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Cairo Genizah : Calendrical

Cairo Genizah

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Calendar for 4978–4979 of the Era of Creation (= 1217-1218 to 1218-1219 CE). The calendar mentions moladot of all months, days of the week of beginnings of months, dates and days of the week of all feasts and fasts, the time of tequfot, and how the Biblical lections are to be read. The calendar also gives correspondences with Muslim months. The calendar is in the hand of Yedutun ha-Levi, a famous cantor of the Palestinian community of Fusṭāṭ in the 13th century. </p>

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Calendrical (T-S NS 98.82)

Calendar for 4978–4979 of the Era of Creation (= 1217-1218 to 1218-1219 CE). The calendar mentions moladot of all months, days of the week of beginnings of months, dates and days of the week of all feasts and fasts, the time of tequfot, and how the Biblical lections are to be read. The calendar also gives correspondences with Muslim months. The calendar is in the hand of Yedutun ha-Levi, a famous cantor of the Palestinian community of Fusṭāṭ in the 13th century.

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