Michaelides Fragments: Arabic : Official document
Michaelides Fragments: Arabic
<p style='text-align: justify;'><a href='' onclick='store.loadPage(1);return false;'>Recto:</a> Fragment of an official document confirming receipt of rent (كرى). Contains sigla resembling rosettes that are common in official receipts. </p>
Recto: Fragment of an official document confirming receipt of rent (كرى). Contains sigla resembling rosettes that are common in official receipts.
Information about this document Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
Classmark: Mich.Pap.B.13.B
Alternative Identifier(s): Mich.Pap.B.13.B
Date of Creation: 3rd century A.H./9th century A.D.
Language(s): Arabic
Extent: 1 leaf Leaf height: 12 cm, width: 10 cm.
Material: Papyrus
Script: Final الف extends below the connecting stroke. س/ش normally has teeth. The stroke of final ي is extended backwards.
Layout: Writing on one side only, in black ink, 5 lines, at right angles to the fibres.
Acquisition: Bought from Michaelides in 1977.
Funding: TIMA
Data Source(s): Description based on an unpublished handlist by Professor Geoffrey Khan
Author(s) of the Record: Gennady Kurin
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