This manuscript, copied in the mid-17th century, contains a Nomocanon and other Greek texts. The bulk of its content relates to canon law, penance and absolution, along with miscellaneous texts, related to varying degrees, including a summary account of the Ecumenical Councils of the Church, model letters, calendrical texts and tables, and the Farmer's Law (Νόμος γεωργικός), a Late Antique or early medieval civil law text.
The original copying of the manuscript was the work of numerous different hands, and many notes were added later on blank folios and other spaces by several further hands. These include a number of notes by a priest named Menas, including a number dated 1768-1775.
This codex was owned by the English teacher and scholar William Henry Denham Rouse (1863–1950), fellow of Christ's College. He cites it as " Nomocan I" in an article he published in 1899 about " Folklore from the Southern Sporades" ( Rouse 1899), where he states that he had acquired it on the Greek island of Kalymnos.
Signature βον (2nd) in black ink, in Greek numerals, by hand C, in the lower margin, right, recto, of the first leaf of the quire (f. 22r) and in the lower margin, left, verso, of the last leaf of the quire (f. 29v).
Signatures in brown ink, in Greek numerals, by hand C, in the lower margin, right, recto, of the first leaf of the quire and in the lower margin, left, verso, of the last leaf of the quire, from αον (1st, f. 38r) to λον (30th, f. 261r). The signatures γον, ηον, ιηον are not present.
Catchwords in black ink, by hand E, in the lower margin, verso, of the last leaf of the quires, written horizontally, on ff. 306v and 314v.19th-century full leather green binding over millboards, by Wilson in Cambridge. Blind tooling on both covers, gold tooling on the board edges and squares. The title "Nomocanon 1560 Greek Ms. " is tooled in gold on the spine.
Binding height: 151 mm, width: 120 mm, depth: 65 mm.
ff. 3r-5a verso, 12r-14r, 271v-284r, line 12, ff. 284v, 317v, lines 8-19, f. 328r, line 13-f. 329r, f. 342r were copied by Hand A in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black and brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters and nomina sacra strokes.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red or brown ink.
ff. 6v, 21r-21v were copied by Hand B in mixed minuscule script, with variable slant, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and middle comma.
A heading is written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 7r-11v were copied by Hand C in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes.
Enlarged tau is usually written with a downward-curved horizontal extending at least as low as the base of the letter.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and middle and lower commas. Points are often marked in red ink, and sometimes combined with commas, visually resembling question marks but not performing this function.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 14v-15v, 268r-271r, line 13 were copied by Hand D in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. Use of the double dot is functional only. Accents are sometimes joined to letters and nomina sacra strokes.
Minuscule pi is sometimes written in a distinctive form, with the left-hand loop replaced by a long stroke, and the horizontal doubled back (e.g f. 14v, lines 4, 17).
Punctuation used includes the upper point and lower and middle commas.
ff. 16r-20r, 22r-35r, 38v-47v, line 7, ff. 48r-267v were copied by Hand E in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to abbreviations.
Punctuation used includes the lower comma and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
f. 47v, lines 8-18 were copied by Hand F in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round.
Punctuation used includes the lower and middle commas.
A heading is written in the same style in red ink.
f. 284r, lines 13-17 were copied by Hand G in mixed minuscule script with variable slant, in black ink. There is modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot.
Punctuation used includes the middle point, middle comma and full stop.
ff. 285r-296v, 299r-317v, line 7 were copied by Hand H in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. Use of the double dot is functional only.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas, question mark and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
f. 297r-297v was copied by Hand I in mixed minuscule script with variable slant, in black ink. There is modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 298r-298v were copied by Hand J in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points.
The heading is written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 318r-327v were copied by Hand K in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is significant variation in letter size and frequent flamboyand flourishes.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas, question mark and full stop.
ff. 328r, lines 1-13 were copied by Hand L in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes..
Punctuation used includes the middle point and full stop. Points are usually written in red ink.
The heading is written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 334r-341v were copied by Hand M in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas and full stop.
ff. 348r-357v were copied by Hand N in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and lower and middle commas.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 358r-378v were copied by Hand O in mixed minuscule script with variable slant, in black ink.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and lower, middle and middle commas.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
Foliation in modern pencil, in Arabic numerals, in the top right hand corner, recto. The sequence skips the number 166. The leaves are thus foliated: [i-v] + 1-165 + 167-378 + [vi-viii].
There is a note of ownership on f. [iv] recto, which has suffered damage rendering the identity of the owner illegible: "Τὸ παρὸν ὑπάρ [..12..] καὶ ὅστις τοῦ λήθη ξενώσει".
There are several annotations by various hands on the originally blank ff. 1r-2v, including two dated 1768 on f. 1r, two by a priest named Menas on f. 1v and another by the same hand on f. 2r, which is dated 1769 and mentions a priest named Giakoumis. There are also notes by a priest named Menas, sometimes in differnt styles, on ff. 14r, 36v-37v and 330r-332v, including notes dated 26 May 1775 on ff. 330v and 332v. The date 1775 also appears alone on f. 330r.
Notes by other hands on f. 2r mention a hieromonachos (priest and monk) named Ioachim, one Giannis, and Georgios Sarakenopoulos. Those on f. 2v include two monocondylion signatures of a hieromonachos named Makarios.
A series of notes by various hands on another otherwise blank folio, f. 6r, include an obituary recording the death of Laurentios, Archbishop of Sinai at the ninth hour of the day on Sunday 10 November 1516 (7125 AM), after 25 years in office: "Τῶ ͵ζρκεʹ Νοεβρί· ιʹ· ὅρα θʹ τῆς ἡμερας· ἡμέρα Κυριακὴ ἐκειμήθι ὁ ἀρχιεπίσκοπος τοῦ ἁγίου ὄρους Σινᾶ κύριος Λαυρέντιος· ἀρχιερατεῦσε χρόνους· κεʹ τα ἔλι αὐτοῦ ἀπιόντα, πλέω ἀπελα ἐνικοντα".
Notes by various hands on f. 21v include one recording the massacre of Ottoman officials in Bucharest by Michael, Voivod of Wallachia (1558-1601) on 5 November 1593: "Εἰς τοῦ ͵αφϙγʹ Νοεῦριοῦ· εʹ ἡμέρα Τρίτης ἐκοψεν ὁ Μηχἅλ βοηβοδας· τοὺς Τοὕρκους εις το Μπουκορεστει· εἰς τὸν κερὄν τοῦ σολταν Μεχμετη· ἐπαρθη, οἱ Οὐγκροβλαχία· ἀπὸ τοὺς Τοὺρκοὺς, εἰς τοὺς· ͵ατοδʹ· ἀπὸ Χριστοῦ γενησεος".
There are other occasional marginal notes by various hands (e.g. ff. 11v-12r, f. 110r, 298v-299r).
The presentation of the manuscript to Christ's College by W.H.D. Rouse is recorded by a bookplate on the left pastedown. The present classmark and the former classmarks J.17 and GG.2. also appear here, along with the number Y.14, also found in other Rouse manuscripts, which also appears on ff. [i] recto-[ii] recto. Rouse's donation is also recorded by a note on f. [i] verso, with the date 10 July 1940, and a note of the manuscript's acquisition on Kalymnos in 1898.
Possibly owned by a priest named Menas in 1768-1775, as suggested by notes on ff. 1r-2v, 330r-330v and 332r.
Acquired by the classicist and teacher W.H.D. Rouse (1863-1950), Honorary Fellow of Christ's, on Kalymnos in 1898, as indicated by the note on f. [i] verso.
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Signature βον (2nd) in black ink, in Greek numerals, by hand C, in the lower margin, right, recto, of the first leaf of the quire (f. 22r) and in the lower margin, left, verso, of the last leaf of the quire (f. 29v).
Signatures in brown ink, in Greek numerals, by hand C, in the lower margin, right, recto, of the first leaf of the quire and in the lower margin, left, verso, of the last leaf of the quire, from αον (1st, f. 38r) to λον (30th, f. 261r). The signatures γον, ηον, ιηον are not present.
Catchwords in black ink, by hand E, in the lower margin, verso, of the last leaf of the quires, written horizontally, on ff. 306v and 314v.19th-century full leather green binding over millboards, by Wilson in Cambridge. Blind tooling on both covers, gold tooling on the board edges and squares. The title "Nomocanon 1560 Greek Ms. " is tooled in gold on the spine.
Binding height: 151 mm, width: 120 mm, depth: 65 mm.
ff. 3r-5a verso, 12r-14r, 271v-284r, line 12, ff. 284v, 317v, lines 8-19, f. 328r, line 13-f. 329r, f. 342r were copied by Hand A in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black and brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters and nomina sacra strokes.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red or brown ink.
ff. 6v, 21r-21v were copied by Hand B in mixed minuscule script, with variable slant, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and middle comma.
A heading is written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 7r-11v were copied by Hand C in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes.
Enlarged tau is usually written with a downward-curved horizontal extending at least as low as the base of the letter.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and middle and lower commas. Points are often marked in red ink, and sometimes combined with commas, visually resembling question marks but not performing this function.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 14v-15v, 268r-271r, line 13 were copied by Hand D in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. Use of the double dot is functional only. Accents are sometimes joined to letters and nomina sacra strokes.
Minuscule pi is sometimes written in a distinctive form, with the left-hand loop replaced by a long stroke, and the horizontal doubled back (e.g f. 14v, lines 4, 17).
Punctuation used includes the upper point and lower and middle commas.
ff. 16r-20r, 22r-35r, 38v-47v, line 7, ff. 48r-267v were copied by Hand E in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to abbreviations.
Punctuation used includes the lower comma and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
f. 47v, lines 8-18 were copied by Hand F in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round.
Punctuation used includes the lower and middle commas.
A heading is written in the same style in red ink.
f. 284r, lines 13-17 were copied by Hand G in mixed minuscule script with variable slant, in black ink. There is modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot.
Punctuation used includes the middle point, middle comma and full stop.
ff. 285r-296v, 299r-317v, line 7 were copied by Hand H in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. Use of the double dot is functional only.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas, question mark and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
f. 297r-297v was copied by Hand I in mixed minuscule script with variable slant, in black ink. There is modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas and full stop.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 298r-298v were copied by Hand J in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points.
The heading is written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 318r-327v were copied by Hand K in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is significant variation in letter size and frequent flamboyand flourishes.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is subscript. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas, question mark and full stop.
ff. 328r, lines 1-13 were copied by Hand L in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is modest variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes..
Punctuation used includes the middle point and full stop. Points are usually written in red ink.
The heading is written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 334r-341v were copied by Hand M in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in black ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points, lower and middle commas and full stop.
ff. 348r-357v were copied by Hand N in mixed minuscule script, slanting to the right, in brown ink. There is moderate variation in letter size.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to letters.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and lower and middle commas.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
ff. 358r-378v were copied by Hand O in mixed minuscule script with variable slant, in black ink.
Syllabic abbreviations and superscription of word endings appear throughout the line. Breathings are round and mute iota is absent. There is decorative use of the double dot. Accents are sometimes joined to nomina sacra strokes.
Punctuation used includes the middle and upper points and lower, middle and middle commas.
Headings are written in the same style in red ink.
Foliation in modern pencil, in Arabic numerals, in the top right hand corner, recto. The sequence skips the number 166. The leaves are thus foliated: [i-v] + 1-165 + 167-378 + [vi-viii].
There is a note of ownership on f. [iv] recto, which has suffered damage rendering the identity of the owner illegible: "Τὸ παρὸν ὑπάρ [..12..] καὶ ὅστις τοῦ λήθη ξενώσει".
There are several annotations by various hands on the originally blank ff. 1r-2v, including two dated 1768 on f. 1r, two by a priest named Menas on f. 1v and another by the same hand on f. 2r, which is dated 1769 and mentions a priest named Giakoumis. There are also notes by a priest named Menas, sometimes in differnt styles, on ff. 14r, 36v-37v and 330r-332v, including notes dated 26 May 1775 on ff. 330v and 332v. The date 1775 also appears alone on f. 330r.
Notes by other hands on f. 2r mention a hieromonachos (priest and monk) named Ioachim, one Giannis, and Georgios Sarakenopoulos. Those on f. 2v include two monocondylion signatures of a hieromonachos named Makarios.
A series of notes by various hands on another otherwise blank folio, f. 6r, include an obituary recording the death of Laurentios, Archbishop of Sinai at the ninth hour of the day on Sunday 10 November 1516 (7125 AM), after 25 years in office: "Τῶ ͵ζρκεʹ Νοεβρί· ιʹ· ὅρα θʹ τῆς ἡμερας· ἡμέρα Κυριακὴ ἐκειμήθι ὁ ἀρχιεπίσκοπος τοῦ ἁγίου ὄρους Σινᾶ κύριος Λαυρέντιος· ἀρχιερατεῦσε χρόνους· κεʹ τα ἔλι αὐτοῦ ἀπιόντα, πλέω ἀπελα ἐνικοντα".
Notes by various hands on f. 21v include one recording the massacre of Ottoman officials in Bucharest by Michael, Voivod of Wallachia (1558-1601) on 5 November 1593: "Εἰς τοῦ ͵αφϙγʹ Νοεῦριοῦ· εʹ ἡμέρα Τρίτης ἐκοψεν ὁ Μηχἅλ βοηβοδας· τοὺς Τοὕρκους εις το Μπουκορεστει· εἰς τὸν κερὄν τοῦ σολταν Μεχμετη· ἐπαρθη, οἱ Οὐγκροβλαχία· ἀπὸ τοὺς Τοὺρκοὺς, εἰς τοὺς· ͵ατοδʹ· ἀπὸ Χριστοῦ γενησεος".
There are other occasional marginal notes by various hands (e.g. ff. 11v-12r, f. 110r, 298v-299r).
The presentation of the manuscript to Christ's College by W.H.D. Rouse is recorded by a bookplate on the left pastedown. The present classmark and the former classmarks J.17 and GG.2. also appear here, along with the number Y.14, also found in other Rouse manuscripts, which also appears on ff. [i] recto-[ii] recto. Rouse's donation is also recorded by a note on f. [i] verso, with the date 10 July 1940, and a note of the manuscript's acquisition on Kalymnos in 1898.
Possibly owned by a priest named Menas in 1768-1775, as suggested by notes on ff. 1r-2v, 330r-330v and 332r.
Acquired by the classicist and teacher W.H.D. Rouse (1863-1950), Honorary Fellow of Christ's, on Kalymnos in 1898, as indicated by the note on f. [i] verso.