MS inscriptions in hand of Montaigne; signature on title page, underlinings throughout Aias mastigophoros, Antigonē. MS annotation on p. 198, 208, 243, 335 [the only marking in the Trachiniai]. Floral image drawn in margins of p. 200, 208. Armorial bookplate of Beilby Thompson of Escrick.
La Boétie's copy, left as a legacy to Montaigne: trace of the 'b' written by Montaigne on the books he received from La Boétie's estate in the top right hand corner of the title page (discovery by Alain Legros, detailed in "Dix-huit volumes de la bibliothèque de La Boétie légués à Montaigne et signalés par lui comme tels", Montaigne Studies, 25 (2013), 177-88). MS emendations by La Boétie (pages 198, 203, 208, 243 & 335).
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MS inscriptions in hand of Montaigne; signature on title page, underlinings throughout Aias mastigophoros, Antigonē. MS annotation on p. 198, 208, 243, 335 [the only marking in the Trachiniai]. Floral image drawn in margins of p. 200, 208. Armorial bookplate of Beilby Thompson of Escrick.
La Boétie's copy, left as a legacy to Montaigne: trace of the 'b' written by Montaigne on the books he received from La Boétie's estate in the top right hand corner of the title page (discovery by Alain Legros, detailed in "Dix-huit volumes de la bibliothèque de La Boétie légués à Montaigne et signalés par lui comme tels", Montaigne Studies, 25 (2013), 177-88). MS emendations by La Boétie (pages 198, 203, 208, 243 & 335).