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Maps : A new plan of the University and town of Cambridge to the present year 1798


<p style='text-align: justify;'><b>Cambridge, William Custance, 1798.</b></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>William Custance was a builder, land agent, surveyor and enclosure commissioner who by 1801 was living in Chesterton and was employed by many Cambridge colleges to compile maps and provide surveys and valuations of them.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>His map gives a very clear picture of Cambridge just before the major changes that were to take place in the early part of the nineteenth century. Although the outline of the city had changed little, further intensification of building can be seen – especially in the centre of the town where virtually all open land has now been built on.</p>

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A new plan of the University and town of Cambridge to the present year 1798 (

Cambridge, William Custance, 1798.

William Custance was a builder, land agent, surveyor and enclosure commissioner who by 1801 was living in Chesterton and was employed by many Cambridge colleges to compile maps and provide surveys and valuations of them.

His map gives a very clear picture of Cambridge just before the major changes that were to take place in the early part of the nineteenth century. Although the outline of the city had changed little, further intensification of building can be seen – especially in the centre of the town where virtually all open land has now been built on.

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