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Sanskrit Manuscripts : Navatattvabālāvabodha

Maticandra, Maticandra

Sanskrit Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'> This is a manuscript of the <i>Navatattva</i> with the Gujarati commentary by Maticandra called <i>Navatattvabālavābodha</i>. The <i>Navatattva</i> is a fundamental Śvetāmbara Jain treatise (<i>prakaraṇa</i>) written in Jaina Māhārāṣṭrī Prakrit in verse form. It is available in recensions of various sizes (from 22 to 112 verses). The heart of the work is based on the enumeration of the nine principles (<i>tattva</i>) as listed in the <i>Tattvārthasūtra</i> and is devoted to a systematic exposition of each of them in turn, but the longer recensions have more technicalities. These nine principles are: souls (i.e. sentient entities), non-sentient entities, the inflow of karmic particles into the soul, binding of karmic particles to the soul, stopping the inflow of karmic particles, the falling away of the karmic particles and liberation from worldly (karmic) bondage. The <i>Navatattva</i> is one of the works which is learnt among the first ones in the curriculum of Śvetāmbara mendicants even today. The Gujarati commentary is by Maticandra. In the colophon of the work he gives his sectarian affiliation: he is a member of the Vidhipakṣa, another name for the Añcalagaccha, a monastic order of the Śvetāmbaras. This manuscript could be an autograph. One Maticandra from the same monastic order is said to have written a Gujarati commentary on the <i>Śataka</i>, a <i>Karmagrantha</i> by Devendrasūri and is ascribed to the second part of the 17th century. He is probably the same as this one (Parshva 1968: 402; Desai vol. 2: 269-270). </p>

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