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<p style='text-align: justify;'><p>The manuscript entered the library in 1939. According to a colophon at the end of the first part (jild) of the Shahnama (f. 344v) this was completed at the end of Safar 1042/middle of September 1632 by Ahsan b. Ahmad. Since the last folio of the volume is lost, the time of the completion of the text can only be concluded from the date at the end of the Baysunghur preface (f. 10v), Rajab 1043/January 1634. The copying done, the manuscript was left unfinished. Of the originally intended illuminations none was executed, not even the lines framing the columns. The uneven quality of the writing, mainly a good professional nasta'liq, but deteriorating in some places, may have played a role in the abandoning of the work.The 26 miniatures were added about 200 years later in the early Qajar period. With their simple compositions and dark colours without lustre, they are of mediocre quality. The main actors confront the onlooker instead of communicating with each other, thus turning the scene into a charade. The painter must have seen his most important task in spreading as many jewels as possible on the men’s attire.The only large interpolation is the Barzunama. It is unusually placed following the story about Suhrab (ff. 120r-142r) and provided with two miniatures, a comparatively high rate as against the total number of illustrations (26). Generally, the selection of episodes favours well-known subjects and demonstrates the common neglect - particularly since the later half of the 16th century - of the 'historical' part of the Shahnama. Only two of the miniatures (ff. 202r, 468r) are dedicated to rarely illustrated subjects. (Karin Ruhrdanz)Bibliography:I. Stchoukine, B. Flemming, P. Luft & H. Sohrweide, Illuminierte islamische Handschriften, Wiesbaden, 1971, pp. 109-10, no. 39.Gabrielle van den Berg, "The The Barzunama in the Berlin Shahnama Manuscripts", forthcoming in Ch. Melville, ed. Proceedings of the Second Cambridge Shahnama Round Table, November 2003.</p></p>
Shahnama (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Ms. or. fol. 4252)
The manuscript entered the library in 1939. According to a colophon at the end of the first part (jild) of the Shahnama (f. 344v) this was completed at the end of Safar 1042/middle of September 1632 by Ahsan b. Ahmad. Since the last folio of the volume is lost, the time of the completion of the text can only be concluded from the date at the end of the Baysunghur preface (f. 10v), Rajab 1043/January 1634. The copying done, the manuscript was left unfinished. Of the originally intended illuminations none was executed, not even the lines framing the columns. The uneven quality of the writing, mainly a good professional nasta'liq, but deteriorating in some places, may have played a role in the abandoning of the work.The 26 miniatures were added about 200 years later in the early Qajar period. With their simple compositions and dark colours without lustre, they are of mediocre quality. The main actors confront the onlooker instead of communicating with each other, thus turning the scene into a charade. The painter must have seen his most important task in spreading as many jewels as possible on the men’s attire.The only large interpolation is the Barzunama. It is unusually placed following the story about Suhrab (ff. 120r-142r) and provided with two miniatures, a comparatively high rate as against the total number of illustrations (26). Generally, the selection of episodes favours well-known subjects and demonstrates the common neglect - particularly since the later half of the 16th century - of the 'historical' part of the Shahnama. Only two of the miniatures (ff. 202r, 468r) are dedicated to rarely illustrated subjects. (Karin Ruhrdanz)Bibliography:I. Stchoukine, B. Flemming, P. Luft & H. Sohrweide, Illuminierte islamische Handschriften, Wiesbaden, 1971, pp. 109-10, no. 39.Gabrielle van den Berg, "The The Barzunama in the Berlin Shahnama Manuscripts", forthcoming in Ch. Melville, ed. Proceedings of the Second Cambridge Shahnama Round Table, November 2003.
Information about this document
Physical Location: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Classmark: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Ms. or. fol. 4252
Date of Creation: Gregorian: 1632/HCm/Aug/--. Hijri: 1042/Saf/--.
Language(s): Persian
Extent: 597 ff. Codex. Complete.
Nasta'liq. Calligrapher: Hasan b. Ahmad.
4 columns. 25 rows.
Leaf height: 360 mm, width: 220 mm.
Written height: 260 mm, width: 140 mm.
Jamshid fleeing from Zahhak Folio number: 019r Notes: The title, 'Jamshid fleeing from Zahhak', is found on f. 18v. The lines are not found in the edition of Khaleghi-Motlagh.
Faridun celebrates his victory over Zahhak Folio number: 038v Notes: Ths scene bears little relation to the text, except that the hands of Zahhak are tied.It is perhaps intended to show Faridun taking Zahhak to Damavand. Location in text: Mohl 5, Zahhak (1000 years), first line: 492, break line before: 499, break line after: 500.0, last line: 503. Khaleghi-Motlagh 5, Zahhak (499), first line: 453.0, break line before: 459.0, break line after: 460.0, last line: 463.0.
Manuchihr kills Tur Scene Title:Manuchihr kills Tur in battle Folio number: 052r Notes: The last line is not found in the standard editions. Location in text: Mohl 6, Faridun (500 years), first line: 901, break line before: 903, break line after: 906.0, last line: None.
Rustam mortally wounds Suhrab Folio number: 117r Location in text: Mohl 12c, Suhrab, first line: 1151, break line before: 1152, break line after: 1153.0, last line: 1163. Bertels 14, Kay Ka'us - Rustam and Suhrab (1059), first line: 889.0, break line before: 890.0, break line after: 896.0, last line: 1163. Khaleghi-Motlagh 14, Rustam and Suhrab (1014), first line: 853.0, break line before: 854.0, break line after: 855.1, last line: 862.0.
Rustam fights Barzu Scene Title:Scene from the Barzunama Folio number: 128v Notes: Rustam fights Barzu; the text concerns Barzu breaking Rustam's shoulder. Location in text: Mohl -2b, Barzunama, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
Barzu's mother prevents Rustam from killing Barzu Folio number: 139r Notes: Shahru pleads with Rustam for the life of her son Barzu. Location in text: Mohl -2b, Barzunama, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
Rustam Slays Pilsam Scene Title:Rustam kills Pilsam Folio number: 176v Location in text: Mohl 12e, Kay Khusrau comes to Iran, first line: 279, break line before: 288, break line after: None, last line: None.
Faramarz fights Maharak Scene Title:Scene from the Faramarznama Folio number: 202r Notes: Possibly a scene from an interpolated epic. Lines not in the standard editions. Location in text: Mohl -2, Other epics, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
Rustam kills Ashkabus and his horse Folio number: 233v Location in text: Mohl 13b, Kamus-i Kashani, first line: 1423, break line before: 1425, break line after: 1426.0, last line: 1426. Khaleghi-Motlagh 20, Kamus-i Kashani (2881), first line: 1309.0, break line before: 1311.0, break line after: 1312.0, last line: 1312.0.
Rustam cleaves Akvan's son in two Scene Title:Rustam fights Barkhiyas Div (interpolation) Folio number: 271r Notes: An interpolation in the story of Bizhan and Manizha, concerning Rustam's encounter with Barkhiyas, the son of Akvan Div. Location in text: Mohl 13e, Bizhan and Manizha, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
The champions prepare for battle Scene Title:Gudarz and Piran name their champions for the single combats Folio number: 296r Notes: The painting bears little relation with the text at this point, which tells of the army commanders choosing their champions for the encounter of the Yazdah Rukh. Location in text: Mohl 13f, The Twelve Rukhs, first line: 1842, break line before: 1845, break line after: 1847.0, last line: None. Khaleghi-Motlagh 23, The eleven Rukhs (2521), first line: 1827.0, break line before: 1830.0, break line after: 1832.0, last line: 1840.0.
Kay Khusraw kills Shida Scene Title:Kay Khusrau kills Shida Folio number: 310r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 699, break line before: 702, break line after: 703.0, last line: 707. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 682.0, break line before: 683.0, break line after: 686.0, last line: 690.0.
Kay Khusraw Slays Afrasiyab while Garsivaz Watches Scene Title:The execution of Afrasiyab Folio number: 331v Notes: Only a couple of the lines on this page can be identified from the edition of Mohl; the title is on f. 331r. Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: 2400.0, last line: None.
Iskandar encounters Israfil Folio number: 468r Location in text: Mohl 20, Iskandar (14 years), first line: 1419, break line before: 1424, break line after: 1430.0, last line: 1431. Bertels 33, Iskandar (1931), first line: 1391.0, break line before: 1396.0, break line after: 1402.0, last line: 1431.
Bahram Chubina and Khusrau Parviz fight for the third time Folio number: 554v Location in text: Mohl 43, Khusrau Parviz (38 years), first line: 1992, break line before: 1997, break line after: 2001.0, last line: 2029. Bertels 56, Khusrau Parviz (4083), first line: 1920.0, break line before: 1925.0, break line after: 1929.0, last line: 2029.
Date of Creation: Gregorian: 1632/HCm/Aug/--. Hijri: 1042/Saf/--.
Language(s): Persian
Extent: 597 ff. Codex. Complete.
Nasta'liq. Calligrapher: Hasan b. Ahmad.
4 columns. 25 rows.
Leaf height: 360 mm, width: 220 mm.
Written height: 260 mm, width: 140 mm.
Jamshid fleeing from Zahhak Folio number: 019r Notes: The title, 'Jamshid fleeing from Zahhak', is found on f. 18v. The lines are not found in the edition of Khaleghi-Motlagh.
Faridun celebrates his victory over Zahhak Folio number: 038v Notes: Ths scene bears little relation to the text, except that the hands of Zahhak are tied.It is perhaps intended to show Faridun taking Zahhak to Damavand. Location in text: Mohl 5, Zahhak (1000 years), first line: 492, break line before: 499, break line after: 500.0, last line: 503. Khaleghi-Motlagh 5, Zahhak (499), first line: 453.0, break line before: 459.0, break line after: 460.0, last line: 463.0.
Manuchihr kills Tur Scene Title:Manuchihr kills Tur in battle Folio number: 052r Notes: The last line is not found in the standard editions. Location in text: Mohl 6, Faridun (500 years), first line: 901, break line before: 903, break line after: 906.0, last line: None.
Rustam mortally wounds Suhrab Folio number: 117r Location in text: Mohl 12c, Suhrab, first line: 1151, break line before: 1152, break line after: 1153.0, last line: 1163. Bertels 14, Kay Ka'us - Rustam and Suhrab (1059), first line: 889.0, break line before: 890.0, break line after: 896.0, last line: 1163. Khaleghi-Motlagh 14, Rustam and Suhrab (1014), first line: 853.0, break line before: 854.0, break line after: 855.1, last line: 862.0.
Rustam fights Barzu Scene Title:Scene from the Barzunama Folio number: 128v Notes: Rustam fights Barzu; the text concerns Barzu breaking Rustam's shoulder. Location in text: Mohl -2b, Barzunama, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
Barzu's mother prevents Rustam from killing Barzu Folio number: 139r Notes: Shahru pleads with Rustam for the life of her son Barzu. Location in text: Mohl -2b, Barzunama, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
Rustam Slays Pilsam Scene Title:Rustam kills Pilsam Folio number: 176v Location in text: Mohl 12e, Kay Khusrau comes to Iran, first line: 279, break line before: 288, break line after: None, last line: None.
Faramarz fights Maharak Scene Title:Scene from the Faramarznama Folio number: 202r Notes: Possibly a scene from an interpolated epic. Lines not in the standard editions. Location in text: Mohl -2, Other epics, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
Rustam kills Ashkabus and his horse Folio number: 233v Location in text: Mohl 13b, Kamus-i Kashani, first line: 1423, break line before: 1425, break line after: 1426.0, last line: 1426. Khaleghi-Motlagh 20, Kamus-i Kashani (2881), first line: 1309.0, break line before: 1311.0, break line after: 1312.0, last line: 1312.0.
Rustam cleaves Akvan's son in two Scene Title:Rustam fights Barkhiyas Div (interpolation) Folio number: 271r Notes: An interpolation in the story of Bizhan and Manizha, concerning Rustam's encounter with Barkhiyas, the son of Akvan Div. Location in text: Mohl 13e, Bizhan and Manizha, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None.
The champions prepare for battle Scene Title:Gudarz and Piran name their champions for the single combats Folio number: 296r Notes: The painting bears little relation with the text at this point, which tells of the army commanders choosing their champions for the encounter of the Yazdah Rukh. Location in text: Mohl 13f, The Twelve Rukhs, first line: 1842, break line before: 1845, break line after: 1847.0, last line: None. Khaleghi-Motlagh 23, The eleven Rukhs (2521), first line: 1827.0, break line before: 1830.0, break line after: 1832.0, last line: 1840.0.
Kay Khusraw kills Shida Scene Title:Kay Khusrau kills Shida Folio number: 310r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 699, break line before: 702, break line after: 703.0, last line: 707. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 682.0, break line before: 683.0, break line after: 686.0, last line: 690.0.
Kay Khusraw Slays Afrasiyab while Garsivaz Watches Scene Title:The execution of Afrasiyab Folio number: 331v Notes: Only a couple of the lines on this page can be identified from the edition of Mohl; the title is on f. 331r. Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: 2400.0, last line: None.
Iskandar encounters Israfil Folio number: 468r Location in text: Mohl 20, Iskandar (14 years), first line: 1419, break line before: 1424, break line after: 1430.0, last line: 1431. Bertels 33, Iskandar (1931), first line: 1391.0, break line before: 1396.0, break line after: 1402.0, last line: 1431.
Bahram Chubina and Khusrau Parviz fight for the third time Folio number: 554v Location in text: Mohl 43, Khusrau Parviz (38 years), first line: 1992, break line before: 1997, break line after: 2001.0, last line: 2029. Bertels 56, Khusrau Parviz (4083), first line: 1920.0, break line before: 1925.0, break line after: 1929.0, last line: 2029.