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Cairo Genizah : Letter


Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter sent from Alexandria by Naḥman, a former official of the imperial mint of Old Cairo to his wealthy sister. The writer describes how he had lost his post, his house and all his possessions. He hired out his son to a tailor who paid him half a dirhem per week. He also mentions that the impositions connected with the Franks’ invasion of Damietta had had a terrible effect on the population of Alexandria in general. Ca. 1220 CE.</p>

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Letter (T-S 16.286)

Letter sent from Alexandria by Naḥman, a former official of the imperial mint of Old Cairo to his wealthy sister. The writer describes how he had lost his post, his house and all his possessions. He hired out his son to a tailor who paid him half a dirhem per week. He also mentions that the impositions connected with the Franks’ invasion of Damietta had had a terrible effect on the population of Alexandria in general. Ca. 1220 CE.

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