Collection of loose prints, measuring approximately 200 x 150 mm. With the exception of Y308M/45, they all show horses on the quayside, being embarked, and stabled on board ship, or views of the ships which transported them. Two of the prints (Y308M/2 and 45) have inscriptions in pencil on the backs, in the same handwriting, and some individuals are identified by writing on the actual prints (Y308M/18 and 27). There are no other captions, but some of the ships' names are visible. Twenty-two prints are numbered (Y308M/1, 4-9, 12, 13, 15, 18-24, 28, 31, 34, 42); eight have letters on the back (A-C, F-H, J-K); the remaining fifteen are not numbered.
The photographs probably represent departures from two ports in New South Wales, Sydney and Newcastle, the majority from Newcastle. F.H.H. (Y308M/18) may be Frank Henry Houlder, Managing Director of Houlder Brothers, based in London but with branches in Buenos Aires, Sydney, Liverpool, Glasgow, La Plata and Rosario. This firm had acted as brokers for the Remount Department 1900-1901, furnishing shipping from its own and its associated company, Houlder Line, for about a fifth of the remounts and acting as agents for chartering the remaining ships. Houlder visited Australia twice during the War. The facts that Y308M/1-3 and 7-9 show Houlder Ships, and that Houlder's is mentioned on the back of No. 45, suggest that the photos were taken by someone connected with that firm in Newcastle and Sydney between January and July 1900.
The arrangement is of pictures of individual ships (Y308M/1-12) followed by embarkation on Cornwall and other ships (Y308M/13-26), scenes on board, chiefly stabling (Y308M/27-38), corrals on Newcastle quayside (Y308M/39-44) and a scene in Sydney (Y308M/45).
200 x 150 mm.
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210 x 160 mm. This ship, of the Houlder Line, sailed from Newcastle with horses on 14 November 1899 and 9 March 1900.
155 x 200 mm. Sailed from Newcastle on 18 Jan. 1900. Note on the back, 'The Southern Cross was wrecked in the River Tagus, & for many years used as a dance hall. We saw her several times from the Royal Mail ships to & from Lisbon, then she disappeared.'
200 x 155 mm. No name is visible but the funnel has the same Pattee Cross as Y308M/1 and 2.
200 x 155 mm. Beira, of the British and Colonial Steam Navigation Co., sailed from Newcastle on 17 March 1900.
200 x 155 mm. Suffolk, owned by Birt, Trinder and Bethell, sailed from Newcastle on 19 April 1900.
200 x 150 mm. Though no name is visible, the cross on the funnel and the general appearance correspond to Y308M/5. Suffolk was wrecked, with the loss of more than 900 horses, near Cape St. Francis on 24 September 1900, en route from Fiume.
205 x 150 mm. The funnel has the same cross as the Houlder ships, but is not the same as either.
205 x 150 mm. The funnel has the same cross as the Houlder ships, but is not the same as either.
200 x 150 mm. Possibly the same ship as Y308M/7-8.The only other Houlder ship used to transport horses from Australia was Rippingham Grange, which sailed from Sydney on 12 June and 12 December 1900.
150 x 200 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150mm.
200 x 150mm.
200 x 15 0mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
195 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
155 x 200 mm. The group contains three men (two identified as 'F' and 'Capt. Hutton'), a woman ('Nell') and a boy. It is not clear whether 'F' is the same as 'F.H.H.' in Y308M/18. Captain Hutton, an elderly man in civilian clothes, has not been found in any biographical work consulted.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm. Probably more distant view of Y308M/35.
200 x 150 mm. Probably the same as Y308M/35 and Y308M/36 from further away.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm.
200 x 150 mm. Shows corrals and wooden buildings, with railway trucks behind.
200 x 150 mm. Similar to Y308m/42, but showing more on the left and a sailing ship at anchor beyond the trucks.
200 x 150 mm. Y308M/43 shows more of the left hand building. Scene as in Y308M/42.
145 x 90 mm. The office building is in the background; a military band is marching down the street.