The collection was originally housed in seven boxes, four of which were specially made with individual slots for slides. These were numbered 3, 6, 10 and 11 and the remaining boxes were unnumbered. Presumably these formed part of a larger collection, but nothing is known of the original owner or the fate of any other boxes. For conservation reasons, the collection has since been re-boxed. The captions given are normally those which appear on the slides themselves.
The photographer of this collection is unknown. He apparently travelled to Australia on the 'Indraghiri' in 1908 and was in the Red Sea on the 'Indraghiri' or the 'Indrawadi' in 1909 (119, 125-6). He apparently visited China in 1909 and 1911 (230 and 221). Slides of the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) are dated 1909 (323), 1910 (267-268), and there is a sequence of cultivation on Belang-Belang between 1911 and 1915 (294-301). Several pictures were taken on the 'Highland Glen' and the 'Highland Rover' in 1914 (437-441) and 173, showing the Hong Kong cenotaph, must be post World War I.
The only clue to the photographer is in initials to some of the captions. 'WD' appears in scenes scattered through the series, e.g. 39, 41, 52, 119, 274 and 323 and he could be the photographer or a companion. For at least part of his travels WD was associated with HPA - they appear together in Batjan in 1910 (275-277). HPA is seen in some of the photographs taken in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1910-1911 (355-6 and 358). Other photographs taken at this time include PCA and Maude (presumably his wife). He appears to have been manager or owner of Watagoda, an estate in Ceylon. There was an H.P.C. Armitage, Assistant Conservator of Forests in Ceylon who retired in 1903, but it has not been possible to examine any directories of Ceylon in 1910 to see whether PCA might be his brother. Any suggested identification of these individuals must be highly speculative.
Also described as: 'Aden, Hong Kong, ?1909'.
A copy of a half-tone photograph showing the imposing façade of the university, founded by Lord Lugard and formally opened in March 1911.
Under the 'More' menu you can find metadata about the item, and information about sharing this image.
Also described as: 'The Roaring Forties and Australia 1908'.
A panoramic view looking over the city.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
One of a series of photographs taken aboard of S.S. 'Indraghiri' during gales encountered while 'running the easting down' - i.e. while on the long and fast haul between the Cape and Australia between latitudes 40° and 50°.
A clear photograph showing work in progress on the deck of S.S. 'Indraghiri', with harbour waves at the right of the slide.
A view from the wharf showing the S.S. Indraghiri at her moorings, with a horse and cart in the foreground.
A more distant view of the 'Indraghiri' from the wharf.
A view from the ship showing part of the Circular Quay, with Tiser's Wharf at the right.
A view looking across wharf facilities with the 'only Australian built steamer' (pencilled on mount) at her moorings.
A view showing the 'Mersey', a three-masted sailing vessel, moored to a wharf in Sydney Harbour.
A view looking east from the Botanic Gardens towards a ship anchored in Woolloomooloo Bay.
A view from the Botanic Gardens looking towards a sailing ship moored on the far side of Woolloomooloo Bay.
A view looking across Woolloomooloo Bay towards wharves on the far side.
A view looking along the northern shore of the harbour with a small lighthouse in the foreground.
A view showing the small island of Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour.
A view showing four naval officers in a launch in Sydney Harbour, with W.D. at the right (see originator details in the Fonds Level entry for this collection).
A view looking along the sandy beach with a headland in the distance.
A view showing three men in a pony-trap on a Sydney wharf with W.D. (see originator details in the Fonds Level entry for this collection) sitting in the centre.
A view looking down onto a bay from a hillside, with houses on the slope.
A view showing St Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral, with the Frazer Fountain partially visible at the left.
A view showing the statue of Captain Cook in Hyde Park, erected in 1879.
A view looking down on the Port Hacking River with wooded hills on both banks.
A view showing a boat and a punt ferry moored to wooden jetties, probably at the National Park Camp at Audley.
A scene on the Port Hacking River with trees in the foreground and on the farther bank.
A view looking towards a wooden bridge over the river, probably near Port Hacking.
A view showing a horse drawn coach in the park.
A view looking across the Port Hacking River towards a long barn on the far bank.
A view showing an unidentified party of five men and women strolling in the park.
A view showing four men on a road in the park, with W.D. second from the right.
A view showing four men standing on a wooden jetty with WD on the right.
A view showing the hull of an unidentified ship beached on the Newcastle breakwater.
A view showing the hull of an unidentified ship beached on the Newcastle breakwater, with Newcastle harbour in the background and the city in the distance.
A view showing the deck of a French ship.
A view of the deck of a French wreck.
A view showing the landward section of the (?) Northern breakwater at Newcastle.
A view showing part of the (?) southern breakwater at Newcastle.
A view looking along the wharves towards Nobby's Head in the distance.
A view looking along a street in Newcastle towards the docks, with an unidentified tower (? The railway station) on the right hand side.
A view looking along an unidentified tree-lined street in Newcastle.
A view looking along an unidentified street in Newcastle with tramlines, and pony-traps parked on the far side.
A view showing a man of mixed-race standing in a clearing with bush beyond.
A view showing felled timber stacked in piles ready for transportation.
A view showing a makeshift cricket pitch in the bush.
A view showing the thin trickle of water dropping over the Wentworth Falls.
A view looking over the Wentworth Falls.
A view showing the Three Sisters, the outcrops of rock which stand over the Jamieson Valley.
A view showing woods beside a path in the Blue Mountains.
A view looking along the Narrow Neck Peninsula which lies south of Katoomba.
A view showing mountainous scenery near Katoomba.
A view looking towards the flat-topped Mt Solitary from the Narrow Neck Peninsula.
A view showing an unidentified house and garden in Katoomba.
A view showing an unidentified house and garden in Katoomba.
A view showing a settler's cabin in the bush.
A view showing partially cleared land, with a pony trap in the background.
A view showing partially cleared and fenced-off land.
A view showing a settler's small cabin with a bark roof.
A view showing sheep grazing in partially cleared woodland.
A view showing two men standing in front of a brick house.
A view showing the tiny railway station at Mornington Junction, with merchandise and a few travellers on the platform and small wooden station buildings in the background.
A view looking towards a small wooden house with fields beyond.
A view showing two men (W.D. at left) standing in front of farm buildings.
A view showing two men (W.D. at left) and a dog posed in front of a fruit tree.
A view showing the 'Geelong' being towed by a tug in Melbourne Harbour.
A side view showing the central section of an unidentified liner.
A view showing an unidentified Bibby Line steamer at anchor in Port Said Harbour.
A view showing the 'Isis' at anchor in Port Said Harbour.
A rear-view of the steamer 'Clan Ranald' at anchor in Port Said Harbour.
A view showing a dhow in Port Said Harbour.
A view showing the steamer 'Imperato' taking on coal from a barge moored to her starboard side.
A view showing a ship's boat taking a line across to the shore.
A general view of the town from the harbour. The prominent domed building on the waterfront is the Suez Canal Office.
A view looking across the harbour towards the town, with dhows moored to one of the long harbour breakwaters.
A view from the harbour looking towards the waterfront.
A view from the harbour looking towards the waterfront.
A view looking towards the breakwater on which stands the statue of the builder of the Qanat as-Suways.
A view showing a street in Port Said.
A view showing a street in Port Said.
A view showing an Arab driving a pony-cab in the streets of Port Said.
A head-on view of the Japanese steamer in the canal.
A head-on view of the steam yacht 'Lysistrata' in the canal.
A blurred slide showing two men in a rowing boat taking the mooring line to the shore.
A view showing the rowing boat near the banks of the canal with the mooring rope trailing behind her back to the ship.
A view showing a small settlement of wooden huts on the bank of the canal.
An uninformative slide taken from the ship and showing an undifferentiated blur on the bank of the canal.
A dull view looking over the Al Buhayrah al Murrah al Kubrá and Al Buhayrah al Murrah as Sughrá (salt lakes).
A view showing administrative buildings and a jetty on the canal bank.
A view showing a palm surrounded house on the bank of the canal with a small wooden jetty in the foreground.
A view from the canal showing stone buildings and elevated water tanks of Al-Isma`iliyah.
A view looking shorewards, from the harbour at Suez.
A view showing a German liner in the Red Sea near Suez
A view from the Canal showing the Cairo express on the bank.
A view from the canal showing a camel caravan on the bank, with one of the lakes on the canal route in the background.
A view from the canal showing a camel caravan on the bank, with one of the lakes on the canal route in the background.
A view showing W.D. on the deck of the 'Indraghiri' looking through a telescope towards Gebel Musa (not visible).
An uninteresting slide showing an unidentified section of coastline.
A view looking towards two small islands. Exact location unidentified.
A distant view of the island of Barim situated 100 miles west of `Adan in the centre of the Strait of Bab el Mandeb.
A view showing the 'Indrawadi' at anchor with the hills of Adan in the distance.
A view showing three men aboard a small motor launch with the 'Indrawadi' at anchor in the background.
A view showing native boys and a policeman on the deck of the 'Indrawadi'.
A view showing native workmen unloading merchandise from the deck of the 'Indrawadi', probably at Adan.
A view showing the deck of SS Indrawadi with native workmen at the mouth of the hold.
A view showing the steamer 'Salsette' at anchor off Adan.
A view showing a rowing boat pulling away from the side of the steamer.
A view showing the steamer 'Welsh Prince' at anchor with the mountains of Adan in the background.
A view showing a large steamer moving towards her anchorage with the mountains of Adan in the background.
A view showing an Italian warship at anchor in Tawahi Harbour with the town at Steamer Point in the background.
A view showing warships at anchor off (?) Crater.
Also described as: 'Aden, Hong Kong, ?1909'.
A view showing several small ships in the harbour at `Adan.
A view showing a steamer at anchor in Tawahi Harbour with the town of Steamer Point in the background.
A view looking down on a motor launch about to tie up beside the ship.
A view showing a party of Indians rowing an officer in white uniform ashore.
A view showing a motor launch.
A view showing the back streets and houses at Steamer Point.
A view looking along Prince of Wales Crescent at Steamer Point with the Hotel de l'Europe at the left.
A view looking along Prince of Wales Crescent, Steamer Point,.
A view from the harbour looking towards Steamer Point with dhows and steam vessels at anchor in the foreground.
A view looking down on the Crater - Steamer Point Road with the town and Tawahi Harbour beyond.
A view looking along an unidentified street with rocky hillside beyond, probably at Steamer Point.
A view looking past the single-storeyed barracks at Crater towards the jagged mountain side beyond.
A view showing sacks and barrels of merchandise piled in an open space with a camel hauling a load in the foreground. The slide is probably of the Camel Market at Crater.
A view looking over the ancient water reservoirs towards the town of Crater in the distance.
A view looking over the ancient water reservoirs.
A close-up view of some of the stonework in the reservoirs.
A close-up view of some of the stonework in the reservoirs with a door or sluice at the right.
An underexposed slide looking along a hotel verandah.
A view showing Arabic boys playing cricket in an open space with low, square buildings beyond.
A view showing a native man relaxing on a boat deck.
A view showing a camel tethered outside a building.
A view showing a young lion sitting on a verandah with an unidentified figure standing at the right.
A view showing a quayside with residential houses beyond, probably in Johor Baharu.
A canal scene in Johor Baharu with junks in the foreground and buildings in Chinese style beyond.
A view looking across the lawn towards the palace or Istana, of the Sultan. In the background the flag which denotes that the Sultan is in residence can just be discerned.
A view from the sea looking towards the harbour channel. 'F.M.S.' is an abbreviation for 'Federated Malay States'.
A view showing two junks off Hong Kong.
75 x 14 mm. A view from Kowloon looking towards the Victoria waterfront with the Victoria Peak rising beyond.
A copy of a half-tone photograph showing the large liner berthed at Kowloon, with a row of taxi-cabs in the foreground.
A view showing the wrecked ferryboat lying near rocks off Ngong Shuen Chau (West of Kowloon).
A view showing the beached boat lying just offshore.
A view showing only the two masts and the funnel of the 'Yeong Sang' projecting out of the water.
A view showing a listing and partially submerged submarine lashed to two barges. Another submarine can be partially seen at the right of the slide. The exact nature of the incident is unknown.
A view from Kowloon looking towards the Victoria waterfront. Prominent on the shoreline are the headquarters of Siemessen and Co (the second to the right of the large white buildings) the oldest German firm in the Colony, which started business in China in 1846. The building is situated near the junction of Wardley Street and Chater Road. St John's Cathedral can be seen behind the waterfront.
A view showing the Naval dockyard and breakwater, with the military hospital visible at the left on the hill behind Victoria.
A copy of a half-tone photograph looking down from Victoria Peak, over Victoria and towards Kowloon with the Naval dockyard visible at the right of the slide.
A copy of a half-tone photograph showing the imposing façade of the university, founded by Lord Lugard and formally opened in March 1911.
A view showing the front façade of the bank, from Queen's Road, with a fountain in the foreground.
A copy of the half-tone photograph showing the west façade of the Law Courts from Chater Road.
A copy of a half-tone photograph showing the Cenotaph Statue in Statue Square with the Queen's statue and Siemessen and Co.'s headquarters in the background.
A copy of a half-tone photograph showing Pedder Street. On the right is the Hongkong Hotel, further down is Hotel Mansions / Union Building, and beyond that is Connaught Road and the harbour. The last building on the left with the tower is Jardine House. The image is undated but might be from the 1930s due to the absence of sedan chairs and rickshaws, and the types of cars present (source for the identification of buildings: Klaus Liphard, contributor to Gwulo: Old Hong Kong).
A copy of a half-tone photograph showing a tramcar ascending Victoria Peak on the steep track which runs from near St John's Cathedral up to the Peak Hotel. The line was opened in 1888.
A view showing a lower section of the tramway with residential houses in the foreground.
A view looking along the street with building work in progress at the right and a placard announcing the site of the new Asiatic Petroleum Company's offices in the background.
A view showing an unidentified flat-iron shaped building in Victoria.
A view looking down on Victoria from Victoria Peak with Kowloon in the distance.
A view looking east along Connaught Road with a statue of the Duke of Connaught in the foreground. The buildings have been identified as follows, from right to left: Hotel Mansions / Union Building [1905-1961]; St. George's Building (1st Generation) [1904-1966]; King's Building [1905-1958]; Queen's Building [1899-1961]; back left: Central Star Ferry Pier (2nd Location, Connaught Rd off Ice House St) [1912-1958]. The Central Star Ferry Pier was constructed between 1911-1912, hence the photograph is thought to date to c. 1912-1915. The statue of the Duke of Connaught was transferred from Statue Square to this spot on Connaught Road in 1907 to make way for a statue of King Edward VII in Statue Square. [Source for additional information, identification of buildings and date: Klaus Liphard, Gwulo: Old Hong Kong).
A view looking west along (?) Connaught Road with the British-American Tobacco Company's offices on the left and moored boats to the right.
A view from the Ladies Recreation Ground looking across the Albany Filter Beds and along the side of Victoria Peak. The houses at the left are the mansions along MacDonnell Street.
Slides 237-244 are copies of prints by Hiroshige. Numbers 246-249 have not been used.
A view looking along a tree-shaded path; exact location unknown.
A view from Victoria Peak looking down on Victoria and the Harbour and across to Kowloon.
A view looking down from Victoria Peak with an unidentified large white house in the foreground.
A view from Mount Collinson looking over the south eastern section of Hong Kong Island and showing the Dragon's Back and Hok Tsui with Bluff Head in the distance. The large building at the right of the slide is unidentified.
A view looking down on the city and Harbour of Victoria and showing the Albany Filter Beds (at right of slide), MacDonnell Road (below the filter beds) and the breakwater of the Naval Dockyard. A photograph taken from near the Peak Road.
A view looking down on Victoria from Victoria Peak with the Harbour and Kowloon beyond.
A view showing the large barracks on Victoria Peak, formerly a hotel but purchased by the Royal Artillery circa 1896.
A view showing the Victoria Peak Barracks.
A view showing an imposing residential house on Victoria Peak, probably that of L.N. Leefe who is recorded as an assistant at Jardine, Matheson and Co (see ?).
A view looking over the flagstaff on Victoria Peak with Victoria and the Harbour in the distance below.
A view looking down on Government House from the Upper Albert Road with the Kowloon Peninsula visible in the distance.
A view showing a wing of Government House, partially obscured by trees.
A view looking along Pedder Street in Victoria, with carts and rickshaws in the roadway. (source for the identification of the street: Klaus Liphard, contributor to Gwulo: Old Hong Kong).
A view along Ice House Lane, off Queen's Road, Victoria, with a row of sedan chairs parked at the right of the street. At the end of the lane can be seen the studio of Mee Cheung, a Chinese commercial photographer who advertises his premises in the 'Directory and Chronicle for China' (1901 ed) as being located at 'Top floor of Ice House'.
A rather blurred view showing four Chinese carrying two sedan chairs.
A view looking along tree-shaded Wyndham Street (off Queen's Road), with flower sellers on the pavement.
An unidentified street scene in Hong Kong with sedan chairs and pedestrians in the foreground. The shop signs include those of two photographers, Tai Woo and Hung Choung.
A view showing a long narrow room furnished with chairs and potted plants.
A view showing a sandy beach with beach chalets in the foreground and a (?) hotel beyond.
A panoramic view of a beach.
A view showing a houseboat on the Chu River.
A view showing a crowded settlement of warehouses and huts on the bank of the Chu River.
A view along the river bank.
A view showing a crowded settlement of sampans, probably on the Chu River, with a bridge and a small island in the background.
A view showing three-masted junks on the Chu River, a good composition spoiled through lack of tonal contrast.
A rear-view of a junk on the Chu River, with a village on the bank in the background.
A murky view showing two junks, possibly transporting a large raft of timber down river.
A view showing a river boat of the Sun Ning Railway Co at a jetty on the Chu River.
A well composed photograph showing a junk in the wide Chu River estuary.
A view showing junks on the river with mountains on the farther shore.
A good head-on view of a junk on the Chu River.
A view showing a crowded settlement of sampans on the Chu River.
Two photographs mounted together showing (a) a sampan and (b) a passenger boat [junk].
A view looking over the Canton rooftops. The devastation of many of the houses visible in the photograph is presumably attributable to one or more of the many revolutionary uprisings which took place in Canton from 1911 onwards.
A view showing the large and crowded settlement on the river frontage at Canton.
A view showing rickshaws and a motor car in a Canton street.
A view from the river showing business premises on the waterfront with moored boats in the foreground. The large Sun Building in the centre of the slide is presumably named after Sun Yat Sen.
A view looking over the well-tended lawn and garden towards the College buildings.
A view showing crowds of Chinese carrying banners and placards in the streets of Canton. A photograph presumably taken at Sun Yat Sen's first accession to power in China in 1911.
A photographic copy of a one page manifesto demanding the repeal of racially discriminatory laws, issued on the anniversary of the 'May 30 tragedy' (exact incident referred to unknown).
This is a special anti-Christian issue of the periodical probably inspired by the May 30 Movement. The cartoon’s caption may be translated as ‘Christianity, like hypnotism, is used by imperialists on weak peoples, making them lose their souls without knowing it’.
This is a special anti-Christian issue of the periodical probably inspired by the May 30 Movement. The cartoon’s caption may be translated as ‘When the imperialists oppress weak people, Christians say to the oppressed: “endure when oppressed, after the left cheek, (offer) the right one.” Christian fraternity and peace defend the doctrine of imperialism.’
This is a special anti-Christian issue of the periodical probably inspired by the May 30 Movement. The cartoon’s caption may be translated as ‘The Shanghai Christian offered the following prayer in front of the British policeman: ‘God bless you, brave policeman, once I get to court I will testify that your shooting Chinese unarmed masses was in obedience to God’s will.’
A view looking across towards Weihai Harbour (from Liu-Kung-Tao?) where the battleships of the British China Squadron are at anchor. In the foreground are cultivated fields and small houses. Weihai, ceded to the British in 1898 'for so long a period as Port Arthur remains in the occupation of Russia', was the northern naval base of the British China Squadron, and in fact remained in British hands until 1930.
An indistinct view from the sea showing the harbour and water front of Chi-lung with mountains beyond.
A view showing a rocky promontory and small settlement at Chi-lung on the north coast of T'ai-wan.
A view from the sea showing a harbour and water front, possibly at Chi-lung.
A view from the sea showing the crowded harbour at Chi-lung, with mountains beyond.
A view from the deck of the 'Indrawadi' showing the pilot climbing over the side into a rowing boat.
A view showing the entrance gateway to a Japanese building, with curved roof and a statue in the foreground.
A view looking along an avenue of tall pine trees at Hakone in central Honshu.
A view looking along a commercial street with goods laid out under awnings. Takarazuka is the entertainment district of Kohoma, 13 miles north-west of Osaka, and is famed for its mineral springs.
A blurred view showing a stone courtyard outside the entrance to the baths at Takarazuka.
A view showing a group of Japanese in an open space beneath tall pine trees at Hakone.
A copy of a print by Ando Hiroshige showing a woman carrying produce along a country road through a river gorge.
A copy of a seascape by Hiroshige with a mountainous coastline in the background.
A copy of a print by Hiroshige showing travellers crossing a river.
A copy of a print by Hiroshige showing a sea side village with a harbour and boats beyond.
A copy of a print by Hiroshige showing a sea side village with a harbour and boats beyond.
A copy of a print by Hiroshige showing a group of travellers, on horseback, sedan chair and on foot.
A copy of a print by Hiroshige showing travellers crossing a river, with mountains in the distance.
A copy of a print by Hiroshige showing travellers crossing a long wooden bridge, with mountains in the distance.
A view looking along an unidentified street in Manila with pedestrians and a pony trap in the roadway.
A view showing ships at anchor in the Jakarta roadstead, with harbour wharves on either side.
A view showing two Javanese walking beside one of the many canals that criss-cross Jakarta.
A view showing a courtyard and part of the hotel premises: 'The Hotel der Nederlanden, established since 1840, is another of the leading hotels in Jakarta. Centrally situated, fronting Rijswijk, it possesses every convenience calculated to ensure the comfort of visitors. Large airy rooms, lighted by electricity, an excellent cuisine, and a well-trained staff of Javanese servants, together with a courteous management combine to make this hotel a most comfortable place to stay at. Large bungalows (consisting of three rooms with private bathrooms attached), ensconsed amid waving palms, are at the disposal of family parties ... The grounds are laid out and the private drives and tasteful walks beautifully shaded. Several languages are spoken and runners from the hotel meet all trains and boats.' (??)
A view showing the street and part of the hotel premises.
A view along the street with the hotel on the right.
A view from the street looking towards the balconied frontage of this small hotel.
A view showing the roadway with the hotel premises on the right.
A view looking along a wide street in Bandung with single-storey shops and houses on either side of the road. Bandung lies 75 miles south-east of Jakarta and was formerly the headquarters of the (then) Dutch East Indies Army.
A view showing a side street in Bogor (formerly known as Buitenzorg) with single storey native dwellings on either side of the street. With a merchant's stall outside a house on the right foreground. Situated 30 miles south of Jakarta, Bogor was primarily famous for its botanical gardens, laid out in 1817. The Governor-General of the (then) Dutch East Indies also had a palace in the town.
A portrait of two Javanese women, one seated and one standing, posed against a cloth backdrop.
A view showing the sand sea and the volcanic craters of Gunung Bromo in E Jawa. The print, a copy of a gravure reproduction, is marked with a route in ink. There is also a scribbled note in ink (illegible) beneath the mount.
A copy of a half-tone print showing two riders on a stretch of sand in the foreground with the crater of Gunung Bromo beyond. The original photograph is in a letter-press beneath the slide.
No further information is available.
A view showing natives on a road in Manado with a background of jungle foliage. Manado lies near the tip of the north eastern arm of this strangely shaped island.
A view looking along a tree-shaded street in Manado with an umbrella-carrying pedestrian walking in the foreground.
A view looking along a street in Manado with houses on either side of the roadway and passers by watching the camera.
A view from the sea looking towards houses lining the waterfront at Manado.
A view showing a steamship moored to a jetty in Ternate Harbour with the volcano looming in the background. Ternate is one of the smaller Moluccan islands lying off the West coast of Halmahera. A clear, well-composed photograph.
A view looking aling a tree-shaded street in Ternate.
A view looking along a tree-shaded road in Ternate with a group of children gathered in the distance.
A view looking along a residential street of white washed houses with thatched roofs in Ternate.
A view looking along a tree-lined street in Ujung Pandang.
A view showing a farming scene in Pulau Ambon, with cattle in the foreground, a banana plantation beyond and the sea in the distance. Pulau Ambon lies off the south-west coast of Seram, the largest of the Moluccan Islands.
An interesting view showing Banda Island natives in long war canoes with decorated prows with the volcano rising from the shore beyond. The island seen here is Gunung Api, one of the smaller islands of the Banda group which lies about 50 miles south of Seram.
A view showing a native village built on the shore of a curving beach. Exact location unknown.
An interior view showing the two men seated at a table in wicker-chairs in a room hung with cane screens. With a billiard table in the background. Pulau Bacan is situated about 10 miles south west of Halmahera.
A posed portrait group of five men in a garden: WD and HPA stand behind the seated Sultan and beside two unidentified Moluccans, possibly servants.
A posed portrait of five men in a garden; in addition to those identified, there are two unidentified Moluccans, possibly servants.
A posed portrait of five men in a garden; in addition to those identified, there are two unidentified Moluccans, possibly servants.
A well composed view looking along the waterfront with a native village on the shoreline. Exact location unknown.
A view showing a curving bay with a settlement on the shore and native boats in the foreground. Exact location unknown.
A badly exposed plate of a view showing a long native canoe paddling out to meet a small steamer to sell Dammar, a resin used in caulking ships.
A view showing a long native canoe paddling out to meet a small steamer to sell Dammar, a resin used in caulking ships.
A view showing thatched native huts among coconut palms.
A rather indistinct slide showing part of an unidentified fort presumably connected with the Dutch occupation of the island, first settled in by the Netherlands in 1609 and by 1667 completely under their control.
A view showing a wooden bridge over a river in Pulau Bacan. Exact location unidentified.
A view showing a stone cross marking the grave of an unidentified Englishman.
A view looking down on the harbour facilities at Balikpapan with ships moored at the end of long jetties which stretch out into the harbour and with a native settlement on the shoreline in the background. Balikpapan lies on the Macassar Strait coastline of Kalimantan Timur.
A view showing a European with an Asian in European clothes beside him on a beach; a boat is drawn up at the waterline and a steam vessel is visible off shore. Belang-Belang is one of the Kepulauan Obi, an island group in the Northern Moluccas.
A view of the east shore of the island.
A view of the east shore of the island.
A view of the north-east of the island.
A view of the north of the island.
A view of the north of the island.
A view of a lagoon on the south shore of the island.
A view showing ornate stone carvings on the entrance doorway of an unidentified temple.
A view showing a row of steps, flanked by stone statues, leading up towards a pagoda-like tower. Exact location unidentified.
A view showing a circle of carved stone figures of human forms.
A view looking over the rooftops of a Balinese village with jungle beyond.
A view looking across a lake towards distant mountains with two women on the nearer shore in the foreground. Photograph by Kurkdjian of Sourabaya.
No further information is available.
A glass copy-negative, signed by Kurkdjian of Sourabaya.
A view from the sea showing the harbour frontage and warehouses at Sabang. Sabang lies on the small island of Pulau We just north of Sumatra and is an important coaling station.
A view looking across an open, grassed space with houses and warehouses beyond. Exact location unidentified.
A view looking along a wharf at Sabang towards a moored ship.
A view from the sea looking towards wharves and moored ships at Sabang with overhead gantries and cranes.
A view looking towards jetties and warehouses at Sabang.
A view looking down on a curving bay with houses and jetties on the shoreline.
A view showing native workers carrying wicker baskets on a jetty at Sabang during coaling operations.
A view showing ships moored to a jetty at Sabang with part of the hull of the 'Indrawadi' visible at the left of the slide.
A view showing a ship (probably the 'Indrawadi') moored at a wharf at Sabang, with gantries at the right of the slide.
A view showing native workers carrying wicker baskets filled with coal onto a moored ship (probably the 'Indrawadi').
A view showing a ship's officer and a native man holding up an octopus for the camera.
An underexposed print showing a ship's officer standing in a shady square in Sabang with a bar in the background.
A view looking along a street in Sabang with parkland and trees at the right of the slide.
A view showing a stone gateway and a tree in Sabang with grassland beyond. Presumably the remains of a more extensive wall.
A view showing a white-suited figure standing in a roadway in Sabang with a large white house and palm trees behind him.
A view showing W.D. rather stiffly posed on the deck of the 'Indrawadi' with the island Pulau We in the background.
View showing the wrecked ship.
View showing the wrecked ship.
View showing the wrecked ship.
Includes a number of photographs of tea estates.
A view showing two unidentified Europeans carrying shotguns and three Sri Lankan servants.
A view of the rest house at Polonnaruwa, a verandahed bungalow on a small incline.
A view of the rest house at Polonnaruwa with trees in the foreground.
A view looking across a wide curving river towards distant mountains.
A rather indistinct view showing cattle in a field.
A view showing the Wata Dage and the Thuparama in the ruined city of Polonnaruwa. The Wata Dage, or Round House, are the circular halls built by King Karakrama. The Thuparama (left of slide) is a temple built in oblong form with a low, square tower.
Polonnaruwa, situated in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, 50 miles south-east of Anuradhapura, had been a royal residence of the rulers of Sri Lanka since 368 AD. It was only with the sacking of Anuradhapura by the Tamils in the 8th century that Polonnaruwa became the capital. Polonnaruwa itself was sacked in the 11th century and the ruins that these slides depict date from the 12th century and the reign of Parakrama Bahu (the Great).
A view showing the ruins of the Jetawanarama temple with a large statue of Buddha (lacking a head) on the rear wall.
A view showing an unidentified ruin and various statues.
A view looking across the overgrown foundations of buildings towards a modern bungalow, probably the rest house.
A view looking towards the Kiri or Milk dagoba.
A view showing an unidentified temple standing atop a small but steep hill and surmounted by a conical tower.
A view looking along the entrance steps of a ruined temple towards the carved statue of a seated Buddha.
A view showing a huge statue (about 24 feet high) of Buddha carved from a rock face at the Kalu Gal Wihara, or Black Rock Cave.
A view showing a statue of a seated Buddha, about 12 feet high, at the Kalu Gal Wihara (Black Rock Cave).
A view showing the statue of the dead Buddha and his disciple Ananda at the Kalu Gal Wihara.
A dark slide showing the statue of the dead Buddha and his disciple Ananda at the Kalu Gal Wihara.
A view showing the statue of Ananda, the head of the reclining Buddha and other carvings in the Kalu Gal Wihara.
A view of the statue of King Parakrama with a Sinhalese standing beside it to indicate scale (the statue stands about 14 feet high).
A group portrait of eight young Singalese girls.
A group portrait of eight young Singalese girls.
A view showing devil-dancers in wooden masks posed for the camera.
A well-focused view showing devil-dancers in wooden masks posed for the camera.
A view showing three devil dancers performing.
A view showing the ruins of a small Hindu temple with an Englishman posed in front of it.
A well-caught photograph showing a large spider on its web.
A view showing a bedroom with photographs lining the walls. PCA is presumably the manager of the estate at Watagoda seen in the following slides. Watagoda, at a height of 4400 feet above sea level and situated about 20 miles south of Kandy and close to Nuwara Eliya, lies within the area that produced both tea and rubber.
A view of a bedroom with the ghost-image of PCA sitting on the bed.
A view showing PCA and (presumably) his wife Maude in their drawing room looking through an album of some sort.
A portrait of HPA standing in a garden and wearing native dress.
A view showing HPA and an unidentified woman standing on a tree-shaded garden path.
A view showing PCA inspecting tea plants.
A view showing HPA standing on a tree-shaded path.
A view showing a man undressing for a swim beside a series of cascades.
A view showing two naked men sunbathing on rocks.
A view showing a man preparing for a swim beside a series of cascades.
A view looking along a river gorge on the estate.
A view showing two natives and a European tapping rubber trees.
A view showing PCA and Maude inspecting a rubber tree.
A view showing PCA scouring a channel in a rubber tree.
A view showing HPA beside a rubber tree.
A view showing HPA beside a rubber tree.
A view looking down from a hillside onto a river valley and the estate buildings.
A slightly hazy view looking up towards buildings on a hillside, with thick vegetation in the foreground. There appears to be a mistake in the captioning of this slide: Matale lies well to the north of Kandy while Watagoda lies about twenty miles south.
A view showing a group of estate workers.
A view showing tea pickers at work on a hillside.
A rather dark view showing PCA and Maude standing outside their bungalow, a small building with corrugated iron roof.
A rather blurred slide showing a Sinhalese family standing in front of their small house.
A view from the road of this attractive little bungalow with tiled roof.
A view showing a tea factory perched on thickly vegetated hillside. This slide is a duplicate of another in this box which identifies the actual estate and the location as Matale. Consequently, this one appears to be wrongly captioned: Maskeliya and Matale are situated at almost opposite edges of the central tea-growing area of Ceylon, Maskeliya on the slopes of Adam's Peak in the south and Matale in the north.
A front view of the Grand Hotel, Nuwara Eliya: 'There are few hotels in the East which command the advantages of this well-known hostelry. It is situated 6,200 feet above sea-level, in a magnificent climate, and in close proximity to golf-links which are said by experts to be the best east of Suez ... The hotel stands on 17 acres of ground, and there are 7 acres of kitchen garden, whilst there is a private dairy pleasantly situated on high land.' (Wright 1907, pp. 832-833).
A view looking across Nuwara Eliya Lake towards distant mountains.
A view showing a European and two Sinhalese caddies on the golf course at Nuwara Eliya.
A view showing a group of Europeans gathered on a garden path. No information has been traced concerning the identity of this man.
A view showing C.P. Hayes and (?) wife on a garden path.
A view showing a group of Europeans gathered on a garden path.
A fine 'period' photograph showing a lady sitting in a rickshaw pulled by a young Sinhalese. The woman is probably Maude, wife of PCA.
A fine 'period' photograph showing a lady sitting in a rickshaw pulled by a young Sinhalese. The woman is probably Maude, wife of PCA.
A view showing a family group seated in the shady part of a garden.
A view showing an unidentified verandahed bungalow.
A view showing a European in a pith helmet standing beside a motor car, in the back seat of which sits a woman.
A view showing a motor car parked outside a resthouse.
A view showing a group of Europeans loading or unloading baggage from their cars, presumably during the excursion to Jaffna illustrated in Y3011B(LS)/385-387.
A view showing a verandahed bungalow, probably the rest house seen in Y3011B(LS)/387.
A view looking along the road towards the bungalow and its garden.
A view showing two Europeans and two Sinhalese on a wooden catamaran on the shore of the Minneriya Tank, one of the vast inland reservoirs built by Maha Sen in the third century AD. Minneriya lies a few miles north-west of the ruined city of Polunnaruwa.
A view showing the factory of Joseph Fraser's estate at Matale. This slide is a duplicate of another in this box but has a contradictory caption. Maskeliya and Matale are situated at almost opposite edges of the central tea-growing area of Ceylon, Maskeliya on the slopes of Adam's Peak in the south and Matale in the north.
A view showing a European standing among tea plants with estate buildings in the background. The man in the foreground is presumably Frederick H. Fraser who took over the running of the property from his father, Joseph, who had arrived in Ceylon in 1872 and become part proprietor of the Matale Estate in 1886.
A view looking down onto tennis courts, with a game in progress. Exact location unknown.
A close-up view of a rubber tree showing the cuts made in the bark and the collecting cup for the latex. The Talagala estates are situated in the low-lying Kalutara district south-east of Colombo.
A view showing the estate bungalow with a stone-pillared verandah.
A view showing a native worker tapping a rubber tree.
A view showing a European and native workers on land partially cleared and planted out with rubber trees.
A view showing a European and a native worker beside a rubber tree.
A view showing a native worker tapping a rubber tree.
A poorly defined view showing the resthouse on the banks of the great artificial reservoir south west of Trincomalee.
A view looking across the vast artificial reservoir towards wooded hills on the far shore. These tanks, like the Minneriya Tanks were built by King Maha Sen, circa 335 AD.
A view showing a party of Europeans and Sinhalese in a wooden canoe on the shores of the Tank.
A view showing a wooden canoe in the shallow water of the Tank.
A view showing the estate bungalow and garden on the St Leonards Estate in the Udapussellawa district south-east of Kandy.
A poorly-exposed view showing the estate bungalow and garden from the hillside looking directly onto the neatly laid out property. With tea growing on the hill behind the house.
A well-exposed view showing the estate from the hillside.
A view of the house and garden of the estate.
A well-exposed view showing the estate bungalow and garden on the St Leonards Estate in the Udapussellawa district south-east of Kandy.
A view showing a section of the drawing room of the estate house with a fireplace, books and framed pictures and photographs lining the wall.
A view showing a pathway in the garden at St Leonards with an unidentified figure standing in the background (probably A.C. Wilson).
A view showing part of the garden at St Leonards with well-tended lawn and paths.
A view showing a stream and lush vegetation with a figure in the foreground (probably A.C. Wilson).
A view showing Wilson with three terriers in the foreground, with tea-pickers gathered beyond. The only information gathered on A.C. Wilson is an entry in 'Ferguson's Ceylon Handbook and Directory' for 1919-1920: 'Wilson, A.C. ... (Capt., Hampshires) ... Planter ... (Chairman, Udepussuellawa P[lanters] A[ssociation]) ... St Leonard's ... Halgranoya'.
A view showing a group of tea-pickers with their wicker baskets.
A rather dark view showing a group of tea-pickers with the wicker baskets.
A view showing HPA posed in the garden at St Leonards.
A view looking out over wooded country. The buildings that are visible bear no resemblance to other photographs of the Boer prisoner-of-war camp (the nearest are certainly tea estate buildings). An interesting photographic record of the camp at Diyatalawa entitled 'Illustrations of Life in the Boer Camp' was made by A.W. Andrée, a Colombo photographer, in 1901.
A photograph of a map of Sri Lanka.
Includes a number of scenes on board ship in 1914 and some miscellaneous unbacked slides which are largely duplicates, or similar to, those in other boxes.
A view showing the rocky coastline, with a village beyond, in the Orotava district.
A view from a hillside looking down towards walled fields and the sea in the Orotava district.
A view looking across the harbour at Santa Cruz de Tenerife, crowded with small boats, towards mountains on the far side of the bay.
A view looking across the hilly countryside towards the distant Pico de Teide, at over 12,000 feet above sea level the highest point on Spanish soil.
A view showing labourers shifting coal in wicker baskets from a barge onto a steamer.
A view showing a man (?WD) playing with a child in a pram on the deck of S.S. Indraghiri.
A rather dark, circular, view showing a man (?WD) playing with a child in a pram on the deck of S.S. Indraghiri.
A view in an unidentified square in the centre of Buenos Aires.
A view in an unidentified square in the centre of Buenos Aires.
A view in an unidentified square in the centre of Buenos Aires.
A view of the Ilha Fernando de Noronha, situated 225 miles north-east of Cape Sao Roque off the coast of Brazil, and used since the 18th century as a penal colony.
A view of the Ilha Fernando de Noronha, situated 225 miles north-east of Cape Sao Roque off the coast of Brazil, and used since the 18th century as a penal colony.
A view of the Ilha Fernando de Noronha, situated 225 miles north-east of Cape Sao Roque off the coast of Brazil, and used since the 18th century as a penal colony.
A view of the Ilha Fernando de Noronha, situated 225 miles north-east of Cape Sao Roque off the coast of Brazil, and used since the 18th century as a penal colony.
A view of the Ilha Fernando de Noronha, situated 225 miles north-east of Cape Sao Roque off the coast of Brazil, and used since the 18th century as a penal colony.
A view showing the 'Ophir', a large twin-funnelled liner at anchor in an unidentified harbour, possibly Sydney.
A rear view of the 'Ophir', possibly in Sydney Harbour.
A view showing two youths pillow-fighting while seated on a pole, with spectators in the background.
A group portrait of men and women on the deck of the 'Highland Glen'.
A group portrait of men and women on the deck of the 'Highland Glen'.
A view looking onto the deck from the bridge, with sailors manoeuvring a life-boat on winches.
A view looking along the deck of the 'Highland Rover'.
A view showing an unidentified steamer in the channel.
A view showing a young boy at the top of a palm tree among the coconuts.
A hand-coloured drawing showing two toucans, one sitting in a nest in a hole in a tree.
A blurred view showing two unidentified men on the deck of a ship.
A photograph of a map of Palestine.
A view showing the Three Sisters, the outcrops of rock which stand over the Jamieson Valley.
A view showing a crocodile trussed to a pole with a crowd in the background. Location unknown.
A view showing an unidentified man in a pith helmet standing beside a catch of fish laid out on the grass. Location unknown, probably Sri Lanka.
A very dark view showing an unidentified man standing on a shady path. Location unknown, probably Sri Lanka.
A view showing a group (Maude, PCA and WD?) posed among jungle scenery, probably in Sri Lanka.
A rather dark slide showing A.C. Wilson among a group of tea pickers.
A view showing HPA on a bungalow verandah wearing native dress.
A view looking towards the Kiri or Milk dagoba.
A view showing a wooden canoe in the shallow water of the Tank.
A view showing a man undressing for a swim beside a series of cascades.
A view showing a native worker tapping a rubber tree.
A view of the house and garden of the estate.