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Relhan Collection : 302 Swavesey church, monument to Anne, Lady Cutts, d. 1631

Relhan, Richard, 1782-1844

Relhan Collection

<p style='text-align: justify;'><p>Relhan shows the whole monument as a framework to show ten shields of arms, Lady Cutts’ lozenge (now at the top of the main panel) and the family achievement of arms and crest. He has not copied the inscriptions to family members. A semi-classical tomb designed as a tryptych commemorating Anne Kempe, Lady Cutts, first wife of the 5th Sir John Cutts, and other members of the Cutts family. Cole 1742 describes it as ‘<i>a very beautiful and elegant monument for a Lady Cutts’</i>, and suggests it is Italian. This elaborate monument, designed by Nicholas Stone, is in the form of a half open marble cupboard surmounted by an open segmental pediment. The monument records several Cutts, including the 3rd Sir John, who married Sibbell, daughter of John Hinde of Madingley and died in Italy; the 4th Sir John who is buried in Lolworth and the 5th Sir John who is buried in Ireland. The Cutts of Childerley had bought a large estate in Swavesey from Henry Carey, later Lord Hunsdon, son of Anne Boleyn’s sister Mary, in 1549. Having closed the churches at both Great and Little Childerley the Cutts were content to use their rights to Swavesey and Lolworth (<b>243</b>) churches, for they held much land in both parishes.</p><p>Bingley and Cockerill 2006; Bradley and Pevsner 2104; Palmer 1932; VCH 1989</p></p>

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