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Cairo Genizah : Letter

Joseph b. Berachiah, Nissim b. Berachiah

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Fragment of a letter from the brothers Joseph and Nissim, sons of Berachiah, in Qayrawan, to the merchant Joseph b. Jacob Ibn ʿAwkal, in Fusṭāṭ. The letter was written after Abraham b. ʿAtaʾ accepted the position of Nagid in the year 1015, and before Israel b. Samuel b. Ḥofni became Gaʾon in 1017 (i.e. ca. 1015-1017 CE). Mosseri III.231.1 accompanied this letter with all the enclosures. Address on verso.</p>

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Letter (T-S 16.64)

Fragment of a letter from the brothers Joseph and Nissim, sons of Berachiah, in Qayrawan, to the merchant Joseph b. Jacob Ibn ʿAwkal, in Fusṭāṭ. The letter was written after Abraham b. ʿAtaʾ accepted the position of Nagid in the year 1015, and before Israel b. Samuel b. Ḥofni became Gaʾon in 1017 (i.e. ca. 1015-1017 CE). Mosseri III.231.1 accompanied this letter with all the enclosures. Address on verso.

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