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Drawings : Drawings of Fresco Fragments from the House of the Oil Merchant

de Jong, Piet (1887-1967)


<p style='text-align: justify;'>These five watercolours were created by P. de Jong in 1955. The brightly coloured frescos were excavated beneath the southern end of the main corridor of the House of the Oil Merchant in 1950, part of the complex of ‘Ivory Houses’ outside of the citadel. This building had functioned as a mix of domestic, workshop and administrative space early in the 13th century BCE.</p>

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Drawings of Fresco Fragments from the House of the Oil Merchant (MCNE-2-3-11)

These five watercolours were created by P. de Jong in 1955. The brightly coloured frescos were excavated beneath the southern end of the main corridor of the House of the Oil Merchant in 1950, part of the complex of ‘Ivory Houses’ outside of the citadel. This building had functioned as a mix of domestic, workshop and administrative space early in the 13th century BCE.

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Faculty of Classics Archives, University of Cambridge
  • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-11
  • Date of Creation: 1950

Section shown in images 2 to 3

  • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-11-02
  • Title: 2 leaves of drawings of fresco fragments with a decorative pattern
  • Abstract:

    2 leaves of drawings of decorative patterns on fresco fragments from the House of the Oil Merchant. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong.

  • Date of Creation: 1955
  • Note(s): gouache on paper, each piece H. 24.5 x W. 34.6 cm

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    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Faculty of Classics Archives, University of Cambridge
    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-11
    • Date of Creation: 1950

    Section shown in images 1 to 1

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-11-01
    • Title: Drawing of palanquin bearer fresco fragment
    • Abstract:

      Drawing of a palanquin bearer on a fresco from beneath the floor, of the southern part of the main corridor, of the House of the Oil Merchant. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1955
    • Note(s): gouache on paper, H. 24.5 x W. 34.6 cm
    • Bibliography:
      Wace, A. J. B. (1953). Part I. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of 1952. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 48, 1–18, pp. 14-15 for a written description of the fresco; ibid. Pl. 9, a, for an image of the actual artefact. Bennett, E.L., Wace A.J.B., French E.B., Chadwick, J. (1958). The Mycenae tablets II, p. 9 for discussion and Fig. 31 for an image of the fresco.

    Section shown in images 2 to 3

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-11-02
    • Title: 2 leaves of drawings of fresco fragments with a decorative pattern
    • Abstract:

      2 leaves of drawings of decorative patterns on fresco fragments from the House of the Oil Merchant. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong.

    • Date of Creation: 1955
    • Note(s): gouache on paper, each piece H. 24.5 x W. 34.6 cm

    Section shown in images 4 to 5

    • Classmark: MCNE-2-3-11-03
    • Title: 2 leaves of drawings of fresco fragments decorated with designs of buildings and heads/horses
    • Abstract:

      2 leaves of drawings of fresco fragments from the House of the Oil Merchant, fallen from the upper storey. Drawn and signed by P. de Jong. Scale about 3:4.
      i: horses and heads
      ii: buildings

    • Date of Creation: 1955
    • Note(s): gouache on paper, each piece H. 25.3 x W. 17.8 cm; Related materials:
      Photograph negative 58 S 2
    • Bibliography:
      Bennett, E.L., Wace A.J.B., French E.B., Chadwick, J. (1958). The Mycenae tablets II, pp. 8-9 for a written description of the frescoes and their archaeological context, and p. 33, Figs. 42, 43 for published images of these drawings.


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