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Plans : Mycenae Cyclopean Terrace Building plans and sections


<p style='text-align: justify;'>The Cyclopean Terrace Building, located north-west of the Lion Gate on the northern end of the Panagia ridge, was first excavated in 1923. In 1950 the north room of this building was cleared, with subsequent trial trenches sunk by Sinclair Hood in 1951, and in 1952 work was begun to clear the south room. This feat was achieved during the 1953 season. Supplementary work was undertaken in 1954. Also included within the wider Cyclopean Terrace Building Area is the House of the Oil Merchant.<br />The purpose of the building was probably as 'the massive foundation terrace for a building above, which has completely perished or was never completed' (Wace, E.B., BSA 49, 1954, p. 269) .</p>

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