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Michaelides Fragments : Letter

Michaelides Fragments

<p style='text-align: justify;'><a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(1);return false;'>Recto:</a> Addressed to a woman. The writer refers to the measuring of something with the 'big <i>qafīz</i>' (فيكيل بالقفيز الكبير). He introduces the bearer of the letter, a certain ’Abū al-Qāsim, who is described as 'an honourable man' (رجل من اهل الشرف والفضل) and complains that he addressee has not followed his instruction to look after a person referred to as الخليفة (وقد كنت كتبت اليك اسالك ان تتعاهدى الخليفة فى كل وقت ... فلم تفعلى). <a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(2);return false;'>Verso:</a> Continuation of letter on the recto. Contains the request formula: فرايك جعلت فداك فيما كتبت به اليك موفقا ان شا الله '(Let me know) your opinion concerning what I have written to you, God willing'. Closes with the conveyance of greetings to various people. </p>

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