Laurence Sterne and Sterneana
I wrote not to be fed, but to be famous" Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne and Sterneana is an output of the Sterne Digital Library project, 2019-2021, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The fruit of a collaboration between Northumbria University, the University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Library and the Laurence Sterne Trust, this project explores the manifestations and implications of long eighteenth-century literary afterlives by focussing on Laurence Sterne (1713-68) and ‘Sterneana’, the many creative responses his work inspired.
The Oates Collection – assembled by former librarian and collector J.C.T. Oates (1912-1990) – and other holdings at Cambridge University Library and at the University’s college libraries together present one of the world’s most significant collections of Sterne’s work and of Sterneana.
Laurence Sterne and Sterneana
brings key highlights of these rare collections to new audiences via Cambridge Digital Library, making them freely accessible to all, and guided by introductions to each item supplied by a global team of scholars.
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Title | Author (if known) | Place and date of publication | Classmark |
A Political Romance, Addressed to - -, Esq. of York. To Which Is Subjoined a Key | Sterne, Laurence | York, 1759 | [Trinity College Library] C.13.79[4] |
A Collection of Poems, by a Young Lady | [Swinney, Jane] | Rochester: printed at the Phoenix printing office by Gillman and Etherington; London: sold by J. Evans, 1792 | Oates.523 |
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume 1 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1768 | Williams.668 |
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume 2 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1768 | Williams.669 |
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume 2 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1768 | Oates.279 [2nd copy] |
A Sentimental Journey. Intended as a Sequel to Mr. Sterne's. … By Mr. Shandy, volumes 1 and 2 [in1] | Mr. Shandy' | Southampton: T. Baker; London: S. Crowder, 1793 | 7720.d.941-2 |
Another Traveller! or Cursory Remarks and Tritical [sic] Observations made upon a Journey through part of the Netherlands in the Year 1766. By Coriat Junior, 2nd edition, volume 1 | [Paterson, Samuel] | London: Johnson and Payne; T. Cadell; J. Robson, 1769 | Oates.455 |
Another Traveller! or Cursory Remarks and Tritical [sic] Observations made upon a Journey through part of the Netherlands in the Year 1766. By Coriat Junior, 2nd edition, volume 2 | [Paterson, Samuel] | London: Johnson and Payne; T. Cadell; J. Robson, 1769 | Oates.456 |
Continuation of Yorick's Sentimental Journey | Anonymous | London, 1788 | 7000.d.1659 |
Explanatory Remarks upon the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy ... By Jeremiah Kunastrokius | Jeremiah Kunastrokius' | London: E. Cabe, 1760 | Oates.431 |
Fragments: In the Manner of Sterne | [Brandon, Isaac] | London: for the author, sold by Debrett and Murray & Highley, 1797 | Oates.528 |
Illustrations of Sterne: With other Essays and Verses | Ferriar, John | For Cadell and Davies, London, by Nicholson, Manchester, 1798 | Oates.532 |
Joineriana: Or the Book of Scraps, volume 1 | [Paterson, Samuel] | London: Joseph Johnson, 1772 | Oates.461 |
Joineriana: Or the Book of Scraps, volume 2 | [Paterson, Samuel] | London: Joseph Johnson, 1772 | Oates.462 |
Le voyageur sentimental, ou ma promenade à Yverdun … nouvelle edition | [Vernes, François] | Londres, 1786 | Oates.499 |
Letters and Poems: By the Late John Henderson. With Anecdotes of his Life, by John Ireland | Henderson, John | London: J. Johnson, 1786 | VI.12.65 |
Letters from Yorick to Eliza | [Combe, William] | London: W. Johnson, 1773 | CCD.5.185 |
Letters from Yorick to Eliza | [Combe, William] | London: T. Evans, 1775 | Oates.367 [Item 1] |
Letters from Yorick to Eliza. A New Edition | [Combe, William] | London: J. Kearsley; T. Evans, 1775 | Oates.385 |
Letters of the Late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, to his Most Intimate Friends. With a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais, vol. 1 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket, 1775 | Oates.389 |
Letters of the Late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, volume 2 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket, 1775 | Oates.390 |
Letters of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, volume 3 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket, 1775 | Oates.391 |
Maria; Or, a Shandean Journey of a Young Lady, through Flanders and France, during the summer of 1822 | Uncle Oddy' | London: John Hatchard and Son, 1823 | Rom.35.17 |
Miscellaneous Poems | Clark, Ewan | London: J. Ware and Son, 1779 | Oates.473 |
Moulines Maria: A Favourite Ballad Taken from Sterne' | Moulds, John | London: S. A. and P. Thompson, 1785? | MR290.a.75.103 |
Nouveau voyage sentimental | [Gorjy, Jean-Claude] | Londres; et se trouve a Paris: Bastine, 1784 | Oates.493 |
Scrapeana. Fugitive Miscellany | [Croft, John] | San Souci' [York], 1792 | Oates.524 |
Sentimental Excursions to Windsor and Other Places. | [MacNally, Leonard] | London: J. Walker, 1781 | Oates.482 |
Sentiments on the Death of the Sentimental Mr. Yorick. By One of Uncle Toby's Illegitimate Children | Anonymous | London: Staples Steare, 1768 | Oates.453 |
Sterne's Letters to his Friends on Various Occasions [Combe forgeries] | [Combe, William] | London: G. Kearsly; J. Johnson, 1775 | Oates.385 |
Sterne's Letters to his Friends on Various Occasions, A New Edition [Combe forgeries] | [Combe, William] | London: G. Kearsly; J. Johnson; T. Evans 1775 | Oates.386 |
Sterne's Maria; A Pathetic Story. With an Account of her Death, at the Castle of Valerine | Anonymous | London: R. Rusted, 1800 [?] | Oates.536 |
Tableau sentimental de la France, depuis la Révolution. Par Yoryck, sous le nom de Sterne. Pour servir de suite au Voyage Sentimental, du même auteur. Traduit de l'Anglois. | Anonymous | Londres [?], 1792 | 7000.d.215.6 |
The Beauties of Sterne … Selected for the Heart of Sensibility, 10th edition | Sterne, Laurence | London: G. Kearsley, 1787 | CCD.5.220 |
The Beauties of Sterne … Selected for the Heart of Sensibility, 1st edition | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Davies; J. Ridley; W. Flexney; J. Sewel; G. Kearsley, 1782 | Oates.109 |
The Clockmakers Outcry against the Author of the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy | Anonymous | London: J. Burd, 1760 | Oates.434 |
The Dupes of Fancy, or Every Man his Hobby, a New Farce: In Two Acts | Carey, George Saville | London: Alex. Hogg, 1792 | S721.d.79.26 |
The Koran: Or, Essays, Sentiments, Characters, and Callimachies | [Griffith, Richard] | Vienna: R. Sammer, 1798 [first published London, 1770] | CCD.18.86 |
The Letters of Maria. To which is added, an account of her death | [Street, Miss] | London: G. Kearsley, 1790 | Oates.506 |
The Life and Amours of Hafen Slawkenbergius, Author of the Institute of Noses | Anonymous | London: W. Flexney, 1762 | Oates.367 [Item 2 in volume: thumbnail page 3] |
The Life and Opinions of an Actor. A Real History, in Two Real Volumes [2 volumes in 1] | Stayley, George | Dublin: G. Faulkner; London: J. Hinton, 1762 | Hib.7.762.26 |
The Life and Opinions of Bertram Montfichet, Esq.; Written by Himself, volume 1 | Anonymous | London: C.G. Seyffert [1761] | Oates.439 |
The Life and Opinions of Bertram Montfichet, Esq.; Written by Himself, volume 2 | Anonymous | London: C.G. Seyffert [1761] | Oates.440 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 1 | Sterne, Laurence | [York, 1759] 1760 | Oates.167 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 2, 2nd edition | Sterne, Laurence | [York, 1759] 1760 | CCD.5.81 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 2, 2nd edition | Sterne, Laurence | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1760 | Oates.168 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 3 | Sterne, Laurence | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1761 | Oates.169 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 4 | Sterne, Laurence | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1761 | Oates.170 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 5 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1762 | Oates.177 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 6 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1762 | Oates.172 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 7 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1765 | Oates.173 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 8 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1765 | Oates.174 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 9 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1767 | Oates.175 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Vol. IX [spurious vol. IX] | Anonymous | London: T. Durham, 1766 | CCD.5.92 |
The Life, Travels, and Adventures, of Christopher Wagstaff, Gentleman, Grandfather to Tristam Shandy, volume 1 | Christopher Wagstaff' | London: J. Hinxman, 1762 | Oates.441 |
The Life, Travels, and Adventures, of Christopher Wagstaff, Gentleman, Grandfather to Tristam Shandy, volume 2 | Christopher Wagstaff' | London: J. Hinxman, 1762 | Oates.442 |
The Political Songster; Or, a Touch on the Times, on Various Subjects, and Adapted to Common Tunes | Freeth, John | Birmingham: Thomas Pearson, for the author, 1790 | 7720.d.753 |
The Posthumous Works of the Celebrated Dr. Sterne, Deceased [2 vols in 1] | [Griffith, Richard] | London, 1775 [first published 1770] | Oates.417 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 1 | Sterne, Laurence | London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1760 | Oates.137 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 2 | Sterne, Laurence | London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1760 | CCD.5.126 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 3 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket P.A. Dehondt, 1761 | CCD.5.127 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 4 | Sterne, Laurence | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1761 | Oates.138 |
The Triumvirate: Or, the Authentic Memoirs of A. B. and C., volume 1 | [Griffith, Richard] | London: W. Johnston, 1764 | Oates.445 |
The Triumvirate: Or, the Authentic Memoirs of A. B. and C., volume 2 | [Griffith, Richard] | London: W. Johnston, 1764 | Oates.446 |
Travels Written for the Heart. By Courtney Melmoth, volume 1 | [Pratt, Samuel] | London: John Wallis, 1777 | Oates.469 |
Travels Written for the Heart. By Courtney Melmoth, volume 2 | [Pratt, Samuel] | London: John Wallis, 1777 | Oates.470 |
Tristram Shandy, a Sentimental, Shandean Bagatelle, in Two Acts | [MacNally, Leonard] | London: S. Bladon, 1783 | Oates.489 |
Two Lyric Epistles: One to my Cousin Shandy, on his Coming to Town; and the Other to the Grown Gentlewomen, the Misses of **** | [Hall-Stevenson, John] | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1760 | Oates.430 |
Voyage autour de ma chambre. Par M. Le C. X******, O.A.S.D.S.M.S. | [de Maistre, Xavier] | Paris: Dufart, An 5 1797 | 7000.e.374 |
Voyage Sentimental, en France, translated by J. P. Frénais, 2 volumes in 1 | Sterne, Laurence | Londres [i.e. Paris], 1784 | Oates.340 |
Voyage Sentimental. Par Mr. Sterne, Sous le nom d'Yorick. Traduit de l'Anglois par Mr. Frénais. Nouvelle Edition. Includes Lettres d'Yorick à Eliza et d'Eliza à Yorick and Sermons Choisis. | Sterne, Laurence | Lausanne: Mourer, 1786 | Oates.341 |
Yorick's Jests: Or, Wit's Common-Place Book ... | Anonymous | London: S. Bladon, 1785? | 7000.d.1174 |
Yorick's Meditations upon Various Interesting and Important Subjects | Anonymous | London: R. Stevens, 1760 | Oates.432 |
Yorick's Sentimental Journey, Continued. Vol. III [spurious volume 3] | Eugenius' | London: S. Bladon, 1769 | Oates.280 |
Yorick's Sentimental Journey, Continued. Vol. IV [spurious volume 4] | Eugenius' | London: S. Bladon, 1769 | Oates.281 |
Yorick's Skull; Or, College Oscitations. With Some Remarks, on the Writings of Sterne, and a Specimen of the Shandean Stile | Anonymous | London: J. Bew, 1777 | 7720.e.9 |
Works by Laurence Sterne | ||
A Political Romance, Addressed to - -, Esq. of York. To Which Is Subjoined a Key | York, 1759 | [Trinity College Library] C.13.79[4] |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 1 | [York, 1759] 1760 | Oates.167 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 2, 2nd edition | [York, 1759] 1760 | CCD.5.81 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 2, 2nd edition | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1760 | Oates.168 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 3 | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1761 | Oates.169 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 4 | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1761 | Oates.170 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 5 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1762 | Oates.177 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 6 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1762 | Oates.172 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 7 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1765 | Oates.173 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 8 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1765 | Oates.174 |
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, volume 9 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1767 | Oates.175 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 1 | London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1760 | Oates.137 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 2 | London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1760 | CCD.5.126 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 3 | London: T. Becket P.A. Dehondt, 1761 | CCD.5.127 |
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick, volume 4 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1761 | Oates.138 |
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume 1 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1768 | Williams.668 |
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume 2 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1768 | Williams.669 |
A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, volume 2 | London: T. Becket and P.A. Dehondt, 1768 | Oates.279 [2nd copy] |
Voyage Sentimental, en France, translated by J. P. Frénais, 2 volumes in 1 | Londres [i.e. Paris], 1784 | Oates.340 |
Voyage Sentimental. Par Mr. Sterne, Sous le nom d'Yorick. Traduit de l'Anglois par Mr. Frénais. Nouvelle Edition. Includes Lettres d'Yorick à Eliza et d'Eliza à Yorick and Sermons Choisis. | Lausanne: Mourer, 1786 | Oates.341 |
Letters of the Late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, to his Most Intimate Friends. With a Fragment in the Manner of Rabelais, vol. 1 | London: T. Becket, 1775 | Oates.389 |
Letters of the Late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, volume 2 | London: T. Becket, 1775 | Oates.390 |
Letters of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, volume 3 | London: T. Becket, 1775 | Oates.391 |
Sterneana: Spurious and Semi-Spurious Correspondence | ||
Sterne's Letters to his Friends on Various Occasions [Combe forgeries] | London: G. Kearsly; J. Johnson, 1775 | Oates.385 |
Sterne's Letters to his Friends on Various Occasions, A New Edition [Combe forgeries] | London: G. Kearsly; J. Johnson; T. Evans 1775 | Oates.386 |
Letters from Yorick to Eliza | London: W. Johnson, 1773 | CCD.5.185 |
Letters from Yorick to Eliza. A New Edition | London: J. Kearsley; T. Evans, 1775 | Oates.385 |
Letters from Yorick to Eliza | London: T. Evans, 1775 | Oates.376 [Item 1] |
Sterneana: Anthologies of extracts | ||
The Beauties of Sterne … Selected for the Heart of Sensibility, 1st edition | London: T. Davies; J. Ridley; W. Flexney; J. Sewel; G. Kearsley, 1782 | Oates.109 |
The Beauties of Sterne … Selected for the Heart of Sensibility, 10th edition | London: G. Kearsley, 1787 | CCD.5.220 |
Sterneana: Early Pamphlets and Shandean Imitations | ||
The Clockmakers Outcry against the Author of the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy | London: J. Burd, 1760 | Oates.434 |
Explanatory Remarks upon the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy ... By Jeremiah Kunastrokius | London: E. Cabe, 1760 | Oates.431 |
The Life and Amours of Hafen Slawkenbergius, Author of the Institute of Noses | London: W. Flexney, 1762 | Oates.367 [Item 2 in volume: thumbnail page 3] |
The Life and Opinions of Bertram Montfichet, Esq.; Written by Himself, volume 1 | London: C.G. Seyffert [1761] | Oates.439 |
The Life and Opinions of Bertram Montfichet, Esq.; Written by Himself, volume 2 | London: C.G. Seyffert [1761] | Oates.440 |
George Stayley, The Life and Opinions of an Actor. A Real History, in Two Real Volumes [2 volumes in 1] | Dublin: G. Faulkner; London: J. Hinton, 1762 | Hib.7.762.26 |
The Life, Travels, and Adventures, of Christopher Wagstaff, Gentleman, Grandfather to Tristam Shandy, volume 1 | London: J. Hinxman, 1762 | Oates.441 |
The Life, Travels, and Adventures, of Christopher Wagstaff, Gentleman, Grandfather to Tristam Shandy, volume 2 | London: J. Hinxman, 1762 | Oates.442 |
[Richard Griffith], The Triumvirate: Or, the Authentic Memoirs of A. B. and C., volume 1 | London: W. Johnston, 1764 | Oates.445 |
[Richard Griffith], The Triumvirate: Or, the Authentic Memoirs of A. B. and C., volume 2 | London: W. Johnston, 1764 | Oates.446 |
[Richard Griffith], The Posthumous Works of the Celebrated Dr. Sterne, Deceased [2 vols in 1] | London, 1775 [first published 1770] | Oates.417 |
[Richard Griffith], The Koran: Or, Essays, Sentiments, Characters, and Callimachies | Vienna: R. Sammer, 1798 [first published London, 1770] | CCD.18.86 |
Sterneana: Continuations and Sequels of Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey | ||
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Vol. IX [spurious vol. IX] | London: T. Durham, 1766 | CCD.5.92 |
Eugenius', Yorick's Sentimental Journey, Continued. Vol. III [spurious volume 3] | London: S. Bladon, 1769 | Oates.280 |
Eugenius', Yorick's Sentimental Journey, Continued. Vol. IV [spurious volume 4] | London: S. Bladon, 1769 | Oates.281 |
Continuation of Yorick's Sentimental Journey | London, 1788 | 7000.d.1659 |
A Sentimental Journey. Intended as a Sequel to Mr. Sterne's. … By Mr. Shandy, volumes 1 and 2 [in1] | Southampton: T. Baker; London: S. Crowder, 1793 | 7720.d.941-2 |
Tableau sentimental de la France, depuis la Révolution. Par Yoryck, sous le nom de Sterne. Pour servir de suite au Voyage Sentimental, du même auteur. Traduit de l'Anglois. | Londres [?], 1792 | 7000.d.215.6 |
Sterneana: Journey Narratives | ||
[Samuel Paterson], Another Traveller! or Cursory Remarks and Tritical [sic] Observations made upon a Journey through part of the Netherlands in the Year 1766. By Coriat Junior, 2nd edition, volume 1 | London: Johnson and Payne; T. Cadell; J. Robson, 1769 | Oates.455 |
[Samuel Paterson], Another Traveller! or Cursory Remarks and Tritical [sic] Observations made upon a Journey through part of the Netherlands in the Year 1766. By Coriat Junior, 2nd edition, volume 2 | London: Johnson and Payne; T. Cadell; J. Robson, 1769 | Oates.456 |
[Samuel Pratt] Travels Written for the Heart. By Courtney Melmoth, volume 1 | London: John Wallis, 1777 | Oates.469 |
[Samuel Pratt] Travels Written for the Heart. By Courtney Melmoth, volume 2 | London: John Wallis, 1777 | Oates.470 |
[Leonard MacNally], Sentimental Excursions to Windsor and Other Places. | London: J. Walker, 1781 | Oates.482 |
[Jean-Claude Gorjy], Nouveau voyage sentimental | Londres; et se trouve a Paris: Bastine, 1784 | Oates.493 |
[François Vernes], Le voyageur sentimental, ou ma promenade à Yverdun … nouvelle edition | Londres, 1786 | Oates.499 |
[Xavier de Maistre], Voyage autour de ma chambre. Par M. Le C. X******, O.A.S.D.S.M.S. | Paris: Dufart, An 5 1797 | 7000.e.374 |
Sterneana: Afterlives of characters | ||
[Miss Street], The Letters of Maria. To which is added, an account of her death | London: G. Kearsley, 1790 | Oates.506 |
Sterne's Maria; A Pathetic Story. With an Account of her Death, at the Castle of Valerine | London: R. Rusted, 1800 [?] | Oates.536 |
Maria; Or, a Shandean Journey of a Young Lady, through Flanders and France, during the summer of 1822 | London: John Hatchard and Son, 1823 | Rom.35.17 |
Sterneana: Imitative Fragments, Miscellanies, and Jest-Books | ||
Yorick's Meditations upon Various Interesting and Important Subjects | London: R. Stevens, 1760 | Oates.432 |
[Samuel Paterson], Joineriana: Or the Book of Scraps, volume 1 | London: Joseph Johnson, 1772 | Oates.461 |
[Samuel Paterson], Joineriana: Or the Book of Scraps, volume 2 | London: Joseph Johnson, 1772 | Oates.462 |
Yorick's Skull; Or, College Oscitations. With Some Remarks, on the Writings of Sterne, and a Specimen of the Shandean Stile | London: J. Bew, 1777 | 7720.e.9 |
Yorick's Jests: Or, Wit's Common-Place Book ... | London: S. Bladon, 1785? | 7000.d.1174 |
[John Croft] Scrapeana. Fugitive Miscellany | San Souci' [York], 1792 | Oates.524 |
[Isaac Brandon], Fragments: In the Manner of Sterne | London: for the author, sold by Debrett and Murray & Highley, 1797 | Oates.528 |
Sterneana: Poetry | ||
[John Hall-Stevenson], Two Lyric Epistles: One to my Cousin Shandy, on his Coming to Town; and the Other to the Grown Gentlewomen, the Misses of **** | London: R. and J. Dodlsey, 1760 | Oates.430 |
Sentiments on the Death of the Sentimental Mr. Yorick. By One of Uncle Toby's Illegitimate Children | London: Staples Steare, 1768 | Oates.453 |
Ewan Clark, Miscellaneous Poems | London: J. Ware and Son, 1779 | Oates.473 |
Letters and Poems: By the Late John Henderson. With Anecdotes of his Life, by John Ireland | London: J. Johnson, 1786 | VI.12.65 |
[Jane Swinney], A Collection of Poems, by a Young Lady | Rochester: printed at the Phoenix printing office by Gillman and Etherington; London: sold by J. Evans, 1792 | Oates.523 |
Sterneana: Drama, Music, and Song | ||
[Leonard MacNally], Tristram Shandy, a Sentimental, Shandean Bagatelle, in Two Acts | London: S. Bladon, 1783 | Oates.489 |
John Moulds, 'Moulines Maria: A Favourite Ballad Taken from Sterne' | London: S. A. and P. Thompson, 1785? | MR290.a.75.103 |
George Saville Carey, The Dupes of Fancy, or Every Man his Hobby, a New Farce: In Two Acts | London: Alex. Hogg, 1792 | S721.d.79.26 |
John Freeth, The Political Songster; Or, a Touch on the Times, on Various Subjects, and Adapted to Common Tunes | Birmingham: Thomas Pearson, for the author, 1790 | 7720.d.753 |
Critical reactions to Sterne | ||
John Ferriar, Illustrations of Sterne: With other Essays and Verses | For Cadell and Davies, London, by Nicholson, Manchester, 1798 | Oates.532 |
Project Team
PI: Helen Williams (Northumbria University)
Co-I: Mary Newbould (University of Cambridge)
Research Assistants: Katherine Aske; Montana Davies-Shuck
Digital Coordinator: Huw Jones (Cambridge University Library)
Mentor: Paul Goring (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)