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Cairo Genizah : Medical; legal document

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Short of writing paper in India, Jewish traders resident there sometimes wrote their documents on cloth. Recto: medical recipes (including a wide variety of exotic ingredients from India, Persia and elsewhere) probably written by the India trader Abraham Ibn Yijū. Ingredients include Psoralea Bituminous, yellow, black and chebulic myrobalan, bdellium, leek seeds, leek-water, fennel, Indian salt, Persian origan, nard, cumin of Kirman, cinnamon, sagapenum and sugar candy. Verso: part of a court record in the hand of Ibn Yijū, presumably written in Mangalore, India. The text of the court record is badly effaced, but it refers to a court ruling that was issued in Bharūch (a port city in northwest India).</p>

Page: 1r

Medical; legal document (T-S Ar.41.81)

Short of writing paper in India, Jewish traders resident there sometimes wrote their documents on cloth. Recto: medical recipes (including a wide variety of exotic ingredients from India, Persia and elsewhere) probably written by the India trader Abraham Ibn Yijū. Ingredients include Psoralea Bituminous, yellow, black and chebulic myrobalan, bdellium, leek seeds, leek-water, fennel, Indian salt, Persian origan, nard, cumin of Kirman, cinnamon, sagapenum and sugar candy. Verso: part of a court record in the hand of Ibn Yijū, presumably written in Mangalore, India. The text of the court record is badly effaced, but it refers to a court ruling that was issued in Bharūch (a port city in northwest India).

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