This ‘album’ brings together a varied group of pottery, spanning a sherd studied by A.J.W. Wace in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, in 1940, to significant finds from the excavations of the 1950s. In particular, several important fragments of painted pottery vessels were discovered in the House of Lead on the Atreus Ridge in 1955. The draughtsman Piet de Jong created watercolour drawings of key pieces from this context on site, having previously drawn material at Mycenae during the 1920-1923 seasons. The architect Charles K. Williams of Princeton University drew pottery from earlier excavations, at Nauplion Museum, during the study season of 1957.
Drawing of a sherd from a Fish Rhyton. Unsigned. Scale 1:1. Drawn in the National Archaeological Museum Athens store room in 1940.
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Drawing of a sherd from a Fish Rhyton. Unsigned. Scale 1:1. Drawn in the National Archaeological Museum Athens store room in 1940.
Drawings of 3 sherds, all of which feature some elements of Linear B script. 39-249 (kylix?) and 39-406 (inscribed stirrup jar) sherds were excavated in Schliemann's Dump. The third sherd (not registered) was also excavated in 1939, in the House of Columns.
Unsigned but attributed to P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of a chariot larnax 50-581 A, B, from the Cyclopean Terrace Building East Trench. Drawn and signed by C.K. Williams. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of an octopus rhyton 52-151, LH III A, from the Cyclopean Terrace Building, South Megaron, Area III. Drawn by C.K. Williams, unsigned. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of piriform jar 52-324, decorated with running spiral pattern, from the Prehistoric Cemetery East. Drawn and signed by C.K. Williams. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of a LH III Chariot krater 52-491 from the Prehistoric Cemetery Central - Perseia. Drawn by C.K. Williams, unsigned. Scale 1:2.
Drawing of 3 Ephyraean goblet sherds 53-121, 53-122, 53-629 with Argonaut and Lily patterns (restored). Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of Ephyraean goblet (restored) 53-123, 53-124 with central rosette pattern, from the Prehistoric Cemetery Central. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong.
Drawing of Geometric cup 55-9 from the House of the Sphinxes (GG 605). Drawn and signed by P. de Jong.
Drawing of proto-Geometric jug 55-206 (restored) from the House of the Sphinxes (PGG 606). Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of a LH III A mug 55-501, with linked whorl pattern, from the House of Lead. A clever and elegant combination of a view of the profile of the jug and the concentric circle pattern on its base. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of LH III A sherd 55-573, with a reconstruction of an octopus design, from the House of Lead, Atreus Ridge. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of sherd 55-574, with a reconstruction of an octopus design, from the House of Lead, Atreus Ridge. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of sherd 55-701a from an Archaic krater, with a galloping horse design, from the House of Lead, Atreus Ridge. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of 4 sherds from an Archaic krater 55-701b from the House of Lead, Atreus Ridge. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale 1:1.
Drawing of 3 Chariot krater sherds 59-111 from Citadel House area G1 1959/3, 5, 9. Drawn by C.K. Williams, unsigned. Scale 1:1.
Chariot krater 52-491, LH III sherd (about one third of the body) from Prehistoric Cemetery Centre - Perseia. Signed by P. de Jong. This is a colour rendition of the pictorial image, also drawn in ink by C.K. Williams in 1957, see MCNE-2-3-05-06