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Exhibition Items : The book of bosh: with which are incorporated some amusing and instructive nursery stories in rhyme

Exhibition Items

<p style='text-align: justify;'>This brightly illustrated book offers a selection of cautionary tales designed to show children the dangers of bad behaviour. In fact the 'wrongdoing' in these stories is very minor: nail-biting, not wiping muddy boots, tearing the pages of books. It is the very ordinary nature of the bad behaviour compared with the outrageous consequences that makes the stories so appealing. Some stories are mere nonsense, others seem too gruesome for children. In particular the case of the girl who bit her nails then proceeded to eat her fingers, which is graphically illustrated!</p>

Page: cover

The book of bosh: with which are incorporated some amusing and instructive nursery stories in rhyme (1890.11.67)

This brightly illustrated book offers a selection of cautionary tales designed to show children the dangers of bad behaviour. In fact the 'wrongdoing' in these stories is very minor: nail-biting, not wiping muddy boots, tearing the pages of books. It is the very ordinary nature of the bad behaviour compared with the outrageous consequences that makes the stories so appealing. Some stories are mere nonsense, others seem too gruesome for children. In particular the case of the girl who bit her nails then proceeded to eat her fingers, which is graphically illustrated!

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