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Islamic Manuscripts : A hand-list of the Muḥammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library...

Cambridge University Library, Browne, Edward Granville 1862-1926

Islamic Manuscripts

Page: 194-195

A hand-list of the Muḥammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library... (A233.34.1)

Information about this document

Section shown in images 13 to 148

  • Title: Part I. Titled manuscripts arranged in alphabetical order

Section shown in images 108 to 127

  • Title: m

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Table of contents (image 6, page iv-v) Preface (image 7, page vi-vii) Addenda and Corrigenda (image 13, page 1) Part I. Titled manuscripts arranged in alphabetical order (image 13, page 1)     Alif (image 13, page 1)     B, p (image 22, page 18-19)     T, th (image 25, page 24-25)     J, h, kh (image 40, page 54-55)     D, dh (image 47, page 68-69)     R, z (image 54, page 82-83)     s- sh, ṣ-ḍ, ṭ-ẓ (image 60, page 94-95)     ẚin-gh, f-gh (image 72, page 118-119)     gh (image 82, page 138-139)     k-g (image 92, page 158-159)     l (image 105, page 184-185)     m (image 108, page 190-191)     n (image 128, page 230-231)     v, h, y (image 134, page 242-243)     Supplementary list of titled manuscripts Alif-h (image 138, page 250-251) Part II. Untitled manuscripts arranged in order of subject (image 149, page 272-273)     I. Jewish and Christian [...] (image 150, page 274-275)     II. Muhammadan Theology (image 155, page 284-285)     III. History and biography (image 163, page 300-301)     IV. Geography and Topography (image 164, page 302-303)     V. Science (image 165, page 304-305)     VI. Fermans, letters, [...] (image 174, page 322-323)     VII. Poetry and Anthologies (image 175, page 324-325)     VIII. Stories, Anectdotes, Fables (image 178, page 330-331)     IX. Miscellanies (image 181, page 336-337)     X. Collection of letters, [...] (image 183, page 340-341) Part III. Class-mark of all manuscripts described in this handlist arranged consecutively (image 194, page 362-363)     Classmarks (image 195, page 364-365)     Classmark of additions not described in the handlist (image 211, page 396-397) Index (image 213, page 400-401)     a-c (image 213, page 400-401)     d-h (image 218, page 410-411)     i-l (image 221, page 416-417)     m-o (image 223, page 420-421)     p-s (image 227, page 428-429)     t-z (image 230, page 434-435)

    Information about this document

    Section shown in images 6 to 6

    • Title: Table of contents

    Section shown in images 7 to 12

    • Title: Preface

    Section shown in images 13 to 13

    • Title: Addenda and Corrigenda

    Section shown in images 13 to 148

    • Title: Part I. Titled manuscripts arranged in alphabetical order

    Section shown in images 13 to 21

    • Title: Alif

    Section shown in images 22 to 24

    • Title: B, p

    Section shown in images 25 to 39

    • Title: T, th

    Section shown in images 40 to 46

    • Title: J, h, kh

    Section shown in images 47 to 53

    • Title: D, dh

    Section shown in images 54 to 59

    • Title: R, z

    Section shown in images 60 to 71

    • Title: s- sh, ṣ-ḍ, ṭ-ẓ

    Section shown in images 72 to 81

    • Title: ẚin-gh, f-gh

    Section shown in images 82 to 91

    • Title: gh

    Section shown in images 92 to 104

    • Title: k-g

    Section shown in images 105 to 107

    • Title: l

    Section shown in images 108 to 127

    • Title: m

    Section shown in images 128 to 133

    • Title: n

    Section shown in images 134 to 137

    • Title: v, h, y

    Section shown in images 138 to 148

    • Title: Supplementary list of titled manuscripts Alif-h

    Section shown in images 149 to 193

    • Title: Part II. Untitled manuscripts arranged in order of subject

    Section shown in images 150 to 155

    • Title: I. Jewish and Christian [...]

    Section shown in images 155 to 163

    • Title: II. Muhammadan Theology

    Section shown in images 163 to 164

    • Title: III. History and biography

    Section shown in images 164 to 165

    • Title: IV. Geography and Topography

    Section shown in images 165 to 174

    • Title: V. Science

    Section shown in images 174 to 175

    • Title: VI. Fermans, letters, [...]

    Section shown in images 175 to 178

    • Title: VII. Poetry and Anthologies

    Section shown in images 178 to 181

    • Title: VIII. Stories, Anectdotes, Fables

    Section shown in images 181 to 183

    • Title: IX. Miscellanies

    Section shown in images 183 to 193

    • Title: X. Collection of letters, [...]

    Section shown in images 194 to 213

    • Title: Part III. Class-mark of all manuscripts described in this handlist arranged consecutively

    Section shown in images 195 to 211

    • Title: Classmarks

    Section shown in images 211 to 213

    • Title: Classmark of additions not described in the handlist

    Section shown in images 213 to 233

    • Title: Index

    Section shown in images 213 to 218

    • Title: a-c

    Section shown in images 218 to 221

    • Title: d-h

    Section shown in images 221 to 223

    • Title: i-l

    Section shown in images 223 to 227

    • Title: m-o

    Section shown in images 227 to 230

    • Title: p-s

    Section shown in images 230 to 233

    • Title: t-z


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