This sketchbook contains many of Martens' drawings and paintings from his time aboard the Beagle. They begin in January 1834, and the sketchbook remained in use after Martens' association with the Beagle had come to an end, during his voyage from South America via a number of Pacific Ocean islands to New Zealand and Australia. The last sketch made while Martens was part of the Beagle crew is Add 7984: 38, one of a set made after their arrival in Valparaiso in August 1834.
A coastal land/seascape with seabirds and human figures possibly fishing, and a note of the time of day.
The sky is blank, and in the upper part annotated: "bright morning sky.- sun just rising-". In the lower part of the sky there is some indication of distant cirrus cloud, with a small cumulus bank in the centre right showing between a prominent conical rock in the centre left, and a vaguely indicated rounded hill on the right. The horizon is otherwise the sea. A V-shaped formation of birds flies in front of the conical rock. To the left, a boat with some indication of masts and rigging is shown head-on to the viewer in a rippling sea. To the right, a small canoe-like boat can be seen, containing two human figures, the one on the left seated facing right, possibly fishing, while the other stands facing away from the viewer, holding an oar in his left hand, and pointing to the right. The figures are wearing light tunics with striped sleeves, and dark trousers.
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A botanical drawing of a plant in flower.
The flowers are coloured brown inside, yellow-brown outside, with a white bar across the centre. The plant has a tall thin stem, coloured brown, and grey-green mottled leaves, ovate in shape. The root system is shown in detail, coloured pale brown.
The tidal zone of the Santa Cruz river inlet, and the exploring party.
The rocky elevated foreground runs from low in the left-hand corner to a higher point on the right-hand edge of the picture, shadows indicating that the sun is shining from the right. Behind and below the rocky foreground, three small canoe-like boats float close together on calm water. The leftmost and middle boats each contain two seated figures, while the rightmost has five on board, one standing pointing rightwards, the others seated, one attending to the boat's thin mast. To his left the tops of what may be two barrels are visible, and another figure, standing at the water's edge leaning towards the boat. In the midground from the right to the left centre of the picture, a sandy or muddy flat juts out into the water, with an indication of grasses and bushes at intervals along the water's edge; further back, a similar bank projects from the left-hand edge to the centre of the picture. Between these promontories the river zigzags to invisibility in the near distance, in front of the background landscape. From right to left, though not quite to the left-hand edge, low hills rise to two main flat-topped formations with abruptly vertical brows; in the centre and right above and between them there is some indication of cumulus clouds. At the left edge of the picture, other more distant low hills are visible, with a vague indication of cumulus cloud above them. Slightly higher in the sky hangs a thin bank of cumulo-cirrus cloud, stretching rightwards over the main central flat-topped hill.
A landscape a further inland up the inlet.
High-rising square-shaped rocks at the left-hand and right-hand edges of the picture, in the near midground, frame a view of two principal flat-topped hills to the left and the centre right of the more distant midground, with vertical brows and gentler slopes falling away from them to almost meet in the centre of the picture. The right-hand hill appears to be the hill in the centre of Add 7984: 3r. The low saddle formed by the central near-meeting point allows a line of sight to a horizon of more distant but similar flat-topped hills with vertical brows running from the left centre to the right centre of the background. The gentler slopes below all these escarpments lead down to the winding river, which zigzags into visibility as it comes through the saddle point, eventually flowing rightwards towards the right foreground of the picture. The left to centre of the foreground is strewn with a jumble of flat-faced highly angular blocks of rock, with slight impressions of tufts of grass between them. There is little other indication of vegetation. Nor is there much shadow shown, and the sky is blank; small areas of shadow on the edges of the brows of the two principal hills as they turn away parallel to the line of sight, and similarly on the ridge-lines of the slopes descending from them, together with the absence of visible shadow cast by the rocks in the left foreground, suggest that the sun is shining from directly behind the viewer, and is high in the sky.
A river-valley landscape, further inland; annotated with instructions for colouring.
Double page panorama. The background is again occupied by flat-topped rocks with vertical brows above gentler slopes leading down into the midground, where the flat zone of the riverside or a dried portion of the riverbed stretches, with some indication of scattered grasses and small bushes growing in it. There is an impression of distant stratus and cumulo-cirrus cloud over the centre of the horizon in Add 7984: 5r. Colouring instructions on Add 7984: 5r below the bushes in the left centre read: "bright greenish yellow", and further below: "tufts of hummock[?] grasses on a greyish ground"
A river-valley landscape, in a similar location to Add 7984: 4v-5r, but closer to the riverside.
Double page panorama. The water of the river fills the foreground-midground; occasional small rounded rocks project through the surface. The main feature of Add 7984: 5v is rocky ground rising from water's edge to the left-hand edge of the picture, which terminates in the centre left of the folio, with some indication of bushes scattered on the surface, and annotated: "rocks, dark grey highest bright & yellowish brown with bushes of a dull green". In the background from the right-hand edge, a horizon of low hills annotated: "purplish", leads into folio Add 7984: 6r, and to the main feature in its centre background, which is a long flat-topped hill stretching to the right-hand edge of the picture, with a vertical brow above more gently sloping ground which leads down to the riverside. There is an indication of scanty vegetation on the far bank, annotated: "very[?] bright yellow dotted with dark bushes"; above this, the slope itself is annotated: "reaching[?] into purples", and to the right of this below the brow: "occasional spaches of bright yellow on the top of the flat"; the brow itself is annotated: "dark yellowish grey", while the annotation above the flat top to the right, the annotation reads: "more bright yellow".
A river valley landscape.
The foreground contains an indistinct indication of the river's edge, lined with occasional grass tufts, immediately behind which stretches a blank strip, annotated: "Step of flat ground". Behind this, low rounded hills rise to a horizon of flat-topped hills with vertical brows running from the left to the centre of the picture. To their right the horizon is occupied by less dramatically sloping hills in front of a flat horizon line which recedes into the distance at the right-hand edge. The sky is blank, and there is almost no indication of vegetation.
A river valley landscape, showing vegetation, and with colouring instructions.
A horizon of rounded and/or sloping hilltops, lowest in the right centre, runs across the whole picture, beneath a few cumulus clouds, above which some cirrus cloud is indicated. In the midground at the foot of the hills, in front of an impression of scanty small bushes, the river is denoted by a thin wash of pale blue in the left and centre of the picture, but remains uncoloured rightwards of that as it recedes from the viewer. On the near bank patches of low bushes are indicated, in front of which the foreground in the left and centre is almost blank, but creates an impression of a slightly undulating sandbank or mudflat. This area is annotated: "foreground shaded with a dark purplish brown". In the right foreground there are some small jagged rocks.
A river valley landscape, including some of the exploring party.
The sky contains a vague indication of cirrus and/or cirrus-cumulus clouds in the centre over a horizon-line of hills, more rounded and conical to the left, flatter topped to the right, of a bend in the river. The far bank on the left is low and sloping, with an indication of lines of low bushes, annotated: "very light". The hills on the left are annotated: "greenish-grey", those in the background centre: "purple into greenish grey". The hills on the right are annotated: "broken parts light grey". Near the river bank in the midground centre running towards the right-hand edge of the picture, there is a low grassy mound with vegetation sprouting from it, annotated: "Sand with large tufts of dead grass and dark bushes". The annotation below this reads: "Sand and a patchy[?] watercourse" - referring to a small inlet from the river shown in the centre and right of the foreground. Moored in here against the foot of the low mound are three small boats, two of them mostly hidden behind that closest to the viewer. One of the boats has a thin mast and a single guyrope. On the bank of the low mound there are two human figures, the leftmost leaning against the prow of one of the boats, the other standing facing him. In the left centre of the foreground, a small rock projects from the water, to the left of which the riverbank is vaguely indicated rising to the left-hand edge of the picture, with a bush growing halfway up the slope.
A river valley landscape and vegetation, also showing the explorers' boats; with colouring instructions, and note of time of day and weather.
The annotation in the top centre reads: "S.W. clear afternoon shown before sunset". The sky is blank; faint shading here and there suggests that the sun is shining from the right, ie the north-west. The horizon-line of flattish and sloping hills is annotated in the centre: "purplish but light". The midground is occupied by lower and flatter ground, with an indication of distant bushes on the surface especially to the centre right, above a vertical cliff face annotated in the left centre: "rock yellow clay or volute". The annotation to the left of this reads: "rather greener than the cliffs but great arcades of colours". In front of this backdrop, the river bends from the left foreground via the right midground and the centre midground back to its point of disappearance on the right, annotated in the centre: "very blue water". The annotation below and to the left of this reads: "not coloured in the bight". In the right centre of the midground, against the low rise of the far bank, are the three boats, the masted one leftmost and seen nearly head-on, the others seen side-on. The centre and right of the foreground consists of the rough ground of the nearside riverbank, in which occasional grasses or small bushes are growing; this area is annotated: "rich browns greys".
A river valley landscape and vegetation, showing the explorers' boats; with colouring instructions, and note of the time of day and weather.
The sky is blank, annotated: "Clear afternoon sky, east view". The horizon from the left to the left centre consists of a line of rounded and occasionally jagged hills, above which the annotation reads: "orange in purple shadow but nothing light". Below this, the annotation: "line of bright light" refers to the upper surface of the ground nearer to the viewer, which slopes down to the water's edge. Further below, the slope itself is annotated: "grey", and "warm shadow". In the foreground in front of these slopes there is more sloping ground with occasional scanty growths of grass and small bushes. The river itself occupies the left centre to right of the foreground-midground, and is almost blank, annotated: "water same as sky but with touches of blue to mark the rapids". The three boats, the masted one on the right of the group, are visible but small in the centre midground. The centre-right of the background contains a vague indication of the far bank of the river, lined with occasional bushes, behind which there are low flattish hills running from the centre to the centre right. To the right of these, two more pronounced hills rise near the right-hand edge of the picture. The annotation above the flatter hills reads: "breadth of warm light".
A river valley landscape, with colouring instructions.
The annotation at the top reads: "grey morning with yellowish light over the mountains". The annotation immediately over the distant horizon reads: "snowy and blue"; this horizon consists of a very faint indication of jagged hills, somewhat more pronounced on the left. The left midground shows darker sloping and undulating ground, annotated: "deep blue". In the right midground, the land rises steadily, the annotation reading: "with[?] purples". Between these midground features, a darkly pencilled strip indicates the wide low rockfaces forming the distant far bank of the river. The river bends leftwards then rightwards through the centre midground into the right foreground. The left midground and all of the nearest foreground are occupied by low land at the river's edge, slightly undulating and sprouting occasional grasses or small bushes; the annotation in the left midground reads: "coming shore greenish".
A view of the distant peaks of the Andes.
The distant peaks are shown jagged and white, running from the left to the right-hand edge of the picture. On the very left of the picture, the line of sight to the Andes is blocked by a dark flat topped hill with steep slopes. In the right centre, in front of and below the background hill-line, there is a darker pyramidal or conical rock. Across the whole midground, a dark horizontal line indicates a strip of flat ground and/or water, maybe representing the river or riverbank. The foreground is flat with some indication of occasional vegetation from the left centre to centre, and again on the far right. Between these clumps, in the right centre, a more pronounced group of small bushes is growing. The whole of the midground and foreground is drawn in dark pencil to emphasise the whiteness of the distant peaks.
A valley landscape, with a view of the distant peaks of the Andes, with colouring instructions.
A small part of this picture trails onto Add 7984: 12v, showing a rocky outcrop with a man standing on top of it, with what looks like a large bird to his left. The man faces right, and thus looks out on the vista of Add 7984: 13r. This vista shows, on the left, a horizon of distant jagged hills, annotated: "Snowy peaks". In the centre and right, the horizon consists of the outlines of closer hills, their surfaces almost blank; the annotation above them in the left centre reads: "afternoon / bright light catching on the distant mountains". Across the whole midground, a ridge approaches the viewer from left to right, with some indication of occasional clusters of bushes on top, annotated on the right: "in warm shadow". What may be the course of the river is visible only on the right centre and right of the midground. The foreground shows the nearside bank of the river as a darkly pencilled strip of small bushes and grasses, in front of which an expanse of rough level ground is annotated in the centre: "very light".
A river valley landscape with vegetation and colouring instructions; with a view of the Andes in the distance, and a note of the time of day.
The sky is annotated: "Evening", below which in the left centre of Add 7984: 14r there is some indication of cumulo-cirrus clouds. On Add 7984: 13v, the picture occupies only the centre and right, the left side of the folio being blank. In the background centre, the horizon is a line of flat topped hills, whose upper slopes are very steep; behind the rightmost hills some cumulus clouds are visible. The annotation in the centre right reads: "purple with color on the hights", below which runs a lower flat topped rocky ridge with steep sides, annotated "greenish", below which in the centre midground another flat topped ridge is annotated: "brownish green with a bright line at top". This ridge slopes down steeply in the centre right of the midground to an expanse of rough level ground at the river's edge, constituting a large promontory, or perhaps even an islet, with many patches of low vegetation indicated, annotated in the centre at the water's edge: "very bright yellow with dark bushes". To the left of this and again at the right-hand edge of the folio is the annotation: "water". In the foreground the near riverbank is rocky with a small gnarled dead-looking tree and a tuft of grass. The river is washed pale blue, and the main expanses of water appear calm, stretching through foreground-midground on Add 7984: 13v, and continuing across most of Add 7984: 14r, bending back and forth into the distant midground on both folios. On Add 7984: 14r, in the foreground the nearside riverbank stretches diagonally to the right-hand edge of the picture, with a tuft of grass on the left, a cluster of bushes and grass in the centre, and a bush further right at the water's edge. The foreground is annotated: "sandy bank - with bushes of a light brown green, and grey dead ones.- tufts of grass - but much sand showing". In the water at the centre, just to the left of the cluster of bushes, slight pencilling indicates an area marked "rapids" near the left-hand side of the main bend in river, where the expanse of rough level ground depicted in Add 7984: 13v projects into Add 7984: 14r, and is annotated: "beach". Similar beachy expanses occur on other bends in the river as it recedes towards the background. A pair of low ridges in Add 7984: 14r mirror the low ridge shown in Add 7984: 13v, though there is some indication of vegetation on top of these two. The nearer of them stretches from the right-hand edge of the folio to the centre, the more distant from the right-hand edge well into the left. On Add 7984: 14r behind these ridges, the "greenish" rocky ridge of Add 7984: 13v continues, slightly receding and becoming more rocky across whole of the distant midground. Similarly the more distant ranges of hills continue from Add 7984: 13v across 14r, but fall away at the right-hand edge of the picture, providing a line of sight to distant jagged hills annotated: "Snowy peaks". Cumulus clouds are shown above the horizon in the left and centre of Add 7984: 14r, at the right-hand edge of which the annotation reads: "blue not snowy", and to the right of that: "small distant parts show very blue". The line of sight looks SW, with the Andes in distance to the W, with the sun coming in from low in the NW, ie onto the right-facing surfaces, but there is little indication of shadow, except perhaps on the flat ground and the slope in the lee of the second ridge on the right of the picture; the river is flowing towards the viewer.
A multi-part panorama of the whole 360 horizon, with compass points, and including a glimpse of the distant Andes, vegetation, a note of exploring party's itinerary, and other annotations.
Add 7984: 14v-15r, upper panorama: The horizon consists of peaks, more jagged and with some gaps on Add 7984: 14v. The sky in the centre and right of Add 7984: 14v contains cumulus clouds. In the centre, the annotation records the compass point "W." above a prominent conical rock, to whose left the annotation reads: "opening". The annotation at the left-hand edge of Add 7984: 14v similarly reads: "opening", above the number "0", below which there is an illegible annotation. Below the line of distant mountains stretches a flat strip of land in the midground and foreground, with a clump of bushes growing to the left of the line of view to the prominent conical rock. There are other vaguer indications of more distant vegetation to its right. This flattish strip continues across the whole of Add 7984: 15r, sloping and somewhat less even, and with much more of the bushy vegetation. In the centre of Add 7984: 15r the tops of more distant hills are just visible, annotated: "Snowy". At the right-hand edge of Add 7984: 15r is the number "1".
Add 7984: 14v-15r, lower panorama: The sky in Add 7984: 14v is blank, while in Add 7984: 15r cloud is vaguely indicated in the left centre. The annotation in the left centre reads: "South / X". The horizon of 14v continues the line of middle-distant hills, which become increasingly uneven to the right, and descend to the left-hand edge of Add 7984: 15r, where the annotation reads: "opening". Through this gap, more distant jagged peaks are visible, annotated: "Snowy". The horizon on Add 7984: 15r is much more uneven, and is annotated in the centre: "6400", and "Snowy tops". At the right-hand edge the number "0" indicates the point of contact between this and the upper panorama. The midground and foreground continue the flattish strip of ground from the upper panorama, with bushy vegetation indicated on Add 7984: 14v from the left to the centre, and on Add 7984: 15r in the left centre and right centre.
Add 7984: 15v-16r, upper panorama: On the left of Add 7984: 15v, the number "1" indicates the point of contact with the previous portion of the panorama; the right-hand end of Add 7984: 16r is marked "11". The right-hand edge of Add 7984: 15v is annotated: "East", but in the centre above the horizon the annotation reads: "N". The horizon of Add 7984: 15v shows elevated ground forming two ridges, with quite even surfaces; on Add 7984: 16r the more distant of these two lines rises into a low hill from the left to the centre right. Another contour rises to the right into a flat topped hill at the right-hand edge. The midground and foreground continue the roughly level strip of ground, the vegetation being scanty on Add 7984: 15v, and much more abundant on Add 7984: 16r.
Add 7984: 15v-16r, lower panorama, from the mark "11" to the mark "111". The horizon line of relatively even topped elevated land declines and recedes gradually from the left of Add 7984: 15v to the right of Add 7984: 16r. The foreground is barely indicated on Add 7984: 15v. On Add 7984: 16r it is slightly more firmly indicated, with three clumps of grass and other low vegetation in the centre, the centre right, and the right. The annotation on the left centre to centre of Add 7984: 16r reads: "near and a gentler rise".
Add 7984: 16v-17r, upper panorama, from the mark "111" to the mark "1111". The sky is blank. The compass point recorded on the right of Add 7984: 16v is "E.". The horizon rises from nothing in the distance on the left to an even-topped elevated ridge with some steep upper slopes. The midground and foreground are barely indicated; the annotation on 17r reads: "near ground with bushes". A lower and closer second ridge starts to the right on Add 7984: 17r.
Add 7984: 16v-17r, lower panorama, from the mark "1111" to "South / X" The horizon and ridge lines continue in similar vein, but both tend to become more broken from the right of Add 7984: 16v rightwards. The midground and foreground are again barely indicated; the annotation in the right centre of 16v reads: "near ground with bushes". A general annotation in vertical orientation in lower right area of Add 7984: 17r reads: "The expedition left the ship April 18th arrived at the farthest point May 4th and returned to the ship May 8th having traced the river in a western direction a distance of". The annotation in the top right reads: "The level of the river 400. feet above the sea".
A river estuary landscape with vegetation, and a colouring instruction.
Add 7984: 17v consists of a distant low perhaps vegetated horizon on the far (southern) bank of the river, almost flat, a very thin double strip of pencil fading from left to right to almost nothing. On Add 7984: 18r, the riverbank strip of land expands from near nothing into the left midground to a more substantial indication of a roughly level ridge topped with vegetation in the centre, but fades again towards the right. Behind this strip in the right centre and right a hill rises steeply, dotted with occasional vegetation; behind this more distant similar rocky hills are visible, terminating in the centre left of the folio with a conical hill. The sky on both folios is blank. The sun seems to be shining from the left, ie approximately from the east/north east, which would imply the sketch was made early in the morning. The annotation in the base right centre of 18r reads: "Second cliffs very white".
A coastal settlement.
The main feature, standing in the left and left centre of the picture, is a timber frame thatched single storey building, with six somewhat irregularly spaced wooden uprights, a small barred window between the third and fourth uprights from the left, and a veranda at the right end. The thatched roof is 'anvil'-shaped, i.e., the lower part pitched inwards and the upper part back outwards. The walls appear to be of horizontal timber boarding. In the foreground there are two treestumps, the left-hand one below the window, sawn off, the right-hand one closer to the viewer, leaning and broken, with new foliage beginning to sprout. To the left of both stumps there are tall tufts of grass. To the right of the building, two human figures stand close to the veranda, at the upper end of ground which slopes downwards from the centre to the right centre of the picture to lower rough level ground in the right of the picture, marked with more tufts of grass. At the left-hand edge of the lower level ground and at the right-hand edge of the picture are two more sawn or broken treestumps; new foliage is sprouting to the right of the first of these. Behind the building a verdant slope, falling from left to right and also just visible to the left of the roof, appears behind the right-hand side of the roof, covered with much shrubby vegetation and about nine trees, all but one of which are tall enough to rise against the blank sky. The trees are shown in leaf, and thus are evergreens, given the midwinter date of the sketch. Lower on the right, more distant ground stretches in front of an expanse of water. The upper rigging of a boat (the Beagle?) is just visible behind the lowest point of the verdant slope. On the far side of the water we can see the very vague indication of a far shoreline backed by low rounded hills. [Remarking on the vegetation of Chiloé Charles Darwin comments in his diary for 29 June 1834: "This resemblance to Tropical scenery is chiefly to be attributed to a sort of arborescent grass or Bamboo, which twines amongst the trees to the height of 30 or 40 feet & renders the woods quite impervious.- to this may be added some large ferns, the trees also are all evergreens, & the stems are variously coloured white, & red &c.-" (from Keynes, R. D., Charles Darwin's Beagle diary, p. 245)]
A human figure.
A small drawing of a figure in a blouse, annotated: "red", and a kneelength skirt, annotated: "blue".
A coastal inlet landscape with vegetation, and a view of the Beagle and Adventure.
In the left midground a flat topped rocky outcrop with a dense covering of shrubs slopes down abruptly to a line of rocks at the water's edge, running from the left centre to the centre of the picture, with three seabirds perched at the midpoint, and two others alighting on the water behind them to their right. In the left and centre of the foreground, there is an inlet, to the left and in the foreground to the front of which lies an uneven shore. The shore ground is dotted with tufts of grass on the left, and in the right centre with a rock from which a small shrub sprouts. In the midground, to the right of the line of rocks and more distant, the Adventure and Beagle are visible, facing left with the small boats off to the right. Behind the boats the far horizon consists of low rounded hills in the centre, rounded bigger hills on the right closer to the viewer. The sky has a very faint indication of what are probably cumulus clouds in the centre, and a line of birds flies diagonally rightwards.
An inland settlement in a woodland setting; with colouring instructions.
The background is occupied by dense leafy woodland, with tree tops of even height in the left and centre of the picture. The trees are not so tall in the centre right and right, and one is apparently broken off. There is a taller clump to the right. In the left midground, the right-hand half of a thatched and probably timber-and-straw single storey building is depicted, with a human figure squatting at its right-hand end facing the viewer. Further to the right a pig is scavenging in the shadow cast by the building. In the foreground the ground slopes gently from left to centre, with a scattering of grass clumps. In front of the building there are two possibly dead thin treetrunks with no remaining branches or foliage. The annotation reads: "this cottage - new and of a light brown", and below that: "The houses have no chimneys, and the smoke issues from all parts of the roof -". In the centre midground, to the right of the building and behind the human figure and the pig, there is some indication of fencing installed in front of the woodland, to the right of which stands a second single-storey building, apparently constructed with timber uprights, with a somewhat 'anvil'-shaped roof as in Add 7984: 18ar. The right-hand half of this building is obscured by a rectangular open-fronted stockade of upright tree stems of uneven heights. There are clumps of grass in the foreground below the second building and the stockade, below which the annotation reads: "black with smoke".
A female figure in a domestic context, with colouring instructions.
A young woman with long dark hair squats or sits with her legs hidden under her skirt, facing right, with arms crossed on her knees. Her clothing is annotated: "white shift and blue petticoat". Around her to the front and right there is a jumble of objects, most of which are indistinct, but which include on the right a jar with a closed lid, and a jug. Further behind, a tabletop is indicated, on which there is a square box with a closed lid, with perhaps a plate on top of it, and a bigger jug to its right. Superimposed at the right, and not part of the same drawing, there is a vague silhouette of a standing figure.
A female figure and a male figure in a domestic context, with colouring instructions.
The female figure, possibly the same young woman as in Add 7984: 21r, is standing in the centre right of the picture, barefoot, with plaited hair, a shin-length skirt, and a dress very similar to that in Add 7984: 21r. Behind her is a jumble of objects, including on the left an overturned barrel and on the right a smaller upright barrel, a low seat and some wickerwork, possibly a chairback. In the background, there is some indication of a wall with a wooden upright and horizontal timber boarding. In the centre of the picture, a wooden upright to the left of the overturned barrel separates her from the male figure, who is seated on a wooden seat, and closer than her to the viewer, in the left centre. He is barefoot, and has a cap, long dark wavy hair, and clothing as annotated to the left: "blue trousers - black poncho with narrow red and yellow stripes - light coloured shift with light brown stripes".
A coastal land/seascape with seabirds and human figures possibly fishing, and a note of the time of day.
The sky is blank, and in the upper part annotated: "bright morning sky.- sun just rising-". In the lower part of the sky there is some indication of distant cirrus cloud, with a small cumulus bank in the centre right showing between a prominent conical rock in the centre left, and a vaguely indicated rounded hill on the right. The horizon is otherwise the sea. A V-shaped formation of birds flies in front of the conical rock. To the left, a boat with some indication of masts and rigging is shown head-on to the viewer in a rippling sea. To the right, a small canoe-like boat can be seen, containing two human figures, the one on the left seated facing right, possibly fishing, while the other stands facing away from the viewer, holding an oar in his left hand, and pointing to the right. The figures are wearing light tunics with striped sleeves, and dark trousers.
A 'test card' of watercolours.
Watercolour. The strip of colours passes from pale yellow at the right-hand end via various browns to dark brown in the lower left of the folio. There is some dark blue in upper left-hand corner.
An inland waterside settlement, showing buildings, vegetation, and inhabitants; with colouring instructions.
The sky is blank above a horizon line of verdant hills, mainly shrubby but with a clump of trees on the left. These hills form the backdrop to a midground occupied by rolling lowland, probably under cultivation, behind a lake or inlet stretching from the centre to the right of the picture. There is a group of small buildings on the shore in the centre left. The expanse of water is partly obscured by the features in the right centre and right of the foreground, where the pitched tiled roofs of two buildings appear above the edge of a rising slope. The walls of these buildings seem to be constructed of large blocks, though this is not consistent with the annotation. Behind both buildings there are clumps of small trees. To their left we can see a rough low fence of thin wooden uprights. In the left centre between the end of this fence and an apparently better constructed more distant fence descending the slope, an opening suggests a pathway. On the left above the fence there is a tall building with timber uprights, in front of which stands a human figure. The timber uprights support a pitched roof with a flat top, behind which rises a tall square tower with a small pitched overhanging roof of its own, and a cupola on its top. More fencing runs from this building up towards the left-hand edge of the picture. Two figures, one with a dark top and light trousers, the other vice versa, walk towards the left-hand edge of the picture, with a small dog and another small animal standing to their left. Above and behind the figures and the fencing other roofs are indicated. The annotation to the left reads: "all the buildings are of wood - colour from lightest green, thro purples to rich brown-".
A street leading to a harbour in a coastal inlet, showing buildings in detail, and some human figures.
The street curves slightly from the right of the foreground to the left centre of the background, with a possible drainage channel edging the pavement area on the left-hand side. It slopes down to a moored boat, behind which lies a second (possibly fishing) boat with an indication of two human figures aboard, and a mast, partly obscured by a building on the right-hand side of the street. In the centre to centre left of the midground is a stretch of open calm water, with a far shore in the background with gently rising hills, above which a line of birds flies towards the viewer. A sailing boat with two or more main masts is indistinctly indicated against the outline of a more distant low hill, above which the sky contains a vague impression of cumulus clouds. This distant vista is framed by the buildings on the two sides of the street. On the left-hand side of street stands a building with horizontal timber boarding and an overhanging probably thatched roof; it appears to have two doors, and near the left-hand edge of the picture a third door or large window. A more distant building is shown, with a pitched roof facing the viewer; nearby, three figures in light upper and dark lower clothing partly obscure the moored boat. On the right-hand side of the street, the rightmost building is faced with horizontal timber boarding, and has a small window and to its left a narrow door leading onto the cobbled paving at the side of the street; higher up is a veranda with an elaborate facade, supported on exposed horizontal timbers and diagonal thrusters. The lowest layer of the roof thatch projects slightly. Behind this building we can see a second building, single storey, with a pitched thatched roof, vertical wallboarding, and narrow doors at its left and right ends. Two figures stand at its right corner, in front of a third building further behind, with a ground-level veranda whose wooden uprights support a pitched roof leading to an upper storey, whose facade is turned away from the viewer, and has an anvil-shaped roof. The uprights of the ground-level veranda partly obscure the fishing boat.
A foreshore landscape, with human figures in a small boat, vegetation, and a building.
In the left foreground lies a rather rocky inlet, on which floats a rowing boat with a flat stern, facing right. The boat has three figures aboard, standing in 'souwesters', one at the stern leaning over the rudder. The right foreground is occupied by roughly even land at the water's edge, sporting a couple of tufts of grass. In the midground across the whole picture, a dense strip of bushes is shown, with more distant trees indicated at the left-hand edge, and four large trees in the left centre. All four trees are in leaf, the two behind being shown in outline only, the other two in some detail. In the centre stands a fifth tree, whose less dense foliage allows a view behind it and above the line of bushes to a darkly pencilled timber and thatched building, with some indication of horizontal wallboarding and a window or door. To its right stands a sixth tree similar to the fifth, between which and the slope of the roof of the building the tops of more distant trees are visible.
A female figure in a domestic-industry context, making cloth.
At work in the centre of the picture is a woman with long dark hair, a necklace, and a dress with dark, possibly striated or multicoloured sleeves rolled up to the elbows. She leans across her loom with arms outstretched to reach the working part. The cloth under production seems to be white and unpatterned. The loom is horizontal and sketched with only one upright being shown in full. Behind the figure at work, the back wall of the building is shown, with timber uprights and mainly horizontal timber wallboarding indicated. In the centre right there is a small oblong window, below which on the floor a small tub stands. A rough plank has been leant up obliquely to the ceiling in front of the window; to its right is probably a tied-up roll of cloth. Further to the right stands a bigger upright cylindrical slightly conical possibly wicker tub, and to the right of that a large sturdy wooden cupboard stretches to the edge of the picture. It reaches to approximately the height of the windowsill, with a small bowl on top at its left-hand corner and a wicker basket to its right. To the left of the leaning plank utensils are vaguely indicated, hanging from the ceiling and the upper wall. Further to the left a probably completed cloth hangs on an upright frame. At the left-hand edge of the picture what may be an unfastened roll of cloth is propped up. The ceiling is shown across the whole of the very top of the picture, and is constructed of timber joists and horizontal laths. Add 7984: 27v contains a roughly drawn ellipse.
A shoreline landscape, with small boats, and human figures apparently fishing and collecting firewood.
The sky contains some indications in the centre and centre right of cumulus clouds. The background from the left to the centre right of the picture consists of rolling verdant hillsides, with some indication of an area under cultivation in the centre right. The midground shows an expanse of open calm water, with a small rowing boat indistinctly indicated near the left-hand edge of the picture, another closer to the viewer in the left centre facing right, behind which stretches the flat but rocky promontory of the shoreline. The closer boat has one individual aboard, possibly fishing, leaning over the side and facing away from the viewer. Two other individuals, the rightmost probably with a fishing rod, stand on dry land near the bow of the boat. The stern of the boat is obscured behind a figure in the foreground in a poncho and skirt. The figure has long dark hair and faces away from the viewer, carrying three small sticks in the right hand, and at least half a dozen more substantial pieces under the left hand on top of the left shoulder. Another similar figure is bending to the left about to pick up sticks from a disorganised pile sitting near the left-hand edge of the picture. These two figures are standing on a roughly even foreshore which crosses the whole of the foreground. The foreshore has a scattering of tufts of grass, and some bushes and taller trees in leaf. A tree, possibly with a weeping habit, is growing in the right midground, and is tall enough to reach the top of the picture.
A woodland landscape, with colouring instructions.
From the left to centre of the midground, there are half a dozen pale beech- or elder-like and silver-birch-like tree trunks, some leaning; there are other trees less distinctly indicated from the centre right to the right of the picture. The background consists of similar, darker, denser and not individually distinct trees. Some trees are shown in winter defoliation or with only scraps of foliage. The midground trunks rise above a dense undergrowth of low brambles or other low bushes. In the foreground, the fallen lower trunk of a large beech-like tree lies diagonally from the left-hand edge of the picture into the centre right, where the end shows a jagged breakage. Beneath it in the centre there is probably a pond. The centre right to the right of the foreground is filled with more dense undergrowth. At the right-hand edge of the picture, four bamboo-like stems are indicated, apparently broken off. The vertical annotation in the centre reads: "Note - Equilea[?], of a light green approaching to yellow. and in many places touches of light chrome will come in very well.* There is altogether much variety of colour - *particularly upon the stems of the trees -". There is much attention paid to the details of leaf arrangement and shape in the centre near-midground.
A woodland landscape.
The main feature of this picture is a large beech-like tree trunk, sporting occasional scraps of foliage. The tree rises to the top of the picture. In the upper third, a profusion of substantial branches radiates, which to the right appear to have creepers dangling from them. At the foot of the tree lie a couple of broken bamboo-like stems. On both sides of the main tree, the background is full of other trees, many apparently in leaf, but indistinctly depicted. In the centre left of the midground, a similar tree to the main tree is growing a few metres further distant, partly obscured at the left-hand edge of the picture by foreground foliage at all heights from undergrowth up to oak-like leaves in the top left. Towards the left-hand edge, more dangling creepers are visible. At the foot of the second featured tree lies a large fallen branch.
A female figure in a domestic-industry context, making yarn and cloth.
The woman is seated in the centre on what seems to be a slightly raised platform. She has long dark hair, and is wearing a billowing full length dress. She is spinning wool from a bobbin, whose spindle is apparently attached to the floor. Behind her, a wall is indicated, constructed of timber uprights and horizontal timber wallboards, and above it the impression of a ceiling. Cloth hangs from the wall tops, both to her left (vaguely indicated) and to her right, this cloth showing some crisscross patterning. A wicker tub with cloth billowing out stands to the right of the seated figure. The floor is lightly sketched, showing either wooden boards or possibly a cloth covering. To the left of the seated figure the room contains a jumble of indistinctly indicated objects, including possibly an unfastened roll of cloth in the left centre, and in the left background a wicker basket leaning to the right.
A coastal settlement and landscape, and a human figure with [fire?]wood.
The sky contains a vague indication of cumulus clouds in the centre left and centre right, with cirrus between; the sun is shining from behind and somewhat to the right of Martens' vantage point. Rolling verdant hillsides occupy the whole background. They are obscured on the left by trees growing densely in the midground, of uneven height and shown in leaf, thus evergreen given the midwinter date of the picture; sunlight falls onto some of their trunks, forming a kind of arcade. Below and in front of these are smaller dense shrubs and trees, to the right of which there is a line of sight to a small patch of open water. Rough fencing approximately 2m in height runs in front of the water and then along a rising ridge line rightwards to a timber and thatch building, whose walls are faced with upright wooden boarding. A door is indicated on its left-facing aspect; the roof on the main aspect, which faces the viewer, reaches almost to the ground, the overhang being supported on thin wooden uprights. To the right of the building in the distant midground a patch of open water is visible behind a small stretch of rough fencing. The building stands on slightly uneven cleared ground dotted with stumps of felled trees. In the right foreground, there is a large such stump with scraps of regrowth at the base. Towards the midground, on the left at the right-hand edge of the area of bushes, stands the broken-off remnant of a taller slender tree trunk, the broken portion lying to its left. In the centre, on a slight ridge covered with grass tufts, a human figure recedes from the viewer, carrying what are probably sticks of firewood over the left shoulder.
A coastal inlet landscape, showing vegetation, buildings, human figures, and small boats.
The sky is mainly blank, but shows some indication of cumulus clouds over the horizon towards the left-hand and right-hand edges of the picture; the sun is shining from behind and to the right of Martens' vantage point. The horizon on the left consists of distant upland, which stretches behind a verdant ridge, which itself stretches behind a shoreline. A steeply rising promontory in the centre left of the midground casts shadow leftwards onto the water. The promontory has a dense covering of bushes and small trees, and rises in the centre to form the horizon-line, with a row of trees, unevenly spaced, and containing some apparently dead trunks, though most of the trees are shown in leaf, and thus evergreen, given the midwinter date of the picture. These lead to a timber and thatched building in the centre right, with three window or door openings indicated on its longer aspect, which faces diagonally rightwards. Behind and to the right of this building, we see a more distant wooded horizon-line. Below the central horizon trees and the building, a grassy slope leads down to the foreshore; midway down this slope stands a second building, similarly constructed of timber and thatch but with a taller roof, whose upper part rises at a steeper pitch. The walls show upright boarding on the aspect facing diagonally leftwards, and horizontal boarding between a window and a door on the aspect facing diagonally rightwards. At the foot of the promontory lies a roughly even foreshore with areas of grass tufts. A human figure stands at the base of the slope directly below the second building; nearer the viewer, there are two other figures to the left between him and a beached rowing boat, which faces to the left below the steeply rising part of the promontory. In the centre left, a line of three rowing boats facing rightwards float at the water's edge, the rightmost containing one seated or leaning figure, with two other figures standing at its bow. The water is calm. The foreground is occupied from the left to the centre right by an impression of a roughly even beach. In the right foreground, there is a steeply rising mound with copious tufts of grass or other low bushy vegetation with lanceolate leaves.
A hillside landscape with settlements, showing buildings in detail, especially a church in the foreground.
The sky is blank. The horizon provides a background of rounded and sloping hillsides dotted with settlements at all levels. The main feature of the picture is the church in the centre. Its facade is in three sections. The leftmost comprises four stone columns, the top of a grand arched entrance being visible between the middle pair, with a horizontal rebated stone lintel above them. Above this runs a balustrade behind which there is a two-storey belltower over the central pair of columns, the lower storey having two arched windows and the upper a single central arched window. Both storeys of the belltower have pitched roofing against their lower sides, and the tower is topped by a pyramidal roof with a Cross. The middle section of the church facade is plain, and shows some superficial cracking on the left; its grand central arched entrance has a window above it, and the pitch of the roof rises from the balustrade on the left to the height of the top of the lower storey of the belltower, declining again to the right, where the level coincides with that of the foot of a square tower standing on top of the rightmost section of the church. This tower has a single window on each of the two visible aspects, and a pyramidal roof topped with a Cross. Above it the annotation reads: "slate". Below the tower a strip of pitched tiled roofing runs over what is probably a wooden veranda, on which two arched openings are visible. To the right of the main entrance on the centre portion of the church, the facade is obscured by trees and bushes, which are not sketched in any detail. In front of the church and continuing to the left-hand edge of the picture, the tops of other long buildings, with indications of roof tiles, appear behind an outcrop of apparently barren rocky ground. There is an impression of oxen pulling a laden cart rightwards behind a ridge in this outcrop, which falls away steeply from the centre into the centre right in front of the foot of a tall stone building. This building occupies the centre right to the right-hand edge of the picture; a door is vaguely indicated at the left-hand end, along with a ground floor window, and two more firmly sketched first-floor windows below an overhanging wooden balustrade. This borders what is probably a veranda, with a row of nine arched openings, interrupted between the seventh and eighth from the left by an area of horizontal timber wallboarding. The roof is possibly tiled, apparently with two raised tiled vents.
A coastal landscape, with human figures and a view of the Beagle and Adventure; with colouring instructions
Add 7984: 34v consists entirely of vaguely outlined continuations of the main topographical features of Add 7984: 35r. Occasional shadow lines in Add 7984: 35r indicate that the sun is shining diagonally from the left towards the viewer. In the sky, there is an indication of cumulo-cirrus cloud from the centre to the centre right, and a slight similar indication on the left, behind a background horizon composed of lines of jagged hilltops; the annotation on a hill in the left reads: "b", and that on a hill in the right: "blues". These hilltops run behind a line of more even-topped hills stretching from the left to the centre right of the picture, which slope down to the shoreline. A similar and slightly closer line of hills rises smoothly from the centre left to the right of the picture. There is almost no indication of vegetation on any of these background features. The midground shows an expanse of open calm water, with a tripled-masted ship, probably the Beagle, seen side-on in the distance. In the left foreground, rocky elevated ground rises steeply from the left, becoming much more even from the centre left to the right, though there is a rougher rocky mound to the right. Three human figures are shown in a close group in the centre in the distance, one standing in between the other two, who are seated. There is some indication of scanty small bushy vegetation on the rising ground in the left and left centre. The annotations on the right read: "rich red earth", and (in vertical orientation) "deepest shade of ground rich red & thro' reddish brown into yellowish red for the brightest part".
A large coastal settlement in its landscape, with a view of the Beagle; with colouring instructions. Double page panorama.
On Add 7984: 35v the sky contains some indistinct indications of distant cloud behind the background outlines of lines of hills, jagged at the horizon but increasingly less so as they approach the distant shoreline. In the right midground, there is a group of somewhat closer large flat-topped rocks with indications of vegetation growing over them, and further to the fore a ship, probably the Beagle, floats in the bay, nearly head-on to the viewer. Its sails are raised, and to its right beyond the slight shadow cast by the masts, we see a small rowing boat. The foreground consists of a vaguely sketched continuation of the foreground of Add 7984: 36r, which is occupied across its whole width by an uneven foreshore; there are detailed drawings of two clumps of cactus in the left and left centre, to the right of which a tuft of grass is growing, with small bushes increasingly indistinctly sketched towards the right-hand edge of the picture. The sky on Add 7984: 36r is blank, the horizon showing a smoothly rising hill line, with other lines of rolling hills before it. Below the horizon line, on top of a hill in the centre left, what may be a small tower stands isolated. The hills slope down to the far edge of the flat expanse of the coastal plain. On the left, the shoreline of the bay, and to its right the beach, arc rightwards from the midground and back leftwards into the foreground. To the right of the beach, the streets and the mostly single-storey buildings of the town cover the whole of the visible coastal plain. All but the closest buildings are indicated only in outline, and become increasingly indistinct into the distance. The centre right to right of the midground is occupied by an abruptly rising rocky hillock with a group of some half dozen detached single-storey houses at the top. What may be fenced gardens are shown in front and to the left of this group. A slightly zigzag pathway leads down the hillside. On the upper slope, there is a building near the right-hand edge of the picture, and another lower to the left of the path, again showing a fenced garden. Just below this, three figures in a group are walking below a bend in the path, which then passes leftwards to the right of the lowest building on the slope, where another figure is visible. The lowest building is single-storey with a pitched roof, and three openings on the aspect facing the viewer. There is some indication of a fenced garden in front and to the left, in which a figure is standing. The vertically-oriented annotation in the top left reads: "The red and yellow rough generally shows upon the ridges of the hills and up the larger part at the right of the almendrals - The earth is at some parts as dark as this yellow and of deep red - -- The earth on the near hills of a light brown approaching to grey at the lower part - the greens fresh and vivid - distant part of the town 23 & 28". [This last phrase suggests the possibility that Martens is designating some specific shades of colour by numbers.]
A streetscape with buildings drawn in detail, and some indication of local activities.
The picture is confined to Add 7984: 37r. The sky is blank. On the left the horizon consists of the rather faint outline of a couple of rounded hills, below which other similar slightly closer slopes are shown, with some indistinct indication of either natural vegetation or habitation on the ridge-line. On the right the horizon consists of uneven elevated land with a row of mainly single-storey buildings on top. These are quite faintly outlined, though windows and doors are discernible. This land continues into the centre midground, becoming a rocky outcrop or mound with some indication of scrub vegetation on its steeper slopes. On top of this mound there is a cluster of mainly single-storey buildings, shown in some detail, probably constructed of timber with tiled roofs, with an indication of fencing in the centre and to the left. Two human figures appear on the slope below the right-hand end of the cluster of buildings. Below, the rocky mound descends across almost the whole picture towards the foreground. Here, across the whole picture, a row of single-storey buildings runs diagonally towards the viewer from left to right, with a row of other similar but less detailed buildings behind from the centre to the right. The ground rises abruptly at the right-hand edge of the picture; at the left-hand edge, the end of a closer building can be seen. From the left to the centre of the foreground, a jumble of objects occupies the even ground in front of the row of buildings. These objects resemble cannon barrels, or may be tree trunks being prepared for use as main masts or timber uprights for buildings. There is an indication of two adults either side of a child walking away from the viewer to the right of this jumble. The centre to right of the foreground continues the slightly uneven level ground. The main row of buildings consists of six single-storey structures. The leftmost three of these are mostly obscured to upper wall level by the jumble of objects; there is a separate low pile of logs in front of the fourth and fifth buildings from the left. The roofs are pitched and tiled, that of building 4 being of a slightly lower pitch. This building has a plain (thus possibly rendered) front wall, with openings forming a sequence of window-door-window-door-window. This frontage is continuous with that of building 5, which has a plain front wall with a door, above the left-hand corner of which a superficial crack in the rendering can be seen, and a roof which rises further than that of building 4 to an extension at right-angles back from the street. Thus the side of building 5 is partly visible, with a window indicated at the left-hand end of the extension. There is a low washing line with three items hanging on it at the front corner of building, to the right of which and of a window, a plant is growing. Some fencing partly obscures the facade of building 6 below its left-hand window. To the right of this are a door and small window, and either a further thin door or a substantial timber upright. At the right-hand corner of building 6, a small thin-trunked tree rises to gutter-level, and a few logs are piled at the foot of the right-hand corner, partly obscuring a doorway on the right-facing facade. There is a washing line to the right of the door, with five items hanging on it.
Parts of buildings in detail, with colouring instructions.
The left to the centre right of the picture is entirely occupied by the upper portion of a building with a tiled pitched roof with a v-shaped gutter at its right-hand edge. There are scraps of vegetation sprouting from the corner-ridge, below which a pigeon is sitting. Martens' vantage point is probably the balcony of a similar building; directly in front of the line of sight there is an arched opening, the arch resting on timber columns with stepped capitals, above a timber balustrade with curvaceous and slightly carved uprights. The opening reveals a balcony, and on the left a seated human figure in a top hat and fur coat, dozing or reading, near the corner of a plain interior wall. Behind the centre of the arch a semi-internal corridor leads directly away from the viewer to a rectangular doorway at the far end, which gives access to a similar balcony on the far side of the building. The doorway also frames an indistinct vista beyond, in which part of a sailing boat is visible. A small free-standing box or cupboard is placed halfway along the left-hand side of the corridor. The right-hand wall of the corridor is segmented into nine arched openings. To the right of the nearest segment, at the corner, is the outline of an ornate roughly triangular mounting (on which, for example, a streetlight could be hung?). To the right of the second corridor segment, a wall of horizontal timbers facing the viewer is surrounded by the plain wooden balustrade of another balcony full of potted plants. Below the balustrades runs a large horizontal timber, annotated: "grey"; its bottom edge-line annotated: "lamp", and a supporting joist with a shaped end is indicated, annotated: "light brown". The visible top part of the wall of the lower storey is blank. The annotation below the potted plants reads: "flowers". Beyond and above the potted plants, there is a vista containing two sailing boats, their sails not raised, the left-hand one seen side-on, the other head-on; these may be the Beagle and Adventure. In the distance we can see a faint indication of a shoreline backed by a low ridge with jagged hills on the horizon. To the right of this vista, the upper portions of a second building, similarly balconied and balustraded, are outlined, with an indication of joist-ends and diagonally projecting thrust-timbers supporting the balcony. In the right foreground, a lower tiled roof is visible, and another near the right-hand edge of the picture. The annotation in the top right reads: "green pillars & balcony. bright light upon the outer edge of the verandas, pillars rich brown capitals same upon the top rails of balcony and round the door frame - The other house white faded green balcon very light with the sun paler upon it, brick floor to balcon but of a grey tone and not light the whole of this house" [continuing upside down in the top centre]: "being in shadow. the sea very blue".
The outline of a horizon.
The sky and the sea are blank. An open sea horizon line on the right of Add 7984: 38v, with a small distant rocky islet indicated at the right-hand edge, leads to the main outline, which occupies Add 7984: 39r. There is an unnamed rocky island on the left of Add 7984: 39r, separated by a stretch of open horizon from a second rocky island in the left centre, annotated: "rat Island". A further stretch of open sea separates this from another unnamed distant rocky island; the countour recedes to a line of low jagged distant horizon hills stretching to the right-hand edge of the picture. The annotation to the right of the taller rocky island in the centre right reads: "Gambiers Islands bearing WSW distant 12 miles, Lat. 2 11'.".
A glossary.
The folio is annotated on the left with a list of translations: I go - Hairi au you go - Hairi oc come here - Hairi mai let us go back - Ehoi tana let us go - Hairi tana Mountains - Mana Valley.- Piho Rock.- Mato Water - Vai Here - Ionai There - Io Let us stop - Tica tana Pihé- Basaltic rock Maa ino - Bad thing When - Ahia How - Nahia Where - Tahia E maaro - How long Matai - Wind [the 'i's in the middles of words could be 'e's] The annotation in the top centre reads: "Oropana - the highest mountain of Tahiti"
A coastal land/seascape, with colouring instructions; buildings, human figures and vegetation are shown, but not in great detail.
The annotation in the top left reads: "Beach purplish grey - - swelling[?] clouds. dark water - mountains well marked and streaked with purple in the hollows. Cottages in the center[?] - white.". The sky is filled with cumulo-nimbus clouds across the whole picture. The horizon is occupied by one principal rocky mountain rising in the midground from the left to the left centre, partly into the clouds, from which it re-emerges and descends, receding into a jagged and more distant hilly horizon from the centre to the right of the picture. The structure of these hills is only faintly sketched; an annotation towards the peak in the centre left reads: "dark blue". The lower slopes of the mountain descend directly to the foreshore and water level in the centre left of the midground. The view of the mountain is framed on the left and on the right by midground hills. The one on the left rises from the centre left to the left-hand edge of the midground, and continues briefly onto Add 7984: 39v, where it provides the horizon line. It is shown with no indication of vegetation. The hill on the right is scattered with palms and seems to have a grassy covering; it rises steeply from the centre right to a more level area leading to a gently rising ridge to the right-hand edge of the picture. The hills and the mountain form a backdrop to a wooded shoreline. On the left, there is a cluster of bushes and substantial palm trees; a small group of leafy trees is outlined at the left-hand edge of the picture. Amongst these trees, a single-storey building nestles near the water's edge, its roof obscured by the vegetation. It stands diagonal to the viewer, with four windows on one of its visible aspects, and three on the other; there may be some low fencing to its right. To the right, a short stretch of more distant small trees or shrubs in shadow leads in the centre to a line of three leafy trees, somewhat resembling the breadfruits illustrated in Add 7984: 48r, interspersed with small palms. To their right stands a single-storey pitched-roof building, with a door and a window opening, and fronted by low wooden fencing. In the midground to the right of this building, a small leafy tree and some small palms stand behind three low single-storey pitched roof buildings, whose roofs appear to extend to the ground. These structures lead to a line of about ten substantial palm trees interspersed with bushes, which stretch away from the waterfront in the centre right behind fencing. To the right of the fencing lies a beached canoe, whose stern is out of sight behind a single-storey pitched roof building with indications of thatch and upright timber wallboarding. A palm tree and a lower tree or large shrub are growing to the right of this building, at the right-hand edge of the picture. In front of this line of buildings and vegetation, a strip of beach sweeps from the left to the centre right, turning sharply towards viewer on the right, with some indication of lines of detritus marking the high tide. A human figure approaches the viewer on the beach just closer than the apex of the tide line. In the foreground, the beach sweeps back to the left-hand corner. The near shoreline is rough between the centre right and the centre left, with indications of possibly dead twiggy vegetation. Two human figures are shown near the shoreline in the centre right, one standing facing away from the viewer, the other seated and facing right. The water is smooth, with dark areas indicating reflections of the midground and background features. The direction of shadows cast by the standing figures on the beach suggests that the sun is shining from the left and slightly towards the viewer (consistent with the rather dark colouring instruction for the mountainside).
A coastal land/seascape, with note of compass point and colouring instructions.
The sky is blank, annotated in the top centre: "N", above a tall jagged peak, which is the most distant horizon feature, and may be identical with the main mountain in Add 7984: 40r, seen from a greater distance. To its left and from below it, a ridge rises from the centre to the left, crowned by three small well detached groups of trees projecting against the sky; the rest of the ridge appears verdant, with bushy vegetation on the steepish slopes below, from which taller trees occasionally protrude. To the right, there is a slightly more distant and rockier hill countour running from the centre to the right of the picture, with slight indications of structure and vegetation. In the midground, at the left, centre, and right, there are three well detached single-storey pitched roof buildings. Those to the left and centre have indications of thatch, but their sides are obscured by fencing and occasional vegetation. The right-hand building is taller, with five windows on its visible aspect, but the remainder of the building, including most of the roof, is obscured by a substantial clump of densely leafy trees, to whose left two tall palms are growing. Behind and between the left-hand and centre buildings, the vegetation is a mixture of palm trees, bushes, and leafy trees somewhat resembling the breadfruits illustrated in Add 7984: 48r, with a prominent palm protruding in the left centre. In front of fencing, a thin strip of beach crosses the whole foreground, turning to sweep towards the viewer at the left-hand edge. Two small canoes and two associated seated figures are visible at the water's edge near the apex of the curve, in front of the left-hand building. To the right of these figures and closer to the viewer, another figure stands ankle-deep in the water, facing right. A little further to the right on the beach there is a group of five more distant figures, three standing, two seated. To their right near the central building, two bushes are growing. At the right-hand edge of the picture, a more distant stretch of shoreline is visible, less distinctly sketched, but with a similar low building in front of a mix of bushes and palms. The water is calm, annotated: "dark water". The annotation in the right corner reads: "all trees very rich green - the Chapels - white". Shading may indicate that the sun is shining from the right and somewhat towards the viewer (ie from somewhat north of east, implying early to mid morning).
A coastal land/seascape.
Drawing, double page panorama. The shoreline in the midground and background of Add 7984: 41v is probably identical to that in Add 7984: 41r, but seen from a greater distance. The beach, with the line of fenced buildings interspersed with and backed by clusters of palms and other trees, sweeps from the right, where a clump of three very tall palms marks the edge of the foreshore, to an apex closer to the viewer near the left-hand edge, from where it sweeps back rightwards in the foreground. On this near stretch, a figure, the crown of whose head is bald or shaven, sits on a large driftwood treetrunk, with indications of grasses and other small scraps of vegetation around it, and a small rock to its right. The sky contains cumulus clouds against the horizon. Open sea with calm water stretches from the end of the far shoreline to the right-hand edge of the folio and onto the left of Add 7984: 42r, where a low verdant islet breaks the surface of the water, with two detached clusters of tall palms growing on it. This feature is pencilled very darkly, with some indication of an expanse of beach around it. Behind and to the right of this feature stretches a vaguely indicated faint outline of some half dozen hills rising from sealevel, with little indication of structure or vegetation. The sky on both folios contains cumulus cloud in patches close to the horizon.
A coastal land/seascape.
This picture presents another view of the shoreline of Add 7984: 41r, here in vertical orientation, Martens' vantage point being a position close to the fencing and forward of the leftmost building as depicted in Add 7984: 41r. The same hill appears in the centre, with the same slopes sketchily indicated. To the left and right of it in the midground, the same three buildings are recognisable, the leftmost disappearing off the left-hand edge of the picture. The fencing is more clearly delineated here than in Add 7984: 41r, and the buildings now show some indications of upright timber wallboarding. The same mix of small palm trees, bushes and other leafy trees appears in the vegetation behind and between the buildings. A tall palm protrudes in the centre. Some human figures are shown: one walking away from the viewer and approaching the central building along a straggly line that may indicate the high tide mark; and a group to the right at the water's edge, three of whom are seated, one standing. In the left foreground, a palm tree is depicted in some detail, rising to the top of the picture, and with nondescript sparse shrubby vegetation at its base. On the roughly even beach that occupies the foreground-midground, there is on the right a clump of three leafy trees, somewhat resembling the breadfruits illustrated eg in Add 7984: 48r, with a palm in their midst.
A single palm frond, drawn in some detail.
A shoreline landscape, with palms and other trees shown in some detail, and a building and human figure.
The sky is blank. The annotation in the top right reads: "- rather too many leaves", in reference to the depiction of the palm trees. The clump of palms is shown in the centre and right of the picture, on the near shore of an inlet of calm water. The two nearest and tallest palms are growing very close together, with another further to the right and slightly more distant, and other smaller ones behind. At their feet and to the right there is some indication of timberwork, possibly for fencing, amid undergrowth foliage. A group of less distinctly sketched mixed leafy and palm trees continues in the midground distance to the left-hand edge of the picture. Amongst these trees in the centre left stands a single-storey pitched roof building, with indications of thatch and possibly of fencing, on the further shore of the inlet. On the nearside shore in the centre, on the roughly even ground of the foreshore, a human figure dressed in a loincloth stands; his body faces rightwards, but his head, whose crown is bald or shaven, is turned away from the viewer, and he is carrying a globular bag on a pole on his left shoulder. In the left foreground, a clump of low sparse bushy vegetation sprouts among small rocks, casting shadows into a patch of calm water.
Details for depicting various plants.
The annotations on the left read: "Meia or Banana / the full grown leaf is actually about 9 feet by 2. in width. Fei[?] or mountain plantain the leaves similar to the banana but of a darker green, and the fruit grows upwards from the centre whereas in the former it hangs down. cocoa Palm - Breadfruit tree / the inner bark of which is connected[?] into cloth by the natives Guava - Pawpaw - Vi - Paper mulberry. Banyam -. Tamarind - Ahia - Ati -". The annotation in the top right reads: "ati, Tamarin"
Botanical drawings.
Detailed drawings, including two of the plants mentioned in Add 7984: 44v; the annotation to the plant on the left reads: "Vi", that in the centre: "Sugarcane", and that on the right: "Meia or Banana".
A detailed botanical drawing.
An island landscape, with vegetation and a human figure.
"Interior of the Island of Moorea with part of Cook's Harbour and Apunohu valley". The sky is mainly blank, with some indication of cumulus cloud in the left centre and centre above the horizon. The most distant part of the horizon is the outline of rocky hills running from the left centre to the centre, shown with little indication of structure. Beneath these, small glimpses of a wooded far foreshore are visible behind a patch of water. The horizon rises from the centre to the right of the picture, coming closer to the viewer; the outlines remain similar, but there is more detail in the depiction of abrupt vertical brows below the ridge. In the right midground, lower rocky land rises slightly towards the right-hand edge of the picture, with indications of much shrubby vegetation covering its lower slopes. A group of three tall palms protrudes in the centre right, in front of which roughly even and sparsely vegetated ground rises steadily across the whole picture from low in the right up to horizon-height on the left. Two palms are growing close together at the left-hand edge of the patch of water, three others in a much more faintly sketched group higher up, below a rockier upper slope. The foreground-midground slopes in front of this are covered with low vegetation, from which a group of three palms protrude below the patch of water. In the left foreground, a shrub is growing on rough ground which stretches diagonally rightwards to the base centre right of the picture, from where a palm tree rises among low shrubby indistinctly sketched undergrowth, the annotation to the right of which reads: "ferns". A human figure, who is possibly carrying something balanced on a pole across the shoulders, stands in the centre left of the picture, at the back of the foreground, below and facing the patch of water.
A fenced enclosure not far behind the shore, with vegetation and farm animals.
The sky is blank, and mostly obscured by the tops of six large trees growing from the foreground-midground. The background is provided by the outlines of a mix of leafy trees with groups of palms in the centre; this screen breaks in the region of the palms to show a low fence in the distance, and allow a glimpse of open water to the horizon. The background is terminated across the whole picture by a stockade fence. A large arched gateway in the centre left of the fence frames a wide roadway, which heads diagonally into the bottom left-hand corner of the picture. This roadway is lined on the left by shrubs, halfway along which the leftmost of the six large trees rises. To the right of the road in the foreground a clump of shrubby plants is growing, to the right of which turkeys are scavenging. Behind and to right of the birds, four of six large trees form a loose group, with a pair of mules, ponies or donkeys to their right, the one on the left facing right, the other facing away from the viewer. These animals are standing to the left of the foot of the sixth tree. The ground across the whole picture in front of the stockade is roughly even. The sun is shining from the right, perpendicular to the line of sight.
A building depicted in detail, with farm animals, and vegetation.
The sky is obscured by tree tops, which resemble the breadfruit trees of the previous picture. The background, especially visible in the centre and right, is formed of rocky tall hills, the main one stretching from the centre to the right of the picture, with indications of steep slopes covered with vegetation. The main feature of the picture, filling the centre left to the right of the midground, is a long single-storey pitched roof building, thatched in a pattern of rectangles. The wall is white with a narrow covered veranda along its whole length, and has a doorway with steps in front of it slightly to the left of the midpoint. There are seven rectangular windows to the left and nine to the right of the door; low bannisters fronting the veranda run from the top of the steps below the first four windows on each side. The windows appear to have either horizontally slatted shutters or bars across them. A pathway leads directly from the steps to the centre of the base of the picture, lined both sides with small shrubs. At the midpoint on the right-hand side of the path, a tree grows, slightly leaning to the right, with a couple of what look like pigs to its right. A less distinctly drawn tree rises to the right of the building at the right-hand edge of the picture, behind which there is an indistinct mix of vegetation, together with some fencing. The situation is similar to the left of the building, in front of which there is a loose grouping of some half dozen trees, the nearest leaning to the right. The whole of the foreground terrain is flat and even. A group of three poultry birds is indistinctly indicated in the shade of the nearest tree to the left-hand end of the building. The sun is shining from the left perpendicular to the line of sight.
A church on a wooded foreshore.
The church is the main midground feature, seen at some distance on the far shoreline of a small bay of calm water, Martens' vantage point being the nearside shoreline. The church has a steeply pitched roof, and is apparently hexagonal, each of the three visible faces having three windows or doors with small openings above them. Behind the church, vegetation consisting mainly of palm trees runs from the centre left to the right-hand edge of the picture. In amongst this vegetation, in the centre right, there is a small single-storey pitched roof building, and at the right-hand edge a further bigger building with a steeper pitched and taller roof, whose outer eaves seem to extend to ground. In the shallow water of the bay, a human figure stands fishing with a long harpoon, facing left. To the left of the church the shoreline ends or passes back out of sight, allowing a line of sight to a more distant horizon, which rises steadily across the whole picture from open water at the left-hand edge. In the distance on the left there may be a boat, lying head-on to the viewer. The horizon proceeds via a rising shoreline with an impression of some half dozen trees, probably palms, to a rockier contour with little indication of either structure or vegetation. The sky contains some vague indications of cumulus clouds in the centre left and centre. At the right near the water's edge a tall palm is shown, with fronds bending to suggest a wind blowing from the left. The shadows in the picture are not specific enough to indicate the angle of the sun.
A shoreline and human settlement. Double page panorama.
Add 7984: 50v continues the midground-background features of Add 7984: 51r almost to the centre of the folio. An open but not calm sea horizon here is annotated: "reef". To its right a faintly outlined foreshore has a line of some half dozen distant palms, and a cluster of some half dozen closer palms, growing along it. At the right-hand edge of the folio, lower shrubby vegetation grows in front of a rising hill line. The annotation below reads: " white sandy beach". On Add 7984: 51r, the hill line continues, faintly outlined, and rising evenly to a high point in the centre right, from where it falls quickly out of sight behind the crowns of palm trees. On the lower slopes vertical surfaces and clefts are indicated by slight shading, and lower-level vegetated slopes descend to the far shoreline. In the centre left of the midground a small boat with a single curved mast and raised sail faces rightwards in calm water; a human figure stands in the stern, with another seated to the immediate right of the mast. In the centre right of the midground to the right-hand edge of the picture, the nearer shoreline is covered with a mix of low-growing leafy trees or shrubs, giving way to the right to tall palms, whose fronds are sketched in some detail. Beneath the vegetation, three pitched-roof single-storey buildings are visible, all shown 'gable-on' to the viewer; the second from the left partly obscures the leftmost; the rightmost is larger and detached. Fencing divides these structures from the beach, which runs diagonally from left to right towards the viewer to an apex in the centre right of the picture, from where it turns quickly to sweep back leftwards into the bottom left-hand corner of the folio. In the centre to centre right of the foreground a fallen palm, still with fronds attached, blocks the whole beach; behind it at the water's edge, is a group of human figures, two standing either side of a third who is bending over to the right.
A hilly landscape surrounding an inlet, with colouring instructions.
The sky contains cumulus and possibly cumulo-nimbus clouds over the horizon hills, with some indication of cumulo-cirrus to the right; the sun is shining from behind and to the left of the viewer. Jagged rocky hill and ridge lines, all faintly pencilled, fall away from the left to the centre of the picture to reveal a more distant horizon of hills whose faint shading suggests vertical upper faces. The lower but still steep slopes show indications of vegetation. The slopes descend into the centre left to centre of the midground, down to the water's edge in the harbour. Here one sailing boat is visible, its sails not raised, facing diagonally leftwards in calm water. The land in front of the harbour rises steadily from the foreground into the midground from the left centre of the picture rightwards, reaching horizon-level in the centre right, thereafter flattening off; a single narrowly conical rocky peak protrudes from further away near the right-hand edge of the picture. There are palm trees near the water's edge in front of the inlet, and on the lower slopes in the centre foreground, the latter appearing to rise out of other shrubby undergrowth. There are other indications of scanty vegetation on the ridge lines and in a cleft which descends diagonally into the right-hand corner. In the left foreground, there is a rocky outcrop with shrubby vegetation with oak-like leaves clinging to it. The annotation on the right reads: "on the nearest water - are some touches of emerald green shore light brown into lightest yellow sand - the light sand shews at parts on the opposite side.-"
A shoreline panorama, including a small boat; with colouring instructions.
On Add 7984: 52v the sky contains vague indications of clouds, mainly cumulus. The horizon is distant to the left, faintly showing the unevenly level contours of a line of rocky hills, with some indication of vertical brows. Lower gentler but still rocky slopes fall diagonally leftwards. The right-hand edge of this block falls away sharply behind a central lower rounded hill with little indication of structure. A fin-shaped small hilltop protrudes behind the right-handand slope of the central hill. The lower slopes all lead down to a shore, lined with mainly leafy bushes and trees with the occasional tall palm protruding. This shoreline gradually approaches closer to the viewer across the rest of the folio, the trees being sketched in increasing detail. Behind the shore, from the centre to the centre right of the folio, a verdant hillside rises at 45, climbing to a more level top at the right-hand edge. Behind the middle portion of the 45 rise, we can recognise the abrupt and rough conical hilltop shown in Add 7984: 52r. The water is calm, with some indication of shadows from the centre to the right of the picture. In the left foreground, a near foreshore is implied by the existence of vegetation, which is a mix of grass tufts, rushes and small shrubs. In the centre foreground, we see a sailing boat, which may be made of rushes, with an upturned stern and a pointed prowboard facing right. In the prow a mast leans towards the stern; guy ropes are shown, including two attached to cantilevers projecting from the near side of the boat, but no sails. On Add 7984: 53r, the foreground continues the expanse of calm water. The centre and right of the foreground is occupied by a beach, annotated: "white sand", in which a palm bearing coconuts is shown, with a smaller palm-like bush or fern with other hosta-like shrubby undergrowth surrounding its base; the leaves and fronds of this group are drawn in some detail. The shoreline in the centre right sweeps back leftwards from the foreground into the midground, and is heavily covered with low trees whose foliage resembles the breadfruit trees of Add 7984: 48r, passing from there in the midground into Add 7984: 52v, where palms protrude here and there above other bushy trees. On the left, Add 7984: 53r continues the descending line of the verdant hillside from Add 7984: 52v, as it falls away to reveal another similar slope behind it, which in turn falls away to the centre left, then slowly rises again towards the centre right, where it is obscured by the crown of the palm tree further to the right. Conical hilltops are outlined against the sky in the centre, the lower points on that contour allowing glimpses of more distant conical and/or rounded hilltops. The sky is blank. The apex of the curve of the water between the foreground and the midground is heavily shadowed; other shadings also suggest that the sun is shining from the right.
A river estuary landscape with vegetation.
Darwing. The sky is blank. In the left background, a steep hillside with little indication of structure or vegetation falls from the top left-hand corner of the picture behind a closer pointed and jagged hill in the left centre. This closer hill bears indications of some abrupt dark upper vertical faces and lower steep but verdant slopes; these lead directly down to the water's edge on the far shore of an inlet. In the centre of the background, a distant conical hill is faintly outlined, leading in the centre and right of the picture to a jagged but level hill-line. Much of this is obscured in the centre and right by the vegetation growing in the midground and foreground on the nearside shore of the inlet, with a mix of leafy and palm trees, sketched increasingly indistinctly towards the right-hand edge of the picture. Near the right-hand edge, a tall more firmly pencilled palm rises from implied undergrowth. The nearside shore of the inlet widens towards the viewer, the water's edge sweeping back leftwards to the left centre, while the high tide line meanders into the bottom right-hand corner of the picture. The sun is shining perpendicularly to the line of sight from the right, and there is much shadow under the trees in the centre and on the water to their left.
A scantily indicated shoreline landscape, with vegetation.
The sky is blank. Forming the horizon in the centre left of the picture, a distant jagged hill [hill 1] rises, with abrupt near-vertical sides. There is a lower small conical hill to its right, in front of which across the whole picture stretches another line of elevated land closer to the viewer, and lower than hill 1 to its left. The ridge-line of this arcs below hill 1, rising again to its right to join with an abrupt near vertical rockface which rises in the centre right of the picture. This formation reaches a jagged but in general level surface towards the right-hand edge of the picture, at the same visual height as hill 1. There is very little indication of other structure or of vegetation in any of these hilly features. In the midground from the centre to the right, the lower slopes bear indications of structure and vegetated surfaces. There is one small abrupt outcrop near the right-hand edge of the picture. In the nearer midground the centre of the picture is occupied by mixed woodland of palms and leafy trees, which form the backdrop to a vaguely indicated shoreline, annotated: "beach", which continues to the right-hand edge of the picture, where the shrubs and trees on the foreshore are indicated in silhouette only. The left foreground is blank.
A volcanic island landscape, showing shorelines, vegetation, buildings, small boats, and human figures.
The sky is filled in the centre with cumulus and cumulo-cirrus clouds; the sun is shining from the left perpendicular to the line of sight. From the centre to the right a bank of cumulo-nimbus hangs over an unevenly level but jagged mountain top which forms the horizon line. It shows indications of vertical upper faces but none of vegetation. The ridge-line falls abruptly into the centre of the picture, then more gently to disappear behind another ridge-line belonging to a closer verdant hillside, behind which an abruptly conical rock rises to the same visual height as the horizon line. The closer verdant hillside falls away rightwards to form a saddle in the right centre. In the centre left, its ridge-line is flatter, but then rises steeply to form a rocky hilltop in the left of the picture. All the lower slopes descend diagonally rightwards, and show indications of shrubby ground cover, with a very few groups of taller palms protruding. To the right a conical hill rises from the saddle in the centre right, but not high enough to reach the horizon. All these surfaces slope in the midground down to a shoreline running across the whole picture, heavily lined with clusters of palm trees, interspersed with some low shrubby vegetation; the shoreline is more distant towards the right-hand edge of the picture. Some single-storey buildings are indicated just left of centre, in the centre right, and at the right-hand edge. In the centre right there is a small canoe facing right, with a human figure standing gondolier-like in the stern, and another reclining figure or some cargo towards the prow. The water is calm, and is heavily shadowed along the whole shoreline; the annotation at the base reads: "-tatiri".
A shoreline landscape, showing vegetation, seabirds, boats and human figures.
The sky is blank. A shore with a wide beach occupies the whole foreground, and recedes from the left near-midground into the centre near-background, with some indication of high tide detritus lines. There is a fallen palm branch in the foreground at the left-hand edge of the picture; further away from the viewer, a fallen palm trunk blocks the whole beach. The foreshore to the left of the beach contains much mixed vegetation; in the group closest to the viewer a phormium, yucca or cordyline-like shrub stands in front of a clump of leafy bushes or small trees, from which some half dozen tall palms protrude. The tallest of these leans towards the beach. The rest of the shoreline is similar, but sketched with decreasing clarity as the distance from the viewer increases. In the centre right of the foreground a small rock or possibly bundle of seaweed protrudes from the calm surface of the sea. A seabird flies above this feature, three others flying in a more distant group behind it. The horizon in the centre consists of low distant rocky hills. To their right a substantial distant sailing boat faces the shore, with two masts and some indication of rigging but no sails visible. To the right of this boat the horizon is the open sea, with some indication of a distant reef, annotated: "reef". Interrupting the horizon in the right and centre right, a closer sailing boat with a single mast and raised rectangular sail approaches the shore, with indications of seated people and/or cargo aboard.
An island land/seascape, with vegetation, boats, seabirds and a human figure.
"Distant view of Moorea from Tahiti" [top right]. Drawing. The sky is mainly blank, though there are indications of cumulus and/or nimbus clouds close to the horizon. The horizon shows the line of the jagged hills of Tahiti, faintly sketched but indicating slopes at 45-60. These formations occupy the left to the centre right of the picture, disappearing behind a darkly pencilled small verdant island on which many tall palms protrude from lower mixed vegetation. To its right the horizon consists of open sea to the right-hand edge of the picture. By the left-hand edge of the island a boat is shown, probably single-masted, head-on to the viewer. In the centre left in calm but not smooth seawater, a substantial sailing boat with three main masts and a horizontal prow mast is depicted in some detail with rigging but not showing sails. It faces right and is seen side-on; seven portholes are discernible, and possibly a small dinghy alongside below the central mast, and another behind the stern. In the centre foreground in choppier water, a canoe heads rightwards, laden with cargo, and being punted by a gondolier-like figure standing in the stern. There are two seabirds flying to its right.
A river inlet and valley landscape.
The sky contains occasional indications of thin low cloud around and between jagged and very uneven hilltops that form the horizon. In the midground, the lower slopes are heavily wooded, the trees being nearly all leafy, though three palm crowns protrude in the centre and centre right; one taller and more prominent tree on the left may be a breadfruit. In the left foreground-midground we see the bank of a tidal inlet or river, with indications of a rocky bed and lines of fast-flowing water. The watercourse curves leftward then rightward from the centre of the picture to fill the whole foreground. The bank on the right is similar to that on the left, but is sketched in much less detail. To the right of the picture, shading on a rock in the left foreground suggests that the sun is shining from behind and to the right of Martens' vantage point.
A settlement, with buildings in some detail, vegetation, and human figures.
The sky contains indistinct indications of a few clouds in the centre and right of the picture; the sun is shining from the right and slightly towards the viewer. The annotation in the top left reads: "ito trees", written within the crowns of a line of three or four many-stemmed sparsely branching and sparsely foliated tall trees. On the rightmost 'ito tree' in the centre of the picture, some net storage bags are hanging low on the trunks, and to the right of its base, a pile of coconuts or other spherical items lies on the ground. The trees emerge from between two buildings, the smaller left-hand one having a thatched pitched roof which extends in parts to ground level. The walls show some indications of diagonal timber wallboards, but are mostly obscured by a small palm-like shrub, below which there are three broadly spherical storage vessels to the left of a very small shrub. The second building is very substantial and more ornate. It occupies the centre left to the centre right of the picture. Its pitched roof is constructed of battens and thatch, some of which hangs over at the eave-ends and from the gable inclines. The wall on the left-hand aspect shows indications of upright timber wallboarding, while that on the right-hand aspect contains a doorway of approximately 3m in the middle beneath the apex of the roof, and is composed of diagonal matting somewhat following the pitches of the roof. Two human figures are about to enter through the door. To the right of this building, small leafy trees fill the space towards the edge of picture. The foreground is relatively smooth and even; on the left a seated figure in a broad rimmed hat faces the viewer.
A coastal settlement, showing buildings in some detail, and also vegetation, domestic items, and small boats.
The sun is shining from the left and slightly towards the viewer; the sky is mainly blank, though a cloud hangs over the distant horizon of conical hilltops near the left-hand edge of the picture. Below, there are glimpses of the three-masted boat facing left, but almost obscured by leafy shrubs growing in the midground to the left of a building. This building is shown 'gable-on', and has a pitched roof and timber uprights. Its width is approximately 6m. It is open sided, each side having five evenly spaced uprights about 2m tall, and larger central uprights supporting the apex of the roof at about 3.5m. The left-hand line of wall uprights is largely obscured by hanging baskets; to the right of these, a figure stands facing towards the interior of the building. One seated figure in the interior faces right, another by the third wallpost from the right sits facing left, and there is a child standing in the centre of the building. Various small objects are sketched indistinctly within the interior. A basket hangs midway along the right-hand side on a thin horizontal crossbeam at walltop height. Behind and to the right of this building there are palm trees, whose fronds are drawn as if indicating a wind blowing from the left; they rise above some shrubby undergrowth. The shadow of the front right-hand corner of the building suggests that the sun is shining from the left. In front of the building on level ground, a mat is spread, measuring approximately 6m x 1m, and annotated: "mat". Its left-hand front corner is upturned, or may be supporting a small object or a crawling baby. A smaller and simpler building is indicated to the right of the bushes and the fully-visible palm tree in the centre, comprising just a pitched roof of battens and thatch which reaches to the ground, its apex supported by central uprights, only the frontmost of which is visible. A storage jar is visible within it. To its right there is a pair of palm trees, and two beached canoes, one obscuring most of the other. Behind these we can see a strip of water and a lightly sketched far shore lined with palms and other smaller vegetation, in front of a gently sloping ridge, behind which a similarly sloping horizon line is visible. In the right foreground there are what may be spherical storage jars or large rounded stones next to a clump of shrubby undergrowth, which is composed of a mixture of oval-leaved, frond-leaved and taller leafy plants.
A coastal settlement, showing buildings, with boats and human figures.
The sky contains indications of cumulus cloud in the right above the horizon line, while in the left of the picture nimbus clouds partly obscure the hilltops. In the background, the distant horizon is formed by lines of rocky hills, whose slopes are sketched in more detail in the centre than in the left or right of the picture. Similar lower slopes closer to the viewer occupy the left and centre of the midground, generally falling in elevation to a saddle in the centre, to the right of which rises a wide rounded low hill with indications of scanty shrubby vegetation on its ridge line. There is a similar but denser cluster of vegetation below the saddle point. These structures slope across the whole width of the picture down to a shoreline, which is depicted in detail with vegetation and single-storey buildings. The leftmost building has five windows indicated on its visible aspect, and a pitched roof shown blank. A small palm-like shrub protrudes from behind it, to the right of which there is a group of four tall palm trees, and an indication of a second small building to their right and a little further back. To its right small leafy trees or bushes are growing, and fencing leads to the third building. The roof of this building shows some indications of its structure, and has three visible windows. Behind this building the slope of the foothills is covered with a scattering of palm trees. In the water to the front and right of the third building lies a two-mast sailing boat facing right, with no sails raised. Its prow is partly obscured by a second boat, similar but seen head-on, and shown with some detail of rigging but no sails. To its left and closer to the viewer, a canoe with upturned stern heads rightwards; we can see two or three seated figures with oars and some cargo. The mast and rigging of the second boat partly obscure the foreshore, on which a large cluster of mixed leafy and palm trees is shown in the centre of the picture. At the right-hand end of this cluster stands a fourth building, diagonal to the viewer, with a pitched roof and an indication of a pair of window or door openings on its larger left aspect. The vegetation to its right is partly obscured by the raised rectangular sail of a single-masted small boat, yet nearer to the viewer than the third boat, but whose hull is depicted very sketchily. A human figure stands at its right-hand end probably manipulating a guyrope. To the right of this boat we can see a fifth building, with a pitched roof and indications of four window or doorway openings on its longer right aspect. In the space to its right to the edge of picture there are indistinct indications of three further low buildings, with a large grouping of palms between and behind them. The water is calm but not smooth; the boats cast shadows or reflections beneath them, as do some of the shoreline treetrunks, but in general the shading is not specific enough to suggest the angle of the sun.
A settlement in a wooded landscape.
The sky contains cumulus clouds in the centre and left, and possibly also cumulo-cirrus in the centre. In the midground, the trees part on the centre left and centre right to give a glimpse of the horizon, which is composed of an even but rocky hill-line with little indication of structure or vegetation on the slopes. The trees to the left of this parting consist of a group of three palms, drawn in detail with coconuts shown on the nearest of the group, and to their right, below a glimpse of the background, a loose group of more distant leafy trees resembling the breadfruit trees of Add 7984: 48r. To their right is a dense darker cluster of similar leafy trees, the central members of which are much taller and bigger, to the right of which, below a glimpse of the background in the centre left, a small banana-like shrub is shown. To its right stands a small densely branched and foliated tree, with heavy shade around its base, behind which four palms rise to the top of the picture, with fronds drawn in some detail and an indication of coconuts. Between the trees of the group closest to the viewer, a small banana-like shrub partly obscures the gable aspect of a single-storey building. This has a pitched roof, and is diagonal to the viewer with the gable facing right. It is faced with upright timber or rush wallboarding, with no indication of either windows or entrances. It is set in a fenced enclosure, with further fencing stretching diagonally towards viewer and the left-hand edge of the picture in front of a second similar building. This building is less firmly pencilled, but there is an entrance indicated on the gable end. In front of it in the foreground, a small shrub or sapling tree is growing, with a small rock to its right. On the left a group of palms rises immediately behind the leftmost corner of a second closer stretch of fencing. This is shown in detail as constructed of wooden square-cut uprights joined by four square-cut horizontals to a height of about 1.5m. The fencing stretches diagonally leftwards away from the left-hand corner of the main featured building, then diagonally approaches the viewer to the right-hand corner of the enclosure, with two figures, an adult and a child, approaching it in the centre left. The fencing then turns away from viewer to the right of the main building, into the dark shade of the small dense tree. There is no indication of a gateway on the fencing. In the centre and right of the foreground, in front of the fencing there is low shrubby undergrowth. The shadow on this and the figures and the shade on left-hand edge of the roof of the main building indicate that the sun is shining from in front of and to the right of the viewer. The main featured building within the fenced enclosure is a single-storey structure with a thatched pitched roof, with similarly pitched 'gables' where the roofing stretches lower, approximately to the height of the fencing. The main wall, facing diagonally to the left, has central doorway some 3m tall, which is the height of the eaves. There are no other indications of openings. The walls are faced with either upright timber or rush or bamboo-type wallboarding, with two horizontal ligaments at approximate metre intervals. There is what may be a storage box under the thatch overhang at the left-hand corner of the building. There is a human figure to the right of the doorway, of whom only the head and shoulders are visible.
A botanical drawing with colouring instructions.
The context surrounding the featured plant is a roughly drawn water's edge, with indications of grass tufts to the right, and a different kind of plant, or a younger specimen of the same plant, to the left. The annotation in the top left reads: "front of the leaf rich dark green back yellow with light veins - Stalk. same as the back - Edge of leaf. bright yellow. old leaves, light burnt Siena - the veins do not show on the front of the leaf but strongly on the back - The leaf is not flat but wavy -".