List, probably of tax or rent revenue. It describes the houses and apartments in a particular street darb al-Sadu[...], mentioning the house of the company of Abū l-Faḍāʾil, Ibn al-Qallād, Ḥus[ayn] b. Nathan, Umm Šām, the apartment of ʿAlī al-Labbān, apartments of Christians, the apartment of the silk trader (al-qazzāz), upper storey and lower storey of Bahrām and Sulaymān, the ‘big market’ and several shops (dukkān). On both sides of the leaf there is also unidentified Arabic script. F. 1v: in a different hand, list of ‘the business of our master’; with receipts from the Christian tax collector, expenditures and prices.
Information about this document
Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
Classmark: T-S AS 153.257
Language(s): Judaeo-Arabic; Arabic (Arabic vocalisation)
Extent: 2 leaves (bifolium). Leaf height: 12.4 cm, width: 18.3 (1 leaf: 9.1) cm.
Material: Paper
Condition: torn, holes, rubbed, stained
Layout: 7-14 lines
Provenance: Donated by Dr Solomon Schechter and his patron Dr Charles Taylor in 1898 as part of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection
Author(s) of the Record: CUL
Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved.
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