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Cairo Genizah : Letter; legal document

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Recto (continued on verso): letter, ca. 1105 CE, of the judges of the court appointed by the Nagid Mevoraḵ b. Saʿadya to the community of al-Mahalla, advising the community in strong terms to take back their judge who had left. Verso: draft, in the hand of the scribe Hillel b. ʿEli, of an addition to the last will of the parnas ʿEli ha-Kohen b. Yaḥyā (active 1057-1107 CE). In his previous will, drawn up by the Andalusian judge Isaac b. Samuel, ʿEli had stated that one of his partners, Abū l-Munā Tiqva b. ʿAmram from Ascalon, owed him forty-eight dinars. The next day the witnesses reported that the partner had testified that ʿEli had withdrawn about six dinars, whereupon ʿEli asked them to include a declaration that he had been under the impression that the sum withdrawn had been profit made, leaving the forty-eight dinars ʿEli had invested in the partnership intact.</p>

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