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Drawings : Drawings of Objects from Chamber Tombs


<p style='text-align: justify;'>This group of drawings were commissioned from the draughtsmen and archaeological illustrators Piet de Jong and Emile Gilléron fils, and the classical archaeologist John Percival Droop, during the excavation seasons of 1920-1923. Created in opaque watercolours (gouache) and ink and pencil line drawings, they were first published in 1932 in <i>Chamber Tombs at Mycenae</i> (Society of Antiquaries: <i>Archaeologia</i> 82), as the thirteenth and concluding instalment of the definitive report of the 1920-1923 excavations. A.J.B. Wace expressed his appreciation in the forward of that book to, ‘Miss M.B. Bright of Washington, who has borne the entire cost of the plates and text-blocks. Her generous support alone has made it possible to issue this final section in suitable form’ (p. 1). Colour illustrations in particular were expensive to reproduce but essential to convey the richness and artistry of excavated artefacts. Line drawings often enable the human eye to discern details more readily than a photograph of the actual object, for example the miniature scenes engraved on seal stones. Wace was committed to reproducing the full suite of drawings, so important are they to a complete understanding of the excavation’s findings, and had therefore delayed publication until he could source funds to underwrite the costs.</p>

Page: 21

Drawings of Objects from Chamber Tombs (MCNE-2-3-01)

This group of drawings were commissioned from the draughtsmen and archaeological illustrators Piet de Jong and Emile Gilléron fils, and the classical archaeologist John Percival Droop, during the excavation seasons of 1920-1923. Created in opaque watercolours (gouache) and ink and pencil line drawings, they were first published in 1932 in Chamber Tombs at Mycenae (Society of Antiquaries: Archaeologia 82), as the thirteenth and concluding instalment of the definitive report of the 1920-1923 excavations. A.J.B. Wace expressed his appreciation in the forward of that book to, ‘Miss M.B. Bright of Washington, who has borne the entire cost of the plates and text-blocks. Her generous support alone has made it possible to issue this final section in suitable form’ (p. 1). Colour illustrations in particular were expensive to reproduce but essential to convey the richness and artistry of excavated artefacts. Line drawings often enable the human eye to discern details more readily than a photograph of the actual object, for example the miniature scenes engraved on seal stones. Wace was committed to reproducing the full suite of drawings, so important are they to a complete understanding of the excavation’s findings, and had therefore delayed publication until he could source funds to underwrite the costs.

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Faculty of Classics Archives, University of Cambridge
  • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01
  • Date of Creation: 1921-1923

Section shown in images 18 to 18

  • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-21
  • Title: 4 drawings of Tomb 505 kylix sherds
  • Abstract:

    4 drawings of patterns and profiles of kylix pottery sherds (LH III) from Tomb 505, unsigned but attributed to Droop. Scale 1:1.
    All these drawings, i to iv inclusive, were not used for the Chamber Tombs publication and only photographs of the objects were published, Pl. XVI a, d, e, f.

  • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
  • Note(s): Ink and ink wash on paper. Sheets of paper have been roughly cut around the drawings once completed.
    Largest piece iii: H. 18.6 x W. 25.8 cm
    Smallest piece i: H. 12 x W. 21.8 cm
  • Bibliography:
    Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. See Pl. XVI a-f for photograph of the actual objects. These 4 drawings were never published.

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MCNE-2-3-01-01: Drawing of Tomb 502 jewellery (image 1, page 01) MCNE-2-3-01-02: Drawing of Tomb 504 sealstone (image 2, page 02) MCNE-2-3-01-03: 3 drawings of Tomb 515 onyx sealstones (image 3, page 03) MCNE-2-3-01-04: Drawing of Tomb 515 beads, whorls and flints (image 4, page 04) MCNE-2-3-01-05: Drawing of Tomb 515 boar's tusks and bronze tools (image 5, page 05) MCNE-2-3-01-06: Drawing of Tomb 515 boar's tusks helmet (image 6, page 06) MCNE-2-3-01-08: Drawing of Tomb 518 amber beads (image 7, page 08) MCNE-2-3-01-09: Drawing of Tomb 518 sealstone of a bull and bull leaper (image 8, page 09) MCNE-2-3-01-10: Drawing of Tomb 518 seal stone with bull (image 9, page 10) MCNE-2-3-01-11: Drawings of Tomb 518 ivory comb and pyxis and Tomb 529 ivory comb, all on one mount (image 10, page 11) MCNE-2-3-01-12: Drawing of Tomb 520 beads and spindle whorls (image 11, page 12) MCNE-2-3-01-13: Drawing of Tomb 520 gold signet ring seal depicting two goats (image 12, page 13) MCNE-2-3-01-14: Drawing of Tomb 529 faience pommel (image 13, page 14-15) MCNE-2-3-01-15: Drawing of Tomb 529 ivory handle/leg (image 13, page 14-15) MCNE-2-3-01-16: Drawing of Tomb 533 glass beads (image 14, page 16-17) MCNE-2-3-01-17: Drawing of Tomb 533 bronze pin (image 14, page 16-17) MCNE-2-3-01-18: Drawing of Tomb 502 incense burner (image 15, page 18) MCNE-2-3-01-19: Drawing of Tomb 502 larnax fragment (image 16, page 19) MCNE-2-3-01-20: 8 drawings of Tomb 505 kylix sherds (image 17, page 20) MCNE-2-3-01-21: 4 drawings of Tomb 505 kylix sherds (image 18, page 21) MCNE-2-3-01-22: Drawing of Tomb 513 miniature flask (image 19, page 22) MCNE-2-3-01-23: Drawing of Tomb 513 piriform jar (image 20, page 23) MCNE-2-3-01-24: Drawing of Tomb 515 terracotta spindle whorl (image 21, page 24) MCNE-2-3-01-25: Drawing of Tomb 516 fragmentary bridge-spouted jar (image 22, page 25) MCNE-2-3-01-26: Drawing of Tomb 517 alabastron 20/23-202 (image 23, page 26) MCNE-2-3-01-27: Drawing of Tomb 517 alabastron with vertical sides, decorated with dots and wavy lines in reddish paint (image 24, page 27) MCNE-2-3-01-28: 2 drawings of Tomb 517 saucer fragment (image 25, page 28a) MCNE-2-3-01-29: 4 drawings of Tomb 522 proto-Corinthian, Orientalising, and Corinthian sherds (image 27, page 29a) MCNE-2-3-01-30: Drawing of Tomb 523 seal stone (image 30, page 30) MCNE-2-3-01-31: Drawing of Tomb 530 Vaphio shape cup base (image 31, page 31) MCNE-2-3-01-32: Drawing of Tomb 640 (Acropolis) upper part of terracotta figurine (image 32, page 32)

    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Faculty of Classics Archives, University of Cambridge
    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01
    • Date of Creation: 1921-1923

    Section shown in images 1 to 1

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-01
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 502 jewellery
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of jewellery (the beads individually numbered) from Tomb 502, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1. Marked on r. 'No.22'.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and gouache on paper, H. 34.9 x W. 26 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XIII

    Section shown in images 2 to 2

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-02
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 504 sealstone
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a sealstone, depicting a figure and a bull, from Tomb 504. Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper, H. 6.6 x W. 8.5 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 11 Fig. 6

    Section shown in images 3 to 3

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-03
    • Title: 3 drawings of Tomb 515 onyx sealstones
    • Abstract:

      3 drawings of onyx sealstones from Tomb 515, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.
      i) depicts a lion, ii) a cow suckling her calf and iii) two recumbent oxen.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper,
      Part i: H. 8 x W 8.2 cm
      Part ii: H. 8.2 x W. 8 cm
      Part iii: H. 7.5 x W. 8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXVIII no.33, 34, 35

    Section shown in images 4 to 4

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-04
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 515 beads, whorls and flints
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of gold, amber and amethyst beads, terracotta and steatite whorls and flint arrow-heads from Tomb 515, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 24.4 x W. 26 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXIX nos.23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 37

    Section shown in images 5 to 5

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-05
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 515 boar's tusks and bronze tools
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of bronze knives, awl and scale pan and boar's tusks from Tomb 515, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 34.8 x W. 26 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXIX no. 17, 18, 19, 20, 22

    Section shown in images 6 to 6

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-06
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 515 boar's tusks helmet
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of boar's tusks from Tomb 515, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 35 x W. 26 cm; Related materials:
      Photograph number C. 469
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXX no.46

    Section shown in images 7 to 7

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-08
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 518 amber beads
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of amber beads from Tomb 518. Unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper, mounted on card, H. 19.8 x W. 13.2 cm (dimensions of drawing, excluding card mount).
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 86, Fig. 34

    Section shown in images 8 to 8

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-09
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 518 sealstone of a bull and bull leaper
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a carnelian sealstone, depicting a bull and a figure leaping over the bull, from Tomb 518. Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper, H. 5 x W. 1.6 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXXVIII no. 61

    Section shown in images 9 to 9

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-10
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 518 seal stone with bull
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of an amethyst sealstone depicting a bull and a pole or spear, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper, H. 5.9 x W. 5.9 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXXVIII, no. 66

    Section shown in images 10 to 10

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-11
    • Title: Drawings of Tomb 518 ivory comb and pyxis and Tomb 529 ivory comb, all on one mount
    • Abstract:

      One piece of card on which are mounted two drawings. The upper drawings depicts two ivory combs, from Tomb 518 and 529 respectively, and the lower drawings depicts an ivory pyxis from Tomb 518. Unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and ink on paper, H. 15.3 x W. 12.4 cm (actual drawing, excluding the mount)
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932.p. 105, Fig. 42 (Tomb 529 comb); p. 85, Fig. 31 and Fig. 32 (Tomb 518 comb and pyxis).

    Section shown in images 11 to 11

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-12
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 520 beads and spindle whorls
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of glass beads, a crystal bead and steatite spindle whorls from Tomb 520, unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils. Scale 1:1. Mounted on card.

    • Date of Creation: 1932
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 26 Fig. 11

    Section shown in images 12 to 12

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-13
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 520 gold signet ring seal depicting two goats
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of the intaglio design of two wild goats on the bezel of a gold signet ring from Tomb 520. Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper, H. 6.8 x W. 10.6 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 27, Fig 13.

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-14
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 529 faience pommel
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of faience pommel from Tomb 529, unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and pencil on paper, H. 10.2 x W. 6.9 cm (excluding mount)
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. LI No 31

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-15
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 529 ivory handle/leg
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of an ivory handle/leg from Tomb 529, unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and ink on paper, H. 11.1 x W. 7.9 cm (dimensions of actual drawing, excluding mount); Related materials:
      See MCNE 2-3-01(11) for a drawing of an ivory comb from Tomb 529, affixed to same mount as two drawings of ivory objects from Tomb 518.
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 105 Fig. 43

    Section shown in images 14 to 14

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-16
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 533 glass beads
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of glass beads no. H 5 from Tomb 533, unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink on paper, H. 15 x W. 7.8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 118 Fig. 48

    Section shown in images 14 to 14

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-17
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 533 bronze pin
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a bronze pin. H 6 from Tomb 533, unsigned but attributed to Gilliéron fils.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink on paper, H. 4.1 x W. 14.9 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 118 Fig. 49

    Section shown in images 15 to 15

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-18
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 502 incense burner
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of an incense burner (excavation number 20/23-591) from Tomb 502, unsigned but attributed to JP Droop. Scale 3:4.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): BE 8088; ink on paper, H. 17.4 x W. 19.8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. P.8, Fig. 3.

    Section shown in images 16 to 16

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-19
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 502 larnax fragment
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a fragment of a larnax from Tomb 502, unsigned but attributed to J.P. Droop. Scale 1:2.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink on paper, H. 13.7 x W. 22.8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. P. 9, Fig. 4

    Section shown in images 17 to 17

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-20
    • Title: 8 drawings of Tomb 505 kylix sherds
    • Abstract:

      8 drawings of patterns and profiles of kylix sherds (LH III) from Tomb 505, unsigned but attributed to Droop. Scale 1:1.
      Pieces i) to viii) inclusive were published as Chamber Tombs p. 17, Fig.8 a, b, c, d, e, f& g, h & k, i.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink and ink wash on paper. Sheets of paper have been roughly cut around the drawings once completed.
      Largest piece vii: H. 26.2 x W. 16 cm
      Smallest piece v: H. 8.5 x W. 12.2 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 17 Fig.8 for drawings i) to viii).

    Section shown in images 18 to 18

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-21
    • Title: 4 drawings of Tomb 505 kylix sherds
    • Abstract:

      4 drawings of patterns and profiles of kylix pottery sherds (LH III) from Tomb 505, unsigned but attributed to Droop. Scale 1:1.
      All these drawings, i to iv inclusive, were not used for the Chamber Tombs publication and only photographs of the objects were published, Pl. XVI a, d, e, f.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): Ink and ink wash on paper. Sheets of paper have been roughly cut around the drawings once completed.
      Largest piece iii: H. 18.6 x W. 25.8 cm
      Smallest piece i: H. 12 x W. 21.8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. See Pl. XVI a-f for photograph of the actual objects. These 4 drawings were never published.

    Section shown in images 19 to 19

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-22
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 513 miniature flask
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a LH III miniature flask (excavation number 20/23-184) from Tomb 513, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 13 x W 25.2 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXV no.2

    Section shown in images 20 to 20

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-23
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 513 piriform jar
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a LH III piriform jar flask (excavation number 20/23-185) from Tomb 513, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 25.1 x W. 19.8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. see Pl. XXXII no.1

    Section shown in images 21 to 21

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-24
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 515 terracotta spindle whorl
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a terracotta spindle whorl from Tomb 515, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): gouache on paper, H. 20 x W. 11.3 cm
      Water damaged which has caused some discolouration to the image.
    • Bibliography:
      This drawing was never published but see Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXVIII no. 16 for a black and white photograph of a different version of the drawing.

    Section shown in images 22 to 22

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-25
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 516 fragmentary bridge-spouted jar
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a LH III fragmentary bridge-spouted jar (excavation number 20/23-257) from Tomb 516, unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 34.6 x W. 24 cm
      Badly water damaged on the right side of v., much of this damage has been cut away around the shape of the pot.
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXXIII no. 3

    Section shown in images 23 to 23

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-26
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 517 alabastron 20/23-202
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of an alabastron (excavation number 20/23-202) with vertical sides decorated with bands of dots and crosses in blackish paint, also view of the wheel pattern of concentric circles on its base. Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 11.2 x W. 21.3 cm
      Water damaged and stained.
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. see Pl XXXIII no. 13 for a photograph of the object. This drawing was never published.

    Section shown in images 24 to 24

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-27
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 517 alabastron with vertical sides, decorated with dots and wavy lines in reddish paint
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of alabastron with vertical sides, pattern of dots on shoulder and wavy lines on sides in reddish paint, together with a view of its base, featuring a wheel-pattern with solid centre. Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper, H. 11.2 x W. 21.3 cm
      Water damaged and stained.; Related materials:
      Photograph C. 364
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. See Pl. XXXIV, no. 14 for a photograph of the object. This drawing was never published.

    Section shown in images 25 to 26

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-28
    • Title: 2 drawings of Tomb 517 saucer fragment
    • Abstract:

      2 drawings of a saucer fragment with a view on each drawing of the interior and exterior painted decoration. Unsigned but attricbuted to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
      i) the drawing that was selected for publication
      ii) unpublished version

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil and gouache on paper
      i: H. 7.9 x W. 25.2 cm
      ii: H. 25.3 x W. 15.5 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. XXXIV no. 15

    Section shown in images 27 to 29

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-29
    • Title: 4 drawings of Tomb 522 proto-Corinthian, Orientalising, and Corinthian sherds
    • Abstract:

      4 drawings of sherds, designated by A.J.B. Wace as examples of proto-Corinthian, Orientalising, and Corthinian styles, from Tomb 522. Unsigned but attributed to J.P. Droop. Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink on paper, the paper cut irregularly from larger sheets.
      Largest piece ii: H. 30.5 x W. 22.4 cm
      Smallest piece iii: H. 11.2 x W. 25.5 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 33, Fig. 17

    Section shown in images 30 to 30

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-30
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 523 seal stone
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of an agate sealstone 'engraved with a design of two addorsed and rampant quadrupeds (lions? goats?)' from Tomb 535 and its lentoid profile. Unsigned but in the style of P. de Jong. Scale 2:1..

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): pencil on paper, H. 11.6 x W. 25.5 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl XX no. 9

    Section shown in images 31 to 31

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-31
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 530 Vaphio shape cup base
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of the Vaphio cup base (excavation number 20/23-892), unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.Scale 1:1.

    • Date of Creation: 1932
    • Note(s): BE No 8270; pencil and gouache on paper, H. 12.8 x W. 25.1 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. Pl. LII no 2 for a photograph of the object. This drawing appears to be unpublished.

    Section shown in images 32 to 32

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-01-32
    • Title: Drawing of Tomb 640 (Acropolis) upper part of terracotta figurine
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of the upper part of a terracotta figurine, showing the front and back views, excavated 'between west wall, South House, and Acropolis wall'. Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1922-1923
    • Note(s): ink on paper, H. 16.3 x W. 26.8 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A.J.B. Chamber Tombs at Mycenae. 1932. p. 216, Fig. 50 Not illustrated in BSA 25 but mentioned on p. 96.


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