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Islamic Manuscripts : A catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the library of the University of Cambridge

Cambridge University Library, Browne, Edward Granville 1862-1926

Islamic Manuscripts

Page: 176-177

A catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the library of the University of Cambridge (A233.40)

Information about this document

Section shown in images 103 to 111

  • Title: History of the Timurids

Section shown in images 111 to 116

  • Title: Local histories of India

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Title (image 4, page ii-iii) Table of contents (image 5, page iv-v) Introduction (image 7, page viii-ix) Addenda (image 20, page xxxiv-xxxv) Gospels and Christian Theology (image 23, page xl-1) Islamo-Christian controversy (image 26, page 6-7) Qur`an and commentaries (image 29, page 12-13) Muhammadan traditions, law, theologyðics (image 46, page 46-47) Ismaili doctrine (image 57, page 68-69) Sufiism (image 66, page 86-87) Zoroastrianism (image 68, page 90-91) Hinduism (image 69, page 92-93) General history (image 72, page 98-99) History of creeds & sects (image 83, page 120-121) History of Imams (image 84, page 122-123) History of Timur (image 94, page 142-143) History of the Safavids (LXXI-LXXV) (image 95, page 144-145) History of Nadir Shah (image 98, page 150-151) History of the Afghans (image 99, page 152-153) General history of India (image 100, page 154-155) Sultans of Dihli (image 102, page 158-159) History of the Timurids (image 103, page 160-161) Local histories of India (image 111, page 176-177) Biographies and travels (image 116, page 186-187) Letters, official papers, etc. (image 120, page 194-195) Cosmography (image 123, page 200-201) Ethics (image 125, page 204-205) Cosmography (image 127, page 208-209) Medicine (image 128, page 210-211) Farriery (image 129, page 212-213) Geometry, Geomancy, and Magic (image 130, page 214-215) Science of swords. Phisiognomy (image 134, page 222-223) Agriculture (image 136, page 226-227) Lexicography. Persian dictionaries (image 136, page 226-227) Lexicography. Arabic-Persian dictionaries (image 141, page 236-237) Lexicography. Persian-Turkish dictionaries (CLXI-CLXIV) (image 144, page 242-243) Lexicography. Persian-Latin dictionaries (image 147, page 248-249) Lexicography. Persian-Hindustani dictionaries (image 148, page 250-251) Lexicography. Miscellaneous (image 148, page 250-251) Arabic grammar (image 151, page 256-257) Prosody and rhetoric (image 155, page 264-265) Epistolary models, etc. (image 160, page 274-275) Calligraphy, etc. (image 165, page 284-285) Poetry. Firdawsi (image 166, page 286-287) Poetry. Omar Khayyam. (image 169, page 292-293) Poetry. Sana`i (image 170, page 294-295) Poetry. Anvari (image 172, page 298-299) Poetry. Khaqani (image 173, page 300-301) Poetry. Zahir-I Faryabi (image 174, page 302-303) Poetry. Nizami (image 174, page 302-303) Poetry. Faridu (image 178, page 310-311) Poetry. Jalalu (image 179, page 312-313) Poetry. Sa`di (image 186, page 326-327) Poetry. Mahmud Shabistari (image 193, page 340-341) Poetry. Amir Khusraw of Dilhi (image 193, page 340-341) Poetry. Assar of Tabriz (image 195, page 344-345) Poetry. Hafiz (image 196, page 346-347) Poetry. Maghribi (image 198, page 350-351) Poetry. Shahi of Sabzawar (image 199, page 352-353) Poetry. Jami (image 200, page 354-355) Poetry. Hatifi (image 203, page 360-361) Poetry. `Arifi and Hilali (image 205, page 364-365) Poetry. Rahai (image 207, page 368-369) Poetry. Akbari (image 207, page 368-369) Poetry. Fahmi (image 208, page 370-371) Poetry`Urfi (image 208, page 370-371) Poetry. Feydi (image 209, page 372-373) Poetry. Abu Turab (image 210, page 374-375) Poetry. Qudsi (image 211, page 376-377) Poetry. Salim (image 212, page 378-379) Poetry. Masih (image 212, page 378-379) Poetry. Sa`ib (image 213, page 380-381) Poetry. Sani (image 214, page 382-383) Poetry. Tajalla (image 215, page 384-385) Poetry. Ghulam Rida (image 215, page 384-385) Poetry. Khaqan (image 216, page 386-387) Anthologies (image 217, page 388-389) Stories and proverbs (image 219, page 392-393) Manuscripts of mixed contents (image 225, page 404-405) Recent acquisitions (image 230, page 414-415) Manuscript hithero unclassed (image 235, page 424-425) Index of titles (image 236, page 426-427) Index of names (image 241, page 436-437) Numerical index (image 254, page 462-463) Corrigenda (image 259, page 472-473)

    Information about this document

    Section shown in images 4 to 4

    • Title: Title

    Section shown in images 5 to 6

    • Title: Table of contents

    Section shown in images 7 to 19

    • Title: Introduction

    Section shown in images 20 to 23

    • Title: Addenda

    Section shown in images 23 to 26

    • Title: Gospels and Christian Theology

    Section shown in images 26 to 29

    • Title: Islamo-Christian controversy

    Section shown in images 29 to 46

    • Title: Qur`an and commentaries

    Section shown in images 46 to 57

    • Title: Muhammadan traditions, law, theologyðics

    Section shown in images 57 to 66

    • Title: Ismaili doctrine

    Section shown in images 66 to 68

    • Title: Sufiism

    Section shown in images 68 to 69

    • Title: Zoroastrianism

    Section shown in images 69 to 72

    • Title: Hinduism

    Section shown in images 72 to 83

    • Title: General history

    Section shown in images 83 to 84

    • Title: History of creeds & sects

    Section shown in images 84 to 94

    • Title: History of Imams

    Section shown in images 94 to 95

    • Title: History of Timur

    Section shown in images 95 to 98

    • Title: History of the Safavids (LXXI-LXXV)

    Section shown in images 98 to 99

    • Title: History of Nadir Shah

    Section shown in images 99 to 100

    • Title: History of the Afghans

    Section shown in images 100 to 102

    • Title: General history of India

    Section shown in images 102 to 103

    • Title: Sultans of Dihli

    Section shown in images 103 to 111

    • Title: History of the Timurids

    Section shown in images 111 to 116

    • Title: Local histories of India

    Section shown in images 116 to 120

    • Title: Biographies and travels

    Section shown in images 120 to 123

    • Title: Letters, official papers, etc.

    Section shown in images 123 to 125

    • Title: Cosmography

    Section shown in images 125 to 127

    • Title: Ethics

    Section shown in images 127 to 128

    • Title: Cosmography

    Section shown in images 128 to 129

    • Title: Medicine

    Section shown in images 129 to 130

    • Title: Farriery

    Section shown in images 130 to 134

    • Title: Geometry, Geomancy, and Magic

    Section shown in images 134 to 136

    • Title: Science of swords. Phisiognomy

    Section shown in images 136 to 136

    • Title: Agriculture

    Section shown in images 136 to 141

    • Title: Lexicography. Persian dictionaries

    Section shown in images 141 to 144

    • Title: Lexicography. Arabic-Persian dictionaries

    Section shown in images 144 to 147

    • Title: Lexicography. Persian-Turkish dictionaries (CLXI-CLXIV)

    Section shown in images 147 to 148

    • Title: Lexicography. Persian-Latin dictionaries

    Section shown in images 148 to 148

    • Title: Lexicography. Persian-Hindustani dictionaries

    Section shown in images 148 to 151

    • Title: Lexicography. Miscellaneous

    Section shown in images 151 to 155

    • Title: Arabic grammar

    Section shown in images 155 to 160

    • Title: Prosody and rhetoric

    Section shown in images 160 to 165

    • Title: Epistolary models, etc.

    Section shown in images 165 to 166

    • Title: Calligraphy, etc.

    Section shown in images 166 to 169

    • Title: Poetry. Firdawsi

    Section shown in images 169 to 170

    • Title: Poetry. Omar Khayyam.

    Section shown in images 170 to 172

    • Title: Poetry. Sana`i

    Section shown in images 172 to 173

    • Title: Poetry. Anvari

    Section shown in images 173 to 174

    • Title: Poetry. Khaqani

    Section shown in images 174 to 174

    • Title: Poetry. Zahir-I Faryabi

    Section shown in images 174 to 178

    • Title: Poetry. Nizami

    Section shown in images 178 to 179

    • Title: Poetry. Faridu

    Section shown in images 179 to 186

    • Title: Poetry. Jalalu

    Section shown in images 186 to 193

    • Title: Poetry. Sa`di

    Section shown in images 193 to 193

    • Title: Poetry. Mahmud Shabistari

    Section shown in images 193 to 195

    • Title: Poetry. Amir Khusraw of Dilhi

    Section shown in images 195 to 196

    • Title: Poetry. Assar of Tabriz

    Section shown in images 196 to 198

    • Title: Poetry. Hafiz

    Section shown in images 198 to 199

    • Title: Poetry. Maghribi

    Section shown in images 199 to 200

    • Title: Poetry. Shahi of Sabzawar

    Section shown in images 200 to 203

    • Title: Poetry. Jami

    Section shown in images 203 to 205

    • Title: Poetry. Hatifi

    Section shown in images 205 to 207

    • Title: Poetry. `Arifi and Hilali

    Section shown in images 207 to 207

    • Title: Poetry. Rahai

    Section shown in images 207 to 208

    • Title: Poetry. Akbari

    Section shown in images 208 to 208

    • Title: Poetry. Fahmi

    Section shown in images 208 to 209

    • Title: Poetry`Urfi

    Section shown in images 209 to 210

    • Title: Poetry. Feydi

    Section shown in images 210 to 211

    • Title: Poetry. Abu Turab

    Section shown in images 211 to 212

    • Title: Poetry. Qudsi

    Section shown in images 212 to 212

    • Title: Poetry. Salim

    Section shown in images 212 to 213

    • Title: Poetry. Masih

    Section shown in images 213 to 214

    • Title: Poetry. Sa`ib

    Section shown in images 214 to 215

    • Title: Poetry. Sani

    Section shown in images 215 to 215

    • Title: Poetry. Tajalla

    Section shown in images 215 to 216

    • Title: Poetry. Ghulam Rida

    Section shown in images 216 to 217

    • Title: Poetry. Khaqan

    Section shown in images 217 to 219

    • Title: Anthologies

    Section shown in images 219 to 225

    • Title: Stories and proverbs

    Section shown in images 225 to 230

    • Title: Manuscripts of mixed contents

    Section shown in images 230 to 235

    • Title: Recent acquisitions

    Section shown in images 235 to 235

    • Title: Manuscript hithero unclassed

    Section shown in images 236 to 240

    • Title: Index of titles

    Section shown in images 241 to 253

    • Title: Index of names

    Section shown in images 254 to 258

    • Title: Numerical index

    Section shown in images 259 to 259

    • Title: Corrigenda


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