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Cairo Genizah : Letter

Moses b. Elijah ha-Levi

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter, c. late 12th century, from Moses b. Elijah ha-Levi, to Sar Šalom ha-Levi, the Gaʾon, Roš ha-Yešiva, regarding a dispute in the writer’s town over who is allowed to perform circumcisions. The writer had sided with a mohel called Yefet, against another mohel called Yefet b. Solomon the physician (who is called Abū l-Ṭafāl, i.e. ‘son of the fuller’), and the latter had consequently slandered the writer before the Gaʾon. The writer apologises for the poor quality of paper used for the letter, and also for the untidy handwriting—he is writing while lying down, due to a stomach illness, and his eyes are sore. With quotes from Psalms 119:165, Isaiah 57:19, Deuteronomy 33:8-11, Proverbs 3:26, 2, Psalms 29:11, 128:6, 1 Samuel 24:15 and Psalms 77:10. </p>

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Letter (T-S 13J20.18)

Letter, c. late 12th century, from Moses b. Elijah ha-Levi, to Sar Šalom ha-Levi, the Gaʾon, Roš ha-Yešiva, regarding a dispute in the writer’s town over who is allowed to perform circumcisions. The writer had sided with a mohel called Yefet, against another mohel called Yefet b. Solomon the physician (who is called Abū l-Ṭafāl, i.e. ‘son of the fuller’), and the latter had consequently slandered the writer before the Gaʾon. The writer apologises for the poor quality of paper used for the letter, and also for the untidy handwriting—he is writing while lying down, due to a stomach illness, and his eyes are sore. With quotes from Psalms 119:165, Isaiah 57:19, Deuteronomy 33:8-11, Proverbs 3:26, 2, Psalms 29:11, 128:6, 1 Samuel 24:15 and Psalms 77:10.

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