The drawings collated in this album all pertain to ivory objects excavated at Mycenae between 1939-1955. The ivory trio 39-165 was a celebrated find (ca. 1450 BCE) at the foot of the north terrace wall that constitutes the northern foundations of the Archaic Temple above. In the same findspot a plaster head of a male was found, see drawing MCNE-2-3-13-01
The majority of ivories featured in these drawings were excavated in the 1950s outside the citadel in the House of the Oil Merchant ‘(ca. 1300-1250 BCE), which transpired to be flanked north and south by further buildings, named after the predominant patterns of ivory carving found within: the House of Shields and the House of Sphinxes. Known collectively as ‘the Ivory Houses’ (over 18,000 ivory fragments were eventually unearthed there), material in other media and Linear B tablets were also discovered.
Drawing of the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167, viewed from the front.
The object was excavated on the citadel acropolis (Prinaria, Archaic Temple north terrace).
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Drawing of the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167, viewed from the front.
The object was excavated on the citadel acropolis (Prinaria, Archaic Temple north terrace).
Drawing of the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167, viewed from the back.
Drawing of the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167, viewed from the base.
Drawing of the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167, viewed from the right side.
Drawing of the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167, viewed from the left side.
Drawing of the boy in the ivory figural trio 39-165 to 39-167.
Drawing of a griffin on the ivory plaque 52-374, initialed by C.K.W.
The object was excavated in the Prehistoric Cemetery East.
Drawing of a detail of ivory sphinx plaque 52-374.
The object was excavated in the House of Sphinxes.
3 leaves of drawings, attributed to John Carswell, of the ivory Argonaut box 53-251.
i: loose sketch of some of the individual plaques and a posited reconstruction with reference to the Linear B written on clay sealings 506 and 502.
ii: detailed rendering of the pattern on all sides of the box, note in pencil by EBWF 'actual size'.
iii: posited reconstruction of the box, with later note in pencil by EBWF 'actual size in perspective'.
The object was found in the House of the Sphinxes, Room 8, South Annexe.
2 leaves of drawings, attributed to John Carswell, of the Sphinx plaques 53-252 and 52-517.
i: a loose sketch in ink of a box featuring the plaque, with a note in pencil on r., 'possible reconstruction of 53-252 but there is no valid proof'.
ii: in pencil 1 sketch of 52-517 and 3 sketches of 53-252.
The actual object was found in the House of the Sphinxes (House of the Oil Merchant Room 8), South Annexe.
3 leaves of drawings, attributed to Carswell, of an ivory hoof 53-401.
i: shows the object from the side, in section and directly from above, with a note in pencil on r., 'actual size'.
ii: features the object with a note in pencil on r., 'reconstruction of 53-401 actual size'.
iii: features the object with a pencil note on r., '53-401 seen from above, actual size'.
The actual object was found in the House of Shields.
3 drawings, attributed to Carswell, of fragments of ivory plaques carved with lions, 53-407 (lions running) and 53-408 (lions' heads).
i: on the largest piece of paper, a reconstruction of the object as a box with a lid and four sides.
ii: a reconstruction of 2 rectangular plaques from the back and how they would have been attached to one another.
iii: view from the back, showing how the plaque fits into this imagined original rectangular schema, plus a section drawing of the piece.
The actual objects were excavated in the House of Shields.
1 drawing, attributed to P. de Jong, of an ivory plaque carved with a lion devouring a calf, 53-408.
The actual object was excavated in the House of Shields.
2 leaves of drawings, attributed to John Carswell, of an ivory 'figure of eight' shield plaque 53-409 (side section) & 53-410 (central boss).
i: the shield and a posited reconstruction of the 2 extant elements, with 2 section drawings. On r. a note in pencil re the scale, 'same size'.
ii: the back of the object with note on r. in pencil '53/409-10 actual size'.
The actual objects were excavated in the House of Shields.
A drawing, attributed to John Carswell, of an ivory plaque with foliate band 53-414, from the House of Shields.
2 drawings of ivory warrior heads 53-422 affixed to an envelope.
Actual objects excavated in the House of Shields.
Drawing of a LH III fragment of an ivory plaque depicting the legs of a lion or griffin, 54-301, from the House of the Sphinxes. Signed ' J.' 'Scale 3/2. ('6 on ivory equals 9 on drawing').
Drawing of a LH III fragment of an ivory lion's head 54-301, from the House of Sphinxes. Signed 'PIET de JONG'. Scale 3/2 ('6 on ivory equals 9 on drawing').
1 leaf of 2 drawings of LH III ivory palm motifs 54-304 and 54-305, from the House of Sphinxes. Signed by Piet de Jong. Scale = actual size.
1 leaf of drawings of columns and capitals 54-306 from the House of Sphinxes. Signed 'PIET DE JONG'. Scale drawn on r.
2 leaves of drawings of LH III ivory columns from the House of Shields, unsigned but in style of P. de Jong and 54-307 is numbered in his handwriting.
i: drawing of 504-307
ii: drawing of 54-437
Both leaves of drawings were intended by EBWF to be attached (originally stapled, now fastened with paperclips) and shown together as one item.
1 leaf of drawings of an ivory box with tenons 54-314, from House of Sphinxes. Signed 'PIET DE JONG'. Scale 1:1 'actual size'.
Drawing of LH III carved wood fragment, Atreus design, from House of Sphinxes. Signed 'P. de Jong'. Scale 'actual size'.
1 leaf of drawings of ivory candlestick 54-449 from the House of Shields, views from top, underneath, elevation/section and detail of feet. Signed 'PIET DE JONG'. Scale 'actual size'.
1 leaf of drawings of ivory triglyph plaque from the House of Shields. Signed 'PIET DE JONG'. Scale 'actual size'.
Drawing of LH III wood fragment carved with scale pattern from the House of Shields. Signed 'PIET de JONG'. Scale 'actual size'.
2 leaves of drawings of LH III wooden plaque fragment with ivy leaf pattern from the House of Shields. Unsigned, attributed by EBWF to P. de Jong.
i: drawing of the wooden fragment, scale actual size, and a reconstruction of that fragment.
ii: initial rough sketch of the reconstruction.
5 leaves of black paper on which 18 drawings of ivory inlay motifs have been affixed. Unsigned but the artist is J.M. Dow, confirmed by E.B.W. French.