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Cairo Genizah : Legal document

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Recto: legal document from the Fusṭāṭ Bet Din, dated 18 Iyyar 1409 (= 22 April 1098 CE), regarding a financial claim made by Joseph b. Isaac against Abū Manṣūr Aaron b. Mevasser. Witnessed by Nathaniel b. Yefet, Nissim b. Nahray, and Isaac b. Samuel. Verso: continuation of a legal document starting at the bottom of Add.3420 verso, dated 15 Iyyar 1409 (= 19 April 1098 CE) in Fusṭāṭ. David b. Yaʾir testifies that he was in the synagogue on a certain Wednesday, 10th of the month, when Karīma bat ʿAmmār, known as Wuḥša the broker, went there and asked Moses the teacher and Maʿālī ha-Kohen, brother of the sexton, why the judge ʿUlla ha-Levi b. Joseph had summoned her. She was told it was because she owed ʿUlla 5 qirāṭs, but had neglected to appear in court when he had tried to legally recover the money from her. Karīma reportedly expressed surprise that ʿUlla was making such a fuss about a relatively small sum of money. Written and signed by Nissim b. Nahray, and witnessed by Isaac b. Samuel and Abraham b. Šemaʿya.</p>

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