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Shahnama Project : Shahnama


Shahnama Project

<p style='text-align: justify;'><p>This ms. contains the first half of the Shahnama, brought down to the accession of Luhrasp. Volume 2 is found in BL Or. 2976.The preface is dated Rabi' I, 1249 ( ) in the same hand as the bulk of the volume; the final colophon, however, gives the date 7 Safar 1246 (28 July 1830), in a different hand. The colophon at the end of vol. 2 indicates that it was copied in the 'Dar al-'ilm, Shiraz'. The manuscript is unfinished, containing only nine paintings, while numerous other spaces are left blank. It begins with the Baisunghur prose preface (ff. 1-10), and continues with all the appearance of a normal copy of the Shahnama; however, it contains numerous interpolated passages, as noted by Rieu, Supplement, 129-31, not marked by special headings:1. Garshaspnama, ff. 15r - 54v.2. Samnama, ff. 63r - 93r.3. Rustam's fight with Kuk Kuhzad, ff. 107v - 112v.4. Exploits of Rustam and trhe birth of Faramarz, ff. 112v - 123r.5. Episode of Shabrang, son of the White Div, ff. 146r - 167v.6. Faramarznama, ff. 167v - 179v.7. Sequel to the story of Siyavush, ff.191r - 192v.8. Barzunama, ff. 193r - 221v.9. Story of Banu Gushasp, ff. 249v - 251r.</p></p>

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