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Japanese Works : Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho

Yi Xing 一行 (683-727)

Japanese Works

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho (大毘盧舎那成仏経疏) is a commentary on Daibirushana jōbutsukyō (大毘盧舎那成仏経疏, Mahāvairocana-sūtra, in short, Dainichikyō 大日経). The commentary was given orally by Shan Wu Wei 善無畏 and written down by Yi Xing 一行. Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho (in 20 volumes) was brought to Japan by Kūkai 空海 (774-835). Kūkai (also called Kōbō-daishi 弘法大師) was the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism (真言宗) and established Kongōbu-ji 金剛峰寺, a temple on Mount Kōya (高野山) in 816. Kongōbu-ji was the head temple of the Shingon-shu 真言宗 sect. Publications which were published at Mount Kōya are called Kōya-ban 高野版 (Kōya editions) and our copy of Daibirushana jōbutsukyō sho is one of the Kōya editions.</p>

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