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Islamic Manuscripts : A supplementary hand-list of the Muḥammadan manuscripts including all those written in the Arabic character

Browne, Edward Granville 1862-1926, Cambridge University Library

Islamic Manuscripts

Page: 30-31

A supplementary hand-list of the Muḥammadan manuscripts including all those written in the Arabic character (A233.34.2)

Information about this document

Section shown in images 9 to 123

  • Title: Part I. Titled manuscripts in alphabetical order

Section shown in images 21 to 28

  • Title: B, p

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    Information about this document

    Section shown in images 6 to 8

    • Title: Preface

    Section shown in images 9 to 123

    • Title: Part I. Titled manuscripts in alphabetical order

    Section shown in images 10 to 21

    • Title: Alif

    Section shown in images 21 to 28

    • Title: B, p

    Section shown in images 28 to 39

    • Title: T, th

    Section shown in images 39 to 48

    • Title: J, h, kh

    Section shown in images 48 to 61

    • Title: D, dh

    Section shown in images 61 to 70

    • Title: R, z

    Section shown in images 70 to 78

    • Title: s- sh, ṣ-ḍ, ṭ-ẓ

    Section shown in images 78 to 91

    • Title: ẚin-gh, f-gh

    Section shown in images 91 to 101

    • Title: k-g-l

    Section shown in images 101 to 119

    • Title: m-n

    Section shown in images 119 to 123

    • Title: v, h, y

    Section shown in images 123 to 142

    • Title: Part II. Untitled manuscripts arranged in order of subject

    Section shown in images 143 to 171

    • Title: Part III. Class-marks of all manuscripts described in this handlist arranged consecutively

    Section shown in images 144 to 153

    • Title: Manuscripts of the University Library

    Section shown in images 154 to 171

    • Title: Manuscripts of the College Libraries

    Section shown in images 171 to 171

    • Title: Most recent acquisitions

    Section shown in images 172 to 183

    • Title: Index

    Section shown in images 172 to 174

    • Title: a-c

    Section shown in images 174 to 176

    • Title: d-h

    Section shown in images 176 to 177

    • Title: i-l

    Section shown in images 177 to 180

    • Title: m-o

    Section shown in images 180 to 181

    • Title: p-s

    Section shown in images 181 to 183

    • Title: t-z


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