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<p style='text-align: justify;'>This fragment consists of two folios from different parts of a Gospel book, copied in the 13th or 14th century. One folio contains part of the Gospel of Matthew, the other some short supplementary texts to accompany the Gospel of Mark, comprising two introductory hypotheses and two verse epigrams.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dr Christopher Wright</p>
Gospel book (Cambridge, University Library, MS Add. 1879.24)
This fragment consists of two folios from different parts of a Gospel book, copied in the 13th or 14th century. One folio contains part of the Gospel of Matthew, the other some short supplementary texts to accompany the Gospel of Mark, comprising two introductory hypotheses and two verse epigrams.
Dr Christopher Wright
Information about this document
Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
Classmark: Cambridge, University Library, MS Add. 1879.24
Note(s): Gregory-Aland 675; Von Soden ε 446; Scrivener Evan. 621; f. 1r-1v contains part of the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 26:20-39); f. 2r-2v contains supplementary texts for the Gospels of Matthew and Mark
Extent: Fragment (leaves) 2 Leaf height: 205 mm, width: 137 mm.
Material: Parchment, of medium thickness and quality
Format: Codex
Condition: There is some creasing and water staining.
The main text was copied in a mixed minuscule script, slanting slightly to the right, in brown ink, with modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscript word endings appear only at the end of lines in the Gospel text (f. 1r-1v), but throughout the line in the supplementary texts (f. 2r-2v). Breathings are round and mute iota is absent or in a transitional position below and to the right of the preceding letter. There is decorative use of the double dot, and nomina sacra are unaccentuated. Horizontal strokes are placed above proper names.
Punctuation used includes the upper point, middle comma, question mark and full stop.
Headings and notes were written in the same style in orange ink.
Layout: A single column of 25 lines. Written height: 130 mm, width: 90 mm. Pricking survives in the lower margin, but has mostly been lost to cropping. Ruled in hardpoint, type Leroy 34D1. Text hangs from the lines.
Decoration: The beginnings of sections are marked by minor initials in brown ink. The end of the supplementary text is marked by a simple vignette in orange ink (f. 2v). Headings are accompanied by space-fillers in orange ink
Additions: As part of the original production of the text, the scribe has added marginal κεφάλαιον (chapter) numbers and titles (τίτλοι) to the Gospel text, and included a lection note in the main line of text (f. 1r). The scribe has also placed a marginal note alongside an epigram identifying it as being in the heroic metre (f. 2v). The fragment has been marked with the present classmark and the former classmarks T.6.1 (f. 1r) and T.6.2 (f. 2r).
Provenance: Owned by the Biblical scholar Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874).
Origin: The style of script suggests that the fragment was copied in the 13th or 14th century.
Acquisition: Bought by the University Library from Tischendorf's executors 23 February 1876.
Funding: The Polonsky Foundation
Author(s) of the Record: Christopher Wright
Gregory, Caspar René, Novum Testamentum Graece : ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit apparatum criticum apposuit Constantinus Tischendorf. Vol. 3, Prolegomena, ed. Constantin von Tischendorf, Ezra Abbot and Fenton John Anthony Hort 8th (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1894).
Gregory, Caspar René, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1900).
Easterling, Patricia E., "Hand-list of the additional Greek manuscripts in the University Library, Cambridge", Scriptorium 16 2 302-323 (1962).
Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose, Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (Project Gutenberg, 2011) 1.
Section shown in images 3 to 4
Title: Hypothesis to Mark
Note(s): Ed. von Soden, pp. 323-324 [123]; At the foot of f. 2r the ornamented rubric "Ἐν ἀρχὴ ἦν ὁ λόγος καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος" is inserted, but the text continues on f. 2v.
Note(s): Gregory-Aland 675; Von Soden ε 446; Scrivener Evan. 621; f. 1r-1v contains part of the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 26:20-39); f. 2r-2v contains supplementary texts for the Gospels of Matthew and Mark
Extent: Fragment (leaves) 2 Leaf height: 205 mm, width: 137 mm.
Material: Parchment, of medium thickness and quality
Format: Codex
Condition: There is some creasing and water staining.
The main text was copied in a mixed minuscule script, slanting slightly to the right, in brown ink, with modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscript word endings appear only at the end of lines in the Gospel text (f. 1r-1v), but throughout the line in the supplementary texts (f. 2r-2v). Breathings are round and mute iota is absent or in a transitional position below and to the right of the preceding letter. There is decorative use of the double dot, and nomina sacra are unaccentuated. Horizontal strokes are placed above proper names.
Punctuation used includes the upper point, middle comma, question mark and full stop.
Headings and notes were written in the same style in orange ink.
Layout: A single column of 25 lines. Written height: 130 mm, width: 90 mm. Pricking survives in the lower margin, but has mostly been lost to cropping. Ruled in hardpoint, type Leroy 34D1. Text hangs from the lines.
Decoration: The beginnings of sections are marked by minor initials in brown ink. The end of the supplementary text is marked by a simple vignette in orange ink (f. 2v). Headings are accompanied by space-fillers in orange ink
Additions: As part of the original production of the text, the scribe has added marginal κεφάλαιον (chapter) numbers and titles (τίτλοι) to the Gospel text, and included a lection note in the main line of text (f. 1r). The scribe has also placed a marginal note alongside an epigram identifying it as being in the heroic metre (f. 2v). The fragment has been marked with the present classmark and the former classmarks T.6.1 (f. 1r) and T.6.2 (f. 2r).
Provenance: Owned by the Biblical scholar Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-1874).
Origin: The style of script suggests that the fragment was copied in the 13th or 14th century.
Acquisition: Bought by the University Library from Tischendorf's executors 23 February 1876.
Funding: The Polonsky Foundation
Author(s) of the Record: Christopher Wright
Gregory, Caspar René, Novum Testamentum Graece : ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit apparatum criticum apposuit Constantinus Tischendorf. Vol. 3, Prolegomena, ed. Constantin von Tischendorf, Ezra Abbot and Fenton John Anthony Hort 8th (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1894).
Gregory, Caspar René, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1900).
Easterling, Patricia E., "Hand-list of the additional Greek manuscripts in the University Library, Cambridge", Scriptorium 16 2 302-323 (1962).
Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose, Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (Project Gutenberg, 2011) 1.
Note(s): Ed. von Soden, pp. 323-324 [123]; At the foot of f. 2r the ornamented rubric "Ἐν ἀρχὴ ἦν ὁ λόγος καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος" is inserted, but the text continues on f. 2v.