ecies] (calculations; commentary on reverse): (image 91, page 139r)     DAR 16: 139r: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / with 482 sp[ecies] (calculations; commentary on reverse): (image 91, page 139r)     DAR 16: 139v: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / with 482 sp[ecies] (calculations; commentary on reverse): (image 92, page 139v) DAR 16: 140r: Koch / Genera with 7 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 6 & down (calculations): (image 93, page 140r) DAR 16: 141r: Koch 'Florae Germanicae et Helveticae' 1843 (general note): (image 95, page 141r) DAR 16: 142a: Webb & B[erthelot] Canary Islands (vide back for self) (calculations): (image 97, page 142ar)     DAR 16: 142ar: Webb & B[erthelot] Canary Islands (vide back for self) (calculations): (image 97, page 142ar)     DAR 16: 142av: Webb & B[erthelot] Canary Islands (vide back for self) (calculations): (image 98, page 142av) DAR 16: 142b: Page 114 Doubt about "Species dubiae" being in same type as other species / (calculations): (image 99, page 142br)     DAR 16: 142br: Page 114 Doubt about "Species dubiae" being in same type as other species: (image 99, page 142br) DAR 16: 142cr: Not Count the a p 9 / Hooker Flora Indica: (image 101, page 142cr) DAR 16: 143r: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / I omit naturalised & doubtful Plants in Brackets & marked by asterisk (calculations): (image 103, page 143r) DAR 16: 143v: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / I omit naturalised & doubtful Plants in Brackets & marked by asterisk (calculations): (image 104, page 143v) DAR 16: 144r: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & up / genera with 4 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 105, page 144r) DAR 16: 145a--145b: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations): (image 107, page 145ar)     DAR 16: 145ar: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations): (image 107, page 145ar)     DAR 16: 145av: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations): (image 108, page 145av)     DAR 16: 145br: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations): (image 109, page 145br) DAR 16: 146a--146b: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 111, page 146ar)     DAR 16: 146ar: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 111, page 146ar)     DAR 16: 146av: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 112, page 146av)     DAR 16: 146br: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 113, page 146br)     DAR 16: 146bv: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations): (image 114, page 146bv) DAR 16: 147r: Fürnrohr Flora Ratisbonensis 1839 (Naturhist Topog von Regensburg) (calculations): (image 115, page 147r) DAR 16: 148r: Hooker New Zealand Omitting Senecio Coprosma Veronica from extreme variability & so unfavourable for my result (calculations): (image 117, page 148r) DAR 16: 149r: Babington Labiatae (table): (image 119, page 149r) DAR 16: 150: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 5 & up / Genera with 4 & down (table and calculation): (image 121, page 150r)     DAR 16: 150r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 5 & up / Genera with 4 & down (table and calculation): (image 121, page 150r)     DAR 16: 150v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 5 & up / Genera with 4 & down (table and calculation): (image 122, page 150v) DAR 16: 151: Grisebark [ie Grisebach] Labiatae / [Genera with] 6 sp & up / Genera with 5 & down (table and calculation): (image 123, page 151r)     DAR 16: 151r: Grisebark [ie Grisebach] Labiatae / [Genera with] 6 sp & up / Genera with 5 & down (table and calculation): (image 123, page 151r)     DAR 16: 151v: Grisebark [ie Grisebach] Labiatae / [Genera with] 6 sp & up / Genera with 5 & down (table and calculation): (image 124, page 151v) DAR 16: 152ar: Boreau / Memorandum / In Labiatae (totals of species in large and small genera): (image 125, page 152ar) DAR 16: 152br: Labiatae Koch -- p 8, 9 of my M S (table): (image 127, page 152br) DAR 16: 153r: Genera with 11 sp & up / Genera with 10 sp & down / Labiatae D C [ie Candolle] (calculations): (image 129, page 153r) DAR 16: 154: The Saturneae[?] have 4.5 species D C [ie Candolle]: (image 131, page 154r)     DAR 16: 154r: The Saturneae[?] have 4.5 species D C [ie Candolle]: (image 131, page 154r)     DAR 16: 154v: The Saturneae[?] have 4.5 species D C [ie Candolle]: (image 132, page 154v) DAR 16: 155: Discussion on Labiatae: Conclusion / If the Saturneae[?] (with only 405 sp[ecies] being below 1/5 & 1/6 of order) be removed: (image 133, page 155r)     DAR 16: 155r: Discussion on Labiatae: Conclusion / If the Saturneae[?] (with only 405 sp[ecies] being below 1/5 & 1/6 of order) be removed: (image 133, page 155r)     DAR 16: 155v: Discussion on Labiatae: Conclusion / If the Saturneae[?] (with only 405 sp[ecies] being below 1/5 & 1/6 of order) be removed: (image 134, page 155v) DAR 16: 156: Labiatae divided into 17 sp[ecies] & 16--8 inclusive (calculations): (image 135, page 156r)     DAR 16: 156r: Labiatae divided into 17 sp[ecies] & 16--8 inclusive (calculations): (image 135, page 156r)     DAR 16: 156v: Labiatae divided into 17 sp[ecies] & 16--8 inclusive (calculations): (image 136, page 156v) DAR 16: 157: Grisebach -- Monotypes (list) / Asa Gray Monotypes (table): (image 137, page 157r)     DAR 16: 157r: Grisebach -- Monotypes (list) / Asa Gray Monotypes (table): (image 137, page 157r)     DAR 16: 157v: Grisebach -- Monotypes (list) / Asa Gray Monotypes (table): (image 138, page 157v) DAR 16: 158: Monotypic Genera / New Zealand Dr Hooker (list and calculation): (image 139, page 158r)     DAR 16: 158r: Monotypic Genera / New Zealand Dr Hooker (list and calculation): (image 139, page 158r)     DAR 16: 158v: Monotypic Genera / New Zealand Dr Hooker (list and calculation): (image 140, page 158v) DAR 16: 159: Boreau Monotypes (list and calculation): (image 141, page 159r)     DAR 16: 159r: Boreau Monotypes (list and calculation): (image 141, page 159r)     DAR 16: 159v: Boreau Monotypes (list and calculation): (image 142, page 159v) DAR 16: 160: List of Babington Genera with 1 or 2 species / Monotypes (table): (image 143, page 160r)     DAR 16: 160r: List of Babington Genera with 1 or 2 species / Monotypes (table): (image 143, page 160r)     DAR 16: 160v: List of Babington Genera with 1 or 2 species / Monotypes (table): (image 144, page 160v) DAR 16: 161r: De Candolle Prodromus [vols 2 & 10--14] / Monotypic genera (table): (image 145, page 161r) DAR 16: 161v: De Candolle Prodromus [vols 2 & 10--14] / Monotypic genera (table): (image 146, page 161v) DAR 16: 162r: Koch Monotypes (table and calculation): (image 147, page 162r) DAR 16: 163r: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having varieties (table): (image 149, page 163r) DAR 16: 164r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculation): (image 151, page 164r) DAR 16: 165r: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculation): (image 153, page 165r) DAR 16: 166: Ledebour [vols 1--4] / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculations): (image 155, page 166r)     DAR 16: 166v: Ledebour [vols 1--4] / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculations): (image 156, page 166v) DAR 16: 167--168: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 157, page 167r)     DAR 16: 167r: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 157, page 167r)     DAR 16: 168r: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 159, page 168r)     DAR 16: 168v: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 160, page 168v) DAR 16: 169r: Table III / Decandolles Prodromus [vols 2 & 10--14] (summarising calculations): (image 161, page 169r) DAR 16: 170--171: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 163, page 170r)     DAR 16: 170r: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 163, page 170r)     DAR 16: 171r: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 165, page 171r)     DAR 16: 171v: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter): (image 166, page 171v) DAR 16: 172r: Table A / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (summarising calculations and commentary with references): (image 167, page 172r) DAR 16: 173r: Loudon Catalogue / Genera with 5 species and upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table and calculation): (image 169, page 173r) DAR 16: 174ar: Do not put numbers of counties to those with X or XX (instructions for Mr Norman?): (image 171, page 174ar) DAR 16: 174br: List of species both Printed & M S in Catalogue having Varieties with number of counties inhabited by them (table): (image 173, page 174br) DAR 16: 175ar: Vars marked / Ireland / Cerastium strictum p 2 col 3: (image 175, page 175ar) DAR 16: 175br: Loudon Cat[alogue] of B[ritish] Plants / Names of Vars / No of Counties (table and calculations): (image 177, page 175br) DAR 16: 176--183: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 179, page 176r)     DAR 16: 176r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 179, page 176r)     DAR 16: 176v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 180, page 176v)     DAR 16: 177r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 181, page 177r)     DAR 16: 177v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 182, page 177v)     DAR 16: 178r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 183, page 178r)     DAR 16: 178v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 184, page 178v)     DAR 16: 179r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 185, page 179r)     DAR 16: 179v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 186, page 179v)     DAR 16: 180r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 187, page 180r)     DAR 16: 180v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 188, page 180v)     DAR 16: 181r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 189, page 181r)     DAR 16: 181v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 190, page 181v)     DAR 16: 182r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 191, page 182r)     DAR 16: 182v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 192, page 182v)     DAR 16: 183r: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 193, page 183r)     DAR 16: 183v: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table): (image 194, page 183v) DAR 16: 184a: In the list to be made omit all those species & genera which are struck out in pencil: (image 195, page 184ar)     DAR 16: 184ar: In the list to be made omit all those species & genera which are struck out in pencil: (image 195, page 184ar)     DAR 16: 184av: In the list to be made omit all those species & genera which are struck out in pencil: (image 196, page 184av) DAR 16: 184b: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to species / No to species marked (table) [continued]: (image 197, page 184br)     DAR 16: 184br: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to species / No to species marked (table) [continued]: (image 197, page 184br)     DAR 16: 184bv: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to species / No to species marked (table) [continued]: (image 198, page 184bv) DAR 16: 185--188: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 199, page 185r)     DAR 16: 185r: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 199, page 185r)     DAR 16: 185v: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 200, page 185v)     DAR 16: 186r: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 201, page 186r)     DAR 16: 186v: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 202, page 186v)     DAR 16: 187r: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 203, page 187r)     DAR 16: 187v: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 204, page 187v)     DAR 16: 188r: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 205, page 188r)     DAR 16: 188v: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 206, page 188v) DAR 16: 189--193: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 207, page 189r)     DAR 16: 189r: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 207, page 189r)     DAR 16: 189v: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 208, page 189v)     DAR 16: 190r: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 209, page 190r)     DAR 16: 190v: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 210, page 190v)     DAR 16: 191r: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 211, page 191r)     DAR 16: 191v: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 212, page 191v)     DAR 16: 192r: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 213, page 192r)     DAR 16: 192v: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 214, page 192v)     DAR 16: 193r: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 215, page 193r)     DAR 16: 193v: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 216, page 193v) DAR 16: 194--198: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 217, page 194r)     DAR 16: 194r: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 217, page 194r)     DAR 16: 194v: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 218, page 194v)     DAR 16: 195r: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 219, page 195r)     DAR 16: 195v: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 220, page 195v)     DAR 16: 196r: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 221, page 196r)     DAR 16: 196v: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 222, page 196v)     DAR 16: 197r: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 223, page 197r)     DAR 16: 197v: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 224, page 197v)     DAR 16: 198r: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 225, page 198r)     DAR 16: 198v: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 226, page 198v) DAR 16: 199--203: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 227, page 199r)     DAR 16: 199r: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 227, page 199r)     DAR 16: 199v: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 228, page 199v)     DAR 16: 200r: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 229, page 200r)     DAR 16: 200v: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 230, page 200v)     DAR 16: 201r: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 231, page 201r)     DAR 16: 201v: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 232, page 201v)     DAR 16: 202r: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 233, page 202r)     DAR 16: 202v: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 234, page 202v)     DAR 16: 203r: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 235, page 203r)     DAR 16: 203v: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table): (image 236, page 203v) DAR 16: 204a: (miscellaneous calculation concerning genera and number of species): (image 237, page 204ar)     DAR 16: 204ar: (miscellaneous calculation concerning genera and number of species): (image 237, page 204ar)     DAR 16: 204av: (miscellaneous calculation concerning genera and number of species): (image 238, page 204av) DAR 16: bc1: Volume (1) Back Cover: (image 242, page bc1) DAR 16: fc2: Volume (2) Front Cover: (image 244, page fc2) DAR 16: 204avep2v: [end page - blank]: (image 247, page 204avep2v) DAR 16: 204b: Boreau / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 248, page 204br)     DAR 16: 204br: Boreau / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 248, page 204br)     DAR 16: 204bv: Boreau / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 249, page 204bv) DAR 16: 204c: Genus Carex (table of common species and varieties): (image 250, page 204cr)     DAR 16: 204cr: Genus Carex (table of common species and varieties): (image 250, page 204cr)     DAR 16: 204cv: Genus Carex (table of common species and varieties): (image 251, page 204cv) DAR 16: 205: Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table) / Boreau Centre du[sic] France: (image 252, page 205r)     DAR 16: 205r: Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table) / Boreau Centre du[sic] France: (image 252, page 205r)     DAR 16: 205v: Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table) / Boreau Centre du[sic] France: (image 253, page 205v) DAR 16: 206r: Boreau / Genera with 8 sp[ecies] and upwards (table of close species and varieties): (image 254, page 206r) DAR 16: 207: Boreau / [Instructions for Mr Norman?] / You have added up genera with 4 species Make list for big side of genera with 8 species & upwards & subtract from big side: (image 256, page 207) DAR 16: 208--212: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 258, page 208r)     DAR 16: 208r: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 258, page 208r)     DAR 16: 208v: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 259, page 208v)     DAR 16: 209r: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 260, page 209r)     DAR 16: 209v: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 261, page 209v)     DAR 16: 210r: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 262, page 210r)     DAR 16: 210v: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 263, page 210v)     DAR 16: 211r: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 264, page 211r)     DAR 16: 211v: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 265, page 211v)     DAR 16: 212r: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 266, page 212r)     DAR 16: 212v: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 267, page 212v) DAR 16: 213--215: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'): (image 268, page 213r)     DAR 16: 213r: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'): (image 268, page 213r)     DAR 16: 214r: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'): (image 270, page 214r)     DAR 16: 214v: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'): (image 271, page 214v)     DAR 16: 215r: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'): (image 272, page 215r) DAR 16: 216--217: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 274, page 216r)     DAR 16: 216r: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 274, page 216r)     DAR 16: 216v: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 275, page 216v)     DAR 16: 217r: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 280, page 217r)     DAR 16: 217v: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 281, page 217v) DAR 16: 217a--217b: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book: (image 276, page 217ar)     DAR 16: 217ar: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book: (image 276, page 217ar)     DAR 16: 217br: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book: (image 278, page 217br)     DAR 16: 217bv: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book: (image 279, page 217bv) DAR 16: 218--222a: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 282, page 218r)     DAR 16: 218r: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 282, page 218r)     DAR 16: 218v: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 283, page 218v)     DAR 16: 219r: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 284, page 219r)     DAR 16: 219v: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 285, page 219v)     DAR 16: 220r: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 286, page 220r)     DAR 16: 220v: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 287, page 220v)     DAR 16: 221r: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 288, page 221r)     DAR 16: 221v: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 289, page 221v)     DAR 16: 222ar: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 290, page 222ar)     DAR 16: 222av: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 291, page 222av) DAR 16: 222br: Genus Ficaria marked Common: (image 292, page 222br) DAR 16: 222bv: expansion-hidden DAR 16: 222bv: (image 293, page 222bv) DAR 16: 223: Letter from Thomas Vernon Wollaston to Charles Robert Darwin; written at [place unstated]; incomplete: (image 294, page 223r) DAR 16: 224--225: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 296, page 224r)     DAR 16: 224r: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 296, page 224r)     DAR 16: 224v: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 297, page 224v)     DAR 16: 225r: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 298, page 225r)     DAR 16: 225v: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table): (image 299, page 225v) DAR 16: 226--227: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 300, page 226r)     DAR 16: 226r: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 300, page 226r)     DAR 16: 226v: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 301, page 226v)     DAR 16: 227r: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 302, page 227r) DAR 16: 228--229: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 304, page 228r)     DAR 16: 228r: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 304, page 228r)     DAR 16: 228v: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 305, page 228v)     DAR 16: 229r: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 306, page 229r) DAR 16: 230: Flora Indica -- Dr Hooker / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species / Genera with 5--1 species (table): (image 308, page 230r)     DAR 16: 230r: Flora Indica -- Dr Hooker / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species / Genera with 5--1 species (table): (image 308, page 230r)     DAR 16: 230v: Flora Indica -- Dr Hooker / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species / Genera with 5--1 species (table): (image 309, page 230v) DAR 16: 231a--231c: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added): (image 310, page 231ar)     DAR 16: 231ar: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added): (image 310, page 231ar)     DAR 16: 231br: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added): (image 312, page 231br)     DAR 16: 231cr: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added): (image 314, page 231cr)     DAR 16: 231cv: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added): (image 315, page 231cv) DAR 16: 231d--232: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters: (image 316, page 231dr)     DAR 16: 231dr: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters: (image 316, page 231dr)     DAR 16: 231dv: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters: (image 317, page 231dv)     DAR 16: 232r: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters: (image 318, page 232r)     DAR 16: 232v: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters: (image 319, page 232v) DAR 16: 233--236: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 320, page 233r)     DAR 16: 233r: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 320, page 233r)     DAR 16: 233v: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 321, page 233v)     DAR 16: 234r: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 322, page 234r)     DAR 16: 234v: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 323, page 234v)     DAR 16: 235r: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 324, page 235r)     DAR 16: 235v: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 325, page 235v)     DAR 16: 236r: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 326, page 236r)     DAR 16: 236v: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table): (image 327, page 236v) DAR 16: 237r: According to Mr Normans calculations there are in whole Book (summarising calculations) / Conclusion: (image 328, page 237r) DAR 16: 238: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit : Corrected [asterisks] & Brackets (table): (image 330, page 238r)     DAR 16: 238r: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit : Corrected [asterisks] & Brackets (table): (image 330, page 238r)     DAR 16: 238v: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit : Corrected [asterisks] & Brackets (table): (image 331, page 238v) DAR 16: 239a--239b: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand: (image 332, page 239ar)     DAR 16: 239ar: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand: (image 332, page 239ar)     DAR 16: 239av: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand: (image 333, page 239av)     DAR 16: 239br: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand: (image 334, page 239br) DAR 16: 240: Hooker N[ew] Zealand Flora / List of genera with 4 species / List of genera with 3 species (tables and comments): (image 336, page 240r)     DAR 16: 240r: Hooker N[ew] Zealand Flora / List of genera with 4 species / List of genera with 3 species (tables and comments): (image 336, page 240r)     DAR 16: 240v: Hooker N[ew] Zealand Flora / List of genera with 4 species / List of genera with 3 species (tables and comments): (image 337, page 240v) DAR 16: 241: In Hookers Flora of New Zealand there [are] (with those in Supplement) of Phanerogams (table, summarising calculations and comments): (image 338, page 241r)     DAR 16: 241r: In Hookers Flora of New Zealand there [are] (with those in Supplement) of Phanerogams (table, summarising calculations and comments): (image 338, page 241r)     DAR 16: 241v: In Hookers Flora of New Zealand there [are] (with those in Supplement) of Phanerogams (table, summarising calculations and comments): (image 339, page 241v) DAR 16: 242: Omitting Senecio Coprosma[?] & Veronica (calculations): (image 340, page 242r)     DAR 16: 242r: Omitting Senecio Coprosma[?] & Veronica (calculations): (image 340, page 242r)     DAR 16: 242v: Omitting Senecio Coprosma[?] & Veronica (calculations): (image 341, page 242v) DAR 16: 243: [Hooker New Zealand Flora] / Genera [having] 4 [species] & upwards (table, calculations and comments): (image 342, page 243r)     DAR 16: 243r: [Hooker New Zealand Flora] / Genera [having] 4 [species] & upwards (table, calculations and comments): (image 342, page 243r)     DAR 16: 243v: [Hooker New Zealand Flora] / Genera [having] 4 [species] & upwards (table, calculations and comments): (image 343, page 243v) DAR 16: 244--245: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table): (image 344, page 244r)     DAR 16: 244r: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table): (image 344, page 244r)     DAR 16: 244v: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table): (image 345, page 244v)     DAR 16: 245r: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table): (image 346, page 245r)     DAR 16: 245v: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table): (image 347, page 245v) DAR 16: 246a--246b: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables): (image 348, page 246ar)     DAR 16: 246ar: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables): (image 348, page 246ar)     DAR 16: 246av: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables): (image 349, page 246av)     DAR 16: 246br: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables): (image 350, page 246br) DAR 16: 247--252: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 352, page 247r)     DAR 16: 247r: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 352, page 247r)     DAR 16: 247v: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 353, page 247v)     DAR 16: 248r: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 354, page 248r)     DAR 16: 248v: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 355, page 248v)     DAR 16: 249r: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 356, page 249r)     DAR 16: 249v: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 357, page 249v)     DAR 16: 250r: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 358, page 250r)     DAR 16: 250v: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 359, page 250v)     DAR 16: 251r: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 360, page 251r)     DAR 16: 251v: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 361, page 251v)     DAR 16: 252r: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 362, page 252r)     DAR 16: 252v: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 363, page 252v) DAR 16: 253--254b: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table): (image 364, page 253r)     DAR 16: 253r: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table): (image 364, page 253r)     DAR 16: 253v: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table): (image 365, page 253v)     DAR 16: 254ar: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table): (image 366, page 254ar)     DAR 16: 254av: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table): (image 367, page 254av)     DAR 16: 254br: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table): (image 368, page 254br) DAR 16: 255a--255b: Koch / Genera with 11 species & upwards / Genera with 10--5 inclusive (calculations and comments): (image 370, page 255ar)     DAR 16: 255ar: Koch / Genera with 11 species & upwards / Genera with 10--5 inclusive (calculations and comments): (image 370, page 255ar)     DAR 16: 255br: Koch / Genera with 11 species & upwards / Genera with 10--5 inclusive (calculations and comments): (image 372, page 255br) DAR 16: 255cr: Koch / Genera with 7--10 species (table): (image 374, page 255cr) DAR 16: 256--260: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 376, page 256r)     DAR 16: 256r: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 376, page 256r)     DAR 16: 256v: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 377, page 256v)     DAR 16: 257r: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 378, page 257r)     DAR 16: 257v: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 379, page 257v)     DAR 16: 258r: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 380, page 258r)     DAR 16: 258v: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 381, page 258v)     DAR 16: 259r: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 382, page 259r)     DAR 16: 259v: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 383, page 259v)     DAR 16: 260r: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 384, page 260r)     DAR 16: 260v: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 385, page 260v) DAR 16: 261r: Grisebach / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table): (image 386, page 261r) DAR 16: 262r: Grisebach / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Divide into 8 & upwards for large & into 7, 6, 5 & 4 for small side: (image 388, page 262r) DAR 16: 263--269: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 390, page 263r)     DAR 16: 263r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 390, page 263r)     DAR 16: 263v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 391, page 263v)     DAR 16: 264r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 392, page 264r)     DAR 16: 264v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 393, page 264v)     DAR 16: 265r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 394, page 265r)     DAR 16: 265v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 395, page 265v)     DAR 16: 266r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 396, page 266r)     DAR 16: 267r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 398, page 267r)     DAR 16: 267v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 399, page 267v)     DAR 16: 268r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 400, page 268r)     DAR 16: 268v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 401, page 268v)     DAR 16: 269r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table): (image 402, page 269r) DAR 16: 270: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table): (image 404, page 270r)     DAR 16: 270r: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table): (image 404, page 270r)     DAR 16: 270v: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table): (image 405, page 270v) DAR 16: 271r: [Instructions to Mr Norman?] / I want Visiani divided into 8 sp & upwards -- 7--4 both inclusive: (image 406, page 271r) DAR 16: 272r: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 1 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species / Genera with 8 species and downwards (table): (image 408, page 272r) DAR 16: 273r: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 2 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species / Genera with 8 species and downwards (table): (image 410, page 273r) DAR 16: 274: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 3 & part of 4 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards (table): (image 412, page 274r)     DAR 16: 274r: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 3 & part of 4 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards (table): (image 412, page 274r)     DAR 16: 274v: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 3 & part of 4 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards (table): (image 413, page 274v) DAR 16: 275--278: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 414, page 275r)     DAR 16: 275r: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 414, page 275r)     DAR 16: 275v: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 415, page 275v)     DAR 16: 276r: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 416, page 276r)     DAR 16: 276v: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 417, page 276v)     DAR 16: 277r: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 418, page 277r)     DAR 16: 277v: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 419, page 277v)     DAR 16: 278r: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 420, page 278r)     DAR 16: 278v: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 421, page 278v) DAR 16: 279r: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants 5th Edition / Name of Species having Var[ieties] (table): (image 422, page 279r) DAR 16: 280r: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 424, page 280r) DAR 16: 281--289: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 426, page 281r)     DAR 16: 281r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 426, page 281r)     DAR 16: 281v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 427, page 281v)     DAR 16: 282r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 428, page 282r)     DAR 16: 282v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 429, page 282v)     DAR 16: 283r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 430, page 283r)     DAR 16: 283v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 431, page 283v)     DAR 16: 284r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 432, page 284r)     DAR 16: 284v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 433, page 284v)     DAR 16: 285r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 434, page 285r)     DAR 16: 285v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 435, page 285v)     DAR 16: 286r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 436, page 286r)     DAR 16: 286v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 437, page 286v)     DAR 16: 287r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 438, page 287r)     DAR 16: 287v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 439, page 287v)     DAR 16: 288r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 440, page 288r)     DAR 16: 288v: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 441, page 288v)     DAR 16: 289r: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table): (image 442, page 289r) DAR 16: 290a--290b: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table): (image 444, page 290ar)     DAR 16: 290ar: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table): (image 444, page 290ar)     DAR 16: 290av: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table): (image 445, page 290av)     DAR 16: 290br: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table): (image 446, page 290br)     DAR 16: 290bv: expansion-hidden DAR 16: 290b: (image 447, page 290bv) DAR 16: 291r: Dr Asa Gray / Genera with 5 species (table): (image 448, page 291r) DAR 16: 292r: Asa Gray N[orthern] U[nited] States / Summary of all results -- omitting Salix from doubts & Carex from vast numbers & all introduced plants: (image 450, page 292r) DAR 16: 293: Asa Gray (calculations): (image 452, page 293r)     DAR 16: 293r: Asa Gray (calculations): (image 452, page 293r)     DAR 16: 293v: Asa Gray (calculations): (image 453, page 293v) DAR 16: 294--295: The number of close species in genera having 4--6 species each (tables): (image 454, page 294r)     DAR 16: 294r: The number of close species in genera having 4-6 species each (tables): (image 454, page 294r)     DAR 16: 294v: The number of close species in genera having 4--6 species each (tables): (image 455, page 294v)     DAR 16: 295r: The number of close species in genera having 4-6 species each (tables): (image 456, page 295r)     DAR 16: 295v: The number of close species in genera having 4--6 species each (tables): (image 457, page 295v) DAR 16: 296: List of Genera with Big-type var[ietie]s showing how many species have such (table): (image 458, page 296r)     DAR 16: 296r: List of Genera with Big-type var[ietie]s showing how many species have such (table): (image 458, page 296r)     DAR 16: 296v: List of Genera with Big-type var[ietie]s showing how many species have such (table): (image 459, page 296v) DAR 16: 297--298: Asa Gray / Summary continued: (image 460, page 297r)     DAR 16: 297r: Asa Gray / Summary continued: (image 460, page 297r)     DAR 16: 297v: Asa Gray / Summary continued: (image 461, page 297v)     DAR 16: 298r: Asa Gray / Summary continued: (image 462, page 298r) DAR 16: 299r: Asa Gray Close Species / Genera with 5 species & up / Genera with 4 species & down (calculations): (image 464, page 299r) DAR 16: 300r: 'Boston Jnl Nat Hist' 4: 474: (image 466, page 300r) DAR 16: 301r: Urtica / Pila[?] / Elatior / B[illeg] / Only 3 genera wd be a fairer half (table): (image 468, page 301r) DAR 16: 302r: Hooker wants me to say that he rather cautioned me rather than objected / I may quote his table for Bentham / He will look at Urticae / I might borrow at same time with Fries: (image 470, page 302r) DAR 16: 303r: Hooker has shown that where most species by no means most individuals (I presume sociability comes in here): (image 472, page 303r) DAR 16: 304r: Hooker 'Flora antarctica': 277: (image 474, page 304r) DAR 16: 305r: The diffusion of a species into six regions (or its preexistence in one great region before its division) shows it has some advantage over antagonist species: (image 476, page 305r) DAR 16: 306r: Letter from Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker to Charles Robert Darwin; written at Kew: (image 478, page 306.1r) DAR 16: 307--308: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations): (image 482, page 307r)     DAR 16: 307r: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations): (image 482, page 307r)     DAR 16: 307v: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations): (image 483, page 307v)     DAR 16: 308r: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations): (image 484, page 308r) DAR 16: 999epr: [end page - blank]: (image 486, page 999epr) DAR 16: 999epv: [end page - blank]: (image 487, page 999epv) DAR 16: bc2: Volume (2) Back Cover: (image 489, page bc2)

    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
    • Classmark: DAR 16
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 72034

    Section shown in images 1 to 1

    • Classmark: DAR 16: fc1
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 120237
    • Title: Volume (1) Front Cover:

    Section shown in images 3 to 3

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 0epr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124319
    • Title: [end page - blank]:

    Section shown in images 4 to 4

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 0epv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124320
    • Title: [end page - blank]:

    Section shown in images 5 to 14

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 106--110
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69192
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 5 to 5

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 106r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115335
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 6 to 6

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 106v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118455
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 7 to 7

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 107r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115336
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 8 to 8

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 107v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118456
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 9 to 9

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 108r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115337
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 10 to 10

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 108v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118457
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 11 to 11

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 109r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115338
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 110r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115339
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 14 to 14

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 110v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118459
    • Title: Ledebour vol 2 / Genera with 10 species and upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 15 to 22

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 111--114
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18947
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 15 to 15

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 111r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115340
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 16 to 16

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 111v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118460
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 17 to 17

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 112r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115341
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 19 to 19

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 113r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115342
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 20 to 20

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 113v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118462
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 21 to 21

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 114r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115343
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] On Ranges of varying species (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 23 to 30

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 115--118
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18948
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 23 to 23

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 115r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115344
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 25 to 25

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 116r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115345
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 27 to 27

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 117r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115346
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 29 to 29

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 118r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115347
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Proportions of var: species in Larger & Smaller gen[era] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 31 to 36

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 119--121a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18946
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 31 to 31

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 119r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115608
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 33 to 33

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 120r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115609
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 34 to 34

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 120v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118469
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 35 to 35

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 121ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115611
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Genera with 16 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 15--6 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 37 to 37

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 121br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 17952
    • Title: Flora Rossica C Ledebour vol 1 1842 / Count all -- but not vars marked a -- not subvarieties:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 39 to 39

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 122r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18949
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] Ranges / Genera with 10 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 9 & under (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 41 to 41

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 123r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69191
    • Title: Ledebour Vol 1 2 & 3 / Species belonging to Genera with 10 sp[ecies] and upwards / Species inhabiting 8 or more provinces:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 43 to 44

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 124a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18907
    • Title: Large & small genera varying / (miscellaneous calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 43 to 43

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 124ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124366
    • Title: Large & small genera varying / (miscellaneous calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 44 to 44

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 124av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118475
    • Title: Large & small genera varying / (miscellaneous calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 45 to 52

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 124b--126
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 17053
    • Title: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 45 to 45

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 124br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115612
    • Title: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 46 to 46

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 124bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118476
    • Title: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 47 to 47

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 125ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115613
    • Title: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 49 to 49

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 125br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118694
    • Title: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 51 to 51

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 126r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115615
    • Title: Common Species / Asa Gray Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 53 to 53

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 127r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16363
    • Title: Asa Gray / 2d Edit / 1856 / Omitting Salix & Nat[uralised] plants (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 55 to 55

    Section shown in images 57 to 58

    Section shown in images 57 to 57

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 129r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124367
    • Title: Summary on Loudon Catalogue 1853:
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 58 to 58

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 129v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118481
    • Title: Summary on Loudon Catalogue 1853:
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 59 to 62

    Section shown in images 59 to 59

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 130r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115616
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 61 to 61

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 131r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115617
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 62 to 62

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 131v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118483
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue Ranges (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 63 to 64

    Section shown in images 63 to 63

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 132r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124368
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue Ranges Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 64 to 64

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 132v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118484
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue Ranges Corrected Calc (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 65 to 65

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 133ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19491
    • Title: Mr Norman / First copy list of genera divided into 5 sp[ecies] & up -- into 4 sp[ecies] & 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] Add Carex to big side (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 67 to 67

    Section shown in images 69 to 70

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 134
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 21087
    • Title: Visiani R de 'Flora Dalmatica' (see Back for self) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 69 to 69

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 134r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124369
    • Title: Visiani R de 'Flora Dalmatica' (see Back for self) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 70 to 70

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 134v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118487
    • Title: Visiani R de 'Flora Dalmatica' (see Back for self) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 71 to 71

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 135r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69217
    • Title: Orders / No of indigenous species / Species with widest Range (table) [relating to Gray A in 'N Am Phil Jnl']:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 72 to 72

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 135v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118488
    • Title: Orders / No of indigenous species / Species with widest Range (table) [relating to Gray A in 'N Am Phil Jnl']:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 73 to 76

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 136a--136b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19492
    • Title: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 73 to 73

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 136ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115619
    • Title: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 74 to 74

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 136av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118489
    • Title: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 75 to 75

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 136br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115620
    • Title: Mr Norman / T[ierra] del Fuego Falkland Islands Kerguelen Land / 5 & upwards [versus] 3, 2, 1:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 77 to 77

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 136cr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18324
    • Title: Hooker Flora Antarctica / Genera with 3 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 79 to 84

    Section shown in images 79 to 79

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 137ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115621
    • Title: Boreau Corrected Calculation:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 80 to 80

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 137av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118492
    • Title: Boreau Corrected Calculation:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 81 to 81

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 137br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115622
    • Title: Boreau Corrected Calculation:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 82 to 82

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 137bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118493
    • Title: Boreau Corrected Calculation:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 83 to 83

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 137cr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115623
    • Title: Boreau Corrected Calculation:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 84 to 84

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 137cv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118494
    • Title: expansion-hidden DAR 16: 137cv:

    Section shown in images 85 to 90

    Section shown in images 85 to 85

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 138ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115624
    • Title: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 86 to 86

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 138av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118495
    • Title: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 87 to 87

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 138br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115625
    • Title: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 89 to 89

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 138cr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115626
    • Title: Addenda at beginning of Vol 2 wh[ich] I have not noticed Also some at p 645 not counted:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 91 to 92

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 139
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 21257
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / with 482 sp[ecies] (calculations; commentary on reverse):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 91 to 91

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 139r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124370
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / with 482 sp[ecies] (calculations; commentary on reverse):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 92 to 92

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 139v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118498
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / with 482 sp[ecies] (calculations; commentary on reverse):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 93 to 93

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 140r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18883
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 7 sp[ecies] & upwards / Genera with 6 & down (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 95 to 95

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 141r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18885
    • Title: Koch 'Florae Germanicae et Helveticae' 1843 (general note):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 97 to 98

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 142a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 21144
    • Title: Webb & B[erthelot] Canary Islands (vide back for self) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 97 to 97

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 142ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124371
    • Title: Webb & B[erthelot] Canary Islands (vide back for self) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 98 to 98

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 142av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118501
    • Title: Webb & B[erthelot] Canary Islands (vide back for self) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 99 to 100

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 142b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69218
    • Title: Page 114 Doubt about "Species dubiae" being in same type as other species / (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 99 to 99

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 142br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118502
    • Title: Page 114 Doubt about "Species dubiae" being in same type as other species:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 101 to 101

    Section shown in images 103 to 103

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 143r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16426
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / I omit naturalised & doubtful Plants in Brackets & marked by asterisk (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 104 to 104

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 143v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118504
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / I omit naturalised & doubtful Plants in Brackets & marked by asterisk (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 105 to 105

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 144r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18285
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & up / genera with 4 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 107 to 110

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 145a--145b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16072
    • Title: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 107 to 107

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 145ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115627
    • Title: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 108 to 108

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 145av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118506
    • Title: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 109 to 109

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 145br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115628
    • Title: A Grisebach Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae 1843 (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 111 to 114

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 146a--146b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19335
    • Title: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 111 to 111

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 146ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115629
    • Title: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 112 to 112

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 146av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118508
    • Title: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 113 to 113

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 146br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115630
    • Title: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 114 to 114

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 146bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118509
    • Title: Miquel Corrected Calc / Genera with 4 sp[ecies] & up / Genera with 3 2 & 1 sp[ecies] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 115 to 115

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 147r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18035
    • Title: Fürnrohr Flora Ratisbonensis 1839 (Naturhist Topog von Regensburg) (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 117 to 117

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 148r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18334
    • Title: Hooker New Zealand Omitting Senecio Coprosma Veronica from extreme variability & so unfavourable for my result (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 119 to 119

    Section shown in images 121 to 122

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 150
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 21086
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 5 & up / Genera with 4 & down (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 121 to 121

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 150r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124373
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 5 & up / Genera with 4 & down (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 122 to 122

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 150v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118513
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 5 & up / Genera with 4 & down (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 123 to 124

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 151
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18229
    • Title: Grisebark [ie Grisebach] Labiatae / [Genera with] 6 sp & up / Genera with 5 & down (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 123 to 123

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 151r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124374
    • Title: Grisebark [ie Grisebach] Labiatae / [Genera with] 6 sp & up / Genera with 5 & down (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 124 to 124

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 151v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118514
    • Title: Grisebark [ie Grisebach] Labiatae / [Genera with] 6 sp & up / Genera with 5 & down (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 125 to 125

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 152ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16630
    • Title: Boreau / Memorandum / In Labiatae (totals of species in large and small genera):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 127 to 127

    Section shown in images 129 to 129

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 153r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18055
    • Title: Genera with 11 sp & up / Genera with 10 sp & down / Labiatae D C [ie Candolle] (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 131 to 132

    Section shown in images 131 to 131

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 154r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124375
    • Title: The Saturneae[?] have 4.5 species D C [ie Candolle]:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 132 to 132

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 154v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118518
    • Title: The Saturneae[?] have 4.5 species D C [ie Candolle]:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 133 to 134

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 155
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 17316
    • Title: Discussion on Labiatae: Conclusion / If the Saturneae[?] (with only 405 sp[ecies] being below 1/5 & 1/6 of order) be removed:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 133 to 133

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 155r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124376
    • Title: Discussion on Labiatae: Conclusion / If the Saturneae[?] (with only 405 sp[ecies] being below 1/5 & 1/6 of order) be removed:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 134 to 134

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 155v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118519
    • Title: Discussion on Labiatae: Conclusion / If the Saturneae[?] (with only 405 sp[ecies] being below 1/5 & 1/6 of order) be removed:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 135 to 136

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 156
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18890
    • Title: Labiatae divided into 17 sp[ecies] & 16--8 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 135 to 135

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 156r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124377
    • Title: Labiatae divided into 17 sp[ecies] & 16--8 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 136 to 136

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 156v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118520
    • Title: Labiatae divided into 17 sp[ecies] & 16--8 inclusive (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 137 to 138

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 157
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18227
    • Title: Grisebach -- Monotypes (list) / Asa Gray Monotypes (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 137 to 137

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 157r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124378
    • Title: Grisebach -- Monotypes (list) / Asa Gray Monotypes (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 138 to 138

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 157v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118521
    • Title: Grisebach -- Monotypes (list) / Asa Gray Monotypes (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 139 to 140

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 158
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19414
    • Title: Monotypic Genera / New Zealand Dr Hooker (list and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 139 to 139

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 158r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124379
    • Title: Monotypic Genera / New Zealand Dr Hooker (list and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 140 to 140

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 158v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118522
    • Title: Monotypic Genera / New Zealand Dr Hooker (list and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 141 to 142

    Section shown in images 141 to 141

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 159r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124380
    • Title: Boreau Monotypes (list and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 142 to 142

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 159v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118523
    • Title: Boreau Monotypes (list and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 143 to 144

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 160
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18998
    • Title: List of Babington Genera with 1 or 2 species / Monotypes (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 143 to 143

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 160r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124381
    • Title: List of Babington Genera with 1 or 2 species / Monotypes (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 144 to 144

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 160v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118524
    • Title: List of Babington Genera with 1 or 2 species / Monotypes (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 145 to 145

    Section shown in images 146 to 146

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 161v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118525
    • Title: De Candolle Prodromus [vols 2 & 10--14] / Monotypic genera (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 147 to 147

    Section shown in images 149 to 149

    Section shown in images 151 to 151

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 164r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69240
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 153 to 153

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 165r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69178
    • Title: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 155 to 156

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 166
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69200
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 156 to 156

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 166v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118530
    • Title: Ledebour [vols 1--4] / Genera with one sp[ecies] and having var[ietie]s (table and calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 157 to 160

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 167--168
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20598
    • Title: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 157 to 157

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 167r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115631
    • Title: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 159 to 159

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 168r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115632
    • Title: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 160 to 160

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 168v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118532
    • Title: Table 1 / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera / Genera with a single species (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 161 to 161

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 169r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20612
    • Title: Table III / Decandolles Prodromus [vols 2 & 10--14] (summarising calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 163 to 166

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 170--171
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20611
    • Title: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 163 to 163

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 170r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115682
    • Title: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 165 to 165

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 171r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115683
    • Title: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 166 to 166

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 171v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118535
    • Title: Table II / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (with the smallest wholly removed) (summarising calculations and instructions to typesetter):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 167 to 167

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 172r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20609
    • Title: Table A / Larger Genera / Smaller Genera (summarising calculations and commentary with references):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 169 to 169

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 173r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 28098
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue / Genera with 5 species and upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table and calculation):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 171 to 171

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 174ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 17321
    • Title: Do not put numbers of counties to those with X or XX (instructions for Mr Norman?):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 173 to 173

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 174br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 28097
    • Title: List of species both Printed & M S in Catalogue having Varieties with number of counties inhabited by them (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 175 to 175

    Section shown in images 177 to 177

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 175br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69209
    • Title: Loudon Cat[alogue] of B[ritish] Plants / Names of Vars / No of Counties (table and calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 179 to 194

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 176--183
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69207
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 179 to 179

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 176r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115684
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 180 to 180

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 176v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118542
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 181 to 181

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 177r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115685
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 182 to 182

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 177v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118543
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 183 to 183

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 178r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115686
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 184 to 184

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 178v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118544
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 185 to 185

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 179r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115687
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 186 to 186

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 179v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118545
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 187 to 187

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 180r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115688
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 188 to 188

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 180v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118546
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 189 to 189

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 181r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115689
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 190 to 190

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 181v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118547
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 191 to 191

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 182r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115690
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 192 to 192

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 182v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118548
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 193 to 193

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 183r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115691
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 194 to 194

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 183v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118549
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to Species / No to species marked (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 195 to 196

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 184a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18711
    • Title: In the list to be made omit all those species & genera which are struck out in pencil:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 195 to 195

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 184ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124383
    • Title: In the list to be made omit all those species & genera which are struck out in pencil:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 196 to 196

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 184av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118550
    • Title: In the list to be made omit all those species & genera which are struck out in pencil:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 197 to 198

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 184b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69208
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to species / No to species marked (table) [continued]:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 197 to 197

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 184br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124384
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to species / No to species marked (table) [continued]:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 198 to 198

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 184bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118551
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of B[ritish] Plants / Name of Genus and Species / No to species / No to species marked (table) [continued]:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 199 to 206

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 185--188
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69171
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 199 to 199

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 185r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115692
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 200 to 200

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 185v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118552
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 201 to 201

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 186r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115693
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 202 to 202

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 186v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118553
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 203 to 203

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 187r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115694
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 204 to 204

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 187v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118554
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 205 to 205

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 188r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115695
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 206 to 206

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 188v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118555
    • Title: Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 207 to 216

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 189--193
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69182
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 207 to 207

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 189r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115696
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 208 to 208

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 189v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118556
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 209 to 209

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 190r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115697
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 210 to 210

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 190v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118557
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 211 to 211

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 191r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115698
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 212 to 212

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 191v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118558
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 213 to 213

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 192r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115699
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 214 to 214

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 192v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118559
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 215 to 215

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 193r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115700
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 216 to 216

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 193v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118560
    • Title: Henslows List / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 217 to 226

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 194--198
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69244
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 217 to 217

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 194r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115701
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 218 to 218

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 194v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118561
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 219 to 219

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 195r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115702
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 220 to 220

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 195v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118562
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 221 to 221

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 196r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115703
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 222 to 222

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 196v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118563
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 223 to 223

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 197r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115705
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 224 to 224

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 197v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118564
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 225 to 225

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 198r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115706
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 226 to 226

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 198v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118565
    • Title: Webb & Berthelot Canary Islands / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 227 to 236

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 199--203
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16628
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 227 to 227

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 199r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115715
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 228 to 228

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 199v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118566
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 229 to 229

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 200r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115716
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 230 to 230

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 200v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118567
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 231 to 231

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 201r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115718
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 232 to 232

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 201v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118568
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 233 to 233

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 202r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115722
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 234 to 234

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 202v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118569
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 235 to 235

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 203r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115723
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 236 to 236

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 203v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118570
    • Title: Boreau / Final & perfect Results / Genera with 5 sp[ecies] & upwards / genera with 4 species / genera with 3 2 & 1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 237 to 238

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19342
    • Title: (miscellaneous calculation concerning genera and number of species):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 237 to 237

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124385
    • Title: (miscellaneous calculation concerning genera and number of species):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 238 to 238

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118571
    • Title: (miscellaneous calculation concerning genera and number of species):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 242 to 242

    • Classmark: DAR 16: bc1
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124357
    • Title: Volume (1) Back Cover:

    Section shown in images 244 to 244

    • Classmark: DAR 16: fc2
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124358
    • Title: Volume (2) Front Cover:

    Section shown in images 247 to 247

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204avep2v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124365
    • Title: [end page - blank]:

    Section shown in images 248 to 249

    Section shown in images 248 to 248

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124386
    • Title: Boreau / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 249 to 249

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118572
    • Title: Boreau / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 250 to 251

    Section shown in images 250 to 250

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204cr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124387
    • Title: Genus Carex (table of common species and varieties):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 251 to 251

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 204cv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118573
    • Title: Genus Carex (table of common species and varieties):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 252 to 253

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 205
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18053
    • Title: Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table) / Boreau Centre du[sic] France:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 252 to 252

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 205r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124388
    • Title: Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table) / Boreau Centre du[sic] France:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 253 to 253

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 205v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118574
    • Title: Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table) / Boreau Centre du[sic] France:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 254 to 254

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 206r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69143
    • Title: Boreau / Genera with 8 sp[ecies] and upwards (table of close species and varieties):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 256 to 256

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 207
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16629
    • Title: Boreau / [Instructions for Mr Norman?] / You have added up genera with 4 species Make list for big side of genera with 8 species & upwards & subtract from big side:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 258 to 267

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 208--212
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69170
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 258 to 258

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 208r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115773
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 259 to 259

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 208v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118577
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 260 to 260

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 209r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115774
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 261 to 261

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 209v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118578
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 262 to 262

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 210r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115775
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 263 to 263

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 210v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118579
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 264 to 264

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 211r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115776
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 265 to 265

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 211v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118580
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 266 to 266

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 212r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115777
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 267 to 267

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 212v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118581
    • Title: Furnrohr / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 268 to 273

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 213--215
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19573
    • Title: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 268 to 268

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 213r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115780
    • Title: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 270 to 270

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 214r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115781
    • Title: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 271 to 271

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 214v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118583
    • Title: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 272 to 272

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 215r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115782
    • Title: Names / Monocot[yledon]s (tables and summarising comments relating to Fürnrohr 'Flora Ratisbonensis'):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 274 to 281

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 216--217
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69245
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 274 to 274

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 216r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115783
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 275 to 275

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 216v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118585
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 280 to 280

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 217r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115784
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 281 to 281

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 217v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118586
    • Title: Wollaston Catalogue 1857 / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 276 to 279

    Section shown in images 276 to 276

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 217ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115785
    • Title: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 278 to 278

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 217br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115786
    • Title: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 279 to 279

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 217bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118588
    • Title: Genus 46 Species "Isoplexidis" not in little book:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 282 to 291

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 218--222a
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69213
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 282 to 282

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 218r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115787
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 283 to 283

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 218v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118589
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 284 to 284

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 219r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115788
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 285 to 285

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 219v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118590
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 286 to 286

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 220r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115789
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 287 to 287

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 220v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118591
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 288 to 288

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 221r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115790
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 289 to 289

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 221v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118592
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 290 to 290

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 222ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115792
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 291 to 291

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 222av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118594
    • Title: Miquel Holland / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 292 to 292

    Section shown in images 293 to 293

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 222bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118595
    • Title: expansion-hidden DAR 16: 222bv:

    Section shown in images 294 to 295

    Section shown in images 296 to 299

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 224--225
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18745
    • Title: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 296 to 296

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 224r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115793
    • Title: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 297 to 297

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 224v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118597
    • Title: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 298 to 298

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 225r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115794
    • Title: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 299 to 299

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 225v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118598
    • Title: Insects of Madeira -- Wollaston / New Catalogue / Genera with 4 species & upwards / Genera with 3 species / Genera with 2--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 300 to 303

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 226--227
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69141
    • Title: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 300 to 300

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 226r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115795
    • Title: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 301 to 301

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 226v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118599
    • Title: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 302 to 302

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 227r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115796
    • Title: Birds of Australia -- Gould / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 304 to 307

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 228--229
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69144
    • Title: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 304 to 304

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 228r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115797
    • Title: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 305 to 305

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 228v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118601
    • Title: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 306 to 306

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 229r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115798
    • Title: Botany of Antarctic Voyage / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 308 to 309

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 230
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69169
    • Title: Flora Indica -- Dr Hooker / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species / Genera with 5--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 308 to 308

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 230r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124390
    • Title: Flora Indica -- Dr Hooker / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species / Genera with 5--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 309 to 309

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 230v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118603
    • Title: Flora Indica -- Dr Hooker / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species / Genera with 5--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 310 to 315

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231a--231c
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16425
    • Title: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 310 to 310

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115799
    • Title: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 312 to 312

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115800
    • Title: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 314 to 314

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231cr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115801
    • Title: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 315 to 315

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231cv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118606
    • Title: Babingtons Flora -- species divided into 7 & upward -- & into 6, 5, 4, 3 -- (Carex added):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 316 to 319

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231d--232
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16428
    • Title: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 316 to 316

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231dr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115802
    • Title: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 317 to 317

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 231dv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118607
    • Title: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 318 to 318

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 232r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115803
    • Title: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 319 to 319

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 232v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118702
    • Title: Babingtons Manual of Brit[ish] Botany (3d Edition) 1851 List of all the varieties marked by Greek Letters:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 320 to 327

    Section shown in images 320 to 320

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 233r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115804
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 321 to 321

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 233v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118608
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 322 to 322

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 234r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115805
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 323 to 323

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 234v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118609
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 324 to 324

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 235r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115806
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 325 to 325

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 235v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118610
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 326 to 326

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 236r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115807
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 327 to 327

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 236v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118611
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit / Brackets or Asterisks (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 328 to 328

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 237r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16161
    • Title: According to Mr Normans calculations there are in whole Book (summarising calculations) / Conclusion:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 330 to 331

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 238
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16427
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit : Corrected [asterisks] & Brackets (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 330 to 330

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 238r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124391
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit : Corrected [asterisks] & Brackets (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 331 to 331

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 238v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118613
    • Title: Babingtons Flora 3d Edit : Corrected [asterisks] & Brackets (table):
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 332 to 335

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 239a--239b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20878
    • Title: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 332 to 332

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 239ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115808
    • Title: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 333 to 333

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 239av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118614
    • Title: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 334 to 334

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 239br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115809
    • Title: Total number of varieties in all 4 species / [Hooker] New Zealand:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 336 to 337

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 240
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18332
    • Title: Hooker N[ew] Zealand Flora / List of genera with 4 species / List of genera with 3 species (tables and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 336 to 336

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 240r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124392
    • Title: Hooker N[ew] Zealand Flora / List of genera with 4 species / List of genera with 3 species (tables and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 337 to 337

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 240v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118616
    • Title: Hooker N[ew] Zealand Flora / List of genera with 4 species / List of genera with 3 species (tables and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 338 to 339

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 241
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18665
    • Title: In Hookers Flora of New Zealand there [are] (with those in Supplement) of Phanerogams (table, summarising calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 338 to 338

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 241r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124393
    • Title: In Hookers Flora of New Zealand there [are] (with those in Supplement) of Phanerogams (table, summarising calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 339 to 339

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 241v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118617
    • Title: In Hookers Flora of New Zealand there [are] (with those in Supplement) of Phanerogams (table, summarising calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 340 to 341

    Section shown in images 340 to 340

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 242r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124394
    • Title: Omitting Senecio Coprosma[?] & Veronica (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: 1858

    Section shown in images 341 to 341

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 242v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118618
    • Title: Omitting Senecio Coprosma[?] & Veronica (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: 1858

    Section shown in images 342 to 343

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 243
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18331
    • Title: [Hooker New Zealand Flora] / Genera [having] 4 [species] & upwards (table, calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 342 to 342

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 243r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124395
    • Title: [Hooker New Zealand Flora] / Genera [having] 4 [species] & upwards (table, calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 343 to 343

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 243v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118619
    • Title: [Hooker New Zealand Flora] / Genera [having] 4 [species] & upwards (table, calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 344 to 347

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 244--245
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18325
    • Title: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 344 to 344

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 244r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115810
    • Title: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 345 to 345

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 244v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118620
    • Title: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 346 to 346

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 245r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115811
    • Title: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 347 to 347

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 245v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118621
    • Title: Hooker Flora N[ew] Zealand Species having var[ietie]s (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 348 to 351

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 246a--246b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18333
    • Title: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 348 to 348

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 246ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115812
    • Title: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 349 to 349

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 246av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118622
    • Title: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 350 to 350

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 246br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115813
    • Title: Hooker New Zealand Flora Dicots / Monocots (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 352 to 363

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 247--252
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69187
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 352 to 352

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 247r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115814
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 353 to 353

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 247v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118624
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 354 to 354

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 248r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115815
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 355 to 355

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 248v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118625
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 356 to 356

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 249r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115816
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 357 to 357

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 249v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118626
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 358 to 358

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 250r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115817
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 359 to 359

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 250v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118627
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 360 to 360

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 251r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115818
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 361 to 361

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 251v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118628
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 362 to 362

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 252r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115819
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 363 to 363

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 252v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118629
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 364 to 369

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 253--254b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69189
    • Title: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 364 to 364

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 253r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115820
    • Title: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 365 to 365

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 253v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118630
    • Title: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 366 to 366

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 254ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115822
    • Title: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 367 to 367

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 254av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118632
    • Title: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 368 to 368

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 254br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115823
    • Title: Koch Monocots / Genera with 7 species & upwards / Genera with 6 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 370 to 373

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 255a--255b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18884
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 11 species & upwards / Genera with 10--5 inclusive (calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 370 to 370

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 255ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115824
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 11 species & upwards / Genera with 10--5 inclusive (calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 372 to 372

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 255br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115825
    • Title: Koch / Genera with 11 species & upwards / Genera with 10--5 inclusive (calculations and comments):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 374 to 374

    Section shown in images 376 to 385

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 256--260
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69176
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 376 to 376

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 256r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115826
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 377 to 377

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 256v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118637
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 378 to 378

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 257r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115827
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 379 to 379

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 257v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118638
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 380 to 380

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 258r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115828
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 381 to 381

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 258v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118639
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 382 to 382

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 259r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115829
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 383 to 383

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 259v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118640
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 384 to 384

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 260r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115830
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 385 to 385

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 260v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118641
    • Title: Grisebach / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species / Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 386 to 386

    Section shown in images 388 to 388

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 262r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18228
    • Title: Grisebach / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Divide into 8 & upwards for large & into 7, 6, 5 & 4 for small side:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 390 to 403

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 263--269
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69239
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 390 to 390

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 263r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115831
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 391 to 391

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 263v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118644
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 392 to 392

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 264r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115832
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 393 to 393

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 264v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118645
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 394 to 394

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 265r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115833
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 395 to 395

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 265v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118646
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 396 to 396

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 266r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115835
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 398 to 398

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 267r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115836
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 399 to 399

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 267v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118648
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 400 to 400

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 268r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115838
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 401 to 401

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 268v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118649
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 402 to 402

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 269r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115837
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 species & upwards / Genera with 5 species /Genera with 4 species & downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 404 to 405

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 270
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69238
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 404 to 404

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 270r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124396
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 405 to 405

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 270v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118651
    • Title: Visiani Flora Dalmatica / Genera with 6 and 7 species / Genera with 4 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 406 to 406

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 271r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18749
    • Title: [Instructions to Mr Norman?] / I want Visiani divided into 8 sp & upwards -- 7--4 both inclusive:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 408 to 408

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 272r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69179
    • Title: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 1 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species / Genera with 8 species and downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 410 to 410

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 273r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69180
    • Title: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 2 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species / Genera with 8 species and downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 412 to 413

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 274
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69181
    • Title: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 3 & part of 4 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 412 to 412

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 274r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124397
    • Title: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 3 & part of 4 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 413 to 413

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 274v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118655
    • Title: Gyllenhal Insecta Suecica Vol 3 & part of 4 / Genera with 10 species & upwards / Genera with 9 species and downwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 414 to 421

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 275--278
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 68742
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 414 to 414

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 275r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115839
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 415 to 415

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 275v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118656
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 416 to 416

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 276r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115840
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 417 to 417

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 276v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118657
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 418 to 418

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 277r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115841
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 419 to 419

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 277v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118658
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 420 to 420

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 278r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115842
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 421 to 421

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 278v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118659
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants Corrected to 5th Edition / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 422 to 422

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 279r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69210
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants 5th Edition / Name of Species having Var[ieties] (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 424 to 424

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 280r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69206
    • Title: Loudon Catalogue of British Plants / Genera with 5 species & upwards / Genera with 4 species / Genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 426 to 443

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 281--289
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 17330
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 426 to 426

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 281r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115843
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 427 to 427

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 281v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118662
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 428 to 428

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 282r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115844
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 429 to 429

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 282v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118663
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 430 to 430

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 283r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115845
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 431 to 431

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 283v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118664
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 432 to 432

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 284r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115847
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 433 to 433

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 284v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118665
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 434 to 434

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 285r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115848
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 435 to 435

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 285v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118666
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 436 to 436

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 286r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115849
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 437 to 437

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 286v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118667
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 438 to 438

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 287r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115852
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 439 to 439

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 287v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118668
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 440 to 440

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 288r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115853
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 441 to 441

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 288v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118669
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 442 to 442

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 289r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 115854
    • Title: Dr Asa Gray 2d Edit / Genera with 4 species & upwards Naturalised excluded / genera with 3--1 species (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 444 to 447

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 290a--290b
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 69136
    • Title: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]
    • Associated Name(s): unidentified

    Section shown in images 444 to 444

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 290ar
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116089
    • Title: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 445 to 445

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 290av
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118671
    • Title: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 446 to 446

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 290br
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116090
    • Title: Asa Gray / [instructions to Mr Norman?] / Genera with 9 sp[ecies] and upwards (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 447 to 447

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 290bv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118672
    • Title: expansion-hidden DAR 16: 290b:

    Section shown in images 448 to 448

    Section shown in images 450 to 450

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 292r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16370
    • Title: Asa Gray N[orthern] U[nited] States / Summary of all results -- omitting Salix from doubts & Carex from vast numbers & all introduced plants:
    • Date of Creation: 1857

    Section shown in images 452 to 453

    Section shown in images 452 to 452

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 293r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124398
    • Title: Asa Gray (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 453 to 453

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 293v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118675
    • Title: Asa Gray (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 454 to 457

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 294--295
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20749
    • Title: The number of close species in genera having 4--6 species each (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 454 to 454

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 294r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116087
    • Title: The number of close species in genera having 4-6 species each (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 455 to 455

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 294v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118676
    • Title: The number of close species in genera having 4--6 species each (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 456 to 456

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 295r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116088
    • Title: The number of close species in genera having 4-6 species each (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 457 to 457

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 295v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118677
    • Title: The number of close species in genera having 4--6 species each (tables):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 458 to 459

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 296
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 19010
    • Title: List of Genera with Big-type var[ietie]s showing how many species have such (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 458 to 458

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 296r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124399
    • Title: List of Genera with Big-type var[ietie]s showing how many species have such (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 459 to 459

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 296v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118678
    • Title: List of Genera with Big-type var[ietie]s showing how many species have such (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 460 to 463

    Section shown in images 460 to 460

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 297r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116085
    • Title: Asa Gray / Summary continued:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 461 to 461

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 297v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118679
    • Title: Asa Gray / Summary continued:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 462 to 462

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 298r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116086
    • Title: Asa Gray / Summary continued:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 464 to 464

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 299r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 16368
    • Title: Asa Gray Close Species / Genera with 5 species & up / Genera with 4 species & down (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 466 to 466

    Section shown in images 468 to 468

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 301r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20989
    • Title: Urtica / Pila[?] / Elatior / B[illeg] / Only 3 genera wd be a fairer half (table):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 470 to 470

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 302r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18358
    • Title: Hooker wants me to say that he rather cautioned me rather than objected / I may quote his table for Bentham / He will look at Urticae / I might borrow at same time with Fries:
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 472 to 472

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 303r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18327
    • Title: Hooker has shown that where most species by no means most individuals (I presume sociability comes in here):
    • Date of Creation: 1846

    Section shown in images 474 to 474

    Section shown in images 476 to 476

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 305r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 20688
    • Title: The diffusion of a species into six regions (or its preexistence in one great region before its division) shows it has some advantage over antagonist species:
    • Date of Creation: 1844

    Section shown in images 478 to 481

    Section shown in images 482 to 485

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 307--308
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 18056
    • Title: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 482 to 482

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 307r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116083
    • Title: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 483 to 483

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 307v
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 118689
    • Title: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 484 to 484

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 308r
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 116084
    • Title: Genera with 11 species & up / Genera with 10 species & down (calculations):
    • Date of Creation: [nd]

    Section shown in images 486 to 486

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 999epr
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124322
    • Title: [end page - blank]:

    Section shown in images 487 to 487

    • Classmark: DAR 16: 999epv
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 124321
    • Title: [end page - blank]:

    Section shown in images 489 to 489

    • Classmark: DAR 16: bc2
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 120241
    • Title: Volume (2) Back Cover:


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