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Western Medieval Manuscripts : Theological treatises, scholia to dramas and the Iliad, and treatises on metric

Western Medieval Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'> MS Dd.11.70 is a collection of <i>Theological treatises, scholia to dramas and the Iliad, and treatises on metric</i>, consisting of 5 parts, copied by known scribes. The first three Parts are on paper, the last two are on parchment and have two independent foliation sequences.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'> Part II is the most extensive and contains only scholia to Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes. It could be the result of the union of three initially independent sections, as suggested by the quire signatures. The three sections were all copied by Michael Souliardos (15th-16th century) and were brought together at an early stage: <ul><li>2.1 ff. <a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(57);return false;'>26-112</a></li><li>2.2 ff. <a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(231);return false;'>113-149</a> (signatures αʹ-γʹ)</li><li>2.3 ff. <a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(305);return false;'>150-228</a> (signatures [α]ʹ-[ε]ʹ)</li></ul></p><p style='text-align: justify;'> The scholia to Sophocles were printed by Adrien (de) Turnèbe (also known as Tournebus or Turnebus) in his edition (<a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>1553</a>) combining the text from Part II of Dd.11.70 with the one from Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, grec 2711 (14th century), as Turyn has demonstrated (Turyn 1952, p. 82).</p><p style='text-align: justify;'> Dr Matteo Di Franco </p>

Page: left cover, outer

Theological treatises, scholia to dramas and the Iliad, and treatises on metric (Cambridge, University Library, MS Dd.11.70)

MS Dd.11.70 is a collection of Theological treatises, scholia to dramas and the Iliad, and treatises on metric, consisting of 5 parts, copied by known scribes. The first three Parts are on paper, the last two are on parchment and have two independent foliation sequences.

Part II is the most extensive and contains only scholia to Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes. It could be the result of the union of three initially independent sections, as suggested by the quire signatures. The three sections were all copied by Michael Souliardos (15th-16th century) and were brought together at an early stage:

The scholia to Sophocles were printed by Adrien (de) Turnèbe (also known as Tournebus or Turnebus) in his edition (1553) combining the text from Part II of Dd.11.70 with the one from Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, grec 2711 (14th century), as Turyn has demonstrated (Turyn 1952, p. 82).

Dr Matteo Di Franco

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
  • Classmark: Cambridge, University Library, MS Dd.11.70
  • Alternative Identifier(s): Diktyon 12171
  • Subject(s): Scholia
  • Language(s): Greek
  • Associated Name(s): Moore, John, 1646-1714
  • Extent: Codexii + 292 + ii Leaf height: 210-223 mm, width: 130-165 mm.
  • Collation:

    18-1, 2-38 | 414, 512, 614, 710, 816, 9-1010, 111, 1214-1, 13-1512, 16-1714, 1814-1, 19-2012, 212 | 22-238 | 2410, 256 | 26-2710, 2812.

  • Condition:

    In good condition; the upper margins of ff. 26-88, 225-228 from Part II have been damaged and repaired.

  • Binding:

    Binding by Gray of Cambridge, dated 1967 by a note on the front pastedown. Millboard three-quarter binding with marbled cloth covering and brown leather spine. The title and classmark are tooled in gold on the spine (title and classmark from previous binding pasted on the front pastedown).

    Binding height: 244 mm, width: 192 mm, depth: 68 mm.

  • Foliation:

    [i-ii] + 1-244 + 1-16 + 1-32 + [iii-iv]. Three modern foliation sequences in pencil in Arabic numerals in the top right-hand corner, recto, restarting at the beginning of Parts IV and V.

    Part II folios are foliated in brown ink in Arabic numerals from 2 (f. 26r) to 209 (f. 228r).

  • Provenance: Owned by John Moore (1646-1714), bishop of Ely: number 1001 in the handwritten supplementary list of Moore's manuscripts, now CUL MS Oo.7.50.2, compiled by Thomas Tanner (1674-1735) after the publication of Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ (1697).
  • Acquisition: Presented to the University Library in 1715 by George I. The royal bookplate engraved by John Pine (1690-1756) in 1736 remains on pastedown.
  • Funding: The Polonsky Foundation
  • Data Source(s): Description (2020) draws on A catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1856, p. 460-466
  • Author(s) of the Record: Matteo Di Franco
  • Bibliography:
    A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1856) 1: Dd.
    Consbruch, Maxmilianus, Hephaestionis Enchiridion cum commentariis veteribus edidit Maximilianus Consbruch. Accedunt variae metricorum graecorum reliquiae. (Lipsiae: Teubner, 1906).
    White, John Williams, "The Manuscripts of Aristophanes. I", Classical Philology 1 1 1-20 (1906).
    Turyn, Alexander, Studies in the manuscript tradition of the tragedies of Sophocles (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1952).
    Wittek, Martin, "Manuscrits et codicologie", Scriptorium: Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits / International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 274-297 (1953).
    Meyier, K.A. de, Codices Vossiani graeci et miscellanei, Codices manuscripti Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Bibliotheek 6 (Lugduni Batavorum: In Bibliotheca Universitatis, 1955).
    Turyn, Alexander, The Byzantine manuscript tradition of the tragedies of Euripides (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1957).
    Smith, Ole Langwitz, Scholia metrica anonyma in Euripidis Hecubam, Orestem, Phoenissas (København: Museum Tusculanum, 1977).
    Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, "Specimen eines Repertoriums der griechischen Kopisten", Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 27 293-322 (1978).
    Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik 3 (Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981) I. Grossbritannien.
    Günther, Hans Christian, The manuscripts and the transmission of the Paleologan scholia on the Euripidean triad (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995).
    Formentin, Maria Rosa, "Il punto su Demetrio Mosco", Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata 52 235-257 (1998).
    Jackson, Donald F., "A New Look at on Old Booklist", Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica ser. 3 vol. 16 83-107 (1998).
    Tessier, Andrea, Demetrio Triclinio. Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea. Demetrii Triclinii Scholia metrica in Sophoclis tetradem (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2005).
    Jackson, Donald F., "The Greek Manuscripts of John Moore and Etienne Baluze", Codices Manuscripti 56/57 29-42 (2006).
    Tessier, Andrea, "La fraintesa enunciazione di un metodo filologico: la praefatio al Sofocle (1502) e i suoi problemi", in Andrea Tessier, Francesco Donadi and Stefano Pagliaroli (eds), Manuciana Tergestina et Veronensia, Graeca Tergestina. Studi e testi di Filologia greca 4 (Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015) 163-196.
    Proietti, Isabella, "Triclinio dopo Triclinio: la sopravvivenza della mise en page tricliniana nelle prime edizioni a stampa (fine XV-fine XVI sec.)", Medioevo greco 18 217-238 (2018).

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Part I, ff. 2r-25v: The elements of theology (par. 33-99 ed. Doods 19632) (image 9, page 1:2r) Part II, ff. 26r-228v: Scholia on Euripides' Hecuba (beginning from lines 71) (image 57, page 1:26r)     Scholia on Euripides' Hecuba (beginning from lines 71) (image 57, page 1:26r)     Metrical scholia on Euripides' Hecuba (image 67, page 1:31r)     Scholia on Euripides' Orestes (image 73, page 1:34r)     Metrical scholia on Euripides' Orestes (lines 1-1281) (image 82, page 1:38v)     Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 322-470) (image 87, page 1:41r)     Scholia on Euripides' Phoenician Women (image 89, page 1:42r)     Metrical scholia on Euripides' Phoenician Women (image 94, page 1:44v)     Αrgumentum 5 on Aristophanes' Plutus (ed. Dübner 1877) (image 103, page 1:49r)     Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 23-147) (image 103, page 1:49r)     Metrical scholia on Euripides' Orestes (lines 1281-1693) (image 105, page 1:50r)     Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 147-322) (image 109, page 1:52r)     Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 470-1209) (image 113, page 1:54r)     Metrical scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (image 132, page 1:63v)     Hypothesis on Nubes (image 133, page 1:64r)     Scholia on Aristophanes' Nubes (ed. Koster 1974, Scholia in Aristophanem I.3.2) (image 134, page 1:64v)     Metrical scholia on Aristophanes' Nubes (ed. Koster 1974, Scholia in Aristophanem I.3.2) (image 159, page 1:77r)     Hypothesis on Ranae (image 167, page 1:81r)     Hypothesis on Ranae (image 167, page 1:81r)     Hypothesis on Ranae (image 167, page 1:81r)     Scholia on Aristophanes' Ranae (ed. Koster 1962, Scholia in Aristophanem IV.3; Chantry 2001, Scholia in Aristophanem III.1.b) (image 168, page 1:81v)     Metrical scholia on Aristophanes' Ranae (image 197, page 1:96r)     Anonymus Crameri i De comoedia (Prolegomenon XIb, ed. Koster 1975, Scholia in Aristophanem I.1.a) (image 205, page 1:100r)     Anonymus Crameri ii De comoedia (Prolegomenon XIc, ed. Koster 1975, Scholia in Aristophanem I.1.a) (image 207, page 1:101r)     On poets and poems (image 211, page 1:103r)     Scholia on Homer's Iliad i (image 215, page 1:105r)     Scholia on Homer's Iliad ii (image 219, page 1:107r)     Scholia on Homer's Iliad xxiv (image 227, page 1:111r)     Anthologia Graeca xvi 151 (image 228, page 1:111v)     Anthologia Graeca ix 357 (image 228, page 1:111v)     Scholia on Homer's Iliad xxiii (image 229, page 1:112r)     Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Ajax (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 1-26) (image 232, page 1:113v)     Schemata on Sophocles' Ajax (image 248, page 1:121v)     Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Electra (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 27-51) (image 251, page 1:123r)     Schemata on Sophocles' Electra (image 265, page 1:130r)     Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Antigone (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 71-93) (image 267, page 1:131r)     Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 53-70) (image 285, page 1:140r)     Schemata on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus (image 298, page 1:146v)     On enclitics (ed. Bekker, Anecdota Graeca, vol. III p. 1149-1152,12) (image 301, page 1:148r)     Scholia on Sophocles' Ajax (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 329-357) (image 305, page 1:150r)     Scholia on Sophocles' Electra (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 359-382) (image 347, page 1:171r)     Scholia on Sophocles' Antigone (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 308-327) (image 387, page 1:191r)     Scholia on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 278-307) (image 419, page 1:207r) Part III, ff. 229r-244v: On dialects (ed. Schäfer 1811, pp. 1-410) (image 463, page 1:229r) Part IV, ff. 1r-16v: Extracts dialect from Scholia Londinensia on Dionysius Thrax's Art of Grammar (ed. Hilgard, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 1.3, 1901, p. 464-468) (image 495, page 2:1r)     Extracts dialect from Scholia Londinensia on Dionysius Thrax's Art of Grammar (ed. Hilgard, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 1.3, 1901, p. 464-468) (image 495, page 2:1r)     Extracts on the rhapsody from Scholia Londinensia and Commentarius Melampodis seu Diomedis on Dionysius Thrax's Art of Grammar (ed. Hilgard, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 1.3, 1901, p. 28-30, 481) (image 507, page 2:7r)     Extracts on the inflected forms from Pseudo-Arcadius' Epitome of Herodian's De Prosodia Catholica(ed. Schmidt, Ἐπιτομὴ τῆς καθολικῆς προσῳδίας Ἡρωδιανοῦ, 1860, p. 160-169) (image 512, page 2:9v)     Extracts on barbarism and solecism from Gregory of Corinth's Περὶ συντάξεως λόγου(ed. D. Donnet, Le traité Περὶ συντάξεως λόγου de Grégoire de Corinthe 1967, p. 217-219) (image 518, page 2:12v)     Notes on the intesive and negative prefixes (image 521, page 2:14r)     Extracts from Georgius Choeroboscus' Epimerismi in Psalmos (ed. T. Gaisford, Georgii Choerobosci epimerismi in Psalmos, 1842, vol. 3 p. 41 line 30 -43,23) (image 522, page 2:14v) Part V, ff. 1r-32v: ἐκ τῶν Λογγίνου τοῦ φιλοσόφου τὰ προλεγόμενα εἰς τὸ τοῦ Ἡφαιστίωνος ἐγχειρίδιον (image 527, page 3:1r)     ἐκ τῶν Λογγίνου τοῦ φιλοσόφου τὰ προλεγόμενα εἰς τὸ τοῦ Ἡφαιστίωνος ἐγχειρίδιον (image 527, page 3:1r)     Enchiridion de metris (image 541, page 3:8r)     Introductio metrica (image 574, page 3:24v)     De poematis (image 577, page 3:26r)     De signis (image 583, page 3:29r)     Three texts περὶ κοινῆς συλλαβῆς, τί διαφέρει συνεκφώνησις συναλοιφῇ, τὰ τοῖς θεοῖς ἀνατιθέμενα ζῶα and περὶ ποδῶν (image 586, page 3:30v)

    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
    • Classmark: Cambridge, University Library, MS Dd.11.70
    • Alternative Identifier(s): Diktyon 12171
    • Subject(s): Scholia
    • Language(s): Greek
    • Associated Name(s): Moore, John, 1646-1714
    • Extent: Codexii + 292 + ii Leaf height: 210-223 mm, width: 130-165 mm.
    • Collation:

      18-1, 2-38 | 414, 512, 614, 710, 816, 9-1010, 111, 1214-1, 13-1512, 16-1714, 1814-1, 19-2012, 212 | 22-238 | 2410, 256 | 26-2710, 2812.

    • Condition:

      In good condition; the upper margins of ff. 26-88, 225-228 from Part II have been damaged and repaired.

    • Binding:

      Binding by Gray of Cambridge, dated 1967 by a note on the front pastedown. Millboard three-quarter binding with marbled cloth covering and brown leather spine. The title and classmark are tooled in gold on the spine (title and classmark from previous binding pasted on the front pastedown).

      Binding height: 244 mm, width: 192 mm, depth: 68 mm.

    • Foliation:

      [i-ii] + 1-244 + 1-16 + 1-32 + [iii-iv]. Three modern foliation sequences in pencil in Arabic numerals in the top right-hand corner, recto, restarting at the beginning of Parts IV and V.

      Part II folios are foliated in brown ink in Arabic numerals from 2 (f. 26r) to 209 (f. 228r).

    • Provenance: Owned by John Moore (1646-1714), bishop of Ely: number 1001 in the handwritten supplementary list of Moore's manuscripts, now CUL MS Oo.7.50.2, compiled by Thomas Tanner (1674-1735) after the publication of Bernard, Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ (1697).
    • Acquisition: Presented to the University Library in 1715 by George I. The royal bookplate engraved by John Pine (1690-1756) in 1736 remains on pastedown.
    • Funding: The Polonsky Foundation
    • Data Source(s): Description (2020) draws on A catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1856, p. 460-466
    • Author(s) of the Record: Matteo Di Franco
    • Bibliography:
      A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1856) 1: Dd.
      Consbruch, Maxmilianus, Hephaestionis Enchiridion cum commentariis veteribus edidit Maximilianus Consbruch. Accedunt variae metricorum graecorum reliquiae. (Lipsiae: Teubner, 1906).
      White, John Williams, "The Manuscripts of Aristophanes. I", Classical Philology 1 1 1-20 (1906).
      Turyn, Alexander, Studies in the manuscript tradition of the tragedies of Sophocles (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1952).
      Wittek, Martin, "Manuscrits et codicologie", Scriptorium: Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits / International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 274-297 (1953).
      Meyier, K.A. de, Codices Vossiani graeci et miscellanei, Codices manuscripti Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Bibliotheek 6 (Lugduni Batavorum: In Bibliotheca Universitatis, 1955).
      Turyn, Alexander, The Byzantine manuscript tradition of the tragedies of Euripides (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1957).
      Smith, Ole Langwitz, Scholia metrica anonyma in Euripidis Hecubam, Orestem, Phoenissas (København: Museum Tusculanum, 1977).
      Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, "Specimen eines Repertoriums der griechischen Kopisten", Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 27 293-322 (1978).
      Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik 3 (Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981) I. Grossbritannien.
      Günther, Hans Christian, The manuscripts and the transmission of the Paleologan scholia on the Euripidean triad (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995).
      Formentin, Maria Rosa, "Il punto su Demetrio Mosco", Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata 52 235-257 (1998).
      Jackson, Donald F., "A New Look at on Old Booklist", Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica ser. 3 vol. 16 83-107 (1998).
      Tessier, Andrea, Demetrio Triclinio. Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea. Demetrii Triclinii Scholia metrica in Sophoclis tetradem (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2005).
      Jackson, Donald F., "The Greek Manuscripts of John Moore and Etienne Baluze", Codices Manuscripti 56/57 29-42 (2006).
      Tessier, Andrea, "La fraintesa enunciazione di un metodo filologico: la praefatio al Sofocle (1502) e i suoi problemi", in Andrea Tessier, Francesco Donadi and Stefano Pagliaroli (eds), Manuciana Tergestina et Veronensia, Graeca Tergestina. Studi e testi di Filologia greca 4 (Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015) 163-196.
      Proietti, Isabella, "Triclinio dopo Triclinio: la sopravvivenza della mise en page tricliniana nelle prime edizioni a stampa (fine XV-fine XVI sec.)", Medioevo greco 18 217-238 (2018).

    Section shown in images 9 to 56

    • Classmark: Part I, ff. 2r-25v
    • Title: The elements of theology (par. 33-99 ed. Doods 19632)
    • Alternative Title(s): Institutio theologica
    • Date of Creation: mid- or second half of 16th century
    • Note(s): TLG 4036.005
    • Extent: Leaf height: 215 mm, width: 155 mm.
    • Collation:

      Part I consists of three quaternions, the first of which has lost a leaf:

      Two catchwords present, the first written horizontally, repeated vertically on f. 9v, the second vertically on f. 17v. Quire signatures in pencil in Roman numerals, in the bottom right-hand corner, recto, of the first folio of each quire, along with crosses indicating the middle of quires.
    • Material: ff. 2r-25v Western paper, folded in quarto. Watermark: Hat ( Watermark height: 50 mm, width: 45 mm. ) in the gutter comparable to Briquet, Chapeau 3507. The majority of those examples are dated from 1550s to 1580s
    • Format: Codex
    • Condition: The corners of the folios are slightly worn and rounded. Humidity and water stains are spread throughout this part, and are darker and wider in the outermost folios: ff. 2r and 25v.
    • Script:

      The main text, by Hand A, is written in a scribal minuscule script, upright or slanting slightly to the right, in brown ink. Variation in letter size is marked, mainly at the beginning of the lines.

      Syllabic abbreviations are rare but consistenly used for γάρ and δὲ. Breathings are round and mute iota is present.

      Punctuation used includes the middle and upper point, middle and lower comma, and full stop.

    • Layout: ff. 2r-25v: written space Written height: 140 mm, width: 85 mm. 20 lines per page
    • Origin: Probably produced in the mid- or second half of 16th century, on the basis of the style of script and the watermark.
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 2r δι' ὁμοιότητος ἀποτελοῖτ' ἄν. (Π)ᾶν τὸ προϊὸν ἀπό τινος καὶ ἐπιστρέφον κυκλικὴν ἔχει τὴν ἐνέργειαν
      Explicit: f. 25v ἀφ’ ὧν γὰρ ὥρμηται τούτων δήπου μετέχει, καὶ ὧν μετέχει ταῦτα οὐκ ἔστι πρώτως· ὃ δὲ [ἀμέθεκτόν ἐστι]

    Section shown in images 57 to 462

    • Title: Part II, ff. 26r-228v
    • Origin Place: Venice
    • Language(s): Greek
    • Associated Name(s): Lascaris, Janus, 1445?-1535
    • Extent: Leaf height: 225 mm, width: 162 mm.
    • Collation:

      Part II consists of 17 quires and one single leaf:

      Quire signatures in pencil in Roman numerals, in the bottom right-hand corner, recto, of the first folio of each quire, along with crosses indicating the middle of quires.

      In the second half of the part, quires 12-19, there are traces of two brown ink signature in Greek numerals in the middle of the lower margin of the last versos: quires 12-14:

      quires 15-19:

    • Material: ff. 26r-228v Western paper, folded in quarto. Column ( Watermark height: 60 mm, width: 20 mm. ) in the gutter comparable to Harlfinger, Colonne 11, 21. The majority of those examples are dated to the 1460s-1470s.Crossbow ( Watermark height: 45 mm, width: 50 mm. ) in the gutter comparable to Harlfinger, Arbalete 43, 51. The majority of those examples are dated to the late 15th and early 16th century.Crown ( Watermark height: 60 mm, width: 35 mm. ) in the gutter comparable to Briquet 4853. The majority of those examples are dated to the 1490s.Günther 1995, p. 162 speculates on a watermark with a 'M' in the upper inner corner of the quires 4-5, not visible due to damage
    • Format: Codex
    • Condition: The corners of the book block are worn and rounded (especially from f. 216 onwards). Humidity and water stains are repeatedly found throughout the volume. There are occasional worm holes.
    • Script:

      Michael Souliardos: the manuscript part was copied by the Michael Souliardos of Nauplion (RGK I 286) active between the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century in a scholarly-calligraphical minuscule script in black ink, darker from f. 113v onwards.

      Slanting slightly to the right, Souliardos' hand is compressed with pronunced ascenders and rather reduced descenders. Variation in letter size not marked, ligatures and abbreviations are common and very clear.

      Breathings are curved; accents sometimes join to letters or breathings. The trema is occasionally present over iota.

    • Layout: ff. 26r-112v: single column, 33 lines per page. Written height: 155 mm, width: 100 mm. ff. 113v-228v: single column, 22 lines per page. Written height: 150 mm, width: 85-90 mm.
    • Decoration: Headpiece on ff. 113v, 130r
      Thick red-ink major initials: e.g. on ff. 49r, 64v, 81r, 113v.
      Minor initials written in a thin red-ink uncial within the body of the text to mark the quotations from the dramas.
      Ornamental line fillers at title headers: ff. 34r, 38v, 64v.
    • Additions:

      A later western hand added some titles on the upper margins of ff. 26r, 49r, 105r, 113v.

    • Provenance:

      Jackson 1998, p. 95, finds Parts II and V in two entries in a list of texts that Janus Lascaris (c. 1445-1535) brought to Florence in 1492. This list is now preserved in Hannover, Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, MS XLII 1845, ff. 107r-111r. The scholia to Sophocles are listed on f. 107v line 3 as "Antiquae Glosulae in quasdam tragaedias Sophoclis". Lascaris had been sent by Lorenzo de' Medici to the East to acquire Greek manuscripts for the Laurentian Library, and also printed the metrical scholia to Sophocles in 1518 (see Proietti 2018, pp. 226-227).

      Jackson 2006, p. 32, further speculates that Part I was also brought to Florence in the same year.

    • Origin: The manuscript was copied in all likelihood in Venice or in the Venetian area by Michael Souliardos, between the late 15th and early 16th century.

    Section shown in images 57 to 67

    • Title: Scholia on Euripides' Hecuba (beginning from lines 71)
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 26r "(μ)ελανοπτερύγων"· μελανοπτέρυγας εἴρηκε τοὺς ὀνείρους διὰ τοῦ μέλανος τὸ σκοτεινὸν καὶ δυσδιάγνωστον δηλῶν
      Explicit: f. 31r ἐνταῦθα οὖν τίθησιν ὁ ποιτὴς τὸν Πολυμεστόρα περὶ τούτου δῆθεν προλέγοντα. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 67 to 73

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Euripides' Hecuba
    • Note(s): TLG 5023.020
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 31r Περὶ τῶν μέτρων ὧν ἐχρήσατο Εὐριπίδης ἐν Ἑκάβη δράματι
      Incipit: f. 31r "Ἥκω νεκρῶν κευθμῶνα καὶ σκότου πύλας"· ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος περιέχει στίχους νηʹ ἰαμβικοὺς τριμέτρους ἀκαταλήκτους· ὧν τελευταῖος, "φθείρει θεῶν τις τῆς πάροιθ’ εὐπραξίας"
      Explicit: ff. 33v-34r τὰ τρία ταῦτα κῶλα τοῦ χοροῦ ἀναπαιστικά εἰσιν· τὸ αον δίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον· τὸ βον ὅμοιον ὑπερκατάληκτον· τὸ γον μονόμετρον ὑπερκατάληκτον ἀναπαιστικὸς τρίμετρος καταληκτικός

    Section shown in images 73 to 82

    • Title: Scholia on Euripides' Orestes
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 5023.001, 5023.15
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 34r Σχόλια εἰς τὸ Εὐριπίδου δράμα(!) Ὀρέστης
      Incipit: f. 34r "Δεινόν"· τὸ δεινὸν ὄνομα ἐστι γενικόν· καὶ διαιρεῖται εἰς πάθος καὶ συμφοράν· καὶ πάθος μὲν ἐπὶ τὸ συμβαῖνον τῶ σώματι τραῦμα
      Explicit: f. 38v διὸ καὶ ἐπὶ τῶ τέλει τοῦ ἔμπροσθεν δράματος τοῦ τῶν Φοινισσῶν τοῦτο τέθεικεν· ἴσως δὲ καὶ ἐν ἄλλοις αὐτοῦ δράμασιν εὑρεθήσεται

    Section shown in images 82 to 86

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Euripides' Orestes (lines 1-1281)
    • Note(s): The text continues on ff. 50r-51v; TLG 5023.020
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 38v Μέτρα οἷς ἐχρήσατο Εὐριπίδης ἐν Ὀρέστη
      Incipit: f. 38v "Οὐκ ἔστιν οὐδὲν δεινὸν ὧδ’ εἰπεῖν ἔπος"· ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος περιέχει στίχους ἰαμβικοὺς τριμέτρους ρμʹ ὧν τελευταῖος "τόν δ’ ἐξεγεῖραι συμφορὰ γενήσεται"
      Explicit: f. 40v "φέρε νυν ἐν πύλαισιν"· σύστημα ἐκ κώλων ιʹ· ὧν τὸ βον· τὸ εον· τὸ ηον· τὸ θον· ἰαμβικοὶ

    Section shown in images 87 to 88

    • Title: Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 322-470)
    • Note(s): The text begings on ff. 49r-49v (lines 23-147), and continues on ff. 52r-53v (lines 147-322), 54r-63r (lines 470-1209); cf. TLG 5014.014, 5014.031
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 41r κακόν· ἀλλὰ διὸ τί πένης ὢν πρώην πρὸς τοὺς συνήθεις τοῦτο ἐχρῆτο, διὰ τοῦτο ἀτιμάζει αὐτὸ· θέλων μετὰ τοῦ βίου καὶ τὰ προσρήματα μεταβαλεῖν
      Explicit: f. 41v "ζῶντας ὑμᾶς"· ἰστέον ὅτι ἡ Ἀττικὴ ἔλλειψις, ἤ ἐν ἀρχῆ τίθεται, ὡς ἐν τῶ ὅπως μὴ ποιήσης τόδε, νοουμένου ἔξωθεν τοῦ σκόπει· ἢ ἐν τῶ μέσω, ὡς κἀνταῦθα

    Section shown in images 89 to 93

    • Title: Scholia on Euripides' Phoenician Women
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 42r Σχόλια εἰς τὸ Εὐριπίδου δράμα(!) Φοινίσσαι
      Incipit: f. 42r "Θοαῖς ἵπποισιν"· τέσσαρας φασὶν οἱ μῦθοι τοὺς ἵππους εἶναι
      Explicit: f. 44r ἔνθα ἦν ἱερόν Ποσειδῶνος· ἐκεὶ γὰρ ἦν τὰ τοῦ Ποσειδῶνος ἱπποστάσια, ὡς ὁ μῦθος. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 94 to 102

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Euripides' Phoenician Women
    • Note(s): TLG 5023.020
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 44v Περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Εὐριπίδης ἐν Φοινίσσαις
      Incipit: f. 44v "Ὦ τὴν ἐν ἄστροις οὐρανοῦ τέμνων ὁδὸν"· ἡ εἴσβασις τοῦ δράματος περιέχει στίχους ἰαμβικοὺς τριμέτρους ἀκαταλήκτους ρβʹ ὧν τελευταῖος "δίρκης τε νᾶμα πολεμίων στρατεῦμ’ ὅσον"
      Explicit: f. 48v ἐκ τοῦ ποιητικοῦ προσώπου εὐχομένου νικῆσαι ἐπὶ τῶ δράματι ὅπερ καὶ ἐν τῶ τέλει τοῦ δευτέρου πεποίηκε δράματος. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 103 to 103

    • Title: Αrgumentum 5 on Aristophanes' Plutus (ed. Dübner 1877)
    • Note(s): TLG 5014.014
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 49r Σχόλια εἰς τὸ Ἀριστοφάνους δράμα(!) Πλοῦτον
      Incipit: f. 49r l. 1 Ἰστέον ὅτι τὰ τοῦ δράματος πρόσωπα πεπλασμένα εἰσὶ παρὰ τοῦ ποιητοῦ. Χρεμύλος γὰρ ἀπὸ τοῦ χρέος
      Explicit: f. 49r l. 5 τὸ Βλεψίδημος δὲ ἤτοι πτωχὸς, ὁ βλέπων ἀεί ποτε εἰς τὸν δῆμον

    Section shown in images 103 to 104

    • Title: Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 23-147)
    • Note(s): The texts continues on ff. 52r-53v (lines 147-322), 41r-41v (lines 322-470), 54r-63r (lines 470-1209); cf. TLG 5014.014, 5014.31
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 49r "λῆρος"· εἰ μὲν ἐμφανῶς τὸ λῆρος πρὸς τὸν δεσπότην εἶπεν, ἀντὶ τοῦ περιττολογία νοήσεις
      Explicit: f. 49v "μικρὸν ἀργυρίδιον"· τὸ προσκεῖσθαι τὸ ἀργυριδίω τὸ μικρὸν ἀδολεσχίαν καλοῦσιν

    Section shown in images 105 to 108

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Euripides' Orestes (lines 1281-1693)
    • Note(s): The text continues from f. 40v; TLG 5023.020
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 50r τρίμετροι ἀκατάληκτοι· τὸ αον τρίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον ἐκ παιώνων δου καὶ βου· καὶ διιάμβου
      Explicit: f. 51v τούτων γὰρ τὸ μὲν πρῶτον καταληκτικόν ἐστι· τὸ δὲ δεύτερον, τρίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον, τὸ δὲ τρίτον δίμετρον ὑπερκατάληκτον

    Section shown in images 109 to 112

    • Title: Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 147-322)
    • Note(s): The text begings on ff. 49r-49v (lines 23-147), and continues on ff. 41r-41v (lines 322-470), 54r-63r (lines 470-1209); cf. TLG 5014.014, 5014.31
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 52r οἱ παλαιοί· καὶ χωρὶς γὰρ τοῦ μικροῦ, ἡ μικρότης τοῦ ἀργυρίου φαίνεται διὰ τοῦ εἰρῆσθαι ἀργυρίδιον
      Explicit: f. 53v ἐμφαίνεται ἐντεῦθεν, ὡς οἱ ἐξαίφνης καὶ παρ’ ἐλπίδα εὐτυχήσαντες, ἕτεροι· τοῖς τρόποις γίνονται, καὶ πρὸς ὑπεροψίαν χωροῦσι· καὶ γὰρ οὐκ ἔστι τὸ χαίρειν

    Section shown in images 113 to 131

    • Title: Scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus (lines 470-1209)
    • Note(s): The text begings on ff. 49r-49v (lines 23-147), and continues on ff. 52r-53v (lines 147-322), 41r-41v (lines 322-470), 54r-63r (lines 470-1209); cf. TLG 5014.014, 5014.31
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 54r ἢ ἐν τῶ τέλει, ὡς ἔχει τὸ δὲ μὴ ποιῆσαι ἐμὲ τόδε καὶ τόδε· καὶ γὰρ κἀκεῖ νοεῖται ἔξωθεν τὸ οὐ σκαιόν
      Explicit: f. 63r "εἰς τοὔπισθεν"· ἔμπροσθεν γὰρ Χρεμύλου καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ἵσταντο. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 132 to 133

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Aristophanes' Plutus
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 5014.014, 5014.31
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 63v Περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Ἀριστοφάνης ἐν τῷ Πλούτω
      Incipit: f. 63v "Ὡς ἀργαλέον πρᾶγμ’ ἐστίν ὦ Ζεῦ καὶ θεοί"· ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος ἐκ στίχων συνέστηκεν ἰαμβικῶν τριμέτρων ἀκαταλήκτων, σμηʹ· ὧν τελευταῖος· "τί γὰρ ἄν τις οὐχὶ πρὸς σὲ τἀληθῆ λέγη"
      Explicit: f. 64r "οὐκ ἔτι τοίνυν" ἀναπαιστικοὶ τετράμετροι καταληκτικοί δύο

    Section shown in images 133 to 134

    • Title: Hypothesis on Nubes
    • Alternative Title(s): Argumentum Nubium (Arg. 4 Koster 1974, Scholia in Aristophanem I.3.2)
    • Note(s): TLG 5014.005
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 64r Ὑπόθεσις Ἀριστοφάνους Νεφέλων
      Incipit: f. 64r Tὸ δρᾶμα τῶν Νεφελῶν κατὰ Σωκράτους γέγραπται τοῦ φιλοσόφου ἐπίτηδες· ὡς κακοδιδασκαλοῦντος τοὺς νέους Ἀθήνησι
      Explicit: f. 64v ὑπεραλγῶν τούτου χάριν, κατασκάπτει καὶ ἐμπίπρησι τὸ σωκρατικὸν φροντιστήριον· ἔστι δὲ τὸ δρᾶμα τῶν πάνυ δυνατῶς πεποιημένων

    Section shown in images 134 to 159

    • Title: Scholia on Aristophanes' Nubes (ed. Koster 1974, Scholia in Aristophanem I.3.2)
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 5014.005, 5014.006
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 64v Σχόλια εἰς τὸ Νεφελῶν δρᾶμα Ἀριστοφάνους
      Incipit: f. 64v "ἰοὺ ἰού"· δυσφορῶν ὁ Στρεψιάδης ὑπὸ τῆς τῶν χρεῶν φροντίδος καὶ μὴ δυνάμενος ὑπνώττειν ταῦτα σχετλιάζων βοᾶ
      Explicit: f. 77r τὸ φλυαρεῖν· ὡς τὸ ἀδολεσχεῖς ἄνθρωπε· καὶ τὸ ὀλιγωρεῖν· ὡς τὸ, ἠδολέσχησα καὶ ὠλιγοψύχησε τὸ πνεῦμά μου

    Section shown in images 159 to 166

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Aristophanes' Nubes (ed. Koster 1974, Scholia in Aristophanem I.3.2)
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 5014.006
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 77r Περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Ἀριστοφάνης ἐν τῶ Νεφέλαις
      Incipit: f. 77r "ἰοὺ ἰού· ὦ Ζεῦ βασιλεῦ, τὸ χρῆμα τῶν νυκτῶν ὅσον"· τὸ ἰοὺ ἰού, κῶλόν ἐστὶ μονόμετρον ἰαμβικὸν ἀκατάληκτον· ἐφεξῆς δὲ στίχοι ἰαμβικοὶ τρίμετροι, ἀκατάληκτοι σξʹ
      Explicit: f. 80v τελευταῖον δὲ τούτων πάντων στίχος ἀναπαιστικὸς τετράμετρος καταληκτικός καὶ ἀποπερατοῦται τὸ δρᾶμα. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 167 to 167

    • Title: Hypothesis on Ranae
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 5014.028
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 81r Ὑπόθεσις Ἀριστοφάνους Βατράχων
      Incipit: f. 81r line 1 Μαθὼν παρ’ Ἡρακλέους Διόνυσος τὴν ἐς Ἅδου ἀπάγουσαν, πρὸς τοὺς κατοιχομένους πορεύεται, λαβὼν τὸ δέρμα καὶ τὸ σκύταλον, ἀναγαγεῖν ἐθέλων Εὐριπίδην
      Explicit: f. 81r line 8 καὶ γὰρ Διόνυσος ἐκεῖσε πρὸς Ἡρακλῆ ἀφικνεῖται, Θηβαῖον ὄντα

    Section shown in images 167 to 167

    • Title: Hypothesis on Ranae
    • Note(s): (ed. Chantry 2001, Scholia in Aristophanem III.1.a); cf. TLG 5014.028
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 81r Ἄλλως
      Incipit: f. 81r line 8 Διόνυσός μετὰ θεράποντος Ξανθίου δι' Εὐριπίδου πόθον εἰς Ἅδου κατιέναι βουληθείς, ἀπέρχεται πρότερον εἰς τὸν Ἡρακλέα
      Explicit: f. 81r line 24 κρίνας παρὰ προσδοκίαν ὁ Διόνυσος τὸν Αἰσχύλον νικᾶν, ἔχων αὐτὸν ὡς τοὺς ζῶντας ἀνέρχεται

    Section shown in images 167 to 168

    • Title: Hypothesis on Ranae
    • Note(s): (Argumentum I, ed. Koster 1962, Scholia in Aristophanem IV.3, ll. 3-22); TLG 5014.018
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 81r lines 24-25 ὁ παρὼν ποιητής, ὡς ἐν τῶ δράματι τοῦ Πλούτου, τῶ, τότε τῶν Ἀθηναιῶν ἄρχοντι χαριζόμενος ὅπως δήποτε, τότε τὸν Πλοῦτον
      Explicit: f. 81v line 14 κατὰ τοιούτου παντὸς μὴ συνιέντος αὑτόν, τὸ τοιοῦτον ὁ ποιητὴς ἐξέθετο δρᾶμα

    Section shown in images 168 to 197

    • Title: Scholia on Aristophanes' Ranae (ed. Koster 1962, Scholia in Aristophanem IV.3; Chantry 2001, Scholia in Aristophanem III.1.b)
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 5014.018, 5014.029
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 81v lines 15-16 ὁ Διόνυσος μέλλων ἀφιξέσθαι πρὸς τὴν Ἡρακλέους οἰκίαν, ἵν’ ἐξ αὐτοῦ τὰ εἰς τὴν Ἅδου κάθοδον πάντα γνοίη σαφῶς
      Explicit: f. 96r εἰ μὴ βούλοιντο, ἀπελθόντες εἰς τὰ πάτρια ταύτην τὴν γνώμην ἐχέτωσαν. Δόξα τῶ ἁγώ Θεῶ

    Section shown in images 197 to 204

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Aristophanes' Ranae
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 96r Περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Ἀριστοφάνης ἐν Βατράχοις
      Incipit: f. 96r "Εἴπω τι τῶν εἰωθότων ὦ δέσποτα"· ἠ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος, ἐκ στίχων ἰαμβικῶν τριμέτρων ἀκαταλήκτων σζʹ, ὧν τελευταῖος "βατράχων κύκνων θαυμαστά"
      Explicit: f. 99v ἐφεξῆς δὲ μέχρι τέλους τοῦ δράματος, στίχοι ἡρωϊκοί, ηʹ. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 205 to 207

    • Title: Anonymus Crameri i De comoedia (Prolegomenon XIb, ed. Koster 1975, Scholia in Aristophanem I.1.a)
    • Note(s): TLG 3002.013
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 100r Περὶ κωμωδίας
      Incipit: f. 100r Kωμωδίαι λέγονται τὰ τῶν κωμικῶν ποιήματα· ὡς τὰ τοῦ Ἀριστοφάνους, Κρατίνου, Μενάνδρου, καὶ τῶν ὁμοίων. εὑρέθη δὲ ἡ κωμωδία, ὥς φασιν ἐξ αἰτίας τοιαύτης
      Explicit: f. 101r ἡ δὲ ὁμοίωσις εἰς δύο τέμνεται, ἢ εἰς τὸ βέλτιον, ὡς ὁ Ξανθίας εἰς Ἡρακλῆ· ἢ εἰς τὸ χεῖρον, ὡς ὁ Διόνυσος εἰς Ἡρακλῆ

    Section shown in images 207 to 210

    • Title: Anonymus Crameri ii De comoedia (Prolegomenon XIc, ed. Koster 1975, Scholia in Aristophanem I.1.a)
    • Note(s): TLG 3002.014
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 101r Ἰστέον ὅτι Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Αἰτωλὸς, καὶ Λυκόφρων ὁ Χαλκιδεὺς, ὑπὸ Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Φιλαδέλφου προτραπέντες τὰς σκηνικὰς διώρθωσαν βίβλους
      Explicit: f. 102v προοίμιον δὲ τούτοις οὐκ ἦν ὡς ἐκείνοις· ὅτι ἅμα τῶ εἰσελθεῖν εἰς τὸ θέατρον, πρὸς τὸν δῆμον στραφέντες, ἅμα τὸ αὐτὸ ἔλεγον καὶ στροφὴν καὶ προοίμιον

    Section shown in images 211 to 214

    • Title: On poets and poems
    • Note(s): cf. TLG 9022.014, 5038.001
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 103r Περὶ ποιητῶν, καὶ τῶν αὐτῶν ποιημάτων
      Incipit: f. 103r Ὅτι οἱ κατ’ ἐξοχὴν λεγόμενοι ποιηταὶ τέσσαρα τινὰ γνωρίσματα ἔχουσι στίχον ἡρωϊκόν μῦθον ἀλληγορικόν· ἱστορίαν παλαιὰν· καὶ ποιὰν λέξιν
      Explicit: f. 104v ἡ πρόσρησις σημεῖον εἰρήνης ἦν· εὐδαίμονες μὲν γὰρ οἱ ἄνθρωποι ἐν εἰρήνη· κακοδαίμονες δὲ γίνονται ἐν τῶ πολέμω

    Section shown in images 215 to 218

    • Title: Scholia on Homer's Iliad i
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 105r Τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς αʹ Ἰλιάδος σχόλαια
      Incipit: f. 105r "ἀλλ’ εἰ μὲν δώσουσι γέρας", σχῆμα ἐλλειπτικὸν, λείπει γὰρ τὸ ἡσυχάσω, παύσομαι
      Explicit: f. 106v καὶ τῶν μελοδιῶν τῶν μουσῶν, ὥσπερ καὶ φόρμιγγα φασὶν καὶ αὐτὸ τὸ κιθάρισμα

    Section shown in images 219 to 225

    • Title: Scholia on Homer's Iliad ii
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 107r Τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς βʹ Ἰλιάδος σχόλαια
      Incipit: f. 107r "ἰπποκορυσταὶ"· ἀπὸ δύο· ἀπὸ τε κόρυθος καὶ ἵππου τοὺς πολεμικοὺς
      Explicit: f. 110r καὶ σὺ μὲν πρὸς νόστον ὀτρυνεῖς, ἡμεῖς δὲ οἱ φρονοῦντες οὐκ ἴδμενμ τὶ ποιητέον ἐστίν

    Section shown in images 227 to 228

    • Title: Scholia on Homer's Iliad xxiv
    • Note(s): f. 110v blank
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. 111r "ἐσκίδναντ’ ἰέναι"· ἥτοι ὥς τε ἰέναι· "μέδοντο", ἐφρόντιζον
      Explicit: f. 111v "ἀρὴν", βλάβην· "εἴρυτο", ἐφύλασσεν· "ἐλυσθεις"· πεσὼν

    Section shown in images 228 to 228

    • Title: Anthologia Graeca xvi 151
    • Note(s): TLG 7000.001; DBBE Type 7058
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 111v Εἰς Διδῶ στίχοι
      Incipit: f. 111v Ἀρχέτυπον Διδοῦς ἐρικυδέος ὦ ξένε λεύσσεις· εἰκόνα, ἐξεσίω κάλλει λαμπομέναν
      Explicit: f. 111v Πιερίδες τί μοι αἰνὸν ἐφωπλίσσασθε Μάρωνα· τοῖα καθ’ ἡμετέρης ψεύσατο σωφροσύνης

    Section shown in images 228 to 228

    • Title: Anthologia Graeca ix 357
    • Note(s): Attribuited to Aulus Licinius Archias; TLG 7000.001
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 111v Ἀρχίου εἰς τοὺς τέσσαρας ἀγῶνας
      Incipit: f. 111v Τέσσαρές εἰσιν ἀγῶνες ἀν’ Ἑλλάδα, τέσσαρες ἱροί, οἱ δύο μὲν θνητῶν, οἱ δύο δ’ ἀθανάτων, Ζηνός Λητοΐδαο· Παλαίμονος Ἀρχεμόροιο· ἆθλα δὲ τῶν κότινος· μῆλα, σέλινα, πίτυς. Τέλος

    Section shown in images 229 to 230

    • Title: Scholia on Homer's Iliad xxiii
    • Note(s): f. 113r blank
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 112rΤὰ σχόλαια εἰς Ἰλιάδος ψʹ Ὁμήρου ραψωδίας
      Incipit: f. 112r "Ὣς οἳ μὲν"· μεταφορὰν ποιεῖται τῆς διηγήσεως, ἐν ὅσω γὰρ ἐμονώδουν οἱ κλαίοντες
      Explicit: f. 112v "ἔμονες(!)", ἀκοντισταὶ καὶ "ἥμασιν"· ἀκοντίσματι

    Section shown in images 232 to 247

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Ajax (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 1-26)
    • Note(s): See A. Tournebus, Demetrius scholia (1553), pp. 1-27 (at Μέτρα); cf. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2 (1852), p. 383-389
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 113v Δημητρίου τοῦ Τρικλινίου, περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Σοφοκλῆς· ἐν τῶ Αἵας μαστιγοφόρος δράματι
      Incipit: f. 113v Ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος ἐκ συστηματικῶν ἐστί περιόδων· οἱ δὲ στίχοι εἰσὶν ἰαμβικοὶ τρίμετροι ἀκατάληκτοι υβ· ὧν τελευταῖος "θεοὶ φιλοῦσι καὶ στυγοῦσι τοὺς κακούς"
      Explicit: f. 121r "ὦ πολλὰ βροτοῖς ἔστιν ἰδοῦσιν"· σύστημα ἐπωδικόν ἐν ἐκθέσει τοῦ δράματος· κώλων ἀνασπαιστικῶν τριῶν· ὧν τὰ βʹ δίμετρα ἀκατάληκτα· τὸ δὲ τρίτον καταληκτικὸν ἤτοι ἑφθημιμερές
      Final Rubric: f. 121r Τέλος τῶν μέτρων τοῦ πρώτου δράματος ὅλου, Σοφοκλέους· Αἵαντος· καὶ ἀρχὴ τῆς ἐξηγήσεως τοῦ βου· Ἠλέκτρας

    Section shown in images 248 to 249

    • Title: Schemata on Sophocles' Ajax
    • Note(s): See A. Tournebus, Demetrius scholia (1553), pp. 1-26 (at Σχήματα), cf. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2 (1852), p. 389-390; f. 122v blank
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 121v ἐκ τοῦ Αἵαντος
      Incipit: f. 121v "Ἀεὶ μέν ὦ παῖ"· τὸ προοίμιον προσφωνητικὸν· "καὶ νῦν ἐπὶ σκηναῖς"· ἐνταῦθα ἡ κατασκευὴ τοῦ προοιμίου
      Explicit: f. 122r "καὶ νῦν γε Τεύκρῳ"· καταλλαγὴ Τεύκρου καὶ Ὀδυσσέως. "Ἥλις ἤδη γαρ"· ἐπίλογος

    Section shown in images 251 to 264

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Electra (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 27-51)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 123r Τοῦ αὐτοῦ Δημητρίου τοῦ Τρικλινίου περὶ μέτρων, οἷς ἐχρήσατο Σοφοκλῆς ἐν τῶ, Ἠλέκτρα, δράματι
      Incipit: f. 123r "Ὦ τοῦ στρατηγήσαντος ἐν Τροία ποτὲ"· Ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος ἐκ συστηματικῶν ἐστί περιόδων· οἱ δὲ στίχοι εἰσὶν ἰαμβικοὶ τρίμετροι ἀκατάληκτοι πδʹ· ὧν τελευταῖος "νίκην τ' ἐφ' ἡμῖν καὶ κράτος τῶν δρωμένων"
      Explicit: f. 129v "ὦ σπέρμ’ Ἀτρέως"· σύστημα ἐπωδικόν, ἐν ἐκθέσει τοῦ δράματος, κώλων ἀνασπαιστικῶν τριῶν· ὧν τὰ βʹ δίμετρα ἀκατάληκτα· τὸ δὲ τρίτον καταληκτικὸν ἤτοι ἑφθημιμερές

    Section shown in images 265 to 266

    • Title: Schemata on Sophocles' Electra
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 130r ἐκ τῆς Ἠλέκτρας
      Incipit: f. 130r "Ὦ τοῦ στρατηγήσαντος"· προσφωνητικὸν τὸ προοίμιον· πρότασις· "τὸ γὰρ παλαιὸν"· κατασκευὴ· "νῦν οὖν Ὀρέσταφάσις(!)
      Explicit: f. 130v "οἴμοι τί λεύσσω"· κατάσχεσις Αἰγίσθου καὶ φόνος "χρῆν δ’ εὐθὺς"· ἐπίλογος
      Final Rubric: f. 130v Τέλος τῶν σχημάτων τῶν ἐν λέκτρας

    Section shown in images 267 to 282

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Antigone (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 71-93)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 131r Τοῦ αὐτοῦ Δημητρίου τοῦ Τρικλινίου περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Σοφοκλῆς ἐν Ἀντιγόνη
      Incipit: f. 131r "Ὦ κοινὸν αὐτάδελφον Ἰσμήνης κάρα"· Ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος ἐκ συστηματικῶν ἐστί περιόδων· οἱ δὲ στίχοι εἰσὶν ἰαμβικοὶ τρίμετροι ἀκατάληκτοι ϛθʹ· ὧν τελευταῖος "ἄνους μὲν ἔρχη τοῖς φίλοις δ’ ὀρθῶς φίλη"
      Explicit: f. 138v "πολλῶ τὸ φρονεῖν"· σύστημα ἀνομοιομερὲς ἐπωδικόν, ἐν ἐκθέσει τοῦ δράματος, κώλων ἀνασπαιστικῶν ϛʹ· ὧν τὰ μὲν δʹ δίμετρα ἀκατάληκτα· τὸ εον μονόμετρον ὅ παρατέλευτον ὀνομάζεται· τὸ δὲ ϛον δίμετρον καταληκτικὸν ἑφθημιμερές παροιμιακόν
      Final Rubric: f. 138v Τέλος Ἀντιγόνης

    Section shown in images 285 to 297

    • Title: Metrical scholia on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus (ed. Tessier, Scolii metrici alla tetrade sofoclea, 20152, pp. 53-70)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 140r Τοῦ αὐτοῦ Δημητρίου τοῦ Τρικλινίου, περὶ μέτρων οἷς ἐχρήσατο Σοφοκλῆς ἐν τῶ Οἰδίπους δράματι
      Incipit: f. 140r "Ὦ τέκνα Κάδμου τοῦ πάλαι νέα τροφή"· Ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ παρόντος δράματος ἐκ συστηματικῶν ἐστί περιόδων· οἱ δὲ στίχοι εἰσὶν ἰαμβικοὶ τρίμετροι ἀκατάληκτοι ρνʹ· ὧν τελευταῖος "σωτήρ θ’ ἵκοιτο καὶ νόσου παυστήριος"
      Explicit: f. 146r "ἅλις ἵν’ ἐξήκεις δακρύων"· ἐντεῦθεν ὁ ἐπίλογος ἄρχεται τοῦ δράματος· εἰσὶ δὲ οἱ μέχρι τοῦ τέλους τοῦ δράματος, στίχοι τροχαικοὶ τετράμετροι καταληκτικοὶ ιϛʹ, ὧν ὁ αος καὶ ὁ ζος ἀπὸ χορείου ἄρχονται· οἱ μέντοι τελευταῖοι τούτων, ζʹ, οὕς ὁ χορὸς φησιν· ἰδίως ἐπωδικοὶ καλοῦνται
      Final Rubric: f. 146r Τέλος τοῦ περὶ μέτρων δράματος Οἰδίποδος Σοφοκλέους

    Section shown in images 298 to 299

    • Title: Schemata on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 146v Περὶ τῶν ἐν τῶ Οἰδίποδος δράματος σχημάτων
      Incipit: f. 146v "Ὦ τέκνα Κάδμου"· προσφωνητικὸν τὸ προοίμιον· πρότασις· "πόλις δ’ ὁμοῦ"· κατασκευὴ· "ἀλλ’ ὦ κρατύνων"· προκατάστασις καὶ διήγησις τῶν συμβάντων αὐτοῖς ἐκ τοῦ λοιμοῦ
      Explicit: f. 147r " ἀλλ’ εὐτυχοίης"· Οἰδίποδος αὖθις ἐλεεινολογία· περὶ τε ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν θυγατέρων. "Ἅλις ἵν’ ἐξήκης(!)"· ἐπίλογος
      Final Rubric: f. 147r Τέλος καὶ τῶν σχημάτων ὧν ἐχρήσατο Σοφωκλῆς(!) ἐν τῶ Οἰδίποδος δράματι

    Section shown in images 301 to 304

    • Title: On enclitics (ed. Bekker, Anecdota Graeca, vol. III p. 1149-1152,12)
    • Alternative Title(s): De encliticis
    • Author(s): Charax, Joannes
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 148r Περὶ ἐγκλητικῶν ὀνομάτων καὶ ῥημάτων
      Incipit: f. 148r Ἰστέον ὅτι τὰ ἐγκλητικὰ οὐκ εἰσὶν ἐν τοῖς ὀκτὼ μέρεσιν, ἀλλ' ἐν πέντε μόνον
      Explicit: f. 149v τὸ δὲ ἠμι αης· οὐ καλῶς λέγοντες· ἰδοὺ γὰρ τὸ καυχῶ καυχᾶς, δευτέρας ὄν συζυγίας· ἐν τῇ ἀποβολῆ τοῦ κ· πρώτης ἐγένετο

    Section shown in images 305 to 345

    • Title: Scholia on Sophocles' Ajax (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 329-357)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 150r Σχόλαια(!) εἰς τὸ Σοφοκλέους· Αἴας μαστιγοφόρος δράμα(!)
      Incipit: f. 150r "πεῖράν τιν’ ἐχθρῶν"· ἤγουν πειραθῆναι τῶν ἐχθρῶν, καὶ ὧν κατὰ σοῦ μηχανῶνται προλαβεῖν ζητοῦντα τῶ πρὶν ἤ παθεῖν μαθεῖν καὶ φυλάξασθαι
      Explicit: f. 170r τοῦτο δὲ λέγει ὁ χορὸς περὶ ἑαυτοῦ· ὡς πρῶτον οὐκ ἐλπίζοντος ἂν τεθάφθαι τὸν Αἴαντα, ὕστερον δὲ ἰδόντος τοῦτο γενόμενον
      Final Rubric: f. 170r Τέλος τοῦ Αἴαντος μαστιγοφόρου δράματος ἐξηγήσεως

    Section shown in images 347 to 386

    • Title: Scholia on Sophocles' Electra (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 359-382)
    • Note(s): See A. Tournebus, Demetrius scholia (1553), pp. 29-52 (at Σχόλια); ff. 171r-183r scholia on lines 1-1039, f. 183v blank, f. 184r a single line, f. 184v blank, ff. 185r-190v scholia on lines 1044-1510 (see notes on upper margin on ff. 182r and 184r)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 171r Σχόλια ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἠλέκτρας δράματος Σοφοκλέους
      Incipit: f. 171r "ὧν πρόθυμος"· αὕτη ἡ γενικὴ οὐ καθὰ οἴονταί τινές ἐστι, λέγοντες, ὧν εἰς θέαν ἐλθεῖν, τοῦτο γὰρ λαμβάνουσιν ἔξωθεν ἦσθα πρόθυμος
      Explicit: f. 190v τελειωθὲν δέ, ἀντὶ τοῦ ἀποκαταστὰν εἰς τὴν ἐκ προγόνων σοι προσήκουσαν εὐδαιμονίαν
      Final Rubric: f. 190v Τέλος

    Section shown in images 387 to 418

    • Title: Scholia on Sophocles' Antigone (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 308-327)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 191r Σχόλια ἐκ τοῦ Ἀντιγόνης δράματος Σοφοκλέους
      Incipit: f. 191r "Ἀντιγόνη, φίλων"· μὴ λάβης εἰς τὸ φίλων ἔξωθεν ὑπέρ· ἀλλὰ πρὸς τὸ μῦθος ἐστὶν ἡ τοιαύτη γενική
      Explicit: f. 206v "μηδὲν ἀσεπτεῖν"· ἤγουν ἀσεβεῖν· τοῦτο δὲ λέγει· διὰ τὸ παροργίσαι τὸν Κρέοντα Πλούτωνα καὶ Περσεφόνην, διὰ τὸ Πολυνείκην ἄθαπτον ῥῖψαι

    Section shown in images 419 to 462

    • Title: Scholia on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus (ed. Dindorf, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias, vol. 2, 1852, p. 278-307)
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 207r Σχόλια εἰς τὸ, Οἰδίπους τυράννος, Σοφοκλέους δράμα(!)
      Incipit: f. 207r "Ἐξεστεμμένοι"· ὅτι οὔ μόνον ἐστεφανωμένοι ἦσαν· ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐν χερσὶν ἔφερον δῆλον ἐστί καὶ ἐξ ὧν ἔμπροσθεν λέγει· τούσδ' ἄραντες ἱκτῆρας κλάδους
      Explicit: f. 228v μηδένα μακαρίζειν θνητὸν ὄντα, πρὶν ἂν ὁ τοιοῦτος τὸ τέρμα τοῦ βίου διέλθη, μηδὲν δεινόν πεπονθώς
      Final Rubric: f. 228v Τέλος τῆς ἐξηγέσεως, καὶ τοῦ δου δράματος Σοφοκλέους Οἰδίποδος

    Section shown in images 463 to 494

    • Classmark: Part III, ff. 229r-244v
    • Title: On dialects (ed. Schäfer 1811, pp. 1-410)
    • Alternative Title(s): De dialectis
    • Note(s): TLG 4092.001
    • Extent: Leaf height: 210 mm, width: 140 mm.
    • Collation:

      Part III consists of two quaternions. Quires 22-238 ff. 229r-244v

      Quire signatures in pencil in Roman numerals, in the bottom right-hand corner, recto, of the first folio of each quire, along with crosses indicating the middle of quires.
    • Material: ff. 229r-244v Western paper, folded in octavo. Watermark: Crossbow ( Watermark height: 37 mm, width: 40 mm. ) in the gutter comparable to Harlfinger, Arbatele 35. The majority of those examples are dated to the late 15th century.
    • Format: Codex
    • Condition: In good condition.
    • Script:

      Joannes Plousiadenos (ca. 1429-1500): the manuscript part was copied by Joannes Plousiadenos (RGK I 176), active in the second half of 15th century.

      This part is written in a scholarly-calligraphical minuscule script in black ink; slanting slightly to the right, Plousiadenos' hand is marked by airiness and letter division, pronounced ascenders and descenders. Variation in letter size is present, not stressed but for initials. Ligatures and abbreviations are common and very clear.

      Breathings are curved; accents join to letters or breathings. The trema is present over iota.

    • Layout: ff. 229r-244v: single column, 24 lines per page. Written height: 155 mm, width: 87 mm.
    • Decoration: Rope motif headpiece within a reddish rectangle on f. 229r.
      The thick red-ink major initials on ff. 229r, 229v, 236v, 243r.
      Minor initials written in a thin red-ink uncial within the body of the text.
      Ornamental line fillers drawn in red ink on ff. 229v, 236v.
    • Origin: The manuscript was copied by Joannes Plousiadenos (ca. 1429-1500), in the late 15th century.
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 229r περὶ τῶν διαλέκτων ἰδιότητα τῶν διαλέκτων ὅρα· τοῦ Κορίνθου
      Incipit: f. 229r Ἰδού σοι καὶ τὰς διαλέκτους ἐγχειρίζω νέων μοι πάντων φιλολογώτατε· περὶ ὧν, ὅ,τε Φιλόπονος Ἰωάννης ἐπόνησε
      Explicit: f. 244v τὰ δεύτερα πρόσωπα τῶν πληθυντικῶν ἐκ τοῦ τρίτου προσώπου τῶν παθητικῶν, καθ’ ὑποστολὴν

    Section shown in images 495 to 523

    • Title: Part IV, ff. 1r-16v
    • Language(s): Greek
    • Extent: Leaf height: 230 mm, width: 133 mm.
    • Collation:

      Part IV consists of one quinion an one ternion: Quire 2410ff. 1r-10v Quire 256ff. 1r-16v

      Modern leaf signatures, in pencil on the first rectos, bottom right: f. 1r a1, f. 11r b1.
    • Material: ff. 1r-16v parchment, medium thickness, good quality, arranged flesh-to-flesh and hair-to-hair with flesh outermost (FHHF).
    • Format: Codex
    • Condition: In good condition; some small holes in f. 1r, two bigger holes repaired at the time of copying in ff. 13 and 15.
    • Script:

      Demetrios Moschos: this part of the manuscript was copied by Demetrios Moschos (RGK I 97), who was active in the second half of 15th century.

      It is written in a scholarly-calligraphical minuscule script in black ink, related to the Druckminuskel; Moschos' hand is marked by verticality, clearness and letter division.

      Breathings are curved; accents join to breathings, circumflex joins to ypsilon

      ff. 14v, line 9 - 15r are copied by another contemporary hand in mixed minuscule, in black ink. The writing appears rigid and not inclined. The letters are separated and the use of ligatures and abbreviations is limited. The alpha is in two forms, the beta is heart-shaped, gamma is majuscule and high, the omega is in open and closed forms. The accents are not joined to letters or breathings.

    • Layout: ff. 1r-15r: single column, 28 lines per page. Written height: 165 mm, width: 63 mm. Pricking marks do not survive. Ruled in hardpoint, system Leroy 13, type Leroy 44D1q.
    • Decoration: Thick red-ink major initials on ff. 1r3v
      Minor initials written in a thin red-ink uncial within the body of the text.
    • Additions:

      Title in Latin by an early modern western hand in brown ink on f. 1r: "Collectanea de linguarum differentia et aliis", and a number, probably a former shelfmark: 81.

    • Origin: This part of the manuscript was copied by Demetrios Moschos(?) and another contemporary hand in the late 15th century.

    Section shown in images 495 to 507

    • Title: Extracts dialect from Scholia Londinensia on Dionysius Thrax's Art of Grammar (ed. Hilgard, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 1.3, 1901, p. 464-468)
    • Note(s): Ionic dialect ff. 1r-2v (cf. Hildgard p. 467-468), synonyms in Ionic ff. 3r-3v, Attic dialect ff. 3v-4v (cf. Hildgard p. 464), Doric dialect ff. 4v-5r (cf. Hildgard p. 466-467), Aeolic dialect ff. 5r-7r (cf. Hildgard p. 466), mixed with extracts from Gregory of Corinth, De dialectis; The text is also in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Canon. gr. 13, ff. 33v sqq., and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Barocci 57, ff. 185r sqq; TLG 4175.006, cf. TLG 4092.001
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 1r διάλεκτοι εἰσὶ πέντε· ἰὰς· ἀτθὶς· δωρὶς·, αἰολὶς καὶ κοινή. ἔχει δὲ ἑκάστη διάλεκτος οἰκεῖον ἰδίωμα· ὃ ἐν συνόψει καλῶς ὑποδείξομαι
      Incipit: f. 1r Ἡ Ἰὰς τὰ εἰς ας λήγοντα ὀνόματα εἰς ης τρέπει· Ἑρμείας Ἑρμείης· Σωσίας Σωσίης
      Explicit: f. 7r Τοὺς διὰ δύο σσ ἐκφερομένους ἐνεστῶτας διὰ τοῦ ζ προφέρουσι· τὸ γὰρ ἐμπήσσω ἐμπάζω λέγουσι, καὶ τὸ ἐπιπλήσσω ἐπιπλάζω· καὶ τὰ ὅμοια

    Section shown in images 507 to 512

    • Title: Extracts on the rhapsody from Scholia Londinensia and Commentarius Melampodis seu Diomedis on Dionysius Thrax's Art of Grammar (ed. Hilgard, Grammatici Graeci, vol. 1.3, 1901, p. 28-30, 481)
    • Note(s): The text is also in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Canon. gr. 13, ff. 37r sqq., and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Barocci 57, ff. 190r sqq; TLG 4175.001, 4175.006
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 7r Περὶ ῥαψωδίας
      Incipit: f. 7r Τι ἐστὶ ῥαψωδίας· ποίημα ἐμπεριειληφός τινα ὑπόθεσιν. καὶ ἄλλως· μέρος τοῦ ὅλου ποιήματος περιλαβόν καὶ ἔχον ἐν ἑαυτῶ μικράν τινα περιπέτειαν
      Explicit: f. 9v ἡ τοῦ Ὁμήρου σύνθεσις θειάζεται καὶ κυροῦται ὡς ἡ τοῦ ἡλίου φαιδρότης ὑπὲρ πάντα τὰ αἰσθητὰ φῶτα

    Section shown in images 512 to 518

    • Title: Extracts on the inflected forms from Pseudo-Arcadius' Epitome of Herodian's De Prosodia Catholica(ed. Schmidt, Ἐπιτομὴ τῆς καθολικῆς προσῳδίας Ἡρωδιανοῦ, 1860, p. 160-169)
    • Author(s): Pseudo-Arcadius
    • Note(s): Edited by Aldus Manutius, Thesaurus Cornucopiae et horti Adonidis 1496, cc. 229v-232r; the text is also in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Canon. gr. 13, ff. 38v sqq., and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Barocci 57, ff. 192v sqq; TLG 2116.002
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 9v Περὶ ἐγκλινομένων
      Incipit: f. 9v Ἰστέον ὅτι τὰ ἐγκλινόμενα εὐρίσκεται ἐν ὀνόμασι καὶ ἀντωνυμίαις καὶ ῥήμασι, καὶ ἐπιρρήμασι· καὶ συνδέσμοις
      Explicit: f. 12v τότε τὸν ἴδιον δέχεται τόνον, οὔτε δυνάμει οὔτε ἐνεργεία ἐγκλινόμενον ἤδη φαμέν· ὀξύνομεν γὰρ τὸ φαμέν· φίλοι εἰσίν· ὁμοίως καὶ τὸ ‘εἰσίν’ ὀξύνομεν

    Section shown in images 518 to 521

    • Title: Extracts on barbarism and solecism from Gregory of Corinth's Περὶ συντάξεως λόγου(ed. D. Donnet, Le traité Περὶ συντάξεως λόγου de Grégoire de Corinthe 1967, p. 217-219)
    • Note(s): TLG 4092.003
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 12v Περὶ βαρβαρισμοῦ καὶ σολοικισμοῦ
      Incipit: f. 12v Ἰστέον ὅτι ὁ βαρβαρισμὸς γίνεται ἐν λέξει ὅταν ἐξ ἀτεχνίας παραφθαρῆ ἡ ἑλληνικὴ λέξις καὶ ἄλλην ἄλλως ἐκφωνηθῆ
      Explicit: f. 14r οὗτος ὀρθῶς καὶ ἀπταίστως τὸν κάνονα καὶ τὸν ὅρον τοῦ λόγου σαφηνιεῖ

    Section shown in images 521 to 522

    • Title: Notes on the intesive and negative prefixes
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 14r περὶ τῶν ἐπιτατικῶν μορίων
      Incipit: f. 14r Ἐπιτατικὰ μόρια εἰσὶν ἑπτὰ
      Explicit: f. 14v καὶ νόθος ὁ ξένος καὶ ἀλλότριος

    Section shown in images 522 to 523

    • Title: Extracts from Georgius Choeroboscus' Epimerismi in Psalmos (ed. T. Gaisford, Georgii Choerobosci epimerismi in Psalmos, 1842, vol. 3 p. 41 line 30 -43,23)
    • Note(s): TLG 4093.008
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 14v Τὸ ως πόσα σημαίνει
      Incipit: f. 14v Τὸ ως πόσα σημαίνει; λβʹ. Τὶ καὶ τί; Παραβολὴν, ὥστε λέων ἐχάρη, μεγάλῳ ἐπὶ σώματι κύρσας· ἀνταπόδοσιν
      Explicit: f. 15r Τὴν ἐπὶ πρόθεσιν ὡς ἀεὶ τὸν ὁμοῖον ἄγει ὡς ἐπὶ τὸν ὁμοῖον

    Section shown in images 527 to 590

    • Title: Part V, ff. 1r-32v
    • Language(s): Greek
    • Associated Name(s): Lascaris, Janus, 1445?-1535
    • Extent: Leaf height: 220 mm, width: 140 mm.
    • Collation:

      Part V consists of two quinions and one sexternion: Quires 26-2710ff. 1r-20v Quire 2812ff. 21r-32v

      A leaf signature in Greek numerals (number of folio, followed by the number of quire) in light brown ink in the lower right-hand corner of the rectos, ended by the quire number on the last verso, e.g.:

      In all likelihood contemporary with the writing of this part of the manuscript.

      A bifolium signature (Latin letters for quires, followed by an Arabic numerals for bifolios) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner of the rectos was added by Henry Bradshaw: a, b, c.

    • Material: ff. 1r-32v parchment, medium thickness, good quality, arranged flesh-to-flesh and hair-to-hair with flesh outermost (FHHF).
    • Format: Codex
    • Condition: In good condition.
    • Script:

      Demetrios Damilas: the manuscript part was copied by Demetrios Damilas (RGK I 93) in a minuscule script in black ink and red ink for scholia and glossae.

    • Layout: ff. 1r-32v: 27 lines per page. Written height: 140 mm, width: 70 mm. Pricked survives on external and lower edges. Ruled in hardpoint, system Leroy 2, type Leroy 02D1.
    • Decoration: Headpiece on f. 8r
      Thick red-ink major initial on ff. 8r, 9v, 10r, 10v, 11v, 12r, 13v, 14r, 15v, 16r, 17r, 18r, 18v, 19v, 24r, 24v, 26r, 29r
      Minor initials written in a thin red-ink uncial within the body of the text.
    • Provenance:

      Along with the scholia to Sophocles in Part II, Part V is present on the list of the books Janus Lascaris (c. 1445-1535) brought to Florence in 1492 (see above). In Hannover, Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, MS XLII 1845, ff. 107r-111r the Enchiridion of Hephaestion is recorded on f. 107r line 9 as "Expositio in ephestione demetrii", where "demetrii" stands for "de metris" (see Jackon 1998, p. 94).

    • Origin: The manuscript part was copied by Demetrios Damilas, active in Florence in the 1480-90s.

    Section shown in images 527 to 540

    • Title: ἐκ τῶν Λογγίνου τοῦ φιλοσόφου τὰ προλεγόμενα εἰς τὸ τοῦ Ἡφαιστίωνος ἐγχειρίδιον
    • Alternative Title(s): Scholia B on Hephaestion's Enchiridion (books 1-3); In Hephaestionem scholia B (lib. I-III)
    • Note(s):
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 1r ἐκ τῶν Λογγίνου τοῦ φιλοσόφου τὰ προλεγόμενα εἰς τὸ τοῦ Ἡφαιστίωνος ἐγχειρίδιον
      Incipit: f. 1r ἀμφότερα καλεῖται μέδιμνος· καὶ αὖ πάλιν εἴποιμι, χόα τὸ σκεῦος· ἐν ὧ μετρῶ ποσότητά τινα
      Explicit: f. 7v ἀποθέσεις δὲ τῶν δακτυλικῶν κοινῶν, ἀδιάφοροι μακραί τε βραχεῖαι

    Section shown in images 541 to 574

    • Title: Enchiridion de metris
    • Author(s): Hephaestion
    • Note(s): TLG 1402.001; ed. Consbruch 1906, Hephaestionis Enchiridion cum commentariis veteribus, p. 1-58; Scholia A in margins
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 8r περὶ βραχείας συλλαβή. Ἡφαιστίωνος ἐγχειρίδιον
      Incipit: f. 8r Βραχεῖά ἐστι συλλαβὴ ἡ ἔχουσα βραχὺ φωνῆεν, ἢ βραχυνόμενον· μὴ ἐπὶ τέλους λέξεως, οὕτως
      Explicit: f. 24v Τοσαῦτα περὶ τῶν μέτρων· περὶ δὲ ποιήματος ἑξῆς ῥητέον

    Section shown in images 574 to 577

    • Title: Introductio metrica
    • Author(s): Hephaestion
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 24v Ἡφαιστίωνος περὶ ποιημάτων
      Incipit: f. 24v Τῶν ποιημάτων, τὰ μέν ἐστι κατὰ στίχον. τὰ δὲ συστηματικά, τὰ δὲ μικτά, τὰ δὲ κοινά
      Explicit: f. 26r οἷον εἰ μονοστροφικῶς γραφὲν δύναται τοῦτο καὶ ἐπωδικῶς γεγράφθαι δοκεῖν

    Section shown in images 577 to 583

    • Title: De poematis
    • Author(s): Hephaestion
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 26r Ἡφαιστίωνος περὶ στίχων
      Incipit: f. 26r Στίχος ἐστὶ ποσὸν μέγεθος μέτρου· ὅπερ οὔτε ἔλαττόν ἐστι τριῶν συζυγιῶν οὔτε μεῖζον τεσσάρων
      Explicit: f. 29r τὸ καλούμενον ἀντεπίρρημα· ὅπερ ἦν, τῶν ἴσων κώλων τῶ ἐπιρρήματι

    Section shown in images 583 to 586

    • Title: De signis
    • Author(s): Hephaestion
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 29r περὶ σημείων
      Incipit: f. 29r Τὰ σημεῖα τὰ παρὰ τοῖς ποιηταῖς ἄλλως παρ’ ἄλλοις κεῖται
      Explicit: f. 30v ἀμφότεραι μέντοι, ἔξω νενευκυῖαι· διὰ τούτων δηλούντων ἡμῶν, ὅτι ἀνταποδέδοται
      Final Rubric: f. 30v τέλος τοῦ Ἡφαιστίωνος ἐγχειριδίου

    Section shown in images 586 to 590

    • Title: Three texts περὶ κοινῆς συλλαβῆς, τί διαφέρει συνεκφώνησις συναλοιφῇ, τὰ τοῖς θεοῖς ἀνατιθέμενα ζῶα and περὶ ποδῶν
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 30v περὶ κοινῆς συλλαβῆς
      Incipit: f. 30v Ἔστι κοινὴ συλλαβή, καὶ ὅταν βραχὺ φωνῆεν ἐπιφέρει δασὺ σύμφωνον
      Explicit: f. 32v κρᾶσις τὰ ἐμὰ, τἀμὰ


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