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Christ's College : Euchologion

Christ's College

<p style='text-align: justify;'>This manuscript, copied in the 16th century, is a miscellaneous <i>Euchologion</i> (prayer book), containing a variety of texts for religious services. These include the basic texts for two of the principal versions of the liturgy (the principal Sunday service) and for a number of other standard services, details of antiphons (short chants based on the Psalms) for major festivals, and a selection of lections from the New Testament.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The manuscript is a composite of two parts, of which the larger can be dated fairly precisely to the years around 1550, through its combination of watermarks. The other, much smaller portion of the manuscript, cannot be dated so closely because of its lack of visible watermarks, but its style of script suggests that it dates to the same century. It was evidently produced originally for a different manuscript, since its edges have been trimmed ineptly to a slightly smaller size than those of the main body. The manuscript has suffered the loss of various quires, individual folios and portions of folios.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Christopher Wright</p>

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