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Treasures of the Library : Ortus sanitatis

Treasures of the Library

<p style='text-align: justify;'>This is the first natural history encyclopaedia. Today we consult such works to discover more about wonders of the world we live in, but readers at the end of the fifteenth century had more practical concerns. They believed that the natural world had been created by God to be of use to humanity and that animals and plants were there to provide cures for diseases. So this encyclopaedia is entitled <i>Hortus sanitatis</i>, ‘The garden of health’.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Two earlier such books had dealt with plants, but this one, compiled by Jacob Meydenbach, adds sections on mammals, fish, birds, and rocks, and concludes with a description of the diagnostic qualities of urine, presumably so that readers might discover the sources of the remedies they needed. Many of the plants Meydenbach describes are immediately recognisable, but there are some where fantasy has taken over. The mandrake, in truth, has a near magical ability to relieve pain. Its wrinkled forked root, however, was believed to represent a man. Furthermore, if it was pulled up it would emit a shriek so appalling that it would kill the collector. Meydenbach provides the solution: the collector should take a dog with him and tie its lead to the plant. Then, after stopping his ears to shut out the lethal shriek, he should beat the dog so that it flees and so pulls up the root.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><i>Hortus sanitatis</i> describes familiar animals too, but adds details of which readers might be ignorant: bile from gall bladders, for example, could be used to treat infected wounds. It also includes descriptions of exotic creatures which few, if any, of its readers could have seen. The crocodile was of interest because, perhaps paradoxically, ointments made from its body parts would cure wrinkled skin. Even dragons appear amongst Meydenbach’s descriptions, as does the unicorn, which he recommends as a fertility aid for those struggling to conceive.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The University’s copy of this book belonged to John Moore, who was Bishop of Ely in the early eighteenth century. He would have had no difficulty, of course, in reading the Latin. For most of us, however, the charm of this wonderful book rests in its woodcut illustrations. Many of the plants, while delightfully stylized, are easily recognizable. But it is the human figures, surrounded by birds or standing by rivers containing not only fish but mermaids, that take us back most vividly to the birth of scientific natural history.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Sir David Attenborough</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Featured in the <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Private lives of print exhibition</a> at Cambridge University Library.</p>

Page: 20v

Ortus sanitatis (Inc.3.A.1.8[37])

This is the first natural history encyclopaedia. Today we consult such works to discover more about wonders of the world we live in, but readers at the end of the fifteenth century had more practical concerns. They believed that the natural world had been created by God to be of use to humanity and that animals and plants were there to provide cures for diseases. So this encyclopaedia is entitled Hortus sanitatis, ‘The garden of health’.

Two earlier such books had dealt with plants, but this one, compiled by Jacob Meydenbach, adds sections on mammals, fish, birds, and rocks, and concludes with a description of the diagnostic qualities of urine, presumably so that readers might discover the sources of the remedies they needed. Many of the plants Meydenbach describes are immediately recognisable, but there are some where fantasy has taken over. The mandrake, in truth, has a near magical ability to relieve pain. Its wrinkled forked root, however, was believed to represent a man. Furthermore, if it was pulled up it would emit a shriek so appalling that it would kill the collector. Meydenbach provides the solution: the collector should take a dog with him and tie its lead to the plant. Then, after stopping his ears to shut out the lethal shriek, he should beat the dog so that it flees and so pulls up the root.

Hortus sanitatis describes familiar animals too, but adds details of which readers might be ignorant: bile from gall bladders, for example, could be used to treat infected wounds. It also includes descriptions of exotic creatures which few, if any, of its readers could have seen. The crocodile was of interest because, perhaps paradoxically, ointments made from its body parts would cure wrinkled skin. Even dragons appear amongst Meydenbach’s descriptions, as does the unicorn, which he recommends as a fertility aid for those struggling to conceive.

The University’s copy of this book belonged to John Moore, who was Bishop of Ely in the early eighteenth century. He would have had no difficulty, of course, in reading the Latin. For most of us, however, the charm of this wonderful book rests in its woodcut illustrations. Many of the plants, while delightfully stylized, are easily recognizable. But it is the human figures, surrounded by birds or standing by rivers containing not only fish but mermaids, that take us back most vividly to the birth of scientific natural history.

Sir David Attenborough

Featured in the Private lives of print exhibition at Cambridge University Library.

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
  • Classmark: Inc.3.A.1.8[37]
  • Publisher: Jacob Meydenbach
  • Place of Publication: Germany; Mainz
  • Date of Publication: 23 June 1491
  • Language(s): Latin
  • Former Owner(s): Moore, John, 1646-1714
  • Note(s): Title from title page on leaf A1 recto.; Imprints from colophon on leaf ²E5 verso, which reads: Quem quidem librum omni dilige[n]tia collectum & elaboratum. intelligibili caractere proprijs impensis Jacobus meydenbach ciuis Moguntinus lucule[n]tissime impressit. ... Jmpressum est autem hoc ip[su]m in inclita ciuitate Moguntina ... in qua nobilissima ciuitate [et] ars ac scientia hec subtilissima caracterisandi seu imprimendi fuit primu[m] inuenta. Jmpressum est inquam sub Archipresulatu Reuerendissimi & Dignissimi principis & d[omi]ni. domini Bertoldi archiepiscopi Mogu[n]tin[i] ac principis electoris cuius felicissimo auspicio graditur. recipitur & auctorisatur. Anno salutis Millesimo Quadringentesimo Nonagesimo primo. Die vero Jouis vicesima tercia mensis Junij.; Printed on chancery paper.; Variant reading "pñtis" or "pũtis" for the caption "Jncipit prohemium p[rese]ntis Operis" on leaf A2 recto.; Xylographic title-page on leaf A1 recto.; Treatises De animalibus, De avibus and De urinis have separate title pages on leaves n1 recto, v1 recto and [chi1]r.; Woodcuts: 7 full-page illustrations, one at each beginning of section, representing: nine physicians under two trees, including a palm tree (A1 verso), three scholars in a zoological garden (n1 verso), two scholars surrounded by birds outside a town wall (v1 verso), two physician on the banks of a river with fish and two mermaids (&8 verso), two disputing scholars and jewellers offering stones and jewels to a group of maids and young men (ee2 verso), four physicians inspecting urine flasks in an apothecary shop ([chi1] verso), and two physicians attending to six patients (²v6 verso); nearly 1,100 column-width illustrations of herbs, plants, animals and human activities in text.; Text in two columns.; Spaces left blank for initials, some with printed guide letter.; Signatures: A-B⁸ C-Z⁸̇̇⁻⁶ a-l⁶̇̇⁻⁸ ²M⁸ n-z⁸̇̇⁻⁶ [et]⁸ aa-hh⁶̇̇⁻⁸ ii-ll⁶ [chi]⁸ ²v⁶ ²A⁸ ²B-²E⁶. Last leaf E6 unsigned. Leaf A4 unsigned; leaf n unsigned; leaf v1 unsigned, leaves v2-v3 signed "v j" and "v ij"; leaf ee2 unsigned; gathering [chi] signed on [chi2]-[chi4] as follows: "ij", "iij" and "iiij"; leaves ²v1-²v3 signed "v", "vj" and "vij".
  • Extent: [454] leaves : Ills (woodcuts) ; 292 (fol.)
  • Material: Paper
  • Provenance: From the collection of John Moore, Bishop of Ely, but not listed in E. Bernard, Catalogi ..., 1697, t. II, pp. 379-384, 390-391. Presented to Cambridge University Library by King George I, 1715, with armorial bookplate "Munificentia regia 1715" on upper pastedown, and a smaller version of the same on leaf ²E5 verso, with shelfmark "20.d" in dark brown ink. Old library shelfmarks "D-3-20", crossed away, and "Ab-3-21" on leaf A1 recto.

Section shown in images 8 to 499

  • Title: Tractatus De Herbis

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    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Cambridge University Library
    • Classmark: Inc.3.A.1.8[37]
    • Publisher: Jacob Meydenbach
    • Place of Publication: Germany; Mainz
    • Date of Publication: 23 June 1491
    • Language(s): Latin
    • Former Owner(s): Moore, John, 1646-1714
    • Note(s): Title from title page on leaf A1 recto.; Imprints from colophon on leaf ²E5 verso, which reads: Quem quidem librum omni dilige[n]tia collectum & elaboratum. intelligibili caractere proprijs impensis Jacobus meydenbach ciuis Moguntinus lucule[n]tissime impressit. ... Jmpressum est autem hoc ip[su]m in inclita ciuitate Moguntina ... in qua nobilissima ciuitate [et] ars ac scientia hec subtilissima caracterisandi seu imprimendi fuit primu[m] inuenta. Jmpressum est inquam sub Archipresulatu Reuerendissimi & Dignissimi principis & d[omi]ni. domini Bertoldi archiepiscopi Mogu[n]tin[i] ac principis electoris cuius felicissimo auspicio graditur. recipitur & auctorisatur. Anno salutis Millesimo Quadringentesimo Nonagesimo primo. Die vero Jouis vicesima tercia mensis Junij.; Printed on chancery paper.; Variant reading "pñtis" or "pũtis" for the caption "Jncipit prohemium p[rese]ntis Operis" on leaf A2 recto.; Xylographic title-page on leaf A1 recto.; Treatises De animalibus, De avibus and De urinis have separate title pages on leaves n1 recto, v1 recto and [chi1]r.; Woodcuts: 7 full-page illustrations, one at each beginning of section, representing: nine physicians under two trees, including a palm tree (A1 verso), three scholars in a zoological garden (n1 verso), two scholars surrounded by birds outside a town wall (v1 verso), two physician on the banks of a river with fish and two mermaids (&8 verso), two disputing scholars and jewellers offering stones and jewels to a group of maids and young men (ee2 verso), four physicians inspecting urine flasks in an apothecary shop ([chi1] verso), and two physicians attending to six patients (²v6 verso); nearly 1,100 column-width illustrations of herbs, plants, animals and human activities in text.; Text in two columns.; Spaces left blank for initials, some with printed guide letter.; Signatures: A-B⁸ C-Z⁸̇̇⁻⁶ a-l⁶̇̇⁻⁸ ²M⁸ n-z⁸̇̇⁻⁶ [et]⁸ aa-hh⁶̇̇⁻⁸ ii-ll⁶ [chi]⁸ ²v⁶ ²A⁸ ²B-²E⁶. Last leaf E6 unsigned. Leaf A4 unsigned; leaf n unsigned; leaf v1 unsigned, leaves v2-v3 signed "v j" and "v ij"; leaf ee2 unsigned; gathering [chi] signed on [chi2]-[chi4] as follows: "ij", "iij" and "iiij"; leaves ²v1-²v3 signed "v", "vj" and "vij".
    • Extent: [454] leaves : Ills (woodcuts) ; 292 (fol.)
    • Material: Paper
    • Provenance: From the collection of John Moore, Bishop of Ely, but not listed in E. Bernard, Catalogi ..., 1697, t. II, pp. 379-384, 390-391. Presented to Cambridge University Library by King George I, 1715, with armorial bookplate "Munificentia regia 1715" on upper pastedown, and a smaller version of the same on leaf ²E5 verso, with shelfmark "20.d" in dark brown ink. Old library shelfmarks "D-3-20", crossed away, and "Ab-3-21" on leaf A1 recto.

    Section shown in images 7 to 8

    • Title: Incipit prohemium putis operis

    Section shown in images 8 to 499

    • Title: Tractatus De Herbis

    Section shown in images 501 to 600

    • Title: Tractatus de animalibus vitam in teris ducentium

    Section shown in images 601 to 671

    • Title: Tractatus de avibus

    Section shown in images 673 to 731

    • Title: Tractatus de piscibus

    Section shown in images 733 to 820

    • Title: Tractatus de lapidibus

    Section shown in images 821 to 847

    • Title: Tractatus de urinis

    Section shown in images 849 to 878

    • Title: Tabula sup(er) tractatu de herbis

    Section shown in images 879 to 885

    • Title: Tabula sup(er) tractatu de animalibus

    Section shown in images 885 to 887

    • Title: Tabula sup(er) tractatu de avibus

    Section shown in images 887 to 889

    • Title: Tabula sup(er) tractatu de piscibus

    Section shown in images 889 to 895

    • Title: Tabula sup(er) tractatu de lapidibus

    Section shown in images 896 to 903

    • Title: Tabula generalis de herbis

    Section shown in images 903 to 905

    • Title: Tabula generalis de animalibus

    Section shown in images 905 to 906

    • Title: Tabula generalis de avibus

    Section shown in images 906 to 907

    • Title: Tabula generalis de lapidibus

    Section shown in images 907 to 907

    • Title: Tabula generalis de piscibus

    Section shown in images 908 to 908

    • Title: (Final text)


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