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Thomas Gray Manuscripts : Thomas Gray, Commonplace Book, Volume III

Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

Thomas Gray Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'><p>Thomas Gray’s Commonplace Book is the most important repository of his multi-faceted scholarly activity, and also of his poetry, much of which is copied here in unique versions. It has been held by Pembroke College since 1809, when it was bequeathed by his friend Richard Stonhewer. It is in three large volumes, but it is usually described as a single document – a Commonplace Book rather than three commonplace books – because Gray continued his pagination from one volume to the next, made cross-references between volumes, and included references to all volumes in his index at the start of Volume I. It is indebted to John Locke’s influential system for organising a commonplace book, which Gray summarised in his early entry ‘Adversaria’ (Volume I, fol. 6v). Locke’s system meant that the compiler of a commonplace book did not have to use established ‘heads’ or write them into the volume in advance and then fit entries into preallocated spaces. Instead, compilers could devise their own headings, make entries sequentially, and add each heading’s page number to a finding aid: an alphabetic table organised by initial letter and subsequent vowel that enabled information retrieval. The page number for Gray’s entry ‘Adversaria’, for example, would be added to the section for ‘A’ (initial letter) under the sub-division for ‘e’ (subsequent vowel); this is exactly where Gray entered it in the tabular index that he drew up according to Locke’s guidelines at the start of Volume I (fols 4v-5r). He also usually followed Locke in using Latin headings for his entries, beginning entries at the top of a leaf’s verso and allowing each entry at least one full opening (i.e. a double page spread), and cross-referencing entries with the abbreviation ‘V’ when adding further material under the same heading to later openings.</p><p>Like almost all compilers of commonplace books, however, Gray also broke these rules, and he broke them with increasing frequency across his three volumes. He sometimes used multiple headings on a single page, and occasionally missed headings out or did not Latinise them. Several of his cross-references link entries that do not share headings but have more subjective connections. He left many cross-references blank and made mistakes in others. Some were written on or lead to otherwise blank pages, indicating that he did not always use the space that he anticipated an entry would need. His most significant departure from Locke was to add an index of a different kind at the end of Volume I (fols 227r-229r). This is an alphabetised, descriptive list of contents in English that was evidently written after the volume was full, and it suggests that he may not have found Locke’s tabular index sufficiently helpful, perhaps because it contains numbers and letters rather than words and therefore taxes the memory of its user. Gray would first have had to remember that he had used the heading ‘Adversaria’ in order to find its page number in the tabular index section for ‘A’ under the sub-division for ‘e’, for example; in contrast, the corresponding entry in his descriptive index – ‘Common-Place. M<sup>r</sup> Locke’s method’ – is more self-explanatory.</p><p>The entries in Gray’s Commonplace Book are impressively various in discipline, genre, language, and form. Many are written in continuous English prose and read like essays, and some have been extracted and edited as such following the example of Thomas James Matthias, who presented extracts in his 1814 edition of Gray’s <i>Works</i>. Gray also used his Commonplace Book to copy out original poems and verse translations written by himself and his friends in English, Latin, and Greek. He usually gave each poem a subtitle under the general heading ‘Carmina’ – his headings can be distinguished from his subheadings and subtitles because he almost always marked headings out with a closing parenthesis, ‘Carmina)’ – but he skipped the ‘Carmina’ heading in Volume II and grouped some poems that had originally been sent as letters under the heading ‘Epistolæ’ in Volume I. His subtitles often differ from the more familiar titles under which his poems were published: ‘Noon-Tide, An Ode’ (Volume I, fols 143r and 144v), for example, is more commonly known as ‘Ode on the Spring’. Gray generally attributed verse that he did not write himself using his friends’ school nicknames, such as ‘Favonius’ for Richard West. Although the essays and poems are the most widely known of the Commonplace Book’s contents, the great majority of its entries could not be categorised as either. Gray also used it to transcribe quotations, assemble chronologies, sketch maps, summarise books, compile lists, draw up tables, record vocabulary from a staggering range of languages, and compose genealogies in the form of annotated family trees. For ‘Genealogia’ entries in particular, although also in others, he used red ink alongside his customary brown to highlight special features, and turned the volume through 90 degrees to work across a whole opening. He also frequently used the space provided by a whole opening to add annotations, entering continuous prose on a verso keyed to notes directly opposite on a recto.</p><p>Entries in the Commonplace Book that are not in Gray’s characteristically neat hand were added after his death. The most substantial such entries were made by his friend and executor William Mason (1724-1797), who added notes to Gray’s ‘Carmina’ entries recording the poems’ posthumous publication, and used the pages following Gray’s final entry (a Russian alphabet) to copy out material from other surviving manuscripts (Volume III, fols 84v-92r). There are also frequent curatorial additions in pencil, which usually seek to correct gaps and mistakes in Gray’s pagination. His mistakes were so extensive and consequential, however, that correction efforts often had to be abandoned.</p><p>Gray paginated his Commonplace Book rather than foliating it (i.e. he assigned numbers to each side of a leaf rather than to each leaf) and the volumes have not been subsequently foliated either. Because his pagination was erratic, however, and because he abandoned it altogether shortly after beginning Volume III, foliation is essential to allow reliable referencing. A complete foliation has therefore been undertaken for this digital edition and it is recorded in the contents index after each image number, although the Digital Library system uses the word ‘page’ to display this metadata: ‘image 461, fol. 226r’ therefore displays as ‘(image 461, page 226r)’, for example. Also recorded in the contents index are Gray’s heading for each page or for the entry of which it is part, Gray’s subtitles in ‘Carmina’ and ‘Epistolæ’ entries, Gray’s page number where given, Gray’s cross-reference where given, and the watermark for each leaf. Within the contents index, headings and subtitles in quotation marks are Gray’s own, and they retain his idiosyncratic use of the long ‘s’ (‘ſ’) and ligatured ‘æ’ and ‘œ’. Where Gray used a recto to add annotations to continuous prose on a facing verso, as in the ‘Itinerarium’ entry that begins Volume I, fols 176v-177r, the notes are described in the contents index in the form “‘Itinerarium’ notes”. Gray’s pagination errors mean that caution is required when looking up page numbers referred to by later scholars or in his own cross-references, especially since he sometimes used the same page number twice (he wrote ‘340’ on Volume I, fol. 175v and fol. 176r, for example). On all such occasions letters have been added in square brackets to distinguish them (i.e. ‘p. 340[a]’ and ‘p. 340[b]). All three volumes were repaired and rebound in 1972, and the modern binding is tight, so small amounts of text are sometimes lost in the gutter. This is a particular problem for entries where Gray worked at 90 degrees across an opening, as in the ‘Genealogia’ entries, and it can be helpful to download both images so that the whole opening can be viewed at once.</p><p>Gray began using his Commonplace Book in the mid-1730s, and he stopped in the 1760s. He adopted different note-taking methods during the final decade of his life, as he studied manuscripts in the newly-opened British Museum Reading Room and pursued natural history under the influence of Carl Linnaeus (1707-1768), for example. But although the Commonplace Book therefore cannot be taken to represent the whole of Gray’s scholarly career, it offers an unparalleled view into its richness and range. Dazzlingly multidisciplinary, imposingly multilingual, and immoderate or even prodigal in the quantity, quality, and scope of the research to which it testifies, it provides a window onto Gray’s interest in the organisation and classification of knowledge as well as his work in and across a staggering variety of fields. It was published in this digital edition in July 2021, to mark the 250<sup>th</sup> anniversary of Gray’s death on 30<sup>th</sup> July 1771, with editorial and bibliographical metadata by Ruth Abbott, and images courtesy of The Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge.</p><p>Ruth Abbott<br /> University of Cambridge<br /><a href='/collections/thomasgray'></a><br /><br /></p><p><b>How to cite:</b> Thomas Gray, ‘Commonplace Book, Volume III (GBR/1058/GRA/1/3)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in <i>Thomas Gray Manuscripts</i>, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson, <a href='/collections/thomasgray'></a></p></p>

Page: 69v

Thomas Gray, Commonplace Book, Volume III (GBR/1058/GRA/1/3)

Thomas Gray’s Commonplace Book is the most important repository of his multi-faceted scholarly activity, and also of his poetry, much of which is copied here in unique versions. It has been held by Pembroke College since 1809, when it was bequeathed by his friend Richard Stonhewer. It is in three large volumes, but it is usually described as a single document – a Commonplace Book rather than three commonplace books – because Gray continued his pagination from one volume to the next, made cross-references between volumes, and included references to all volumes in his index at the start of Volume I. It is indebted to John Locke’s influential system for organising a commonplace book, which Gray summarised in his early entry ‘Adversaria’ (Volume I, fol. 6v). Locke’s system meant that the compiler of a commonplace book did not have to use established ‘heads’ or write them into the volume in advance and then fit entries into preallocated spaces. Instead, compilers could devise their own headings, make entries sequentially, and add each heading’s page number to a finding aid: an alphabetic table organised by initial letter and subsequent vowel that enabled information retrieval. The page number for Gray’s entry ‘Adversaria’, for example, would be added to the section for ‘A’ (initial letter) under the sub-division for ‘e’ (subsequent vowel); this is exactly where Gray entered it in the tabular index that he drew up according to Locke’s guidelines at the start of Volume I (fols 4v-5r). He also usually followed Locke in using Latin headings for his entries, beginning entries at the top of a leaf’s verso and allowing each entry at least one full opening (i.e. a double page spread), and cross-referencing entries with the abbreviation ‘V’ when adding further material under the same heading to later openings.

Like almost all compilers of commonplace books, however, Gray also broke these rules, and he broke them with increasing frequency across his three volumes. He sometimes used multiple headings on a single page, and occasionally missed headings out or did not Latinise them. Several of his cross-references link entries that do not share headings but have more subjective connections. He left many cross-references blank and made mistakes in others. Some were written on or lead to otherwise blank pages, indicating that he did not always use the space that he anticipated an entry would need. His most significant departure from Locke was to add an index of a different kind at the end of Volume I (fols 227r-229r). This is an alphabetised, descriptive list of contents in English that was evidently written after the volume was full, and it suggests that he may not have found Locke’s tabular index sufficiently helpful, perhaps because it contains numbers and letters rather than words and therefore taxes the memory of its user. Gray would first have had to remember that he had used the heading ‘Adversaria’ in order to find its page number in the tabular index section for ‘A’ under the sub-division for ‘e’, for example; in contrast, the corresponding entry in his descriptive index – ‘Common-Place. Mr Locke’s method’ – is more self-explanatory.

The entries in Gray’s Commonplace Book are impressively various in discipline, genre, language, and form. Many are written in continuous English prose and read like essays, and some have been extracted and edited as such following the example of Thomas James Matthias, who presented extracts in his 1814 edition of Gray’s Works. Gray also used his Commonplace Book to copy out original poems and verse translations written by himself and his friends in English, Latin, and Greek. He usually gave each poem a subtitle under the general heading ‘Carmina’ – his headings can be distinguished from his subheadings and subtitles because he almost always marked headings out with a closing parenthesis, ‘Carmina)’ – but he skipped the ‘Carmina’ heading in Volume II and grouped some poems that had originally been sent as letters under the heading ‘Epistolæ’ in Volume I. His subtitles often differ from the more familiar titles under which his poems were published: ‘Noon-Tide, An Ode’ (Volume I, fols 143r and 144v), for example, is more commonly known as ‘Ode on the Spring’. Gray generally attributed verse that he did not write himself using his friends’ school nicknames, such as ‘Favonius’ for Richard West. Although the essays and poems are the most widely known of the Commonplace Book’s contents, the great majority of its entries could not be categorised as either. Gray also used it to transcribe quotations, assemble chronologies, sketch maps, summarise books, compile lists, draw up tables, record vocabulary from a staggering range of languages, and compose genealogies in the form of annotated family trees. For ‘Genealogia’ entries in particular, although also in others, he used red ink alongside his customary brown to highlight special features, and turned the volume through 90 degrees to work across a whole opening. He also frequently used the space provided by a whole opening to add annotations, entering continuous prose on a verso keyed to notes directly opposite on a recto.

Entries in the Commonplace Book that are not in Gray’s characteristically neat hand were added after his death. The most substantial such entries were made by his friend and executor William Mason (1724-1797), who added notes to Gray’s ‘Carmina’ entries recording the poems’ posthumous publication, and used the pages following Gray’s final entry (a Russian alphabet) to copy out material from other surviving manuscripts (Volume III, fols 84v-92r). There are also frequent curatorial additions in pencil, which usually seek to correct gaps and mistakes in Gray’s pagination. His mistakes were so extensive and consequential, however, that correction efforts often had to be abandoned.

Gray paginated his Commonplace Book rather than foliating it (i.e. he assigned numbers to each side of a leaf rather than to each leaf) and the volumes have not been subsequently foliated either. Because his pagination was erratic, however, and because he abandoned it altogether shortly after beginning Volume III, foliation is essential to allow reliable referencing. A complete foliation has therefore been undertaken for this digital edition and it is recorded in the contents index after each image number, although the Digital Library system uses the word ‘page’ to display this metadata: ‘image 461, fol. 226r’ therefore displays as ‘(image 461, page 226r)’, for example. Also recorded in the contents index are Gray’s heading for each page or for the entry of which it is part, Gray’s subtitles in ‘Carmina’ and ‘Epistolæ’ entries, Gray’s page number where given, Gray’s cross-reference where given, and the watermark for each leaf. Within the contents index, headings and subtitles in quotation marks are Gray’s own, and they retain his idiosyncratic use of the long ‘s’ (‘ſ’) and ligatured ‘æ’ and ‘œ’. Where Gray used a recto to add annotations to continuous prose on a facing verso, as in the ‘Itinerarium’ entry that begins Volume I, fols 176v-177r, the notes are described in the contents index in the form “‘Itinerarium’ notes”. Gray’s pagination errors mean that caution is required when looking up page numbers referred to by later scholars or in his own cross-references, especially since he sometimes used the same page number twice (he wrote ‘340’ on Volume I, fol. 175v and fol. 176r, for example). On all such occasions letters have been added in square brackets to distinguish them (i.e. ‘p. 340[a]’ and ‘p. 340[b]). All three volumes were repaired and rebound in 1972, and the modern binding is tight, so small amounts of text are sometimes lost in the gutter. This is a particular problem for entries where Gray worked at 90 degrees across an opening, as in the ‘Genealogia’ entries, and it can be helpful to download both images so that the whole opening can be viewed at once.

Gray began using his Commonplace Book in the mid-1730s, and he stopped in the 1760s. He adopted different note-taking methods during the final decade of his life, as he studied manuscripts in the newly-opened British Museum Reading Room and pursued natural history under the influence of Carl Linnaeus (1707-1768), for example. But although the Commonplace Book therefore cannot be taken to represent the whole of Gray’s scholarly career, it offers an unparalleled view into its richness and range. Dazzlingly multidisciplinary, imposingly multilingual, and immoderate or even prodigal in the quantity, quality, and scope of the research to which it testifies, it provides a window onto Gray’s interest in the organisation and classification of knowledge as well as his work in and across a staggering variety of fields. It was published in this digital edition in July 2021, to mark the 250th anniversary of Gray’s death on 30th July 1771, with editorial and bibliographical metadata by Ruth Abbott, and images courtesy of The Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge.

Ruth Abbott
University of Cambridge

How to cite: Thomas Gray, ‘Commonplace Book, Volume III (GBR/1058/GRA/1/3)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in Thomas Gray Manuscripts, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson,

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Pembroke College Library
  • Classmark: GBR/1058/GRA/1/3
  • Subject(s): Commonplace books
  • Origin Place: Cambridge
  • Date of Creation: c. 1736-c. 1760, with posthumous additions by William Mason c. 1771-c. 1775
  • Language(s): English, Latin, Italian, Old Norse, Russian. Languages listed here are those used in more extensive quotations in this volume; several further languages occur in short quotations, usually of single words with English definitions.
  • Associated Name(s): Mason, William (1724-1797)
  • Extent: iv + 233 + vi. Leaf width c. 205mm, height c. 315mm, with variations. A binder’s note has been tipped in on the inside lower cover.
  • Collation:

    It is difficult to provide a collation for this volume. The binding is very tight and the stitching is not visible. However, since the leaves in the main section of the volume have two watermarks that must logically have been conjugates, one on each side of a sheet, it is possible to reconstruct gatherings by modelling watermark pairings. In 1972 all three volumes of Gray’s Commonplace Book were repaired and rebound by D. C. & Son, and the binder’s note tipped in on the inside lower cover of Volume III notes of Volume III: ‘make-up of gatherings variable. Possible collation: 4 fly leaves wants 1, 14 wants 1, 2-56, 68, 7-236, 244, 25-266, 278, 28-396. Old paste-down 2 wants 2, fly leaves: 3 plus joint’. This suggested collation accords exactly with the arrangement of gatherings indicated by the watermarks, and is likely to be accurate.

  • Material: 1 handmade modern paper flyleaf at front followed by 3 original laid paper flyleaves with chain lines c. 25mm apart and watermark of Britannia in crowned circles. 233 original laid paper leaves with chain lines c. 25mm apart and 2 watermarks: a crowned GR with a wreath in a circle and Pro Patria with no S in the palisade. 5 original laid paper flyleaves at back with chain lines c. 25mm apart and 3 watermarks: Britannia in crowned circles, 10 in crowned diamond, and crowned GR with a wreath in a circle. 1 further handmade modern paper flyleaf at back plus 1 handmade modern paper binder’s note tipped in. Watermarks for each leaf are recorded in the contents.
  • Format: Codex
  • Binding:

    In 1972 all three volumes were repaired and rebound in red morocco with black lettering pieces by D. C. & Son. They are now each sewn on five double cords with a free paper guard round the back of each gathering, handmade paper ends, linen joints, and thread headbands. The binder’s note tipped in on the inside lower cover of Volume III describes the original binding for Volume III as follows: ‘half brown calf, black lettering piece, direct lettering under black label CP/III. Brown paper sides, previous covering of green marbled paper under the brown paper and an earlier covering of red marbled paper and red leather spine and corners under the green marbled paper’. All volumes were originally sewn on five cords with slips laced into the boards and red and white thread headbands. Samples of the original binding of Volume III are pasted onto its inside lower cover.

  • Foliation:

    1 modern flyleaf and 3 original flyleaves at the front, followed by 233 original leaves, then 5 original flyleaves (of which the 4th is a stub) and 1 modern flyleaf at back. A binder’s note has been tipped in on the inside lower cover. None of the volumes have previously been foliated and the new foliation undertaken for this edition is not written into the volumes themselves. Gray paginated (rather than foliated) all three volumes, continuing his pagination from one volume to the next, but he made mistakes and left many pages unpaginated as he did this. Modern pencil pagination has been added to all three volumes, which often seeks to correct Gray’s pagination mistakes and fill in gaps. However, his mistakes were so extensive and consequential that correction efforts usually had to be abandoned. Pagination of all three volumes therefore remains erratic and misleading, and caution is required when looking up page numbers referred to by Gray in cross-references or by later scholars, especially because Gray sometimes used the same page numbers twice. Gray’s pagination is significant nonetheless given its widespread use in scholarly references, and his page numbers are therefore recorded alongside image numbers and folio numbers in the contents.

  • Provenance:

    Bequest by Richard Stonhewer, 1809

  • Author(s) of the Record: Ruth Abbott
  • Bibliography:

Section shown in images 148 to 148

  • Title: ‘Carmina’: ‘The Song of the Valkyries’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

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Zooming image © The Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, Cambridge, All rights reserved.
Upper cover (image 1, page Upper cover) Inside upper cover (image 2, page Inside upper cover) Modern flyleaf (image 3, page i(r)) Modern flyleaf (image 4, page i(v)) Original flyleaf with Chancery note and Pembroke bookplate (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 5, page ii(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 6, page ii(v)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 7, page iii(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 8, page iii(v)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 9, page iv(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 10, page iv(v)) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 11, page 1r) Book list; notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 12, page 1v) Notes; book list (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 13, page 2r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 933, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 14, page 2v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 934, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 15, page 3r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 935, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 16, page 3v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 936, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 17, page 4r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 937, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 18, page 4v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 938, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 19, page 5r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 939, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 20, page 5v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 21, page 6r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 22, page 6v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 23, page 7r) ‘Gothica’ (Gray’s p. 943, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 24, page 7v) ‘Gothica’ notes (Gray’s p. 944, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 25, page 8r) ‘Gothica’ (Gray’s p. 945, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 26, page 8v) ‘Gothica’ notes (Gray’s p. 946, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 27, page 9r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 947, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 28, page 9v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 948, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 29, page 10r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 949, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 30, page 10v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 950, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 31, page 11r) [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 951, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 32, page 11v) [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 952, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 33, page 12r) ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 953, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 34, page 12v) ‘Insignia’ notes (Gray’s p. 954, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 35, page 13r) ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 955, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 36, page 13v) ‘Insignia’ notes (Gray’s p. 956, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 37, page 14r) ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 957, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 38, page 14v) ‘Insignia’ notes (Gray’s p. 958, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 39, page 15r) ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 959, watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 40, page 15v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 41, page 16r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 42, page 16v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 43, page 17r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 44, page 17v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 45, page 18r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 46, page 18v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 47, page 19r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 48, page 19v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 49, page 20r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 50, page 20v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 51, page 21r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 52, page 21v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 53, page 22r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 54, page 22v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 55, page 23r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 56, page 23v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 57, page 24r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 58, page 24v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 59, page 25r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 60, page 25v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 61, page 26r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 62, page 26v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 63, page 27r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 64, page 27v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 65, page 28r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 66, page 28v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 67, page 29r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 68, page 29v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 69, page 30r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 70, page 30v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 71, page 31r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 72, page 31v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 73, page 32r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 74, page 32v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 75, page 33r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 76, page 33v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 77, page 34r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 78, page 34v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 79, page 35r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 80, page 35v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 81, page 36r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 82, page 36v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 83, page 37r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 84, page 37v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 85, page 38r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 86, page 38v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 87, page 39r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 88, page 39v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 89, page 40r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 90, page 40v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 91, page 41r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 92, page 41v) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 93, page 42r) ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 94, page 42v) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 95, page 43r) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 96, page 43v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 97, page 44r) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 98, page 44v) Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 99, page 45r) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 100, page 45v) Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 101, page 46r) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 102, page 46v) Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 103, page 47r) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 104, page 47v) Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 105, page 48r) Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 106, page 48v) Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 107, page 49r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 108, page 49v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 109, page 50r) Giulio Raviglio Rosso entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 110, page 50v) Giulio Raviglio Rosso entry notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 111, page 51r) Giulio Raviglio Rosso entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 112, page 51v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 113, page 52r) ‘Arma’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 114, page 52v) ‘Arma’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 115, page 53r) ‘Arma’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 116, page 53v) ‘Arma’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 117, page 54r) ‘Venetia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 118, page 54v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 119, page 55r) ‘Venetia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 120, page 55v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 121, page 56r) ‘Gothi’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 122, page 56v) ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 123, page 57r) ‘Gothi’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 124, page 57v) ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 125, page 58r) ‘Gothi’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 126, page 58v) ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 127, page 59r) ‘Gothi’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 128, page 59v) ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 129, page 60r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 130, page 60v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 131, page 61r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 132, page 61v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 133, page 62r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 134, page 62v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 135, page 63r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 136, page 63v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 137, page 64r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 138, page 64v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 139, page 65r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 140, page 65v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 141, page 66r) ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 142, page 66v) ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 143, page 67r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 144, page 67v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 145, page 68r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 146, page 68v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 147, page 69r) ‘Carmina’: ‘The Song of the Valkyries’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 148, page 69v) ‘Carmina’: i) ‘The Song of the Valkyries’, ii) ‘The Triumphs of Owen, a Fragment, from the Welch’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 149, page 70r) ‘Carmina’: ‘The Descent of Odin’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 150, page 70v) ‘Carmina’: i) ‘The Descent of Odin’, ii) ‘From Aneurin, Monarch of the Bards, extracted from the Gododin’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 151, page 71r) [‘Palatia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 152, page 71v) [‘Palatia’] notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 153, page 72r) [‘Palatia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 154, page 72v) [‘Palatia’] notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 155, page 73r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 156, page 73v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 157, page 74r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 158, page 74v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 159, page 75r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 160, page 75v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 161, page 76r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 162, page 76v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 163, page 77r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 164, page 77v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 165, page 78r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 166, page 78v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 167, page 79r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 168, page 79v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 169, page 80r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 170, page 80v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 171, page 81r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 172, page 81v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 173, page 82r) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 174, page 82v) [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 175, page 83r) ‘Literæ’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 176, page 83v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 177, page 84r) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Fragment of an Ode found amongst Mr Grays papers after his decease and here transcribed from the corrected Copy’ [‘Now the golden Morn aloft’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 178, page 84v) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Variations in the first copy’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 179, page 85r) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Fragment of an Ode found amongst Mr Grays papers after his decease and here transcribed from the corrected Copy’ [‘Now the golden Morn aloft’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 180, page 85v) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Variations in the 1st Copy’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 181, page 86r) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘A Character’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 182, page 86v) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Variations’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 183, page 87r) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Fragment of an address or Hymn to Ignorance’ [‘Hail horrors hail! ye ever-gloomy bowers’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 184, page 87v) Mason: ‘Carmina’: [‘Variations’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 185, page 88r) Mason: ‘Carmina’: i) ‘Fragment of an address or Hymn to Ignorance’ [‘Hail horrors hail! ye ever-gloomy bowers’], ii) ‘Song’ [‘Midst Beauty & Pleasures gay triumphs to languish’] (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 186, page 88v) Mason: ‘Carmina’: i) ‘Song’ [‘Thyrsis when we parted swore’], ii) ‘Inscription on a portrait’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 187, page 89r) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Stanzas to Mr Bentley’ (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 188, page 89v) Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Epitaph on Sr W P Williams’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 189, page 90r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 190, page 90v) Mason: ‘Extract from Mr Grays Pocket Books’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 191, page 91r) Mason: ‘Extract from Mr Grays Pocket Books’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 192, page 91v) Mason: ‘Extract from Mr Grays Pocket Books’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 193, page 92r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 194, page 92v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 195, page 93r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 196, page 93v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 197, page 94r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 198, page 94v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 199, page 95r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 200, page 95v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 201, page 96r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 202, page 96v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 203, page 97r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 204, page 97v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 205, page 98r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 206, page 98v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 207, page 99r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 208, page 99v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 209, page 100r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 210, page 100v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 211, page 101r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 212, page 101v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 213, page 102r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 214, page 102v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 215, page 103r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 216, page 103v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 217, page 104r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 218, page 104v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 219, page 105r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 220, page 105v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 221, page 106r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 222, page 106v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 223, page 107r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 224, page 107v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 225, page 108r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 226, page 108v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 227, page 109r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 228, page 109v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 229, page 110r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 230, page 110v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 231, page 111r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 232, page 111v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 233, page 112r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 234, page 112v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 235, page 113r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 236, page 113v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 237, page 114r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 238, page 114v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 239, page 115r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 240, page 115v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 241, page 116r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 242, page 116v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 243, page 117r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 244, page 117v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 245, page 118r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 246, page 118v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 247, page 119r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 248, page 119v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 249, page 120r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 250, page 120v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 251, page 121r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 252, page 121v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 253, page 122r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 254, page 122v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 255, page 123r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 256, page 123v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 257, page 124r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 258, page 124v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 259, page 125r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 260, page 125v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 261, page 126r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 262, page 126v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 263, page 127r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 264, page 127v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 265, page 128r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 266, page 128v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 267, page 129r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 268, page 129v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 269, page 130r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 270, page 130v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 271, page 131r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 272, page 131v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 273, page 132r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 274, page 132v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 275, page 133r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 276, page 133v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 277, page 134r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 278, page 134v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 279, page 135r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 280, page 135v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 281, page 136r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 282, page 136v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 283, page 137r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 284, page 137v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 285, page 138r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 286, page 138v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 287, page 139r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 288, page 139v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 289, page 140r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 290, page 140v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 291, page 141r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 292, page 141v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 293, page 142r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 294, page 142v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 295, page 143r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 296, page 143v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 297, page 144r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 298, page 144v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 299, page 145r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 300, page 145v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 301, page 146r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 302, page 146v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 303, page 147r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 304, page 147v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 305, page 148r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 306, page 148v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 307, page 149r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 308, page 149v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 309, page 150r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 310, page 150v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 311, page 151r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 312, page 151v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 313, page 152r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 314, page 152v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 315, page 153r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 316, page 153v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 317, page 154r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 318, page 154v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 319, page 155r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 320, page 155v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 321, page 156r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 322, page 156v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 323, page 157r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 324, page 157v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 325, page 158r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 326, page 158v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 327, page 159r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 328, page 159v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 329, page 160r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 330, page 160v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 331, page 161r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 332, page 161v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 333, page 162r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 334, page 162v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 335, page 163r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 336, page 163v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 337, page 164r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 338, page 164v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 339, page 165r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 340, page 165v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 341, page 166r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 342, page 166v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 343, page 167r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 344, page 167v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 345, page 168r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 346, page 168v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 347, page 169r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 348, page 169v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 349, page 170r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 350, page 170v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 351, page 171r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 352, page 171v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 353, page 172r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 354, page 172v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 355, page 173r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 356, page 173v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 357, page 174r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 358, page 174v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 359, page 175r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 360, page 175v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 361, page 176r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 362, page 176v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 363, page 177r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 364, page 177v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 365, page 178r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 366, page 178v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 367, page 179r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 368, page 179v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 369, page 180r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 370, page 180v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 371, page 181r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 372, page 181v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 373, page 182r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 374, page 182v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 375, page 183r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 376, page 183v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 377, page 184r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 378, page 184v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 379, page 185r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 380, page 185v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 381, page 186r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 382, page 186v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 383, page 187r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 384, page 187v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 385, page 188r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 386, page 188v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 387, page 189r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 388, page 189v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 389, page 190r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 390, page 190v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 391, page 191r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 392, page 191v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 393, page 192r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 394, page 192v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 395, page 193r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 396, page 193v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 397, page 194r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 398, page 194v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 399, page 195r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 400, page 195v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 401, page 196r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 402, page 196v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 403, page 197r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 404, page 197v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 405, page 198r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 406, page 198v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 407, page 199r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 408, page 199v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 409, page 200r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 410, page 200v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 411, page 201r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 412, page 201v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 413, page 202r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 414, page 202v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 415, page 203r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 416, page 203v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 417, page 204r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 418, page 204v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 419, page 205r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 420, page 205v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 421, page 206r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 422, page 206v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 423, page 207r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 424, page 207v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 425, page 208r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 426, page 208v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 427, page 209r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 428, page 209v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 429, page 210r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 430, page 210v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 431, page 211r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 432, page 211v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 433, page 212r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 434, page 212v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 435, page 213r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 436, page 213v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 437, page 214r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 438, page 214v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 439, page 215r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 440, page 215v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 441, page 216r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 442, page 216v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 443, page 217r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 444, page 217v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 445, page 218r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 446, page 218v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 447, page 219r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 448, page 219v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 449, page 220r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 450, page 220v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 451, page 221r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 452, page 221v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 453, page 222r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 454, page 222v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 455, page 223r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 456, page 223v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 457, page 224r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 458, page 224v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 459, page 225r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 460, page 225v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 461, page 226r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 462, page 226v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 463, page 227r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 464, page 227v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 465, page 228r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 466, page 228v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 467, page 229r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 468, page 229v) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 469, page 230r) No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade) (image 470, page 230v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 471, page 231r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 472, page 231v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 473, page 232r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 474, page 232v) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 475, page 233r) No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 476, page 233v) Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond) (image 477, page v(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond) (image 478, page v(v)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 479, page vi(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 480, page vi(v)) Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond) (image 481, page vii(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond) (image 482, page vii(v)) Original flyleaf stub (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 483, page viii(r)) Original flyleaf stub (watermark Britannia in crowned circles) (image 484, page viii(v)) Original flyleaf (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 485, page ix(r)) Original flyleaf (watermark crowned GR in circle) (image 486, page ix(v)) Modern flyleaf (image 487, page x(r)) Modern flyleaf (image 488, page x(v)) Binder’s note tipped in (image 489, page xi(r)) Binder’s note tipped in (image 490, page xi(v)) Inside lower cover with original binding samples (image 491, page Lower cover inside) Lower cover (image 492, page Lower cover) Spine (image 493, page Spine)

    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Pembroke College Library
    • Classmark: GBR/1058/GRA/1/3
    • Subject(s): Commonplace books
    • Origin Place: Cambridge
    • Date of Creation: c. 1736-c. 1760, with posthumous additions by William Mason c. 1771-c. 1775
    • Language(s): English, Latin, Italian, Old Norse, Russian. Languages listed here are those used in more extensive quotations in this volume; several further languages occur in short quotations, usually of single words with English definitions.
    • Associated Name(s): Mason, William (1724-1797)
    • Extent: iv + 233 + vi. Leaf width c. 205mm, height c. 315mm, with variations. A binder’s note has been tipped in on the inside lower cover.
    • Collation:

      It is difficult to provide a collation for this volume. The binding is very tight and the stitching is not visible. However, since the leaves in the main section of the volume have two watermarks that must logically have been conjugates, one on each side of a sheet, it is possible to reconstruct gatherings by modelling watermark pairings. In 1972 all three volumes of Gray’s Commonplace Book were repaired and rebound by D. C. & Son, and the binder’s note tipped in on the inside lower cover of Volume III notes of Volume III: ‘make-up of gatherings variable. Possible collation: 4 fly leaves wants 1, 14 wants 1, 2-56, 68, 7-236, 244, 25-266, 278, 28-396. Old paste-down 2 wants 2, fly leaves: 3 plus joint’. This suggested collation accords exactly with the arrangement of gatherings indicated by the watermarks, and is likely to be accurate.

    • Material: 1 handmade modern paper flyleaf at front followed by 3 original laid paper flyleaves with chain lines c. 25mm apart and watermark of Britannia in crowned circles. 233 original laid paper leaves with chain lines c. 25mm apart and 2 watermarks: a crowned GR with a wreath in a circle and Pro Patria with no S in the palisade. 5 original laid paper flyleaves at back with chain lines c. 25mm apart and 3 watermarks: Britannia in crowned circles, 10 in crowned diamond, and crowned GR with a wreath in a circle. 1 further handmade modern paper flyleaf at back plus 1 handmade modern paper binder’s note tipped in. Watermarks for each leaf are recorded in the contents.
    • Format: Codex
    • Binding:

      In 1972 all three volumes were repaired and rebound in red morocco with black lettering pieces by D. C. & Son. They are now each sewn on five double cords with a free paper guard round the back of each gathering, handmade paper ends, linen joints, and thread headbands. The binder’s note tipped in on the inside lower cover of Volume III describes the original binding for Volume III as follows: ‘half brown calf, black lettering piece, direct lettering under black label CP/III. Brown paper sides, previous covering of green marbled paper under the brown paper and an earlier covering of red marbled paper and red leather spine and corners under the green marbled paper’. All volumes were originally sewn on five cords with slips laced into the boards and red and white thread headbands. Samples of the original binding of Volume III are pasted onto its inside lower cover.

    • Foliation:

      1 modern flyleaf and 3 original flyleaves at the front, followed by 233 original leaves, then 5 original flyleaves (of which the 4th is a stub) and 1 modern flyleaf at back. A binder’s note has been tipped in on the inside lower cover. None of the volumes have previously been foliated and the new foliation undertaken for this edition is not written into the volumes themselves. Gray paginated (rather than foliated) all three volumes, continuing his pagination from one volume to the next, but he made mistakes and left many pages unpaginated as he did this. Modern pencil pagination has been added to all three volumes, which often seeks to correct Gray’s pagination mistakes and fill in gaps. However, his mistakes were so extensive and consequential that correction efforts usually had to be abandoned. Pagination of all three volumes therefore remains erratic and misleading, and caution is required when looking up page numbers referred to by Gray in cross-references or by later scholars, especially because Gray sometimes used the same page numbers twice. Gray’s pagination is significant nonetheless given its widespread use in scholarly references, and his page numbers are therefore recorded alongside image numbers and folio numbers in the contents.

    • Provenance:

      Bequest by Richard Stonhewer, 1809

    • Author(s) of the Record: Ruth Abbott
    • Bibliography:

    Section shown in images 1 to 1

    • Title: Upper cover

    Section shown in images 2 to 2

    • Title: Inside upper cover

    Section shown in images 3 to 3

    • Title: Modern flyleaf

    Section shown in images 4 to 4

    • Title: Modern flyleaf

    Section shown in images 5 to 5

    • Title: Original flyleaf with Chancery note and Pembroke bookplate (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 6 to 6

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 7 to 7

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 8 to 8

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 9 to 9

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 10 to 10

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 11 to 11

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 12 to 12

    • Title: Book list; notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Title: Notes; book list (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 14 to 14

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 933, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 15 to 15

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 934, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 16 to 16

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 935, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 17 to 17

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 936, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 18 to 18

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 937, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 19 to 19

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 938, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 20 to 20

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 939, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 21 to 21

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 22 to 22

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 23 to 23

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 24 to 24

    • Title: ‘Gothica’ (Gray’s p. 943, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 25 to 25

    • Title: ‘Gothica’ notes (Gray’s p. 944, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 26 to 26

    • Title: ‘Gothica’ (Gray’s p. 945, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 27 to 27

    • Title: ‘Gothica’ notes (Gray’s p. 946, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 28 to 28

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 947, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 29 to 29

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 948, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 30 to 30

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 949, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 31 to 31

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 950, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 32 to 32

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] (Gray’s p. 951, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 33 to 33

    • Title: [‘Ecclesiæ’] notes (Gray’s p. 952, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 34 to 34

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 953, watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 35 to 35

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ notes (Gray’s p. 954, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 36 to 36

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 955, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 37 to 37

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ notes (Gray’s p. 956, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 38 to 38

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 957, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 39 to 39

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ notes (Gray’s p. 958, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 40 to 40

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (Gray’s p. 959, watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 41 to 41

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 42 to 42

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 43 to 43

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 44 to 44

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 45 to 45

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 46 to 46

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 47 to 47

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 48 to 48

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 49 to 49

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 50 to 50

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 51 to 51

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 52 to 52

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 53 to 53

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 54 to 54

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 55 to 55

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 56 to 56

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 57 to 57

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 58 to 58

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 59 to 59

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 60 to 60

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 61 to 61

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 62 to 62

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 63 to 63

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 64 to 64

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 65 to 65

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 66 to 66

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 67 to 67

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 68 to 68

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 69 to 69

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 70 to 70

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 71 to 71

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 72 to 72

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 73 to 73

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 74 to 74

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 75 to 75

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 76 to 76

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 77 to 77

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 78 to 78

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 79 to 79

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 80 to 80

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 81 to 81

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 82 to 82

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 83 to 83

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 84 to 84

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 85 to 85

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 86 to 86

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 87 to 87

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 88 to 88

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 89 to 89

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 90 to 90

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 91 to 91

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 92 to 92

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 93 to 93

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 94 to 94

    • Title: ‘Insignia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 95 to 95

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 96 to 96

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 97 to 97

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 98 to 98

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 99 to 99

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 100 to 100

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 101 to 101

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 102 to 102

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 103 to 103

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 104 to 104

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 105 to 105

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 106 to 106

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 107 to 107

    • Title: Linnaean taxonomy notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 108 to 108

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 109 to 109

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 110 to 110

    • Title: Giulio Raviglio Rosso entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 111 to 111

    • Title: Giulio Raviglio Rosso entry notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 112 to 112

    • Title: Giulio Raviglio Rosso entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 113 to 113

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 114 to 114

    • Title: ‘Arma’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 115 to 115

    • Title: ‘Arma’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 116 to 116

    • Title: ‘Arma’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 117 to 117

    • Title: ‘Arma’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 118 to 118

    • Title: ‘Venetia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 119 to 119

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 120 to 120

    • Title: ‘Venetia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 121 to 121

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 122 to 122

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 123 to 123

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 124 to 124

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 125 to 125

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 126 to 126

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 127 to 127

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 128 to 128

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 129 to 129

    • Title: ‘Gothi’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 130 to 130

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 131 to 131

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 132 to 132

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 133 to 133

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 134 to 134

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 135 to 135

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 136 to 136

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 137 to 137

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 138 to 138

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 139 to 139

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 140 to 140

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 141 to 141

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 142 to 142

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 143 to 143

    • Title: ‘Palatia’ notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 144 to 144

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 145 to 145

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 146 to 146

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 147 to 147

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 148 to 148

    • Title: ‘Carmina’: ‘The Song of the Valkyries’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 149 to 149

    • Title: ‘Carmina’: i) ‘The Song of the Valkyries’, ii) ‘The Triumphs of Owen, a Fragment, from the Welch’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 150 to 150

    • Title: ‘Carmina’: ‘The Descent of Odin’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 151 to 151

    • Title: ‘Carmina’: i) ‘The Descent of Odin’, ii) ‘From Aneurin, Monarch of the Bards, extracted from the Gododin’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 152 to 152

    • Title: [‘Palatia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 153 to 153

    • Title: [‘Palatia’] notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 154 to 154

    • Title: [‘Palatia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 155 to 155

    • Title: [‘Palatia’] notes (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 156 to 156

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 157 to 157

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 158 to 158

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 159 to 159

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 160 to 160

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 161 to 161

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 162 to 162

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 163 to 163

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 164 to 164

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 165 to 165

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 166 to 166

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 167 to 167

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 168 to 168

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 169 to 169

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 170 to 170

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 171 to 171

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 172 to 172

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 173 to 173

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 174 to 174

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 175 to 175

    • Title: [‘Genealogia’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 176 to 176

    • Title: ‘Literæ’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 177 to 177

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 178 to 178

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Fragment of an Ode found amongst Mr Grays papers after his decease and here transcribed from the corrected Copy’ [‘Now the golden Morn aloft’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 179 to 179

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Variations in the first copy’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 180 to 180

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Fragment of an Ode found amongst Mr Grays papers after his decease and here transcribed from the corrected Copy’ [‘Now the golden Morn aloft’] (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 181 to 181

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Variations in the 1st Copy’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 182 to 182

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘A Character’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 183 to 183

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Variations’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 184 to 184

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Fragment of an address or Hymn to Ignorance’ [‘Hail horrors hail! ye ever-gloomy bowers’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 185 to 185

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: [‘Variations’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 186 to 186

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: i) ‘Fragment of an address or Hymn to Ignorance’ [‘Hail horrors hail! ye ever-gloomy bowers’], ii) ‘Song’ [‘Midst Beauty & Pleasures gay triumphs to languish’] (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 187 to 187

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: i) ‘Song’ [‘Thyrsis when we parted swore’], ii) ‘Inscription on a portrait’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 188 to 188

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Stanzas to Mr Bentley’ (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 189 to 189

    • Title: Mason: ‘Carmina’: ‘Epitaph on Sr W P Williams’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 190 to 190

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 191 to 191

    • Title: Mason: ‘Extract from Mr Grays Pocket Books’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 192 to 192

    • Title: Mason: ‘Extract from Mr Grays Pocket Books’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 193 to 193

    • Title: Mason: ‘Extract from Mr Grays Pocket Books’ (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 194 to 194

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 195 to 195

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 196 to 196

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 197 to 197

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 198 to 198

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 199 to 199

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 200 to 200

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 201 to 201

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 202 to 202

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 203 to 203

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 204 to 204

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 205 to 205

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 206 to 206

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 207 to 207

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 208 to 208

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 209 to 209

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 210 to 210

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 211 to 211

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 212 to 212

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 213 to 213

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 214 to 214

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 215 to 215

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 216 to 216

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 217 to 217

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 218 to 218

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 219 to 219

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 220 to 220

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 221 to 221

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 222 to 222

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 223 to 223

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 224 to 224

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 225 to 225

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 226 to 226

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 227 to 227

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 228 to 228

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 229 to 229

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 230 to 230

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 231 to 231

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 232 to 232

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 233 to 233

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 234 to 234

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 235 to 235

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 236 to 236

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 237 to 237

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 238 to 238

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 239 to 239

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 240 to 240

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 241 to 241

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 242 to 242

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 243 to 243

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 244 to 244

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 245 to 245

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 246 to 246

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 247 to 247

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 248 to 248

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 249 to 249

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 250 to 250

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 251 to 251

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 252 to 252

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 253 to 253

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 254 to 254

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 255 to 255

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 256 to 256

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 257 to 257

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 258 to 258

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 259 to 259

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 260 to 260

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 261 to 261

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 262 to 262

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 263 to 263

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 264 to 264

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 265 to 265

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 266 to 266

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 267 to 267

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 268 to 268

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 269 to 269

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 270 to 270

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 271 to 271

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 272 to 272

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 273 to 273

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 274 to 274

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 275 to 275

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 276 to 276

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 277 to 277

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 278 to 278

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 279 to 279

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 280 to 280

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 281 to 281

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 282 to 282

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 283 to 283

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 284 to 284

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 285 to 285

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 286 to 286

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 287 to 287

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 288 to 288

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 289 to 289

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 290 to 290

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 291 to 291

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 292 to 292

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 293 to 293

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 294 to 294

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 295 to 295

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 296 to 296

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 297 to 297

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 298 to 298

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 299 to 299

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 300 to 300

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 301 to 301

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 302 to 302

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 303 to 303

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 304 to 304

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 305 to 305

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 306 to 306

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 307 to 307

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 308 to 308

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 309 to 309

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 310 to 310

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 311 to 311

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 312 to 312

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 313 to 313

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 314 to 314

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 315 to 315

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 316 to 316

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 317 to 317

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 318 to 318

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 319 to 319

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 320 to 320

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 321 to 321

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 322 to 322

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 323 to 323

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 324 to 324

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 325 to 325

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 326 to 326

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 327 to 327

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 328 to 328

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 329 to 329

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 330 to 330

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 331 to 331

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 332 to 332

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 333 to 333

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 334 to 334

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 335 to 335

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 336 to 336

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 337 to 337

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 338 to 338

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 339 to 339

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 340 to 340

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 341 to 341

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 342 to 342

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 343 to 343

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 344 to 344

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 345 to 345

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 346 to 346

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 347 to 347

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 348 to 348

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 349 to 349

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 350 to 350

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 351 to 351

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 352 to 352

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 353 to 353

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 354 to 354

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 355 to 355

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 356 to 356

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 357 to 357

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 358 to 358

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 359 to 359

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 360 to 360

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 361 to 361

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 362 to 362

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 363 to 363

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 364 to 364

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 365 to 365

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 366 to 366

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 367 to 367

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 368 to 368

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 369 to 369

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 370 to 370

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 371 to 371

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 372 to 372

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 373 to 373

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 374 to 374

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 375 to 375

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 376 to 376

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 377 to 377

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 378 to 378

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 379 to 379

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 380 to 380

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 381 to 381

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 382 to 382

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 383 to 383

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 384 to 384

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 385 to 385

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 386 to 386

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 387 to 387

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 388 to 388

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 389 to 389

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 390 to 390

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 391 to 391

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 392 to 392

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 393 to 393

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 394 to 394

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 395 to 395

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 396 to 396

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 397 to 397

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 398 to 398

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 399 to 399

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 400 to 400

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 401 to 401

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 402 to 402

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 403 to 403

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 404 to 404

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 405 to 405

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 406 to 406

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 407 to 407

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 408 to 408

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 409 to 409

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 410 to 410

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 411 to 411

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 412 to 412

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 413 to 413

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 414 to 414

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 415 to 415

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 416 to 416

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 417 to 417

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 418 to 418

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 419 to 419

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 420 to 420

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 421 to 421

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 422 to 422

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 423 to 423

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 424 to 424

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 425 to 425

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 426 to 426

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 427 to 427

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 428 to 428

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 429 to 429

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 430 to 430

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 431 to 431

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 432 to 432

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 433 to 433

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 434 to 434

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 435 to 435

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 436 to 436

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 437 to 437

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 438 to 438

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 439 to 439

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 440 to 440

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 441 to 441

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 442 to 442

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 443 to 443

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 444 to 444

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 445 to 445

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 446 to 446

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 447 to 447

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 448 to 448

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 449 to 449

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 450 to 450

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 451 to 451

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 452 to 452

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 453 to 453

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 454 to 454

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 455 to 455

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 456 to 456

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 457 to 457

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 458 to 458

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 459 to 459

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 460 to 460

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 461 to 461

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 462 to 462

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 463 to 463

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 464 to 464

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 465 to 465

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 466 to 466

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 467 to 467

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 468 to 468

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 469 to 469

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 470 to 470

    • Title: No entry (watermark Pro Patria with no S in palisade)

    Section shown in images 471 to 471

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 472 to 472

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 473 to 473

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 474 to 474

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 475 to 475

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 476 to 476

    • Title: No entry (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 477 to 477

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond)

    Section shown in images 478 to 478

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond)

    Section shown in images 479 to 479

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 480 to 480

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 481 to 481

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond)

    Section shown in images 482 to 482

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark 10 in crowned diamond)

    Section shown in images 483 to 483

    • Title: Original flyleaf stub (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 484 to 484

    • Title: Original flyleaf stub (watermark Britannia in crowned circles)

    Section shown in images 485 to 485

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 486 to 486

    • Title: Original flyleaf (watermark crowned GR in circle)

    Section shown in images 487 to 487

    • Title: Modern flyleaf

    Section shown in images 488 to 488

    • Title: Modern flyleaf

    Section shown in images 489 to 489

    • Title: Binder’s note tipped in

    Section shown in images 490 to 490

    • Title: Binder’s note tipped in

    Section shown in images 491 to 491

    • Title: Inside lower cover with original binding samples

    Section shown in images 492 to 492

    • Title: Lower cover

    Section shown in images 493 to 493

    • Title: Spine


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