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<p style='text-align: justify;'><p>This manuscript, which had been in the possession of the Ottoman sultan 'Abd al-Majid (1839-61), entered the library in 1941. Completed on 19 Rajab 894 (18 June 1489) by Shams al-Din 'Ali b. Muhammad b. al-Husain al-Fakhr-Din al-Fushtaqi al-Kirmani, the volume is in many ways a typical product of the Shirazi workshops in the Turkman period. It is bound in dark-brown leather, decorated on the outside with stamped medallion, pendants and corner pieces filled with tendrils and birds and painted in gold. The doublures are made of light-brown leather with gilded filigree medallion, pendants and corner pieces over a blue ground. On both sides of the flap the corresponding sector of the decoration is exactly repeated.The dominant blue background of the heading of the 'old' preface (f. 1v) and the double-page frontispiece (ff. 5v-6r) as well as their golden cartouches are filled with finely executed, sparsely coloured arabesques and flowers. Rubrics are written in gold directly on the paper and surrounded by the same kind of tendrils. The miniatures regularly spreading over the width of the four middle columns are most probably all by one artist, a well-versed representative of Turkman commercial painting. What gives a special quality to the manuscript is its model. It makes itself felt in various respects. According to Khaleghi-Motlagh, the calligrapher must have had at his disposal an old and well preserved text of the poem. How closely he followed it one can also learn from the style of writing, the arrangement of the text in six columns, and the number of illustrations. With 87 miniatures, Ms. or. fol. 4255 is so far the most densely illustrated Turkman Shahnama. The proportion of illustrations (about one third) assigned to the 'historical' part of the epic is in accordance with Shirazi production of the Inju period, and the depiction of all 12 rukhs also points to the earlier model. However, the selection of subjects is obviously also under the impact of Shirazi Shahnama illustration since the 1440s. Although the Turkman style with its simple arrangements, stock figures and faces, and stereotype landscape backgrounds is not a fertile ground for amazing compositions, some visual ideas are quite unusual (20v, 85v, 169r, 181r, 248v). Much emphasis is placed on details of the man-made environment, like the coloured turbans of men, the striped garment of women and their painted hands, the figures on blue-and-white porcelain, and the tile-work of palace architecture. The golden decoration on clothes always contains the same Chinese-looking but not clearly defined ornament. Combined with the strong but balanced colours this creates the impression of highly decorative paintings.The fact that the overall execution of the manuscript ranks above the average quality of Shirazi Turkman work may be the result of a special commission. In the colophon (f. 317v) the (so far not identified) owner of the Shahnama is called shahryar Khwaja Karim al-Daula ... Hasan b. Khwaja 'Ala al-Daula wa'l-Dunya Muhammad al-Fakhrabadi al-Ramjirdi. (Karin Rührdanz)Bibliography:I. Stchoukine, B. Flemming, P. Luft & H. Sohrweide, Illuminierte islamische Handschriften, Wiesbaden, 1971, pp. 39-46, no. 10.J. Khaliqi-Mutlaq, "Mu’arrifi va arz-yabi-yi barkhi az dastnavishta-yi Shahnama", Irannama 3 (1364/1985), p. 405, no. 29.</p><p>The manuscript contains three Ottoman seal types, one of which (f. 8r) is that of Sultan Ahmad III 1703-30).</p></p>
Shahnama (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Ms. or. fol. 4255)
This manuscript, which had been in the possession of the Ottoman sultan 'Abd al-Majid (1839-61), entered the library in 1941. Completed on 19 Rajab 894 (18 June 1489) by Shams al-Din 'Ali b. Muhammad b. al-Husain al-Fakhr-Din al-Fushtaqi al-Kirmani, the volume is in many ways a typical product of the Shirazi workshops in the Turkman period. It is bound in dark-brown leather, decorated on the outside with stamped medallion, pendants and corner pieces filled with tendrils and birds and painted in gold. The doublures are made of light-brown leather with gilded filigree medallion, pendants and corner pieces over a blue ground. On both sides of the flap the corresponding sector of the decoration is exactly repeated.The dominant blue background of the heading of the 'old' preface (f. 1v) and the double-page frontispiece (ff. 5v-6r) as well as their golden cartouches are filled with finely executed, sparsely coloured arabesques and flowers. Rubrics are written in gold directly on the paper and surrounded by the same kind of tendrils. The miniatures regularly spreading over the width of the four middle columns are most probably all by one artist, a well-versed representative of Turkman commercial painting. What gives a special quality to the manuscript is its model. It makes itself felt in various respects. According to Khaleghi-Motlagh, the calligrapher must have had at his disposal an old and well preserved text of the poem. How closely he followed it one can also learn from the style of writing, the arrangement of the text in six columns, and the number of illustrations. With 87 miniatures, Ms. or. fol. 4255 is so far the most densely illustrated Turkman Shahnama. The proportion of illustrations (about one third) assigned to the 'historical' part of the epic is in accordance with Shirazi production of the Inju period, and the depiction of all 12 rukhs also points to the earlier model. However, the selection of subjects is obviously also under the impact of Shirazi Shahnama illustration since the 1440s. Although the Turkman style with its simple arrangements, stock figures and faces, and stereotype landscape backgrounds is not a fertile ground for amazing compositions, some visual ideas are quite unusual (20v, 85v, 169r, 181r, 248v). Much emphasis is placed on details of the man-made environment, like the coloured turbans of men, the striped garment of women and their painted hands, the figures on blue-and-white porcelain, and the tile-work of palace architecture. The golden decoration on clothes always contains the same Chinese-looking but not clearly defined ornament. Combined with the strong but balanced colours this creates the impression of highly decorative paintings.The fact that the overall execution of the manuscript ranks above the average quality of Shirazi Turkman work may be the result of a special commission. In the colophon (f. 317v) the (so far not identified) owner of the Shahnama is called shahryar Khwaja Karim al-Daula ... Hasan b. Khwaja 'Ala al-Daula wa'l-Dunya Muhammad al-Fakhrabadi al-Ramjirdi. (Karin Rührdanz)Bibliography:I. Stchoukine, B. Flemming, P. Luft & H. Sohrweide, Illuminierte islamische Handschriften, Wiesbaden, 1971, pp. 39-46, no. 10.J. Khaliqi-Mutlaq, "Mu’arrifi va arz-yabi-yi barkhi az dastnavishta-yi Shahnama", Irannama 3 (1364/1985), p. 405, no. 29.
The manuscript contains three Ottoman seal types, one of which (f. 8r) is that of Sultan Ahmad III 1703-30).
Information about this document
Physical Location: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Classmark: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Ms. or. fol. 4255
Zahhak enthroned Folio number: 009r Location in text: Mohl 5, Zahhak (1000 years), first line: 146, break line before: 8, break line after: 17.0, last line: 42.
Faridun Enthroned Scene Title:Faridun enthroned Folio number: 012v Location in text: Mohl 6, Faridun (500 years), first line: 540, break line before: 8, break line after: 19.0, last line: 62. Bertels 6, Faridun (898), first line: 420.0, break line before: 8.0, break line after: 19.0, last line: 62.
Tur and Salm Slay Iraj Scene Title:The murder of Iraj Folio number: 015v Location in text: Mohl 6, Faridun (500 years), first line: 473, break line before: 517, break line after: 528.0, last line: 531. Bertels 6, Faridun (898), first line: 357.0, break line before: 401.0, break line after: 410.0, last line: 531.
Zal Marries Rudaba Title (Persian): 1611 Scene Title:Zal marries Rudaba Folio number: 029r Location in text: Mohl 7, Manuchihr (120 years), first line: 1597, break line before: 1615, break line after: 1619.0, last line: 1650.
The Birth of Rustam Scene Title:The birth of Rustam Folio number: 029v Location in text: Mohl 7, Manuchihr (120 years), first line: 1651, break line before: 1695, break line after: 1709.0, last line: 1719. Bertels 7, Manuchihr (1654), first line: 1467.0, break line before: 1507.0, break line after: 1520.0, last line: 1719.
Kay Ka'us Air-Borne Scene Title:Kay Kavus airborne Folio number: 044r Location in text: Mohl 12b, Kay Kavus fights the King of Hamavaran, first line: 409, break line before: 469, break line after: 480.0, last line: 479.
Tahmina Visits Rustam Scene Title:Tahmina visits Rustam's chamber Folio number: 046v Location in text: Mohl 12c, Suhrab, first line: 67, break line before: 85, break line after: 95.0, last line: 133. Bertels 14, Kay Ka'us - Rustam and Suhrab (1059), first line: 50.0, break line before: 65.0, break line after: 74.0, last line: 133.
Rustam knocks down Tus in the presence of Kay Kavus Folio number: 049v Notes: The artist apparently shows Rustam pulling the Shah from the throne, rather than knocking down Tus. It is very slightly too early in the text. Location in text: Mohl 12c, Suhrab, first line: 517, break line before: 523, break line after: 534.0, last line: 586.
Giv Finds Kay Khusraw Scene Title:Giv finds Kay Khusrau in Turan Folio number: 075v Location in text: Mohl 12e, Kay Khusrau comes to Iran, first line: 582, break line before: 649, break line after: 665.0, last line: 680. Bertels 15, Kay Ka'us - Siyavush (3775), first line: 3074.0, break line before: 3132.0, break line after: 3143.0, last line: 680.
Kay Khusrau receives Rustam and Zal Title (Persian): 74 Folio number: 080v Location in text: Mohl 13, Kay Khusrau (60 years), first line: 35, break line before: 50, break line after: 66.0, last line: 98. Bertels 16, Kay Khusrau (1655), first line: 28.0, break line before: 45.0, break line after: 61.0, last line: 98.
The death of Farud Folio number: 085v Location in text: Mohl 13, Kay Khusrau (60 years), first line: 880, break line before: 900, break line after: 911.0, last line: 943. Bertels 16, Kay Khusrau (1655), first line: 862.0, break line before: 880.0, break line after: 890.0, last line: 943.
Akvan Div flings Rustam into the sea Folio number: 109v Location in text: Mohl 13d, Rustam fights Akhvan Div, first line: 82, break line before: 88, break line after: 110.0, last line: 157. Khaleghi-Motlagh 21, Rustam and Akvan Div (186), first line: 53.0, break line before: 59.0, break line after: 71.0, last line: 116.0.
Bizhan kills Human Folio number: 123r Location in text: Mohl 13f, The Twelve Rukhs, first line: 809, break line before: 815, break line after: 816.0, last line: 868. Khaleghi-Motlagh 23, The eleven Rukhs (2521), first line: 805.0, break line before: 812.0, break line after: 823.0, last line: 865.0.
The eleventh combat: Gudarz kills Piran Folio number: 126r Location in text: Mohl 13f, The Twelve Rukhs, first line: 2017, break line before: 2021, break line after: 2039.0, last line: 2081. Khaleghi-Motlagh 23, The eleven Rukhs (2521), first line: 1999.0, break line before: 2003.0, break line after: 2021.0, last line: 2064.0.
Kay Khusrau throws Shida to the ground Scene Title:Kay Khusrau kills Shida Folio number: 138r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 661, break line before: 684, break line after: 703.0, last line: 718. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 646.0, break line before: 670.0, break line after: 685.0, last line: 701.0.
Kay Khusraw crosses the sea Scene Title:Kay Khusrau crosses Lake Zara Folio number: 146r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 1959, break line before: 2008, break line after: 2020.0, last line: 2022. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 1919.0, break line before: 1968.0, break line after: 1979.0, last line: 2022. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 1928.0, break line before: 1977.0, break line after: 1986.0, last line: 1989.0.
Hum Captures Afrasiyab Scene Title:Hum captures Afrasiyab Folio number: 148r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 2276, break line before: 2281, break line after: 2293.0, last line: 2338. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 2228.0, break line before: 2233.0, break line after: 2243.0, last line: 2338. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 2241.0, break line before: 2247.0, break line after: 2255.0, last line: 2301.0.
Kay Khusraw Slays Afrasiyab while Garsivaz Watches Scene Title:The execution of Afrasiyab Folio number: 149r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 2419, break line before: 2419, break line after: 2436.0, last line: 2589. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 2365.0, break line before: 2365.0, break line after: 2382.0, last line: 2589. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 2380.0, break line before: 2380.0, break line after: 2396.0, last line: 2550.0.
The advice of Zal to Kay Khosrow Scene Title:Zal and Rustam advise Kay Khusrau Folio number: 150r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 2664, break line before: 2692, break line after: 2704.0, last line: 2726. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 2607.0, break line before: 2634.0, break line after: 2646.0, last line: 2726. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 2626.0, break line before: 2655.0, break line after: 2665.0, last line: 2686.0.
Gushtasp kills the horned wolf Scene Title:Gushtasp kills a wolf in Rum Folio number: 155v Location in text: Mohl 14, Luhrasp (120 years), first line: 398, break line before: 400, break line after: 413.0, last line: 461. Bertels 23, Luhrasp (901), first line: 392.0, break line before: 394.0, break line after: 407.0, last line: 461. Khaleghi-Motlagh 25, Luhrasp (913), first line: 405.0, break line before: 408.0, break line after: 419.0, last line: 467.0.
Isfandiyar pierces Bidarafsh Scene Title:Isfandiyar kills Bidarafsh Folio number: 162v Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: 678, break line before: 730, break line after: 743.0, last line: 743. Bertels 24, Gushtasp (Daqiqi) (1022), first line: 663.0, break line before: 715.0, break line after: 729.0, last line: 743. Khaleghi-Motlagh 26, Gushtasp (1537), first line: 670.0, break line before: 722.0, break line after: 736.0, last line: 735.0.
Isfandiyar fights two wolves Scene Title:Isfandiyar's first labour: he fights the wolves Folio number: 168r Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: 1575, break line before: 1615, break line after: 1626.0, last line: 1636. Bertels 26, Gushtasp - Haft Khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 40.0, break line before: 78.0, break line after: 89.0, last line: 1636. Khaleghi-Motlagh 27, Haft khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 36.0, break line before: 77.0, break line after: 86.0, last line: 98.0.
Isfandiyar decapitates a lion Scene Title:Isfandiyar's second labour: he fights the lions Folio number: 168v Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: 1638, break line before: 1650, break line after: 1663.0, last line: 1695. Bertels 26, Gushtasp - Haft Khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 101.0, break line before: 113.0, break line after: 126.0, last line: 1695. Khaleghi-Motlagh 27, Haft khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 99.0, break line before: 112.0, break line after: 123.0, last line: 156.0.
Rustam giving arms to Bahman Scene Title:Isfandiyar mourned Folio number: 183v Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Khaleghi-Motlagh 28, Rustam and Isfandiyar (849), first line: 1640.0, break line before: 1660.0, break line after: 1.0, last line: 1660.0.
Ardashir Enthroned Scene Title:Ardashir Babakan enthroned Folio number: 208v Location in text: Mohl 22 , The Sassanians: Ardashir Babakan (42 years), first line: 722, break line before: 3, break line after: 8.0, last line: 23. Bertels 34, Ashkaniyan (777), first line: 737.0, break line before: 4.0, break line after: 13.0, last line: 23.
Bahram Gur's Mount Tramples Azada Scene Title:Bahram Gur's mount tramples Azada Folio number: 220r Location in text: Mohl 34, Yazdagird the Sinner (21 years), first line: 135, break line before: 201, break line after: 208.0, last line: 207. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 134.0, break line before: 198.0, break line after: 206.0, last line: 207.
A Sea Monster Kills Yazdigird Scene Title:A sea monster kills Yazdagird Folio number: 221r Location in text: Mohl 34, Yazdagird the Sinner (21 years), first line: 295, break line before: 356, break line after: 363.0, last line: 363. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 294.0, break line before: 356.0, break line after: 363.0, last line: 363.
Bahram Gur Enthroned Scene Title:Bahram Gur enthroned Folio number: 223r Location in text: Mohl 35, Bahram Gur (1) (63 years), first line: 616, break line before: 674, break line after: 683.0, last line: 682. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 617.0, break line before: 674.0, break line after: 684.0, last line: 682.
Bahram Gur shooting lions Scene Title:Bahram Gur hunts lions Folio number: 228r Location in text: Mohl 35, Bahram Gur (1) (63 years), first line: 668, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 668.0, break line before: 730.0, break line after: 737.0, last line: None.
Bahram Gur decapitating a lion Scene Title:Bahram Gur hunts lions Folio number: 230v Location in text: Mohl 35, Bahram Gur (1) (63 years), first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 1070.0, break line before: 1129.0, break line after: 1137.0, last line: None.
Bahram Gur with Shangul Scene Title:Shangul entertains Bahram Gur Folio number: 235v Location in text: Mohl 35b, Bahram Gur (2), first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 1917.0, break line before: 1936.0, break line after: 1946.0, last line: None.
Hurmuzd Enthroned Title (Persian): 62 Scene Title:Hurmuzd enthroned Folio number: 271r Location in text: Mohl 42, Hurmuzd (14 years), first line: 19, break line before: 42, break line after: 52.0, last line: 89. Bertels 55, Hurmuzd (1887), first line: 19.0, break line before: 41.0, break line after: 51.0, last line: 89.
Zahhak enthroned Folio number: 009r Location in text: Mohl 5, Zahhak (1000 years), first line: 146, break line before: 8, break line after: 17.0, last line: 42.
Faridun Enthroned Scene Title:Faridun enthroned Folio number: 012v Location in text: Mohl 6, Faridun (500 years), first line: 540, break line before: 8, break line after: 19.0, last line: 62. Bertels 6, Faridun (898), first line: 420.0, break line before: 8.0, break line after: 19.0, last line: 62.
Tur and Salm Slay Iraj Scene Title:The murder of Iraj Folio number: 015v Location in text: Mohl 6, Faridun (500 years), first line: 473, break line before: 517, break line after: 528.0, last line: 531. Bertels 6, Faridun (898), first line: 357.0, break line before: 401.0, break line after: 410.0, last line: 531.
Zal Marries Rudaba Title (Persian): 1611 Scene Title:Zal marries Rudaba Folio number: 029r Location in text: Mohl 7, Manuchihr (120 years), first line: 1597, break line before: 1615, break line after: 1619.0, last line: 1650.
The Birth of Rustam Scene Title:The birth of Rustam Folio number: 029v Location in text: Mohl 7, Manuchihr (120 years), first line: 1651, break line before: 1695, break line after: 1709.0, last line: 1719. Bertels 7, Manuchihr (1654), first line: 1467.0, break line before: 1507.0, break line after: 1520.0, last line: 1719.
Kay Ka'us Air-Borne Scene Title:Kay Kavus airborne Folio number: 044r Location in text: Mohl 12b, Kay Kavus fights the King of Hamavaran, first line: 409, break line before: 469, break line after: 480.0, last line: 479.
Tahmina Visits Rustam Scene Title:Tahmina visits Rustam's chamber Folio number: 046v Location in text: Mohl 12c, Suhrab, first line: 67, break line before: 85, break line after: 95.0, last line: 133. Bertels 14, Kay Ka'us - Rustam and Suhrab (1059), first line: 50.0, break line before: 65.0, break line after: 74.0, last line: 133.
Rustam knocks down Tus in the presence of Kay Kavus Folio number: 049v Notes: The artist apparently shows Rustam pulling the Shah from the throne, rather than knocking down Tus. It is very slightly too early in the text. Location in text: Mohl 12c, Suhrab, first line: 517, break line before: 523, break line after: 534.0, last line: 586.
Giv Finds Kay Khusraw Scene Title:Giv finds Kay Khusrau in Turan Folio number: 075v Location in text: Mohl 12e, Kay Khusrau comes to Iran, first line: 582, break line before: 649, break line after: 665.0, last line: 680. Bertels 15, Kay Ka'us - Siyavush (3775), first line: 3074.0, break line before: 3132.0, break line after: 3143.0, last line: 680.
Kay Khusrau receives Rustam and Zal Title (Persian): 74 Folio number: 080v Location in text: Mohl 13, Kay Khusrau (60 years), first line: 35, break line before: 50, break line after: 66.0, last line: 98. Bertels 16, Kay Khusrau (1655), first line: 28.0, break line before: 45.0, break line after: 61.0, last line: 98.
The death of Farud Folio number: 085v Location in text: Mohl 13, Kay Khusrau (60 years), first line: 880, break line before: 900, break line after: 911.0, last line: 943. Bertels 16, Kay Khusrau (1655), first line: 862.0, break line before: 880.0, break line after: 890.0, last line: 943.
Akvan Div flings Rustam into the sea Folio number: 109v Location in text: Mohl 13d, Rustam fights Akhvan Div, first line: 82, break line before: 88, break line after: 110.0, last line: 157. Khaleghi-Motlagh 21, Rustam and Akvan Div (186), first line: 53.0, break line before: 59.0, break line after: 71.0, last line: 116.0.
Bizhan kills Human Folio number: 123r Location in text: Mohl 13f, The Twelve Rukhs, first line: 809, break line before: 815, break line after: 816.0, last line: 868. Khaleghi-Motlagh 23, The eleven Rukhs (2521), first line: 805.0, break line before: 812.0, break line after: 823.0, last line: 865.0.
The eleventh combat: Gudarz kills Piran Folio number: 126r Location in text: Mohl 13f, The Twelve Rukhs, first line: 2017, break line before: 2021, break line after: 2039.0, last line: 2081. Khaleghi-Motlagh 23, The eleven Rukhs (2521), first line: 1999.0, break line before: 2003.0, break line after: 2021.0, last line: 2064.0.
Kay Khusrau throws Shida to the ground Scene Title:Kay Khusrau kills Shida Folio number: 138r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 661, break line before: 684, break line after: 703.0, last line: 718. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 646.0, break line before: 670.0, break line after: 685.0, last line: 701.0.
Kay Khusraw crosses the sea Scene Title:Kay Khusrau crosses Lake Zara Folio number: 146r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 1959, break line before: 2008, break line after: 2020.0, last line: 2022. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 1919.0, break line before: 1968.0, break line after: 1979.0, last line: 2022. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 1928.0, break line before: 1977.0, break line after: 1986.0, last line: 1989.0.
Hum Captures Afrasiyab Scene Title:Hum captures Afrasiyab Folio number: 148r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 2276, break line before: 2281, break line after: 2293.0, last line: 2338. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 2228.0, break line before: 2233.0, break line after: 2243.0, last line: 2338. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 2241.0, break line before: 2247.0, break line after: 2255.0, last line: 2301.0.
Kay Khusraw Slays Afrasiyab while Garsivaz Watches Scene Title:The execution of Afrasiyab Folio number: 149r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 2419, break line before: 2419, break line after: 2436.0, last line: 2589. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 2365.0, break line before: 2365.0, break line after: 2382.0, last line: 2589. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 2380.0, break line before: 2380.0, break line after: 2396.0, last line: 2550.0.
The advice of Zal to Kay Khosrow Scene Title:Zal and Rustam advise Kay Khusrau Folio number: 150r Location in text: Mohl 13g, The Great War between Kay Khusrau and Afrasiyab, first line: 2664, break line before: 2692, break line after: 2704.0, last line: 2726. Bertels 22, Kay Khusrau - The great war (3107), first line: 2607.0, break line before: 2634.0, break line after: 2646.0, last line: 2726. Khaleghi-Motlagh 24, The great war of Kay Khusraw (3141), first line: 2626.0, break line before: 2655.0, break line after: 2665.0, last line: 2686.0.
Gushtasp kills the horned wolf Scene Title:Gushtasp kills a wolf in Rum Folio number: 155v Location in text: Mohl 14, Luhrasp (120 years), first line: 398, break line before: 400, break line after: 413.0, last line: 461. Bertels 23, Luhrasp (901), first line: 392.0, break line before: 394.0, break line after: 407.0, last line: 461. Khaleghi-Motlagh 25, Luhrasp (913), first line: 405.0, break line before: 408.0, break line after: 419.0, last line: 467.0.
Isfandiyar pierces Bidarafsh Scene Title:Isfandiyar kills Bidarafsh Folio number: 162v Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: 678, break line before: 730, break line after: 743.0, last line: 743. Bertels 24, Gushtasp (Daqiqi) (1022), first line: 663.0, break line before: 715.0, break line after: 729.0, last line: 743. Khaleghi-Motlagh 26, Gushtasp (1537), first line: 670.0, break line before: 722.0, break line after: 736.0, last line: 735.0.
Isfandiyar fights two wolves Scene Title:Isfandiyar's first labour: he fights the wolves Folio number: 168r Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: 1575, break line before: 1615, break line after: 1626.0, last line: 1636. Bertels 26, Gushtasp - Haft Khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 40.0, break line before: 78.0, break line after: 89.0, last line: 1636. Khaleghi-Motlagh 27, Haft khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 36.0, break line before: 77.0, break line after: 86.0, last line: 98.0.
Isfandiyar decapitates a lion Scene Title:Isfandiyar's second labour: he fights the lions Folio number: 168v Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: 1638, break line before: 1650, break line after: 1663.0, last line: 1695. Bertels 26, Gushtasp - Haft Khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 101.0, break line before: 113.0, break line after: 126.0, last line: 1695. Khaleghi-Motlagh 27, Haft khwan-i Isfandiyar (849), first line: 99.0, break line before: 112.0, break line after: 123.0, last line: 156.0.
Rustam giving arms to Bahman Scene Title:Isfandiyar mourned Folio number: 183v Location in text: Mohl 15, Gushtasp (120 years), first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Khaleghi-Motlagh 28, Rustam and Isfandiyar (849), first line: 1640.0, break line before: 1660.0, break line after: 1.0, last line: 1660.0.
Ardashir Enthroned Scene Title:Ardashir Babakan enthroned Folio number: 208v Location in text: Mohl 22 , The Sassanians: Ardashir Babakan (42 years), first line: 722, break line before: 3, break line after: 8.0, last line: 23. Bertels 34, Ashkaniyan (777), first line: 737.0, break line before: 4.0, break line after: 13.0, last line: 23.
Bahram Gur's Mount Tramples Azada Scene Title:Bahram Gur's mount tramples Azada Folio number: 220r Location in text: Mohl 34, Yazdagird the Sinner (21 years), first line: 135, break line before: 201, break line after: 208.0, last line: 207. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 134.0, break line before: 198.0, break line after: 206.0, last line: 207.
A Sea Monster Kills Yazdigird Scene Title:A sea monster kills Yazdagird Folio number: 221r Location in text: Mohl 34, Yazdagird the Sinner (21 years), first line: 295, break line before: 356, break line after: 363.0, last line: 363. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 294.0, break line before: 356.0, break line after: 363.0, last line: 363.
Bahram Gur Enthroned Scene Title:Bahram Gur enthroned Folio number: 223r Location in text: Mohl 35, Bahram Gur (1) (63 years), first line: 616, break line before: 674, break line after: 683.0, last line: 682. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 617.0, break line before: 674.0, break line after: 684.0, last line: 682.
Bahram Gur shooting lions Scene Title:Bahram Gur hunts lions Folio number: 228r Location in text: Mohl 35, Bahram Gur (1) (63 years), first line: 668, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 668.0, break line before: 730.0, break line after: 737.0, last line: None.
Bahram Gur decapitating a lion Scene Title:Bahram Gur hunts lions Folio number: 230v Location in text: Mohl 35, Bahram Gur (1) (63 years), first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 1070.0, break line before: 1129.0, break line after: 1137.0, last line: None.
Bahram Gur with Shangul Scene Title:Shangul entertains Bahram Gur Folio number: 235v Location in text: Mohl 35b, Bahram Gur (2), first line: None, break line before: None, break line after: None, last line: None. Bertels 47, Yazdagird son of Bazakar (693), first line: 1917.0, break line before: 1936.0, break line after: 1946.0, last line: None.
Hurmuzd Enthroned Title (Persian): 62 Scene Title:Hurmuzd enthroned Folio number: 271r Location in text: Mohl 42, Hurmuzd (14 years), first line: 19, break line before: 42, break line after: 52.0, last line: 89. Bertels 55, Hurmuzd (1887), first line: 19.0, break line before: 41.0, break line after: 51.0, last line: 89.