Astronomical Images
It is generally acknowledged that astronomy was transformed in the early modern period through the invention of new instruments and techniques of observation, the introduction of new world systems, and the integration of mathematical astronomy with natural philosophy. The aim of the AHRC-funded research project, “Diagrams, Figures, and the Transformation of Astronomy, 1450-1650 (2007-2014)”, was to examine the little-known role of visual representations in this well-known transformation. The scholarly output arising from this project is listed here. Part of the source-driven project was to create a bank of astronomical images with scholarly annotations that would help future historical research.
We are delighted that these images have now found a permanent home at Cambridge Digital Library. For editorial conventions used in the transcription and translation of texts, please see here.Those studying the history of astronomy may find useful the glossary compiled for this project.
This project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
We are grateful for the support provided by: