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Darwin Manuscripts : Presentation album of photographs of scientists from the Netherlands (sent to Charles Darwin in 1877)

Darwin Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Charles Darwin received the photograph album for his birthday on 12 February 1877 from his scientific admirers in the Netherlands. It had been proposed by Hermanus Hartogh Heijs van Zouteveen, the translator of Darwin’s works <i>Descent of man</i> and <i>Expression of the emotions in man and animals</i>, together with Christiaan Karel Hoffmann and Pieter Harting, professors of zoology and comparative anatomy at Leiden and Utrecht universities respectively. The council of the Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (Dutch Zoological Society) was chosen to co-ordinate the initiative, and a letter was circulated to potential contributors (Heide 2009, pp. 114–15). The Dutch album was sent to Darwin by the president and secretary of the society, Adriaan Anthoni van Bemmelen and Huibert Johannes Veth. It was luxuriously bound in red velvet with silver embossing. The frontispiece contains a mistake about Darwin’s age: it states his ‘69th Birthday’, when in fact he was 68 in 1877. The contributors were apothecaries, merchants, high-school teachers, and artists, as well as scientific and medical professionals. The album was arranged in alphabetical order, and the photographs were all equal in size, being small cartes de visite, displayed four to a page. Accompanying the album was a handwritten list of the 217 people included, with their professional title or occupation. The pictures were removed from the album at some point in its history and the fronts and backs are displayed here on black pages in the configurations that they would have appeared in the album. Sample pages from the empty album are also included.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Key to abbreviations of professional titles:<br /><ul><li>Phil. nat. doct: PhD (natural philosophy or natural science);</li><li>Phil. nat. stud.: student of natural philosophy or natural science;</li><li>Phil. nat. cand.: Bachelor degree or B. Sc.;</li><li>Jur. utr. doct: PhD in civil and canon law;</li><li>Math. mag. phil. nat.: M.Sc in mathematics and natural philosophy;</li><li>‘Natura Artis Magistra’: ‘Nature is the teacher of art’ (motto of the Amsterdam Zoological Society and Garden).</li></ul></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Further information:<br /><br /> Heide, Janneke van der. 2009. <i>Darwin en de strijd om de beschaving in Nederland, 1859–1909</i>. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek.<br /><br /><a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>History of Down House, English Heritage website</a><br /><br /><a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>German and Dutch photograph albums, Darwin Correspondence Project website</a></p>

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Presentation album of photographs of scientists from the Netherlands (sent to Charles Darwin in 1877) (EH 88202653)

Charles Darwin received the photograph album for his birthday on 12 February 1877 from his scientific admirers in the Netherlands. It had been proposed by Hermanus Hartogh Heijs van Zouteveen, the translator of Darwin’s works Descent of man and Expression of the emotions in man and animals, together with Christiaan Karel Hoffmann and Pieter Harting, professors of zoology and comparative anatomy at Leiden and Utrecht universities respectively. The council of the Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (Dutch Zoological Society) was chosen to co-ordinate the initiative, and a letter was circulated to potential contributors (Heide 2009, pp. 114–15). The Dutch album was sent to Darwin by the president and secretary of the society, Adriaan Anthoni van Bemmelen and Huibert Johannes Veth. It was luxuriously bound in red velvet with silver embossing. The frontispiece contains a mistake about Darwin’s age: it states his ‘69th Birthday’, when in fact he was 68 in 1877. The contributors were apothecaries, merchants, high-school teachers, and artists, as well as scientific and medical professionals. The album was arranged in alphabetical order, and the photographs were all equal in size, being small cartes de visite, displayed four to a page. Accompanying the album was a handwritten list of the 217 people included, with their professional title or occupation. The pictures were removed from the album at some point in its history and the fronts and backs are displayed here on black pages in the configurations that they would have appeared in the album. Sample pages from the empty album are also included.

Key to abbreviations of professional titles:

  • Phil. nat. doct: PhD (natural philosophy or natural science);
  • Phil. nat. stud.: student of natural philosophy or natural science;
  • Phil. nat. cand.: Bachelor degree or B. Sc.;
  • Jur. utr. doct: PhD in civil and canon law;
  • Math. mag. phil. nat.: M.Sc in mathematics and natural philosophy;
  • ‘Natura Artis Magistra’: ‘Nature is the teacher of art’ (motto of the Amsterdam Zoological Society and Garden).

Further information:

Heide, Janneke van der. 2009. Darwin en de strijd om de beschaving in Nederland, 1859–1909. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek.

History of Down House, English Heritage website

German and Dutch photograph albums, Darwin Correspondence Project website

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© English Heritage Trust
Frontispiece. 'Presented to Dr. Charles Darwin on his 69th Birthday as a token of esteem by His admirers in the Netherlands'. (image 3, page 2) Mounting board (recto). (image 4, page 3) Mounting board (verso). (image 5, page 4) (Top left, top right) 1. Th. H. A. J. Abeleven, apothecary and secretary to the Dutch Botanical Society, Nymegen; 2. Mr. W. Albarda, president of the Dutch Entomological Society, Ginneken. (Bottom left, bottom right) 3. H. J. Kok Ankersmit, botanist, Apeldoorn; 4. Dr. H. J. van Ankum, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Groningen University. (image 6, page 5) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 1. Th. H. A. J. Abeleven, apothecary and secretary to the Dutch Botanical Society, Nymegen; 2. Mr. W. Albarda, president of the Dutch Entomological Society, Ginneken. (Bottom left, bottom right) 3. H. J. Kok Ankersmit, botanist, Apeldoorn; 4. Dr. H. J. van Ankum, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Groningen University. (image 7, page 6) (Top left, top right) 5. J. G. Arnold, apothecary, Broek in Waterland; 6. P. van Asperen, apothecary, Velp. (Bottom left, bottom right) 7. Elize Baart, dramatist, Middelburgh; 8. K. Baart, manufacturer, Middelburgh. (image 8, page 7) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 5. J. G. Arnold, apothecary, Broek in Waterland; 6. P. van Asperen, apothecary, Velp. (Bottom left, bottom right) 7. Elize Baart, dramatist, Middelburgh; 8. K. Baart, manufacturer, Middelburgh. (image 9, page 8) (Top left, top right) 9. Dr. C. H. D. Buys Ballot, professor of Physics at Utrecht University and chief-director of the Royal Meteorological Institution at Utrecht; 10. Dr. J. R. van Beemen, physician (obstetrics), Deventer. (Bottom left, bottom right) 11. Jonkhr. Mr C. L. van Beyma Thoe Kingma, burgomaster of Lemsterland, school inspector, president of the Friesland Agricultural Society; 12. A. A. van Bemmelen, director of the Rotterdam Zoological Gardens, president of the Netherland Zoological Society. (image 10, page 9) Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 9. Dr. C. H. D. Buys Ballot, professor of Physics at Utrecht University and chief-director of the Royal Meteorological Institution at Utrecht; 10. Dr. J. R. van Beemen, physician (obstetrics), Deventer. (Bottom left, bottom right) 11. Jonkhr. Mr C. L. van Beyma Thoe Kingma, burgomaster of Lemsterland, school inspector, president of the Friesland Agricultural Society; 12. A. A. van Bemmelen, director of the Rotterdam Zoological Gardens, president of the Netherland Zoological Society. (image 11, page 10) (Top left, top right) 13. Dr. J. M. van Bemmelen, professor of Chemistry at Leijden University; 14. H. Berai, Sint- Michielsgestel. (Bottom left, bottom right) 15. Dr. H. J. Betz, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), The Hague; 16. Adolf Blomhert, publisher, Nijmegen. (image 12, page 11) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 13. Dr. J. M. van Bemmelen, professor of Chemistry at Leijden University; 14. H. Berai, Sint- Michielsgestel. (Bottom left, bottom right) 15. Dr. H. J. Betz, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), The Hague; 16. Adolf Blomhert, publisher, Nijmegen. (image 13, page 12) (Top left, top right) 17. H. A. J. Valkema Blouw , Phil. Nat. doct., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 18. I. H. Boeke, Baptist clergyman, Hengelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 19. Dr. F. de Boer, lecturer in Mathematics and Cosmography at the Deventer High Burghal School; 20. Dr. P. de Boer, professor of Botany at Groningen University. (image 14, page 13) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 17. H. A. J. Valkema Blouw , Phil. Nat. doct., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 18. I. H. Boeke, Baptist clergyman, Hengelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 19. Dr. F. de Boer, lecturer in Mathematics and Cosmography at the Deventer High Burghal School; 20. Dr. P. de Boer, professor of Botany at Groningen University. (image 15, page 14) (Top left, top right) 21. P. A. den Boer, agriculturist, Barendrecht; 22. Dr. J. G. Boerlage, lecturer at the Teachers’ College, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 23. W. Boers, Lieutenant-Colonel, The Hague; 24. F. Bohn, publisher, Haarlem. (image 16, page 15) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 21. P. A. den Boer, agriculturist, Barendrecht; 22. Dr. J. G. Boerlage, lecturer at the Teachers’ College, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 23. W. Boers, Lieutenant-Colonel, The Hague; 24. F. Bohn, publisher, Haarlem. (image 17, page 16) (Top left, top right) 25. G. C. W. Bohnensieg, military apothecary 1st class, Haarlem; 26. P. H. Bon, lecturer of Natural History, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 27. N. J. de Bont, pisciculturist at the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 28. Dr. J. A. Boogaard, professor of Pathological Anatomy at Leyden University. (image 18, page 17) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 25. G. C. W. Bohnensieg, military apothecary 1st class, Haarlem; 26. P. H. Bon, lecturer of Natural History, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 27. N. J. de Bont, pisciculturist at the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 28. Dr. J. A. Boogaard, professor of Pathological Anatomy at Leyden University. (image 19, page 18) (Top left, top right) 29. J. Borghstyn, technologist, Zierikzee; 30. B. J. A. Kallenberg van den Bosch, bailiff to H.R.H. Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 31. Dr. J. Bosscha, professor of Physics at the Delft Royal Polytechnic Institution, The Hague; 32. A. J. de Bosson, apothecary, Dordrecht. (image 20, page 19) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 29. J. Borghstyn, technologist, Zierikzee; 30. B. J. A. Kallenberg van den Bosch, bailiff to H.R.H. Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 31. Dr. J. Bosscha, professor of Physics at the Delft Royal Polytechnic Institution, The Hague; 32. A. J. de Bosson, apothecary, Dordrecht. (image 21, page 20) (Top left, top right) 33. Mr. A. Brants, Fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Arnhem; 34. B. C. Breenan, lecturer of English language and Literature at the Municipal Middle School, The Hague. (Bottom left, bottom right) 35. P. Brouwer R. zn., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 36. G. B. Bruinsma, physician, Arum. (image 22, page 21) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 33. Mr. A. Brants, Fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Arnhem; 34. B. C. Breenan, lecturer of English language and Literature at the Municipal Middle School, The Hague. (Bottom left, bottom right) 35. P. Brouwer R. zn., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 36. G. B. Bruinsma, physician, Arum. (image 23, page 22) (Top left, top right) 37. Dr Vitus Bruinsma, lecturer at the Leeuwarden Burghal High School for Ladies; 38. A. Lobry de Bruyn, Phil. Nat. stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 39. Th. E. Buckmann, lecturer in Mathematics at the Hague High Burghal School; 40. P. G. Buekers. (Dr.), Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Enkhuizen High Burghal School. (image 24, page 23) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 37. Dr Vitus Bruinsma, lecturer at the Leeuwarden Burghal High School for Ladies; 38. A. Lobry de Bruyn, Phil. Nat. stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 39. Th. E. Buckmann, lecturer in Mathematics at the Hague High Burghal School; 40. P. G. Buekers. (Dr.), Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Enkhuizen High Burghal School. (image 25, page 24) (Top left, top right) 41. Dr. E. A. van der Burg, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 42. P. van der Burg, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 43. Dr. C. P. Burger, professor, director of the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 44. H. Burger C. P. zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden. (image 26, page 25) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 41. Dr. E. A. van der Burg, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 42. P. van der Burg, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 43. Dr. C. P. Burger, professor, director of the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 44. H. Burger C. P. zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden. (image 27, page 26) (Top left, top right) 45. C. Butgault, retired Colonel, Maastricht; 46. Dr. D. Cahen, physician, Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 47. Dr. F. van Calker, sub-director and lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 48. Dr. H. van Cappelle, inspector of lunatic asylums, The Hague. (image 28, page 27) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 45. C. Butgault, retired Colonel, Maastricht; 46. Dr. D. Cahen, physician, Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 47. Dr. F. van Calker, sub-director and lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 48. Dr. H. van Cappelle, inspector of lunatic asylums, The Hague. (image 29, page 28) (Top left, top right) 49. H. van Cappelle jun., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 50. J. J. Casimier, assistant-lecturer, Almelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 51. J. Th. Cattie, Phil. nat. cand., lecturer on Natural History at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 52. C. J. Cornelis, surgeon, Rotterdam. (image 30, page 29) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 49. H. van Cappelle jun., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 50. J. J. Casimier, assistant-lecturer, Almelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 51. J. Th. Cattie, Phil. nat. cand., lecturer on Natural History at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 52. C. J. Cornelis, surgeon, Rotterdam. (image 31, page 30) (Top left, top right) 53. Dr. J. C. Costerus, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer on Natural History at the Amsterdam High Burghal School and at the Public Commercial School; 54. E.W. Cramerus, president of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 55. Dr. H. C. Dibbits, professor of Chemistry at Utrecht University; 56. Dr. Z. Th. Diehl, lecturer at the Goes High Burghal School. (image 32, page 31) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 53. Dr. J. C. Costerus, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer on Natural History at the Amsterdam High Burghal School and at the Public Commercial School; 54. E.W. Cramerus, president of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 55. Dr. H. C. Dibbits, professor of Chemistry at Utrecht University; 56. Dr. Z. Th. Diehl, lecturer at the Goes High Burghal School. (image 33, page 32) (Top left, top right) 57. H. J. Dirksen, lecturer at the Hague High Burghal School; 58. Dr. E. D. C. van Dissel, physician, Lochem. (Bottom left, bottom right) 59. Dr. F. C. Donders, professor of Physiology at Utrecht University; 60. Dr. G. J. Dozy, lecturer in History and Geology, Deventer. (image 34, page 33) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 57. H. J. Dirksen, lecturer at the Hague High Burghal School; 58. Dr. E. D. C. van Dissel, physician, Lochem. (Bottom left, bottom right) 59. Dr. F. C. Donders, professor of Physiology at Utrecht University; 60. Dr. G. J. Dozy, lecturer in History and Geology, Deventer. (image 35, page 34) (Top left, top right) 61. Dr. F. J. Dupont, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Rotterdam; 62. A. W. van Eeghen, treasurer to the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 63. Dr. L. J. Egeling, government medical inspector for the Province of South-Holland, The Hague; 64. J. T. Eykman, apothecary, director of the chemical laboratory, Yokohama (Japan). (image 36, page 35) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 61. Dr. F. J. Dupont, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Rotterdam; 62. A. W. van Eeghen, treasurer to the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 63. Dr. L. J. Egeling, government medical inspector for the Province of South-Holland, The Hague; 64. J. T. Eykman, apothecary, director of the chemical laboratory, Yokohama (Japan). (image 37, page 36) (Top left, top right) 65. Dr. Th. W. Engelmann, professor of Medicine at Utrecht University; 66. A. Engelvaart, retired Lieutenant General, ex-minister of war, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 67. G. H. Eshuys, apothecary, Rotterdam; 68. Dr. Eduard Everts, lecturer on Natural History at the Hague High Burghal School. (image 38, page 37) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 65. Dr. Th. W. Engelmann, professor of Medicine at Utrecht University; 66. A. Engelvaart, retired Lieutenant General, ex-minister of war, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 67. G. H. Eshuys, apothecary, Rotterdam; 68. Dr. Eduard Everts, lecturer on Natural History at the Hague High Burghal School. (image 39, page 38) (Top left, top right) 69. Dr. J. C. G. Evers, ex-professor of Clinics at Leyden University, The Hague; 70. P. Feenstra, clerk, Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 71. H. van Gelder, military apothecary, Leeuwarden; 72. A. van Geuns, A., director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (image 40, page 39) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 69. Dr. J. C. G. Evers, ex-professor of Clinics at Leyden University, The Hague; 70. P. Feenstra, clerk, Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 71. H. van Gelder, military apothecary, Leeuwarden; 72. A. van Geuns, A., director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (image 41, page 40) (Top left, top right) 73. Dr. Jb. van Geuns, physician, Amsterdam; 74. H. de Geus, private teacher, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 75. Dr. M. Gewin, physician, Delden; 76. M. Ghysen, merchant, Middelburgh. (image 42, page 41) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 73. Dr. Jb. van Geuns, physician, Amsterdam; 74. H. de Geus, private teacher, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 75. Dr. M. Gewin, physician, Delden; 76. M. Ghysen, merchant, Middelburgh. (image 43, page 42) (Top left, top right) 77. Dr. Groneman, physician, Djokdjokarta (Java); 78. H.J. M. Groneman, lecturer at the Groningen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 79. D. Grothe, professor at the Delft Polytechnical School; 80. F. Günst, writer, Amsterdam. (image 44, page 43) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 77. Dr. Groneman, physician, Djokdjokarta (Java); 78. H.J. M. Groneman, lecturer at the Groningen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 79. D. Grothe, professor at the Delft Polytechnical School; 80. F. Günst, writer, Amsterdam. (image 45, page 44) (Top left, top right) 81.Dr. A. A. G. Guye, physician, Amsterdam; 82. R. E. de Haan, director of the Winterswijk High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 83. P. J. Haaxman, apothecary, Rotterdam; 84. A. Haeger, writer, Arnhem. (image 46, page 45) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 81.Dr. A. A. G. Guye, physician, Amsterdam; 82. R. E. de Haan, director of the Winterswijk High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 83. P. J. Haaxman, apothecary, Rotterdam; 84. A. Haeger, writer, Arnhem. (image 47, page 46) (Top left, top right) 85. Dr. P. Harting, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Utrecht University; 86. Paul Harting, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Dordrecht High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 87. H. A. Hartogh Heys, technologist, Assen; 88. Dr. H. Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen, Jur. utr. doct., Math. mag. philos. nat., Assen. (image 48, page 47) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 85. Dr. P. Harting, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Utrecht University; 86. Paul Harting, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Dordrecht High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 87. H. A. Hartogh Heys, technologist, Assen; 88. Dr. H. Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen, Jur. utr. doct., Math. mag. philos. nat., Assen. (image 49, page 48) (Top left, top right) 89. D. R. Hausholt, agriculturalist, Meeden; 90. Dr. H. Hertz, professor of Clinics and internal Pathology at the Amsterdam Athenaeum Illustre. (Bottom left, bottom right) 91. H. Heukels, lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 92. F. J. M. Heylaerts jun., surgeon, Breda. (image 50, page 49) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 89. D. R. Hausholt, agriculturalist, Meeden; 90. Dr. H. Hertz, professor of Clinics and internal Pathology at the Amsterdam Athenaeum Illustre. (Bottom left, bottom right) 91. H. Heukels, lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 92. F. J. M. Heylaerts jun., surgeon, Breda. (image 51, page 50) (Top left, top right) 93. Dr. J. M. Hiebendaal, lecturer on Chemistry and Natural History at the Gorcum High Burghal School; 94. Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Leyden University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 95. J. van der Hoeven, bookseller, Rotterdam; 96. W. J. Hofdyk, writer, Amsterdam. (image 52, page 51) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 93. Dr. J. M. Hiebendaal, lecturer on Chemistry and Natural History at the Gorcum High Burghal School; 94. Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Leyden University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 95. J. van der Hoeven, bookseller, Rotterdam; 96. W. J. Hofdyk, writer, Amsterdam. (image 53, page 52) (Top left, top right) 97. Dr. C. K. Hoffmann, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Leijden University; 98. Dr. J. J. Hoffmann, titulary professor of the Chinese language, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 99. Dr. S. Hoogewerff, lecturer of Chemistry at the Rotterdam High Burghal School; 100. Dr. R. Horst, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Utrecht University and conservator of the Museum of Natural History. (image 54, page 53) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 97. Dr. C. K. Hoffmann, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Leijden University; 98. Dr. J. J. Hoffmann, titulary professor of the Chinese language, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 99. Dr. S. Hoogewerff, lecturer of Chemistry at the Rotterdam High Burghal School; 100. Dr. R. Horst, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Utrecht University and conservator of the Museum of Natural History. (image 55, page 54) (Top left, top right) 101. F. J. J. Slingsby van Hoven, Vught; 102. Dr S. P. Huizinga, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 103. Dr. J. H. H. Hülsmann, director of the Tilburg High Burghal School; 104. Dr. W. H. Itzerda, member of the 2nd Chamber of Representatives, Akkrum. (image 56, page 55) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 101. F. J. J. Slingsby van Hoven, Vught; 102. Dr S. P. Huizinga, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 103. Dr. J. H. H. Hülsmann, director of the Tilburg High Burghal School; 104. Dr. W. H. Itzerda, member of the 2nd Chamber of Representatives, Akkrum. (image 57, page 56) (Top left, top right) 105. G. Janse, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 106. H. F. Jonkman, botanical assistant at the Utrecht University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 107. Dr. V. A. Julius, lecturer of Physics at the Roermond High Burghal School; 108. J. A. Jurriaanse, architectural inspector and member of the Colonial Chambers at Paramaribo. (image 58, page 57) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 105. G. Janse, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 106. H. F. Jonkman, botanical assistant at the Utrecht University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 107. Dr. V. A. Julius, lecturer of Physics at the Roermond High Burghal School; 108. J. A. Jurriaanse, architectural inspector and member of the Colonial Chambers at Paramaribo. (image 59, page 58) (Top left, top right) 109. Dr. Y. Keyzer, physician, Middelburgh; 110. C. Kerbert C.zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 111. Dr. C. Kerbert, physician, Amsterdam; 112. L. C. van Kerkwyk, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Engineers, The Hague. (image 60, page 59) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 109. Dr. Y. Keyzer, physician, Middelburgh; 110. C. Kerbert C.zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 111. Dr. C. Kerbert, physician, Amsterdam; 112. L. C. van Kerkwyk, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Engineers, The Hague. (image 61, page 60) (Top left, top right) 113. J. Kinker, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 114. H. C. J. Knythe, agriculturist, Koevorden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 115. G. Kniphorst, Phil. nat. cand., Stadskanaal; 116. W. Knoops, conservator of the Arnhem Museum. (image 62, page 61) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 113. J. Kinker, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 114. H. C. J. Knythe, agriculturist, Koevorden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 115. G. Kniphorst, Phil. nat. cand., Stadskanaal; 116. W. Knoops, conservator of the Arnhem Museum. (image 63, page 62) (Top left, top right) 117. A. M. Kollewyn N.zn., lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 118. A. Kollins, telegraphist, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 119. B. P. Korteweg, ex-lecturer at the Breda Military College; 120. Dr. W. Koster, professor of Amsterdam at Utrecht University. (image 64, page 63) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 117. A. M. Kollewyn N.zn., lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 118. A. Kollins, telegraphist, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 119. B. P. Korteweg, ex-lecturer at the Breda Military College; 120. Dr. W. Koster, professor of Amsterdam at Utrecht University. (image 65, page 64) (Top left, top right) 121. Dr. H. P. J. Stenfert Kroese, lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School for Ladies and Gymnasium, Arnhem; 122. P. Leendertz, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 123. Jonkhr. P. H. Baron Lewe van Middelstum, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Beek; 124. M. Volkryk Liebert, Middelburgh. (image 66, page 65) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 121. Dr. H. P. J. Stenfert Kroese, lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School for Ladies and Gymnasium, Arnhem; 122. P. Leendertz, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 123. Jonkhr. P. H. Baron Lewe van Middelstum, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Beek; 124. M. Volkryk Liebert, Middelburgh. (image 67, page 66) (Top left, top right) 125. Fr. Lieftinck, clerk, Kimswerd (Friesland); 126. R. R. Lit, director of the Amsterdam Burghal Day and Evening School. (Bottom right, bottom left) 127. J. W. Lodeesen.; treasurer to the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 128. J. Lorié, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht. (image 68, page 67) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 125. Fr. Lieftinck, clerk, Kimswerd (Friesland); 126. R. R. Lit, director of the Amsterdam Burghal Day and Evening School. (Bottom right, bottom left) 127. J. W. Lodeesen.; treasurer to the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 128. J. Lorié, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht. (image 69, page 68) (Top left, top right) 129. S. Lulofs, clerk, Winterswyk; 130 J. Luyten, teacher, Nieuwendam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 131. Douairière Rethaan Macaré, Utrecht; 132. R. T. Maitland, director of the Hague Royal Zoological Botanical Gardens. (image 70, page 69) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 129. S. Lulofs, clerk, Winterswyk; 130 J. Luyten, teacher, Nieuwendam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 131. Douairière Rethaan Macaré, Utrecht; 132. R. T. Maitland, director of the Hague Royal Zoological Botanical Gardens. (image 71, page 70) (Top left, top right) 133. Dr. J. C. de Man, physician and conservator of the Zealand Scientific Institution, Middelburgh; 134. Dr. J. G. de Man, conservator of the Royal Museum of Natural History, Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 135. J. G. Matthes, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 136. Dr. J. Kamminga van der Meer, lecturer on Chemistry at the Zaandam High Burghal School. (image 72, page 71) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 133. Dr. J. C. de Man, physician and conservator of the Zealand Scientific Institution, Middelburgh; 134. Dr. J. G. de Man, conservator of the Royal Museum of Natural History, Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 135. J. G. Matthes, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 136. Dr. J. Kamminga van der Meer, lecturer on Chemistry at the Zaandam High Burghal School. (image 73, page 72) (Top left, top right) 137. Dr. R. A. Mees, professor of Physics at Groningen University; 138. H. A. J. Meyer, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Assen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 139. J. F. A. Mellink, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 140. K. H. Mertens, stud., Leijden. (image 74, page 73) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 137. Dr. R. A. Mees, professor of Physics at Groningen University; 138. H. A. J. Meyer, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Assen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 139. J. F. A. Mellink, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 140. K. H. Mertens, stud., Leijden. (image 75, page 74) (Top left, top right) 141. J. Metman W.zn., apothecary, Alkmaar; 142. F. van der Meulen, physician, Barendrecht. (Bottom left, bottom right) 143. Dr. J. E. van der Meulen, assistant in Chirurgical Clinics at Utrecht University; 144. Dr. A. Meursinghe H. zn., assistant governmental medical inspector for the provinces of Friesland and Groningen. (image 76, page 75) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 141. J. Metman W.zn., apothecary, Alkmaar; 142. F. van der Meulen, physician, Barendrecht. (Bottom left, bottom right) 143. Dr. J. E. van der Meulen, assistant in Chirurgical Clinics at Utrecht University; 144. Dr. A. Meursinghe H. zn., assistant governmental medical inspector for the provinces of Friesland and Groningen. (image 77, page 76) (Top left, top right) 145. P. Schenkenberg van Mierop, civil engineer, Dordrecht; 146 H. L. Molenaar, merchant, Harlingen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 147 Dr. J. W. Moll, lecturer at the Utrecht High Burghal School; 148 Dr. J. Th. Mouton, Dr. phil. nat. et pharmac., The Hague. (image 78, page 77) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 145. P. Schenkenberg van Mierop, civil engineer, Dordrecht; 146 H. L. Molenaar, merchant, Harlingen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 147 Dr. J. W. Moll, lecturer at the Utrecht High Burghal School; 148 Dr. J. Th. Mouton, Dr. phil. nat. et pharmac., The Hague. (image 79, page 78) (Top left, top right) 149. D. van Haren Noman, Phil. nat. cand., Leijden; 150. J. Oosting, lecturer on the German language and literature at the Deventer High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 151. Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans, professor of Astronomy at Utrecht University; 152. J. Persant Snoep, physician, Wolfaartsdijk. (image 80, page 79) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 149. D. van Haren Noman, Phil. nat. cand., Leijden; 150. J. Oosting, lecturer on the German language and literature at the Deventer High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 151. Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans, professor of Astronomy at Utrecht University; 152. J. Persant Snoep, physician, Wolfaartsdijk. (image 81, page 80) (Top left, top right) 153. Mr. M. C. Piepers, member of the Indian Bar, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Java; 154. Dr. E. D. Pijzel, lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 155. Dr. L. Posthumus, lecturer of Chemistry at the Dordrecht High Burghal School; 156. Dr. N. W. P. Rauwenhoff, professor of Botany at Utrecht University. (image 82, page 81) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 153. Mr. M. C. Piepers, member of the Indian Bar, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Java; 154. Dr. E. D. Pijzel, lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 155. Dr. L. Posthumus, lecturer of Chemistry at the Dordrecht High Burghal School; 156. Dr. N. W. P. Rauwenhoff, professor of Botany at Utrecht University. (image 83, page 82) (Top left, top right) 157. J. van Rees, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht; 158. Mr. J. Reynvaan, Zutphen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 159. Dr. A. D. van Riemsdijk, Utrecht; 160. G. J. van Rysoort van Meurs, publisher, Amsterdam. (image 84, page 83) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 157. J. van Rees, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht; 158. Mr. J. Reynvaan, Zutphen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 159. Dr. A. D. van Riemsdijk, Utrecht; 160. G. J. van Rysoort van Meurs, publisher, Amsterdam. (image 85, page 84) (Top left, top right) 161. A. J. Riko, Home Office, The Hague; 162. Dr. A. H. van Ringh, physician, Pingjum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 163. Dr. O. J. Risfelada, lecturer at the Almelo High Burghal School; 164. Dr. Roessingh, physician, Deventer. (image 86, page 85) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 161. A. J. Riko, Home Office, The Hague; 162. Dr. A. H. van Ringh, physician, Pingjum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 163. Dr. O. J. Risfelada, lecturer at the Almelo High Burghal School; 164. Dr. Roessingh, physician, Deventer. (image 87, page 86) (Top left, top right) 165. Dr. J. E. Rombouts, lecturer in Natural Sciences at the Haarlem High Burghal School; 166. S. E. W. Roorda van Eysinga, civil engineer, Rolle (Lake of Geneva). (Bottom left, bottom right) 167. J. H. L. A. Ziegenhirt von Rosenthal, civil engineer, lecturer at the Zalt-Bommel High Burghal School; 168. Dr. Jac. Joh. Le Roy, lecturer of Natural History and Physics, Deventer. (image 88, page 87) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 165. Dr. J. E. Rombouts, lecturer in Natural Sciences at the Haarlem High Burghal School; 166. S. E. W. Roorda van Eysinga, civil engineer, Rolle (Lake of Geneva). (Bottom left, bottom right) 167. J. H. L. A. Ziegenhirt von Rosenthal, civil engineer, lecturer at the Zalt-Bommel High Burghal School; 168. Dr. Jac. Joh. Le Roy, lecturer of Natural History and Physics, Deventer. (image 89, page 88) (Top left, top right) 169. R. H. Saltet, Phil. nat. et med. Cand., Leijden; 170. Dr. J. van der Scheer A. zn., physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 171. M. M. Schepman, treasurer to the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon; 172. W. A. Ivangh Schepman, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon. (image 90, page 89) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 169. R. H. Saltet, Phil. nat. et med. Cand., Leijden; 170. Dr. J. van der Scheer A. zn., physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 171. M. M. Schepman, treasurer to the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon; 172. W. A. Ivangh Schepman, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon. (image 91, page 90) (Top left, top right) 173. Dr. S. R. J. van Scheviehaven, lecturer at the Amsterdam Gymnasium; 174. J. F. Schill, Phil. nat.stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 175. G. B. Schmidt jun., apothecary, Leeuwarden; 176. Dr.. W. K. J. Schoor, lecturer on Natural History and Chemistry, Zierikzee. (image 92, page 91) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 173. Dr. S. R. J. van Scheviehaven, lecturer at the Amsterdam Gymnasium; 174. J. F. Schill, Phil. nat.stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 175. G. B. Schmidt jun., apothecary, Leeuwarden; 176. Dr.. W. K. J. Schoor, lecturer on Natural History and Chemistry, Zierikzee. (image 93, page 92) (Top left, top right) 177. Dr. H. J. Menalda van Schouwenburg, director of the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 178. Dr. H. M. Scrinerius, physician (obstetrics), Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 179. Mr. C. J. Sickerz, burgomaster of Laren, Lochem; 180. Dr. J. Sirks, director of the Deventer High Burghal School. (image 94, page 93) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 177. Dr. H. J. Menalda van Schouwenburg, director of the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 178. Dr. H. M. Scrinerius, physician (obstetrics), Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 179. Mr. C. J. Sickerz, burgomaster of Laren, Lochem; 180. Dr. J. Sirks, director of the Deventer High Burghal School. (image 95, page 94) (Top left, top right) 181. Ph. W. van der Sleyden, civil engineer, Arnhem; 182. Joh. F. Snelleman, zoologist to the Sumatra Explorations. (Bottom left, bottom right) 183. P. C. T. Snellen, fellow of the Dutch Entomological and Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 184. Dr. H. van de Stadt, director of the Haarlem High Burghal School. (image 96, page 95) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 181. Ph. W. van der Sleyden, civil engineer, Arnhem; 182. Joh. F. Snelleman, zoologist to the Sumatra Explorations. (Bottom left, bottom right) 183. P. C. T. Snellen, fellow of the Dutch Entomological and Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 184. Dr. H. van de Stadt, director of the Haarlem High Burghal School. (image 97, page 96) (Top left, top right) 185. Dr. W. C. H. Staring, ex-inspector of the middle schools, Lochem; 186. P. G. Steensma, apothecary, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 187. Dr. B. J. Stokvis, professor of Medicine at the Amsterdam “Athenaeum Illustre”; 188. Mr. W. J. Swaving, Zutphen. (image 98, page 97) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 185. Dr. W. C. H. Staring, ex-inspector of the middle schools, Lochem; 186. P. G. Steensma, apothecary, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 187. Dr. B. J. Stokvis, professor of Medicine at the Amsterdam “Athenaeum Illustre”; 188. Mr. W. J. Swaving, Zutphen. (image 99, page 98) (Top left, top right) 189. A. A. H. Sweys, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 190. K. N. Swierstra, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 191. Dr. B. J. Tideman, Math. Mag. et Phil. nat. doct., chief naval architect of the Dutch Royal Navy; 192. J. P. Trap, lithographist, Leijden. (image 100, page 99) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 189. A. A. H. Sweys, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 190. K. N. Swierstra, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 191. Dr. B. J. Tideman, Math. Mag. et Phil. nat. doct., chief naval architect of the Dutch Royal Navy; 192. J. P. Trap, lithographist, Leijden. (image 101, page 100) (Top left, top right) 193. K. van Tuynen H. zn., lecturer at the Zwolle High Burghal School; 194. H. Uyen, manufacturer, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 195. S. Draisma van Valkenburg, manufacturer, Leeuwarden; 196. D. Veen K. zn., apothecary, Zwolle. (image 102, page 101) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 193. K. van Tuynen H. zn., lecturer at the Zwolle High Burghal School; 194. H. Uyen, manufacturer, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 195. S. Draisma van Valkenburg, manufacturer, Leeuwarden; 196. D. Veen K. zn., apothecary, Zwolle. (image 103, page 102) (Top left, top right) 197. Anna van der Velde, Rotterdam; 198. S. W. van der Velde, merchant, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 199. H. J. Veth, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer of Natural History at the Rotterdam High Burghal School, secretary to the Netherland Zoological Society; 200. Dr. P. J. Veth, professor, president of the Dutch Geographical Society. (image 104, page 103) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 197. Anna van der Velde, Rotterdam; 198. S. W. van der Velde, merchant, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 199. H. J. Veth, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer of Natural History at the Rotterdam High Burghal School, secretary to the Netherland Zoological Society; 200. Dr. P. J. Veth, professor, president of the Dutch Geographical Society. (image 105, page 104) (Top left, top right) 201. W. J. van Vlissingen, lecturer on Modern Language at the Enkhuyzen High Burghal School; 202. G. W. van der Voo, teacher, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 203. G. C. J. Vosmaer, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 204. G. Haimand Wal, apothecary, Franeker. (image 106, page 105) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 201. W. J. van Vlissingen, lecturer on Modern Language at the Enkhuyzen High Burghal School; 202. G. W. van der Voo, teacher, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 203. G. C. J. Vosmaer, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 204. G. Haimand Wal, apothecary, Franeker. (image 107, page 106) (Top left, top right) 205. J. A. van Walsem, clerk, Vught; 206. J. van Waning Bolt, clerk, Krommendijk. (Bottom left, bottom right) 207. A. W. P. Weitzel, Major General, ex-minister of war; 208. A. Wertheim, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra.” (image 108, page 107) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 205. J. A. van Walsem, clerk, Vught; 206. J. van Waning Bolt, clerk, Krommendijk. (Bottom left, bottom right) 207. A. W. P. Weitzel, Major General, ex-minister of war; 208. A. Wertheim, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra.” (image 109, page 108) (Top left, top right) 209. Dr. G. F. Westerman, director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 210. H. L. Gerth van Wyck, lecturer on Natural History, Middelburgh. (Bottom left, bottom right) 211. Dr. T. C. Winkler, Math. magist. phil. nat. doct., physician, conservator of the mineralogical, geological and palaeontological collections in ”Teyler’s Foundation” at Haarlem; 212. L. C. Dudok de Wit, Amsterdam. (image 110, page 109) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 209. Dr. G. F. Westerman, director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 210. H. L. Gerth van Wyck, lecturer on Natural History, Middelburgh. (Bottom left, bottom right) 211. Dr. T. C. Winkler, Math. magist. phil. nat. doct., physician, conservator of the mineralogical, geological and palaeontological collections in ”Teyler’s Foundation” at Haarlem; 212. L. C. Dudok de Wit, Amsterdam. (image 111, page 110) (Top left, top right) 213. J. Noordhoek Hegt, assistant director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 214. H. Witte, horticulturist of the Leijden University’s Royal Botanical Gardens. (Bottom left, bottom right) 215. H. C. de Wolff, Insurer, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 216. H. L. Woltersom, technologist, Arnhem. (image 112, page 111) Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 213. J. Noordhoek Hegt, assistant director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 214. H. Witte, horticulturist of the Leijden University’s Royal Botanical Gardens. (Bottom left, bottom right) 215. H. C. de Wolff, Insurer, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 216. H. L. Woltersom, technologist, Arnhem. (image 113, page 112) 217. Dr. T. Zaayer, professor of Anatomy at Leijden University. (image 114, page 113) Verso of portrait photograph . 217. Dr. T. Zaayer, professor of Anatomy at Leijden University. (image 115, page 114) Mounting board (recto). (image 116, page 115) Mounting board (verso). (image 117, page 116)

    Information about this document

    Section shown in images 3 to 3

    • Title: Frontispiece. 'Presented to Dr. Charles Darwin on his 69th Birthday as a token of esteem by His admirers in the Netherlands'.

    Section shown in images 4 to 4

    • Title: Mounting board (recto).

    Section shown in images 5 to 5

    • Title: Mounting board (verso).

    Section shown in images 6 to 6

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 1. Th. H. A. J. Abeleven, apothecary and secretary to the Dutch Botanical Society, Nymegen; 2. Mr. W. Albarda, president of the Dutch Entomological Society, Ginneken. (Bottom left, bottom right) 3. H. J. Kok Ankersmit, botanist, Apeldoorn; 4. Dr. H. J. van Ankum, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Groningen University.

    Section shown in images 7 to 7

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 1. Th. H. A. J. Abeleven, apothecary and secretary to the Dutch Botanical Society, Nymegen; 2. Mr. W. Albarda, president of the Dutch Entomological Society, Ginneken. (Bottom left, bottom right) 3. H. J. Kok Ankersmit, botanist, Apeldoorn; 4. Dr. H. J. van Ankum, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Groningen University.

    Section shown in images 8 to 8

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 5. J. G. Arnold, apothecary, Broek in Waterland; 6. P. van Asperen, apothecary, Velp. (Bottom left, bottom right) 7. Elize Baart, dramatist, Middelburgh; 8. K. Baart, manufacturer, Middelburgh.

    Section shown in images 9 to 9

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 5. J. G. Arnold, apothecary, Broek in Waterland; 6. P. van Asperen, apothecary, Velp. (Bottom left, bottom right) 7. Elize Baart, dramatist, Middelburgh; 8. K. Baart, manufacturer, Middelburgh.

    Section shown in images 10 to 10

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 9. Dr. C. H. D. Buys Ballot, professor of Physics at Utrecht University and chief-director of the Royal Meteorological Institution at Utrecht; 10. Dr. J. R. van Beemen, physician (obstetrics), Deventer. (Bottom left, bottom right) 11. Jonkhr. Mr C. L. van Beyma Thoe Kingma, burgomaster of Lemsterland, school inspector, president of the Friesland Agricultural Society; 12. A. A. van Bemmelen, director of the Rotterdam Zoological Gardens, president of the Netherland Zoological Society.

    Section shown in images 11 to 11

    • Title: Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 9. Dr. C. H. D. Buys Ballot, professor of Physics at Utrecht University and chief-director of the Royal Meteorological Institution at Utrecht; 10. Dr. J. R. van Beemen, physician (obstetrics), Deventer. (Bottom left, bottom right) 11. Jonkhr. Mr C. L. van Beyma Thoe Kingma, burgomaster of Lemsterland, school inspector, president of the Friesland Agricultural Society; 12. A. A. van Bemmelen, director of the Rotterdam Zoological Gardens, president of the Netherland Zoological Society.

    Section shown in images 12 to 12

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 13. Dr. J. M. van Bemmelen, professor of Chemistry at Leijden University; 14. H. Berai, Sint- Michielsgestel. (Bottom left, bottom right) 15. Dr. H. J. Betz, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), The Hague; 16. Adolf Blomhert, publisher, Nijmegen.

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 13. Dr. J. M. van Bemmelen, professor of Chemistry at Leijden University; 14. H. Berai, Sint- Michielsgestel. (Bottom left, bottom right) 15. Dr. H. J. Betz, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), The Hague; 16. Adolf Blomhert, publisher, Nijmegen.

    Section shown in images 14 to 14

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 17. H. A. J. Valkema Blouw , Phil. Nat. doct., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 18. I. H. Boeke, Baptist clergyman, Hengelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 19. Dr. F. de Boer, lecturer in Mathematics and Cosmography at the Deventer High Burghal School; 20. Dr. P. de Boer, professor of Botany at Groningen University.

    Section shown in images 15 to 15

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 17. H. A. J. Valkema Blouw , Phil. Nat. doct., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 18. I. H. Boeke, Baptist clergyman, Hengelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 19. Dr. F. de Boer, lecturer in Mathematics and Cosmography at the Deventer High Burghal School; 20. Dr. P. de Boer, professor of Botany at Groningen University.

    Section shown in images 16 to 16

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 21. P. A. den Boer, agriculturist, Barendrecht; 22. Dr. J. G. Boerlage, lecturer at the Teachers’ College, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 23. W. Boers, Lieutenant-Colonel, The Hague; 24. F. Bohn, publisher, Haarlem.

    Section shown in images 17 to 17

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 21. P. A. den Boer, agriculturist, Barendrecht; 22. Dr. J. G. Boerlage, lecturer at the Teachers’ College, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 23. W. Boers, Lieutenant-Colonel, The Hague; 24. F. Bohn, publisher, Haarlem.

    Section shown in images 18 to 18

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 25. G. C. W. Bohnensieg, military apothecary 1st class, Haarlem; 26. P. H. Bon, lecturer of Natural History, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 27. N. J. de Bont, pisciculturist at the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 28. Dr. J. A. Boogaard, professor of Pathological Anatomy at Leyden University.

    Section shown in images 19 to 19

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 25. G. C. W. Bohnensieg, military apothecary 1st class, Haarlem; 26. P. H. Bon, lecturer of Natural History, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 27. N. J. de Bont, pisciculturist at the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 28. Dr. J. A. Boogaard, professor of Pathological Anatomy at Leyden University.

    Section shown in images 20 to 20

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 29. J. Borghstyn, technologist, Zierikzee; 30. B. J. A. Kallenberg van den Bosch, bailiff to H.R.H. Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 31. Dr. J. Bosscha, professor of Physics at the Delft Royal Polytechnic Institution, The Hague; 32. A. J. de Bosson, apothecary, Dordrecht.

    Section shown in images 21 to 21

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 29. J. Borghstyn, technologist, Zierikzee; 30. B. J. A. Kallenberg van den Bosch, bailiff to H.R.H. Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 31. Dr. J. Bosscha, professor of Physics at the Delft Royal Polytechnic Institution, The Hague; 32. A. J. de Bosson, apothecary, Dordrecht.

    Section shown in images 22 to 22

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 33. Mr. A. Brants, Fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Arnhem; 34. B. C. Breenan, lecturer of English language and Literature at the Municipal Middle School, The Hague. (Bottom left, bottom right) 35. P. Brouwer R. zn., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 36. G. B. Bruinsma, physician, Arum.

    Section shown in images 23 to 23

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 33. Mr. A. Brants, Fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Arnhem; 34. B. C. Breenan, lecturer of English language and Literature at the Municipal Middle School, The Hague. (Bottom left, bottom right) 35. P. Brouwer R. zn., lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 36. G. B. Bruinsma, physician, Arum.

    Section shown in images 24 to 24

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 37. Dr Vitus Bruinsma, lecturer at the Leeuwarden Burghal High School for Ladies; 38. A. Lobry de Bruyn, Phil. Nat. stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 39. Th. E. Buckmann, lecturer in Mathematics at the Hague High Burghal School; 40. P. G. Buekers. (Dr.), Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Enkhuizen High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 25 to 25

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 37. Dr Vitus Bruinsma, lecturer at the Leeuwarden Burghal High School for Ladies; 38. A. Lobry de Bruyn, Phil. Nat. stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 39. Th. E. Buckmann, lecturer in Mathematics at the Hague High Burghal School; 40. P. G. Buekers. (Dr.), Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Enkhuizen High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 26 to 26

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 41. Dr. E. A. van der Burg, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 42. P. van der Burg, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 43. Dr. C. P. Burger, professor, director of the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 44. H. Burger C. P. zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden.

    Section shown in images 27 to 27

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 41. Dr. E. A. van der Burg, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 42. P. van der Burg, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 43. Dr. C. P. Burger, professor, director of the Leeuwarden High Burghal School; 44. H. Burger C. P. zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden.

    Section shown in images 28 to 28

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 45. C. Butgault, retired Colonel, Maastricht; 46. Dr. D. Cahen, physician, Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 47. Dr. F. van Calker, sub-director and lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 48. Dr. H. van Cappelle, inspector of lunatic asylums, The Hague.

    Section shown in images 29 to 29

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 45. C. Butgault, retired Colonel, Maastricht; 46. Dr. D. Cahen, physician, Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 47. Dr. F. van Calker, sub-director and lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 48. Dr. H. van Cappelle, inspector of lunatic asylums, The Hague.

    Section shown in images 30 to 30

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 49. H. van Cappelle jun., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 50. J. J. Casimier, assistant-lecturer, Almelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 51. J. Th. Cattie, Phil. nat. cand., lecturer on Natural History at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 52. C. J. Cornelis, surgeon, Rotterdam.

    Section shown in images 31 to 31

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 49. H. van Cappelle jun., Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 50. J. J. Casimier, assistant-lecturer, Almelo. (Bottom left, bottom right) 51. J. Th. Cattie, Phil. nat. cand., lecturer on Natural History at the Arnhem High Burghal School; 52. C. J. Cornelis, surgeon, Rotterdam.

    Section shown in images 32 to 32

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 53. Dr. J. C. Costerus, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer on Natural History at the Amsterdam High Burghal School and at the Public Commercial School; 54. E.W. Cramerus, president of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 55. Dr. H. C. Dibbits, professor of Chemistry at Utrecht University; 56. Dr. Z. Th. Diehl, lecturer at the Goes High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 33 to 33

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 53. Dr. J. C. Costerus, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer on Natural History at the Amsterdam High Burghal School and at the Public Commercial School; 54. E.W. Cramerus, president of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 55. Dr. H. C. Dibbits, professor of Chemistry at Utrecht University; 56. Dr. Z. Th. Diehl, lecturer at the Goes High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 34 to 34

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 57. H. J. Dirksen, lecturer at the Hague High Burghal School; 58. Dr. E. D. C. van Dissel, physician, Lochem. (Bottom left, bottom right) 59. Dr. F. C. Donders, professor of Physiology at Utrecht University; 60. Dr. G. J. Dozy, lecturer in History and Geology, Deventer.

    Section shown in images 35 to 35

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 57. H. J. Dirksen, lecturer at the Hague High Burghal School; 58. Dr. E. D. C. van Dissel, physician, Lochem. (Bottom left, bottom right) 59. Dr. F. C. Donders, professor of Physiology at Utrecht University; 60. Dr. G. J. Dozy, lecturer in History and Geology, Deventer.

    Section shown in images 36 to 36

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 61. Dr. F. J. Dupont, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Rotterdam; 62. A. W. van Eeghen, treasurer to the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 63. Dr. L. J. Egeling, government medical inspector for the Province of South-Holland, The Hague; 64. J. T. Eykman, apothecary, director of the chemical laboratory, Yokohama (Japan).

    Section shown in images 37 to 37

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 61. Dr. F. J. Dupont, physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Rotterdam; 62. A. W. van Eeghen, treasurer to the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 63. Dr. L. J. Egeling, government medical inspector for the Province of South-Holland, The Hague; 64. J. T. Eykman, apothecary, director of the chemical laboratory, Yokohama (Japan).

    Section shown in images 38 to 38

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 65. Dr. Th. W. Engelmann, professor of Medicine at Utrecht University; 66. A. Engelvaart, retired Lieutenant General, ex-minister of war, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 67. G. H. Eshuys, apothecary, Rotterdam; 68. Dr. Eduard Everts, lecturer on Natural History at the Hague High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 39 to 39

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 65. Dr. Th. W. Engelmann, professor of Medicine at Utrecht University; 66. A. Engelvaart, retired Lieutenant General, ex-minister of war, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 67. G. H. Eshuys, apothecary, Rotterdam; 68. Dr. Eduard Everts, lecturer on Natural History at the Hague High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 40 to 40

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 69. Dr. J. C. G. Evers, ex-professor of Clinics at Leyden University, The Hague; 70. P. Feenstra, clerk, Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 71. H. van Gelder, military apothecary, Leeuwarden; 72. A. van Geuns, A., director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”.

    Section shown in images 41 to 41

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 69. Dr. J. C. G. Evers, ex-professor of Clinics at Leyden University, The Hague; 70. P. Feenstra, clerk, Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 71. H. van Gelder, military apothecary, Leeuwarden; 72. A. van Geuns, A., director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”.

    Section shown in images 42 to 42

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 73. Dr. Jb. van Geuns, physician, Amsterdam; 74. H. de Geus, private teacher, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 75. Dr. M. Gewin, physician, Delden; 76. M. Ghysen, merchant, Middelburgh.

    Section shown in images 43 to 43

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 73. Dr. Jb. van Geuns, physician, Amsterdam; 74. H. de Geus, private teacher, Amsterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 75. Dr. M. Gewin, physician, Delden; 76. M. Ghysen, merchant, Middelburgh.

    Section shown in images 44 to 44

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 77. Dr. Groneman, physician, Djokdjokarta (Java); 78. H.J. M. Groneman, lecturer at the Groningen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 79. D. Grothe, professor at the Delft Polytechnical School; 80. F. Günst, writer, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 45 to 45

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 77. Dr. Groneman, physician, Djokdjokarta (Java); 78. H.J. M. Groneman, lecturer at the Groningen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 79. D. Grothe, professor at the Delft Polytechnical School; 80. F. Günst, writer, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 46 to 46

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 81.Dr. A. A. G. Guye, physician, Amsterdam; 82. R. E. de Haan, director of the Winterswijk High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 83. P. J. Haaxman, apothecary, Rotterdam; 84. A. Haeger, writer, Arnhem.

    Section shown in images 47 to 47

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 81.Dr. A. A. G. Guye, physician, Amsterdam; 82. R. E. de Haan, director of the Winterswijk High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 83. P. J. Haaxman, apothecary, Rotterdam; 84. A. Haeger, writer, Arnhem.

    Section shown in images 48 to 48

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 85. Dr. P. Harting, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Utrecht University; 86. Paul Harting, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Dordrecht High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 87. H. A. Hartogh Heys, technologist, Assen; 88. Dr. H. Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen, Jur. utr. doct., Math. mag. philos. nat., Assen.

    Section shown in images 49 to 49

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 85. Dr. P. Harting, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Utrecht University; 86. Paul Harting, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Dordrecht High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 87. H. A. Hartogh Heys, technologist, Assen; 88. Dr. H. Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen, Jur. utr. doct., Math. mag. philos. nat., Assen.

    Section shown in images 50 to 50

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 89. D. R. Hausholt, agriculturalist, Meeden; 90. Dr. H. Hertz, professor of Clinics and internal Pathology at the Amsterdam Athenaeum Illustre. (Bottom left, bottom right) 91. H. Heukels, lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 92. F. J. M. Heylaerts jun., surgeon, Breda.

    Section shown in images 51 to 51

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 89. D. R. Hausholt, agriculturalist, Meeden; 90. Dr. H. Hertz, professor of Clinics and internal Pathology at the Amsterdam Athenaeum Illustre. (Bottom left, bottom right) 91. H. Heukels, lecturer at the Deventer High Burghal School; 92. F. J. M. Heylaerts jun., surgeon, Breda.

    Section shown in images 52 to 52

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 93. Dr. J. M. Hiebendaal, lecturer on Chemistry and Natural History at the Gorcum High Burghal School; 94. Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Leyden University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 95. J. van der Hoeven, bookseller, Rotterdam; 96. W. J. Hofdyk, writer, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 53 to 53

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 93. Dr. J. M. Hiebendaal, lecturer on Chemistry and Natural History at the Gorcum High Burghal School; 94. Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Leyden University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 95. J. van der Hoeven, bookseller, Rotterdam; 96. W. J. Hofdyk, writer, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 54 to 54

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 97. Dr. C. K. Hoffmann, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Leijden University; 98. Dr. J. J. Hoffmann, titulary professor of the Chinese language, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 99. Dr. S. Hoogewerff, lecturer of Chemistry at the Rotterdam High Burghal School; 100. Dr. R. Horst, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Utrecht University and conservator of the Museum of Natural History.

    Section shown in images 55 to 55

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 97. Dr. C. K. Hoffmann, professor of Zoology and comparative Anatomy at Leijden University; 98. Dr. J. J. Hoffmann, titulary professor of the Chinese language, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 99. Dr. S. Hoogewerff, lecturer of Chemistry at the Rotterdam High Burghal School; 100. Dr. R. Horst, assistant at the Zootomical Laboratory of Utrecht University and conservator of the Museum of Natural History.

    Section shown in images 56 to 56

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 101. F. J. J. Slingsby van Hoven, Vught; 102. Dr S. P. Huizinga, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 103. Dr. J. H. H. Hülsmann, director of the Tilburg High Burghal School; 104. Dr. W. H. Itzerda, member of the 2nd Chamber of Representatives, Akkrum.

    Section shown in images 57 to 57

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 101. F. J. J. Slingsby van Hoven, Vught; 102. Dr S. P. Huizinga, lecturer at the Leeuwarden High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 103. Dr. J. H. H. Hülsmann, director of the Tilburg High Burghal School; 104. Dr. W. H. Itzerda, member of the 2nd Chamber of Representatives, Akkrum.

    Section shown in images 58 to 58

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 105. G. Janse, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 106. H. F. Jonkman, botanical assistant at the Utrecht University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 107. Dr. V. A. Julius, lecturer of Physics at the Roermond High Burghal School; 108. J. A. Jurriaanse, architectural inspector and member of the Colonial Chambers at Paramaribo.

    Section shown in images 59 to 59

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 105. G. Janse, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 106. H. F. Jonkman, botanical assistant at the Utrecht University. (Bottom left, bottom right) 107. Dr. V. A. Julius, lecturer of Physics at the Roermond High Burghal School; 108. J. A. Jurriaanse, architectural inspector and member of the Colonial Chambers at Paramaribo.

    Section shown in images 60 to 60

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 109. Dr. Y. Keyzer, physician, Middelburgh; 110. C. Kerbert C.zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 111. Dr. C. Kerbert, physician, Amsterdam; 112. L. C. van Kerkwyk, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Engineers, The Hague.

    Section shown in images 61 to 61

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 109. Dr. Y. Keyzer, physician, Middelburgh; 110. C. Kerbert C.zn., Phil. nat. stud., Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 111. Dr. C. Kerbert, physician, Amsterdam; 112. L. C. van Kerkwyk, Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Engineers, The Hague.

    Section shown in images 62 to 62

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 113. J. Kinker, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 114. H. C. J. Knythe, agriculturist, Koevorden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 115. G. Kniphorst, Phil. nat. cand., Stadskanaal; 116. W. Knoops, conservator of the Arnhem Museum.

    Section shown in images 63 to 63

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 113. J. Kinker, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 114. H. C. J. Knythe, agriculturist, Koevorden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 115. G. Kniphorst, Phil. nat. cand., Stadskanaal; 116. W. Knoops, conservator of the Arnhem Museum.

    Section shown in images 64 to 64

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 117. A. M. Kollewyn N.zn., lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 118. A. Kollins, telegraphist, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 119. B. P. Korteweg, ex-lecturer at the Breda Military College; 120. Dr. W. Koster, professor of Amsterdam at Utrecht University.

    Section shown in images 65 to 65

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 117. A. M. Kollewyn N.zn., lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 118. A. Kollins, telegraphist, Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 119. B. P. Korteweg, ex-lecturer at the Breda Military College; 120. Dr. W. Koster, professor of Amsterdam at Utrecht University.

    Section shown in images 66 to 66

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 121. Dr. H. P. J. Stenfert Kroese, lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School for Ladies and Gymnasium, Arnhem; 122. P. Leendertz, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 123. Jonkhr. P. H. Baron Lewe van Middelstum, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Beek; 124. M. Volkryk Liebert, Middelburgh.

    Section shown in images 67 to 67

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 121. Dr. H. P. J. Stenfert Kroese, lecturer at the Arnhem High Burghal School for Ladies and Gymnasium, Arnhem; 122. P. Leendertz, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 123. Jonkhr. P. H. Baron Lewe van Middelstum, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Beek; 124. M. Volkryk Liebert, Middelburgh.

    Section shown in images 68 to 68

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 125. Fr. Lieftinck, clerk, Kimswerd (Friesland); 126. R. R. Lit, director of the Amsterdam Burghal Day and Evening School. (Bottom right, bottom left) 127. J. W. Lodeesen.; treasurer to the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 128. J. Lorié, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht.

    Section shown in images 69 to 69

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 125. Fr. Lieftinck, clerk, Kimswerd (Friesland); 126. R. R. Lit, director of the Amsterdam Burghal Day and Evening School. (Bottom right, bottom left) 127. J. W. Lodeesen.; treasurer to the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam; 128. J. Lorié, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht.

    Section shown in images 70 to 70

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 129. S. Lulofs, clerk, Winterswyk; 130 J. Luyten, teacher, Nieuwendam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 131. Douairière Rethaan Macaré, Utrecht; 132. R. T. Maitland, director of the Hague Royal Zoological Botanical Gardens.

    Section shown in images 71 to 71

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 129. S. Lulofs, clerk, Winterswyk; 130 J. Luyten, teacher, Nieuwendam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 131. Douairière Rethaan Macaré, Utrecht; 132. R. T. Maitland, director of the Hague Royal Zoological Botanical Gardens.

    Section shown in images 72 to 72

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 133. Dr. J. C. de Man, physician and conservator of the Zealand Scientific Institution, Middelburgh; 134. Dr. J. G. de Man, conservator of the Royal Museum of Natural History, Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 135. J. G. Matthes, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 136. Dr. J. Kamminga van der Meer, lecturer on Chemistry at the Zaandam High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 73 to 73

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 133. Dr. J. C. de Man, physician and conservator of the Zealand Scientific Institution, Middelburgh; 134. Dr. J. G. de Man, conservator of the Royal Museum of Natural History, Leyden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 135. J. G. Matthes, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 136. Dr. J. Kamminga van der Meer, lecturer on Chemistry at the Zaandam High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 74 to 74

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 137. Dr. R. A. Mees, professor of Physics at Groningen University; 138. H. A. J. Meyer, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Assen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 139. J. F. A. Mellink, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 140. K. H. Mertens, stud., Leijden.

    Section shown in images 75 to 75

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 137. Dr. R. A. Mees, professor of Physics at Groningen University; 138. H. A. J. Meyer, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer at the Assen High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 139. J. F. A. Mellink, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 140. K. H. Mertens, stud., Leijden.

    Section shown in images 76 to 76

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 141. J. Metman W.zn., apothecary, Alkmaar; 142. F. van der Meulen, physician, Barendrecht. (Bottom left, bottom right) 143. Dr. J. E. van der Meulen, assistant in Chirurgical Clinics at Utrecht University; 144. Dr. A. Meursinghe H. zn., assistant governmental medical inspector for the provinces of Friesland and Groningen.

    Section shown in images 77 to 77

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 141. J. Metman W.zn., apothecary, Alkmaar; 142. F. van der Meulen, physician, Barendrecht. (Bottom left, bottom right) 143. Dr. J. E. van der Meulen, assistant in Chirurgical Clinics at Utrecht University; 144. Dr. A. Meursinghe H. zn., assistant governmental medical inspector for the provinces of Friesland and Groningen.

    Section shown in images 78 to 78

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 145. P. Schenkenberg van Mierop, civil engineer, Dordrecht; 146 H. L. Molenaar, merchant, Harlingen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 147 Dr. J. W. Moll, lecturer at the Utrecht High Burghal School; 148 Dr. J. Th. Mouton, Dr. phil. nat. et pharmac., The Hague.

    Section shown in images 79 to 79

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 145. P. Schenkenberg van Mierop, civil engineer, Dordrecht; 146 H. L. Molenaar, merchant, Harlingen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 147 Dr. J. W. Moll, lecturer at the Utrecht High Burghal School; 148 Dr. J. Th. Mouton, Dr. phil. nat. et pharmac., The Hague.

    Section shown in images 80 to 80

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 149. D. van Haren Noman, Phil. nat. cand., Leijden; 150. J. Oosting, lecturer on the German language and literature at the Deventer High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 151. Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans, professor of Astronomy at Utrecht University; 152. J. Persant Snoep, physician, Wolfaartsdijk.

    Section shown in images 81 to 81

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 149. D. van Haren Noman, Phil. nat. cand., Leijden; 150. J. Oosting, lecturer on the German language and literature at the Deventer High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 151. Dr. J. A. C. Oudemans, professor of Astronomy at Utrecht University; 152. J. Persant Snoep, physician, Wolfaartsdijk.

    Section shown in images 82 to 82

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 153. Mr. M. C. Piepers, member of the Indian Bar, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Java; 154. Dr. E. D. Pijzel, lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 155. Dr. L. Posthumus, lecturer of Chemistry at the Dordrecht High Burghal School; 156. Dr. N. W. P. Rauwenhoff, professor of Botany at Utrecht University.

    Section shown in images 83 to 83

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 153. Mr. M. C. Piepers, member of the Indian Bar, fellow of the Dutch Entomological Society, Java; 154. Dr. E. D. Pijzel, lecturer at the Amersfoort High Burghal School. (Bottom left, bottom right) 155. Dr. L. Posthumus, lecturer of Chemistry at the Dordrecht High Burghal School; 156. Dr. N. W. P. Rauwenhoff, professor of Botany at Utrecht University.

    Section shown in images 84 to 84

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 157. J. van Rees, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht; 158. Mr. J. Reynvaan, Zutphen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 159. Dr. A. D. van Riemsdijk, Utrecht; 160. G. J. van Rysoort van Meurs, publisher, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 85 to 85

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 157. J. van Rees, Phil. nat. cand., Utrecht; 158. Mr. J. Reynvaan, Zutphen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 159. Dr. A. D. van Riemsdijk, Utrecht; 160. G. J. van Rysoort van Meurs, publisher, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 86 to 86

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 161. A. J. Riko, Home Office, The Hague; 162. Dr. A. H. van Ringh, physician, Pingjum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 163. Dr. O. J. Risfelada, lecturer at the Almelo High Burghal School; 164. Dr. Roessingh, physician, Deventer.

    Section shown in images 87 to 87

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 161. A. J. Riko, Home Office, The Hague; 162. Dr. A. H. van Ringh, physician, Pingjum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 163. Dr. O. J. Risfelada, lecturer at the Almelo High Burghal School; 164. Dr. Roessingh, physician, Deventer.

    Section shown in images 88 to 88

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 165. Dr. J. E. Rombouts, lecturer in Natural Sciences at the Haarlem High Burghal School; 166. S. E. W. Roorda van Eysinga, civil engineer, Rolle (Lake of Geneva). (Bottom left, bottom right) 167. J. H. L. A. Ziegenhirt von Rosenthal, civil engineer, lecturer at the Zalt-Bommel High Burghal School; 168. Dr. Jac. Joh. Le Roy, lecturer of Natural History and Physics, Deventer.

    Section shown in images 89 to 89

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 165. Dr. J. E. Rombouts, lecturer in Natural Sciences at the Haarlem High Burghal School; 166. S. E. W. Roorda van Eysinga, civil engineer, Rolle (Lake of Geneva). (Bottom left, bottom right) 167. J. H. L. A. Ziegenhirt von Rosenthal, civil engineer, lecturer at the Zalt-Bommel High Burghal School; 168. Dr. Jac. Joh. Le Roy, lecturer of Natural History and Physics, Deventer.

    Section shown in images 90 to 90

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 169. R. H. Saltet, Phil. nat. et med. Cand., Leijden; 170. Dr. J. van der Scheer A. zn., physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 171. M. M. Schepman, treasurer to the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon; 172. W. A. Ivangh Schepman, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon.

    Section shown in images 91 to 91

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 169. R. H. Saltet, Phil. nat. et med. Cand., Leijden; 170. Dr. J. van der Scheer A. zn., physician and surgeon (obstetrics), Assen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 171. M. M. Schepman, treasurer to the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon; 172. W. A. Ivangh Schepman, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rhoon.

    Section shown in images 92 to 92

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 173. Dr. S. R. J. van Scheviehaven, lecturer at the Amsterdam Gymnasium; 174. J. F. Schill, Phil. nat.stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 175. G. B. Schmidt jun., apothecary, Leeuwarden; 176. Dr.. W. K. J. Schoor, lecturer on Natural History and Chemistry, Zierikzee.

    Section shown in images 93 to 93

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 173. Dr. S. R. J. van Scheviehaven, lecturer at the Amsterdam Gymnasium; 174. J. F. Schill, Phil. nat.stud., Leijden. (Bottom left, bottom right) 175. G. B. Schmidt jun., apothecary, Leeuwarden; 176. Dr.. W. K. J. Schoor, lecturer on Natural History and Chemistry, Zierikzee.

    Section shown in images 94 to 94

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 177. Dr. H. J. Menalda van Schouwenburg, director of the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 178. Dr. H. M. Scrinerius, physician (obstetrics), Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 179. Mr. C. J. Sickerz, burgomaster of Laren, Lochem; 180. Dr. J. Sirks, director of the Deventer High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 95 to 95

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 177. Dr. H. J. Menalda van Schouwenburg, director of the Amersfoort High Burghal School; 178. Dr. H. M. Scrinerius, physician (obstetrics), Witmarsum. (Bottom left, bottom right) 179. Mr. C. J. Sickerz, burgomaster of Laren, Lochem; 180. Dr. J. Sirks, director of the Deventer High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 96 to 96

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 181. Ph. W. van der Sleyden, civil engineer, Arnhem; 182. Joh. F. Snelleman, zoologist to the Sumatra Explorations. (Bottom left, bottom right) 183. P. C. T. Snellen, fellow of the Dutch Entomological and Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 184. Dr. H. van de Stadt, director of the Haarlem High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 97 to 97

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 181. Ph. W. van der Sleyden, civil engineer, Arnhem; 182. Joh. F. Snelleman, zoologist to the Sumatra Explorations. (Bottom left, bottom right) 183. P. C. T. Snellen, fellow of the Dutch Entomological and Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 184. Dr. H. van de Stadt, director of the Haarlem High Burghal School.

    Section shown in images 98 to 98

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 185. Dr. W. C. H. Staring, ex-inspector of the middle schools, Lochem; 186. P. G. Steensma, apothecary, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 187. Dr. B. J. Stokvis, professor of Medicine at the Amsterdam “Athenaeum Illustre”; 188. Mr. W. J. Swaving, Zutphen.

    Section shown in images 99 to 99

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 185. Dr. W. C. H. Staring, ex-inspector of the middle schools, Lochem; 186. P. G. Steensma, apothecary, Breda. (Bottom left, bottom right) 187. Dr. B. J. Stokvis, professor of Medicine at the Amsterdam “Athenaeum Illustre”; 188. Mr. W. J. Swaving, Zutphen.

    Section shown in images 100 to 100

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 189. A. A. H. Sweys, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 190. K. N. Swierstra, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 191. Dr. B. J. Tideman, Math. Mag. et Phil. nat. doct., chief naval architect of the Dutch Royal Navy; 192. J. P. Trap, lithographist, Leijden.

    Section shown in images 101 to 101

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 189. A. A. H. Sweys, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”; 190. K. N. Swierstra, conservator of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra”. (Bottom left, bottom right) 191. Dr. B. J. Tideman, Math. Mag. et Phil. nat. doct., chief naval architect of the Dutch Royal Navy; 192. J. P. Trap, lithographist, Leijden.

    Section shown in images 102 to 102

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 193. K. van Tuynen H. zn., lecturer at the Zwolle High Burghal School; 194. H. Uyen, manufacturer, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 195. S. Draisma van Valkenburg, manufacturer, Leeuwarden; 196. D. Veen K. zn., apothecary, Zwolle.

    Section shown in images 103 to 103

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 193. K. van Tuynen H. zn., lecturer at the Zwolle High Burghal School; 194. H. Uyen, manufacturer, Nymegen. (Bottom left, bottom right) 195. S. Draisma van Valkenburg, manufacturer, Leeuwarden; 196. D. Veen K. zn., apothecary, Zwolle.

    Section shown in images 104 to 104

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 197. Anna van der Velde, Rotterdam; 198. S. W. van der Velde, merchant, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 199. H. J. Veth, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer of Natural History at the Rotterdam High Burghal School, secretary to the Netherland Zoological Society; 200. Dr. P. J. Veth, professor, president of the Dutch Geographical Society.

    Section shown in images 105 to 105

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 197. Anna van der Velde, Rotterdam; 198. S. W. van der Velde, merchant, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 199. H. J. Veth, Phil. nat. doct., lecturer of Natural History at the Rotterdam High Burghal School, secretary to the Netherland Zoological Society; 200. Dr. P. J. Veth, professor, president of the Dutch Geographical Society.

    Section shown in images 106 to 106

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 201. W. J. van Vlissingen, lecturer on Modern Language at the Enkhuyzen High Burghal School; 202. G. W. van der Voo, teacher, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 203. G. C. J. Vosmaer, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 204. G. Haimand Wal, apothecary, Franeker.

    Section shown in images 107 to 107

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 201. W. J. van Vlissingen, lecturer on Modern Language at the Enkhuyzen High Burghal School; 202. G. W. van der Voo, teacher, Rotterdam. (Bottom left, bottom right) 203. G. C. J. Vosmaer, Phil. nat. stud., Leijden; 204. G. Haimand Wal, apothecary, Franeker.

    Section shown in images 108 to 108

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 205. J. A. van Walsem, clerk, Vught; 206. J. van Waning Bolt, clerk, Krommendijk. (Bottom left, bottom right) 207. A. W. P. Weitzel, Major General, ex-minister of war; 208. A. Wertheim, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra.”

    Section shown in images 109 to 109

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 205. J. A. van Walsem, clerk, Vught; 206. J. van Waning Bolt, clerk, Krommendijk. (Bottom left, bottom right) 207. A. W. P. Weitzel, Major General, ex-minister of war; 208. A. Wertheim, a director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra.”

    Section shown in images 110 to 110

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 209. Dr. G. F. Westerman, director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 210. H. L. Gerth van Wyck, lecturer on Natural History, Middelburgh. (Bottom left, bottom right) 211. Dr. T. C. Winkler, Math. magist. phil. nat. doct., physician, conservator of the mineralogical, geological and palaeontological collections in ”Teyler’s Foundation” at Haarlem; 212. L. C. Dudok de Wit, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 111 to 111

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 209. Dr. G. F. Westerman, director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 210. H. L. Gerth van Wyck, lecturer on Natural History, Middelburgh. (Bottom left, bottom right) 211. Dr. T. C. Winkler, Math. magist. phil. nat. doct., physician, conservator of the mineralogical, geological and palaeontological collections in ”Teyler’s Foundation” at Haarlem; 212. L. C. Dudok de Wit, Amsterdam.

    Section shown in images 112 to 112

    • Title: (Top left, top right) 213. J. Noordhoek Hegt, assistant director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 214. H. Witte, horticulturist of the Leijden University’s Royal Botanical Gardens. (Bottom left, bottom right) 215. H. C. de Wolff, Insurer, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 216. H. L. Woltersom, technologist, Arnhem.

    Section shown in images 113 to 113

    • Title: Verso of portrait photographs. (Top left, top right) 213. J. Noordhoek Hegt, assistant director of the Amsterdam Royal Zoological Gardens “Natura Artis Magistra”; 214. H. Witte, horticulturist of the Leijden University’s Royal Botanical Gardens. (Bottom left, bottom right) 215. H. C. de Wolff, Insurer, fellow of the Netherland Zoological Society, Rotterdam; 216. H. L. Woltersom, technologist, Arnhem.

    Section shown in images 114 to 114

    • Title: 217. Dr. T. Zaayer, professor of Anatomy at Leijden University.

    Section shown in images 115 to 115

    • Title: Verso of portrait photograph . 217. Dr. T. Zaayer, professor of Anatomy at Leijden University.

    Section shown in images 116 to 116

    • Title: Mounting board (recto).

    Section shown in images 117 to 117

    • Title: Mounting board (verso).


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