This is a volume of Inventories of books, records and other movable property of the University. From around 1300, the University's portable possessions were the responsibility of the University Chaplain. After c. 1400 they were housed in the 'new chapel' in the newly completed north range of the Schools buildings. These lists were compiled by a range of University Officers including perhaps the Chaplain and certainly the Proctors and Registrary. The two Proctors were appointed annually from early in the University's existence to represent the interests of the regent masters, keep accounts and to maintain discipline. The office of Registrary was created in 1504 to compile and maintain the records of the University. The lists date mainly from the fifteenth century and include the earliest surviving catalogues of the archives, 1420, and the library, 1424-40. They were bound up by the Proctors in 1473. Matthew Wren (1585-1667), Fellow of Pembroke College, added a further catalogue of the archives to the blank leaves at the back in 1622.
Jacqueline Cox, Keeper of the University Archives
This item was included in the Library’s 600th anniversary exhibition Lines of Thought: Discoveries that changed the world.
Exterior binding contemporary with sewing up in 1473 on to four double sheepskin thongs fastened into oak boards by a couple of wooden pegs. Boards covered in buckskin, originally dyed red, though traces of colouring remain only where skin folded over inside boards. Rebound in early 1960s, same method of binding, same boards and (on front board only) original pegs being used. Buckskin cover, slightly strengthened at spine, replaced over original oak boards, cleaned of later accretions of end papers.
"Registry" is written on the front inner board in the hand of Joseph Romilly, Registrary of the University 1832-1862.
Two leaves of modern paper fols i and ii have been pasted into the front of the volume. They contain a list of the contents of the volume in the hand of John Willis Clark, Registrary of the University 1891-1910.
A late-nineteenth-century University Registry bookplate is tipped into the volume between fols i and ii; a University Archives bookplate from the 1980s is pasted to fol. iiir.
There is a note in John Willis Clark's hand on fol. iiiv: "At the end of this Volume is Bishop Wrenns Catalogue of Muniments in the office in 1622".
There is a title inscription in a seventeenth-century hand at the top of fol. 1r: "Registrum librorum scriptorum aliorumque bonorum universitatis per procuratores compilatum, Anno Domini 1473"
A list of documents listed in Wren’s inventory (fols 39r-43r) which were missing in 1881 in the hand of Henry Richards Luard Luard, Henry Richards, 1825-1891 and dated 9 April 1881, is written on a sheet of paper pasted onto a blank leaf (fol. 38r).
Wren's inventory is annotated on fols 38v-43r by Joseph Romilly and other later Registraries.
A paper slip is added at the end of the volume with a note signed by M. R. James and dated 24 February 1912 concerning the medieval flyleaves: "8 leaves, 4 at each end of a Civil Law MA of cent. xiii-xiv. Two leaves probably English".
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Exterior binding contemporary with sewing up in 1473 on to four double sheepskin thongs fastened into oak boards by a couple of wooden pegs. Boards covered in buckskin, originally dyed red, though traces of colouring remain only where skin folded over inside boards. Rebound in early 1960s, same method of binding, same boards and (on front board only) original pegs being used. Buckskin cover, slightly strengthened at spine, replaced over original oak boards, cleaned of later accretions of end papers.
"Registry" is written on the front inner board in the hand of Joseph Romilly, Registrary of the University 1832-1862.
Two leaves of modern paper fols i and ii have been pasted into the front of the volume. They contain a list of the contents of the volume in the hand of John Willis Clark, Registrary of the University 1891-1910.
A late-nineteenth-century University Registry bookplate is tipped into the volume between fols i and ii; a University Archives bookplate from the 1980s is pasted to fol. iiir.
There is a note in John Willis Clark's hand on fol. iiiv: "At the end of this Volume is Bishop Wrenns Catalogue of Muniments in the office in 1622".
There is a title inscription in a seventeenth-century hand at the top of fol. 1r: "Registrum librorum scriptorum aliorumque bonorum universitatis per procuratores compilatum, Anno Domini 1473"
A list of documents listed in Wren’s inventory (fols 39r-43r) which were missing in 1881 in the hand of Henry Richards Luard Luard, Henry Richards, 1825-1891 and dated 9 April 1881, is written on a sheet of paper pasted onto a blank leaf (fol. 38r).
Wren's inventory is annotated on fols 38v-43r by Joseph Romilly and other later Registraries.
A paper slip is added at the end of the volume with a note signed by M. R. James and dated 24 February 1912 concerning the medieval flyleaves: "8 leaves, 4 at each end of a Civil Law MA of cent. xiii-xiv. Two leaves probably English".