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Cairo Genizah : Letter

Isaac Luria

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Autograph letter in Hebrew by Isaac Luria Aškenazi (Ha-Ari, האר׳׳י), sent while he was in Egypt (so before he left for Safed 1569-70 CE), but away from his home in Cairo, so perhaps sent from Alexandria. The recipient isn't named, but is probably in Rašīd (Rosetta), and might be the Moses Benjamin who sends him two letters (T-S 6J4.31 and T-S 6J4.32). The letter was sent after the end of summer and before the arrival of the 'mightiness of rains', and is dated according to the paraša (Parašat Vayyišlaḥ): in Kislev/December time. It concerns trade and financial matters and was delivered by a courier (הרץ הזה). </p>

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