This collection of drawings illustrates highlights of the sealstones and sealings excavated by the British at Mycenae in the seasons after 1920-1923. The exception is the line drawings of a clay sealing of 3 quadrupeds, discovered in 1920 by A.J.B. Wace in the Rhyton well at the top of the Ramp within the citadel. (MCNE-2-3-04-17). This image was drawn nearly two decades after its discovery to provide the gold-embossed design on the front cover of Wace’s book Mycenae: An Archaeological History and Guide (1949).
Drawing of seal stone 39-536 featuring a deer. The seal stone was excavated in the Prehistoric Cemetery South Extension.
Signed on r. in pencil 'P. de J.', its scale noted, '3 to 1' and an additional note 'not fixed, don't rub'.
Object and photo numbers in pencil on r. written later by EBWF.
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2 drawings of a faience cylinder and its impression.
i: the seal's impression, 'three figures separated by two tree designs, advancing toward a bird' [Porada, 1957, p. 200]
ii: drawing of the cylinder seal itself. Both images were originally mounted side-by-side and printed as one illustration.
The seal was excavated in the Palace area, below the North terrace (the Prinaria).
Drawing of faience cylinder 39-170 and its impression.
The cylinder seal was excavated in the Palace area, below the North terrace (the Prinaria).
A.J.B. Wace notes in pencil on the v. that the scale is 2:1.
1 loosely sketched drawing of the impression made by faience cylinder 39-170, unsigned.
The cylinder seal was excavated in the Palace area, below the North terrace (the Prinaria).
AJBW made notes in pencil on the v. for publication of this drawing but then crossed them through.
Drawing of seal stone 39-536 featuring a deer. The seal stone was excavated in the Prehistoric Cemetery South Extension.
Signed on r. in pencil 'P. de J.', its scale noted, '3 to 1' and an additional note 'not fixed, don't rub'.
Object and photo numbers in pencil on r. written later by EBWF.
Drawing of sealstone 53-99 featuring two griffins. The seal stone was excavated in the Perseia area.
Signed on r. in pencil 'P. de Jong', its scale noted, '3 - 1'.
Drawing of sealstone 55-572 (which possibly features 6 rams' heads). The seal stone was excavated in the House of Lead.
Unsigned but in the style of Piet de Jong and attributed to him by EBWF, its scale noted on the r. '3:1'.
Drawing of sealings on 50-205 (a genius between 2 hounds) and 50-229 (a bull). The sealings were excavated in the House of the Oil Merchant.
Unsigned but attributed to A. Petty by EBWF, scale noted on r., '2:1'.
Drawing of a sealing of a genius between two hounds on 50-205, a bull on 50-229, a lion attacking a bovine/deer (no excavation number) and three dancers on 50-490. The objects were excavated in the House of the Oil Merchant.
Unsigned but attributed to A. Petty by EBWF in pencil on verso.
Drawing of clay stopper 50-207, attributed to P. de Jong by EBWF. Object excavated in the House of the Oil Merchant.
Drawing of a sealing of three dancers/maidens on 50-490.
The object was excavated in the House of the Oil Merchant.
Unsigned and unattributed. Scale 2:1.
Drawing of sealing on 52-60 depicting 3 men. Scale 2:1. Unsigned and unattributed.
Drawing of a sealing of a figure between two animals from the group of clay sealing 53-501 to 53-507. The objects were excavated in the House of the Sphinxes.
Unsigned but attributed to John Carswell by EBWF. Scale 3:1.
Drawing of object 53-506 featuring on the reverse/underside a sealing of a figure between two animals and on the obverse/upper side Linear B text. The object was excavated in the House of Sphinxes.
3 views are provided of the object: top, bottom and profile.
Unsigned but attributed to John Carswell by EBWF in pencil on v.
On r. in pencil described as 'seal no. 506. 1953 A Scale 2:1'.
Drawing of a sealing on 54-166 depicting a man and lions. The object was excavated in the House of Shields.
Signed in pencil on r. 'P. de J.'. Scale 2:1.
Drawing of clay seal impression 54-166. The object was excavated in the House of Shields.
Signed in pencil on the r. 'P. de J.'. Scale 2:1.
Drawing of 3 views of clay stopper 54-814. The views are from above, in profile and the impressed sealing of a quadruped looking back. The object was excavated in the House of Sphinxes.
Signed in pencil on the r. 'P. de Jong'. Scale 2:1.
Parts i, ii, iii, unsigned drawings of versions B, C, D for consideration for the stamp on the front cover of Wace's 'Mycenae. An Archaeological History and Guide'. Scale 2:1. The image is of two recumbent quadrupeds flanking a sacred pillar.