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Cairo Genizah : Halaḵa

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>MS A of the Damascus Document. Folios 1-8 contain the Admonition, parts of which corresponding to folios 7-8 are also found in T-S 16.311 (MS B); folios 9-16 contain the Laws. First identified by Schechter (1910) as a fragment of a ‘Zadokite work’, a Second Temple era priestly composition exhorting the members of a breakaway sect to follow righteousness and adhere to various laws, this identification was later confirmed by the 1947 discovery of same text among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. The Genizah manuscripts of the Damascus Document exhibit differences both with each other and with the versions found at Qumran. </p>

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Halaḵa (T-S 10K6)

MS A of the Damascus Document. Folios 1-8 contain the Admonition, parts of which corresponding to folios 7-8 are also found in T-S 16.311 (MS B); folios 9-16 contain the Laws. First identified by Schechter (1910) as a fragment of a ‘Zadokite work’, a Second Temple era priestly composition exhorting the members of a breakaway sect to follow righteousness and adhere to various laws, this identification was later confirmed by the 1947 discovery of same text among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. The Genizah manuscripts of the Damascus Document exhibit differences both with each other and with the versions found at Qumran.

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