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The Rising Tide : Behave Badly Badge

Jardine, Lisa

The Rising Tide

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Jane Tillier was appointed the first woman Lay Chaplain at Jesus College in 1984. She was given this badge by Lisa Jardine, a renowned historian who studied at Newnham College between 1963 and 1973, and who in April 1976 had been elected Jesus’s first female fellow. Jardine handed the badges out to women friends, encouraging them to wear them. For those wanting to make a less overt statement, Jardine encouraged them to pin the badge under their jackets if necessary. Tillier wore it under her clerical robes. </p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Courtesy of the Revd Prebendary Dr Jane Tillier</p>

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Behave Badly Badge (Behave Badly)

Jane Tillier was appointed the first woman Lay Chaplain at Jesus College in 1984. She was given this badge by Lisa Jardine, a renowned historian who studied at Newnham College between 1963 and 1973, and who in April 1976 had been elected Jesus’s first female fellow. Jardine handed the badges out to women friends, encouraging them to wear them. For those wanting to make a less overt statement, Jardine encouraged them to pin the badge under their jackets if necessary. Tillier wore it under her clerical robes.

Courtesy of the Revd Prebendary Dr Jane Tillier

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