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Walking with Constable : Walk A

Walking with Constable

<p style='text-align: justify;'>On 13 June 2022, and after a tricky start to <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Walk A</a> (one of us lost a sole after only two minutes!) we found our first view, the <a href='/view/PR-FITZWILLIAM-P-00232-01954-00001-B/1'>‘Spring’ mezzotint</a>, did not disappoint. Helping us to understand what is going on in the scene, we were joined by John Thornes, a meteorologist who has been researching <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Constable’s relationship with the skies</a>. On our journey down into the valley, we also had the opportunity to discuss what it is like to <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>care for the landscape</a> as we were joined by Dave Piper, the National Trust's Countryside Manager for Essex and Suffolk. Once we reached Flatford, we explored our second view of the walk, the <a href='/view/PR-FITZWILLIAM-P-00232-01954-00001-D/1'>‘River Stour, Suffolk’ mezzotint</a>, before making our way up and along the River Stour to Dedham, where we found Constable’s old school. </p>

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