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Queens' College : Artes rhetoricae

Queens' College

<p style='text-align: justify;'>This manuscript on paper is one of the two manuscripts in Greek of Queens' College, Cambridge. It contains a late 15th- or early 16th-century collection of the <i><i>Artes rhetoricae</i></i> and rhetorical treatises by or attributed to Demetrius Phalereus (c. 350-283 BCE), Dionysius of Halicarnassus (c. 60 - after 7 BCE), Alexander of Ephesus, son of Numenius, called Lychnos (2nd cent. CE), Menander Rhetor of Laodicea (3rd cent. CE), Apsines of Gadara (3rd cent. CE), Pseudo-Aelius Aristides, and Phoebammon (5th-6th cent. CE ?). The copying of Menander's second treatise ends incompletely where another manuscript, <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, grec 1741</a>, also ends, and it has been proposed that the entire manuscript is actually a copy of the Paris manuscript. The texts are in <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>the collection <i>Rhetores Graeci</i></a> printed in Venice by Aldus Manutius in 1508.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The first part of the codex is written by Nikolaos (RGK I 330), a scribe who also copied <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Cambridge, University Library, MS Nn.1.24</a> and <a target='_blank' class='externalLink' href=''>Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, MS 76/43</a> (ff. 35r-66v). The second part, by another copyist, continues and completes the first part.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>It was bequeathed to Queens' College by Thomas Church who was the tutor of the previous owner, Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon (1535-1595).</p>

Page: [1]r

Artes rhetoricae (Cambridge, Queens' College, MS 33)

This manuscript on paper is one of the two manuscripts in Greek of Queens' College, Cambridge. It contains a late 15th- or early 16th-century collection of the Artes rhetoricae and rhetorical treatises by or attributed to Demetrius Phalereus (c. 350-283 BCE), Dionysius of Halicarnassus (c. 60 - after 7 BCE), Alexander of Ephesus, son of Numenius, called Lychnos (2nd cent. CE), Menander Rhetor of Laodicea (3rd cent. CE), Apsines of Gadara (3rd cent. CE), Pseudo-Aelius Aristides, and Phoebammon (5th-6th cent. CE ?). The copying of Menander's second treatise ends incompletely where another manuscript, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, grec 1741, also ends, and it has been proposed that the entire manuscript is actually a copy of the Paris manuscript. The texts are in the collection Rhetores Graeci printed in Venice by Aldus Manutius in 1508.

The first part of the codex is written by Nikolaos (RGK I 330), a scribe who also copied Cambridge, University Library, MS Nn.1.24 and Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, MS 76/43 (ff. 35r-66v). The second part, by another copyist, continues and completes the first part.

It was bequeathed to Queens' College by Thomas Church who was the tutor of the previous owner, Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon (1535-1595).

Information about this document

  • Physical Location: Queens' College Library
  • Classmark: Cambridge, Queens' College, MS 33
  • Alternative Identifier(s): 11896
  • Scribe(s): Nikolaos
  • Date of Creation: end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th
  • Language(s): Greek with few notes in Latin
  • Donor(s): Church, Thomas
  • Extent: Codex 4 + 177 + 3. Leaf height: 345 mm, width: 250 mm.
  • Collation:

    The manuscript consists of 21 quires:

    Vertical catchwords in the hand of the second scribe, placed continuously with the last line; the first word is written horizontally, the second vertically reading from top to bottom: quires 16-19, ff. [148]v, [156]v, [164]v, [172]v. Bifolium signatures by the first hand on quires 2-15, in Greek numerals on each bifolio, recto, bottom right, from α to ιδ, followed by β, γ, δ and ε. Some have never been executed: γε, δβ, δε, εγ, εε, θδ, ιαγ, ιββ. Quires written by the second hand (16-20) numbered in Greek numerals in pencil from ιε to ιθ, on the first folio of each quire, recto, lower corner right.
  • Material: ff. [1]r-177v Western paper, folded in folio. Watermarks: Crossbow ( Watermark height: 48 mm, width: 48 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Sosower, Arbalète 3, dated the beginning of the 16th century; Arrows ( Watermark height: 50 mm, width: 25 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Sosower, Flèche 1 but smaller;Mountains ( Watermark height: 68 mm, width: 40 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Harlfinger, Monts 90, dated the beginning of the 16th century; Anchor ( Watermark height: 45 mm, width: 45 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Sosower, Ancre 4, dated the beginning of the 16th century.
  • Format: Codex
  • Condition: In fair condition, occasional stains throughout the manuscript; the corners of the book block are rounded.
  • Binding:

    Limp vellum binding with tackets and no boards or pastedowns.

    Binding height: 345 mm, width: 253 mm, depth: 55 mm.

  • Accompanying Material:

    A slip of paper (69 x 36 mm) is preserved between ff. 100v and 101r. The title of the manuscript is on the recto: "Τέχναι sive de Arte Rhetorica libri XVI century".

  • Script:
    ff. [1]r-[140]v

    The manuscript is written by the scribe Nikolaos (RGK I 330) in a minuscule vertical or slightly slanted to the right, with modest variation in letter size.

    Syllabic abbreviations and superscript word endings usually appear only at the end of lines, but occasionally elsewhere. Breathings are courved and joined to accents; mute iota is present but not always used. Accents are often joined to alpha, upsilon and omega.

    Nikolaos' handwriting is characterized by the beta with long vertical stroke, pi in 'omega-like' shape, under a long and often curved horizontal stroke, rho straight or slightly curved to the left, enlarged lunate sigma.

    The ligatures are frequently traced from below. Ligatures with rho are drawn up, traced in a single line and often with small closed loops.

    Punctuation used includes the middle and upper point, lower comma and full stop.

    ff. 141r-177r

    The second part of the manuscript is written by Hand B in a scribal mixed minuscule script, upright or slanting slightly to the right, in brown ink. There is only moderate variation in letter size.

    Syllabic abbreviations and superscription usually appear only at the ends of lines. Breathings are round and mute iota is present.

    Empty space is left for titles, decorations and rubricated letter never executed. Punctuation used includes the middle and upper point, middle and lower comma (rarely), and full stop.

  • Foliation:

    [i-iv] + [1-10], 11, [12-20], 21, [22-30], 31, [32-40], 41, [52-50], 51, [52-60], 61, [62-70], 71, [72-80], 81, [82-90], 91, [92-100], 101, [102-110], 111, [112-120], 121, [122-130], 131, [132-140], 141, [142-148], 149, [150-156], 157, [158-164], 165, [166-172], 173, [174-176], 177 + [v-vii]

    The first folio of quires 2-20, and the last folio of quire 20 are foliated in brown ink in Arabic numerals in the upper right-hand corner, recto.

    Folio [100a] is a slip of paper inserted between ff. [100]v and [101]r

  • Layout: ff. [1]r-177r: Written height: 220-230 mm, width: 135 mm. The text is arranged by both copyists in 30 lines. The final part of the texts is shaped cul-de-lampe.
  • Decoration: Headpieces are drawn in red ink at the beginning of some works: ff. [1]r, [36]r, [60]r, [76]v.
    Several red-ink major initials mark the start of works or sections of texts copied by Nikolaos. The more elaborated ones are on ff. [1]r, [2]r, [3]v, [10]v, [18]r, [28]v, [36]r, [43]r, [45]v, [47]r, [48]v, 51v, [60r], [66]v, [76]v, [117]r, [136]r
  • Additions:

    Notes on the contents of the manuscript on f. [i] verso.

    Bookplate with coat of arms of Queens' College (dated 1700), glued on f. [1]r.

    Readers' notes on ff. 71r, [115]r, [116]v, [117]r, [151]r.

    Variant readings on ff. [103]v, [104]v.

    Chapter titles in Apsines' treatise (e.g. ff. [151]r, [152]v, [155]v) added from Aldus Manutius' edition (1508)

  • Provenance:

    The manuscript was owned by Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon (1535-1595); his name and the year 1585 remain on f. [1]r. Huntingdon gave the manuscript to his tutor Thomas Church. It did not belong to the collection of 102 books donated by Huntingdon to Queens' College (all these books are bound with his armorial stamp and motto, “honorantes me honorabo”).

  • Origin: The scribe of the first part of the manuscript, Nikolaos, was active in Venice and Padua between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th. The second part of the manuscript can be dated shortly after the first.
  • Acquisition: Thomas Church left the manuscript to the Queens' College at his death, in 1606. He wrote on the inside of the left cover: "Tho: Church moriens legavit".
  • Funding: The Polonsky Foundation
  • Data Source(s): Description (2019) draws on M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the western manuscripts in the library of Queen's College, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1905, pp. 24-25.
  • Author(s) of the Record: Matteo Di Franco
  • Bibliography:
    James, M. R. (ed.), A descriptive catalogue of the western manuscripts in the library of Queen's College, Cambridge / described by Montague Rhodes James. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1905).
    Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, "Specimen eines Repertoriums der griechischen Kopisten", Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 27 293-322 (1978).
    Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600. I. Grossbritannien, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik Bd. 3 (Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981).
    Chiron, Pierre (ed.), Du style / Démétrios (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1993).
    Patillon, Michel (ed.), Arts rhétoriques / Pseudo-Aelius Aristide (Paris: Belles lettres, 2002) 1.
    Woerther, Frédérique and Hossein Khonsari, "L'application des programmes de reconstruction phylogénétique sur ordinateur à l'étude de la traduction manuscrite d'un texte: l'exemple du chapitre XI de l'Ars Rhetorica du Pseudo-Denys d'Halicarnasse", Revue d'histoire des textes 227-240 (2003).
    Hernández Muñoz, Felipe G., "The Logos Basilikós text of Menander Rhetor", Revue d'Histoire des Textes 8 371-385 (2013).
    Martínez Manzano, Teresa, "Creta y el itinerario de los textos griegos hacia Occidente. El caso de los manuscritos de Matteo Dandolo", Scripta 7 159-184 (2014).
    Martínez Manzano, T., "Creta y el itinerario de los textos griegos hacia Occidente. El caso de los manuscritos de Matteo Dandolo", Scripta 7 159-184 (2014).
    Hernández Muñoz, Felipe G., "Alejandro Rétor, De materiis rhetoricis: nueva edición crítica", in Manuscritos griegos en España y su contexto europeo: Greek Manuscripts in Spain and their European Context (Madrid: Dykinson, 2016) 143-158.
    Muruzábal Rodríguez, Beatriz, "Para una nueva edición crítica de Menandro Rétor", in Manuscritos griegos en España y su contexto europeo: Greek Manuscripts in Spain and their European Context (Madrid: Dykinson, 2016) 279-292.

Section shown in images 11 to 80

  • Title: Art of Rhetoric
  • Alternative Title(s): Ars rhetorica
  • Note(s): Attributed to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (c. 60 - after 7 BCE); TLG 0081.016
  • Excerpts:
    Rubric: f. [1]r Διονισίου Ἁλικαρνασέως(!) τέχνη περὶ τῶν πανηγυρικῶν
    Incipit: f. [1]r Πανηγύρεις εὕρημα μὲν καὶ δῶρον θεῶν εἰς ἀνάπαυσιν τῶν περὶ τὸν βίον
    Explicit: f. [35]v τὸ ποικίλως. οὗτος ὁ περὶ τῶν λόγων ἐξετάσεως λόγος

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    Information about this document

    • Physical Location: Queens' College Library
    • Classmark: Cambridge, Queens' College, MS 33
    • Alternative Identifier(s): 11896
    • Scribe(s): Nikolaos
    • Date of Creation: end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th
    • Language(s): Greek with few notes in Latin
    • Donor(s): Church, Thomas
    • Extent: Codex 4 + 177 + 3. Leaf height: 345 mm, width: 250 mm.
    • Collation:

      The manuscript consists of 21 quires:

      Vertical catchwords in the hand of the second scribe, placed continuously with the last line; the first word is written horizontally, the second vertically reading from top to bottom: quires 16-19, ff. [148]v, [156]v, [164]v, [172]v. Bifolium signatures by the first hand on quires 2-15, in Greek numerals on each bifolio, recto, bottom right, from α to ιδ, followed by β, γ, δ and ε. Some have never been executed: γε, δβ, δε, εγ, εε, θδ, ιαγ, ιββ. Quires written by the second hand (16-20) numbered in Greek numerals in pencil from ιε to ιθ, on the first folio of each quire, recto, lower corner right.
    • Material: ff. [1]r-177v Western paper, folded in folio. Watermarks: Crossbow ( Watermark height: 48 mm, width: 48 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Sosower, Arbalète 3, dated the beginning of the 16th century; Arrows ( Watermark height: 50 mm, width: 25 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Sosower, Flèche 1 but smaller;Mountains ( Watermark height: 68 mm, width: 40 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Harlfinger, Monts 90, dated the beginning of the 16th century; Anchor ( Watermark height: 45 mm, width: 45 mm. ) middle of the folio, on a chainline comparable to Sosower, Ancre 4, dated the beginning of the 16th century.
    • Format: Codex
    • Condition: In fair condition, occasional stains throughout the manuscript; the corners of the book block are rounded.
    • Binding:

      Limp vellum binding with tackets and no boards or pastedowns.

      Binding height: 345 mm, width: 253 mm, depth: 55 mm.

    • Accompanying Material:

      A slip of paper (69 x 36 mm) is preserved between ff. 100v and 101r. The title of the manuscript is on the recto: "Τέχναι sive de Arte Rhetorica libri XVI century".

    • Script:
      ff. [1]r-[140]v

      The manuscript is written by the scribe Nikolaos (RGK I 330) in a minuscule vertical or slightly slanted to the right, with modest variation in letter size.

      Syllabic abbreviations and superscript word endings usually appear only at the end of lines, but occasionally elsewhere. Breathings are courved and joined to accents; mute iota is present but not always used. Accents are often joined to alpha, upsilon and omega.

      Nikolaos' handwriting is characterized by the beta with long vertical stroke, pi in 'omega-like' shape, under a long and often curved horizontal stroke, rho straight or slightly curved to the left, enlarged lunate sigma.

      The ligatures are frequently traced from below. Ligatures with rho are drawn up, traced in a single line and often with small closed loops.

      Punctuation used includes the middle and upper point, lower comma and full stop.

      ff. 141r-177r

      The second part of the manuscript is written by Hand B in a scribal mixed minuscule script, upright or slanting slightly to the right, in brown ink. There is only moderate variation in letter size.

      Syllabic abbreviations and superscription usually appear only at the ends of lines. Breathings are round and mute iota is present.

      Empty space is left for titles, decorations and rubricated letter never executed. Punctuation used includes the middle and upper point, middle and lower comma (rarely), and full stop.

    • Foliation:

      [i-iv] + [1-10], 11, [12-20], 21, [22-30], 31, [32-40], 41, [52-50], 51, [52-60], 61, [62-70], 71, [72-80], 81, [82-90], 91, [92-100], 101, [102-110], 111, [112-120], 121, [122-130], 131, [132-140], 141, [142-148], 149, [150-156], 157, [158-164], 165, [166-172], 173, [174-176], 177 + [v-vii]

      The first folio of quires 2-20, and the last folio of quire 20 are foliated in brown ink in Arabic numerals in the upper right-hand corner, recto.

      Folio [100a] is a slip of paper inserted between ff. [100]v and [101]r

    • Layout: ff. [1]r-177r: Written height: 220-230 mm, width: 135 mm. The text is arranged by both copyists in 30 lines. The final part of the texts is shaped cul-de-lampe.
    • Decoration: Headpieces are drawn in red ink at the beginning of some works: ff. [1]r, [36]r, [60]r, [76]v.
      Several red-ink major initials mark the start of works or sections of texts copied by Nikolaos. The more elaborated ones are on ff. [1]r, [2]r, [3]v, [10]v, [18]r, [28]v, [36]r, [43]r, [45]v, [47]r, [48]v, 51v, [60r], [66]v, [76]v, [117]r, [136]r
    • Additions:

      Notes on the contents of the manuscript on f. [i] verso.

      Bookplate with coat of arms of Queens' College (dated 1700), glued on f. [1]r.

      Readers' notes on ff. 71r, [115]r, [116]v, [117]r, [151]r.

      Variant readings on ff. [103]v, [104]v.

      Chapter titles in Apsines' treatise (e.g. ff. [151]r, [152]v, [155]v) added from Aldus Manutius' edition (1508)

    • Provenance:

      The manuscript was owned by Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon (1535-1595); his name and the year 1585 remain on f. [1]r. Huntingdon gave the manuscript to his tutor Thomas Church. It did not belong to the collection of 102 books donated by Huntingdon to Queens' College (all these books are bound with his armorial stamp and motto, “honorantes me honorabo”).

    • Origin: The scribe of the first part of the manuscript, Nikolaos, was active in Venice and Padua between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th. The second part of the manuscript can be dated shortly after the first.
    • Acquisition: Thomas Church left the manuscript to the Queens' College at his death, in 1606. He wrote on the inside of the left cover: "Tho: Church moriens legavit".
    • Funding: The Polonsky Foundation
    • Data Source(s): Description (2019) draws on M.R. James, A descriptive catalogue of the western manuscripts in the library of Queen's College, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1905, pp. 24-25.
    • Author(s) of the Record: Matteo Di Franco
    • Bibliography:
      James, M. R. (ed.), A descriptive catalogue of the western manuscripts in the library of Queen's College, Cambridge / described by Montague Rhodes James. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1905).
      Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, "Specimen eines Repertoriums der griechischen Kopisten", Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 27 293-322 (1978).
      Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger, Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600. I. Grossbritannien, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik Bd. 3 (Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981).
      Chiron, Pierre (ed.), Du style / Démétrios (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1993).
      Patillon, Michel (ed.), Arts rhétoriques / Pseudo-Aelius Aristide (Paris: Belles lettres, 2002) 1.
      Woerther, Frédérique and Hossein Khonsari, "L'application des programmes de reconstruction phylogénétique sur ordinateur à l'étude de la traduction manuscrite d'un texte: l'exemple du chapitre XI de l'Ars Rhetorica du Pseudo-Denys d'Halicarnasse", Revue d'histoire des textes 227-240 (2003).
      Hernández Muñoz, Felipe G., "The Logos Basilikós text of Menander Rhetor", Revue d'Histoire des Textes 8 371-385 (2013).
      Martínez Manzano, Teresa, "Creta y el itinerario de los textos griegos hacia Occidente. El caso de los manuscritos de Matteo Dandolo", Scripta 7 159-184 (2014).
      Martínez Manzano, T., "Creta y el itinerario de los textos griegos hacia Occidente. El caso de los manuscritos de Matteo Dandolo", Scripta 7 159-184 (2014).
      Hernández Muñoz, Felipe G., "Alejandro Rétor, De materiis rhetoricis: nueva edición crítica", in Manuscritos griegos en España y su contexto europeo: Greek Manuscripts in Spain and their European Context (Madrid: Dykinson, 2016) 143-158.
      Muruzábal Rodríguez, Beatriz, "Para una nueva edición crítica de Menandro Rétor", in Manuscritos griegos en España y su contexto europeo: Greek Manuscripts in Spain and their European Context (Madrid: Dykinson, 2016) 279-292.

    Section shown in images 11 to 80

    • Title: Art of Rhetoric
    • Alternative Title(s): Ars rhetorica
    • Note(s): Attributed to Dionysius of Halicarnassus (c. 60 - after 7 BCE); TLG 0081.016
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [1]r Διονισίου Ἁλικαρνασέως(!) τέχνη περὶ τῶν πανηγυρικῶν
      Incipit: f. [1]r Πανηγύρεις εὕρημα μὲν καὶ δῶρον θεῶν εἰς ἀνάπαυσιν τῶν περὶ τὸν βίον
      Explicit: f. [35]v τὸ ποικίλως. οὗτος ὁ περὶ τῶν λόγων ἐξετάσεως λόγος

    Section shown in images 81 to 128

    • Title: On Style
    • Alternative Title(s): De elocutione
    • Note(s): Attributed to Demetrius Phalereus (c. 350-283 BCE); TLG 0613.001
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [36]r Δημητρίου Φαλληρέως(!) περὶ ἐρμηνείας ὅ ἐστι περὶ φράσεως
      Incipit: f. [36]r Ὥσπερ ἡ ποίησις διαιρεῖται τοῖς μέτροις, οἷον ἡμιμέτροις ἢ ἑξαμέτροις
      Explicit: f. [59]v ὥστε καὶ ἄχαριν τὸν λόγον ἅμα καὶ ψυχρὸν γίγνεσθαι παράκειται δέ πως ἀλλήλοις, ταῦτα ἀμφότερα

    Section shown in images 129 to 151

    • Title: On Figures
    • Alternative Title(s): De figuris
    • Note(s): TLG 0594.002
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [60]r Ἀλεξάνδρου περὶ τῆς διανοίας σχημάτων καὶ περὶ τῶν τῆς λέξεως σχημάτων
      Incipit: f. [60]r Ἔστι μὲν οὐχ ἡ τυχοῦσα δυσιφλία περὶ τῶν τοῦ λόγου σχημάτων εἰπεῖν
      Explicit: f. 71r ἀλλ’ ἐμαίνετο· καὶ πάλιν, οὐ πατὴρ ἦν, μὰ Δία, ἀλλὰ τύραννος

    Section shown in images 151 to 161

    • Title: On Figures
    • Alternative Title(s): De figuris
    • Note(s): The author's name is added in the margin by a western hand, along with a note by a different hand; TLG 2596.001
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. 71r Σχόλια περὶ σχημάτων ῥητορικῶν
      Incipit: f. 71r Ὅτι χρήσιμος ἐστιν ἡ περὶ τούτων γνώσις πρὸς τὸ μὴ διαφθεῖραι τὰ τῶν ἀρχαίων
      Explicit: f. [76]r τίς ὁ βασιλέα καταναυμαχήσας Θεμιστοκλῆς· ἐναλλάττει δὲ τὸ κατ’ ἐρώτησιν καὶ ἀπόκρισιν σχήμα

    Section shown in images 162 to 189

    • Title: Treatise I: Division of Epiditic Speeches
    • Alternative Title(s): De genere demonstrativo
    • Note(s): TLG 2586.001; After f. [90]r l. 11 ἄγεται, the text continues with the following item
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [76]v Μενάνδρου ῥήτορος γενεθλίων διαίρεσις τῶν ἐπιδεικτικῶν
      Incipit: f. [76]v Τῆς ῥητορικῆς ἁπάσης τριχῶς διαιρουμένης, ὡς μέρεσιν ἢ εἴδεσιν
      Explicit: f. [90]r ll. 10-11 τὰ Πύθια καὶ Ὀλύμπια καὶ Δέδαλα ἐν Πλαταιαῖς· διέκοντα γὰρ ἐτῶν ἄγεται

    Section shown in images 189 to 193

    • Title: Fragment
    • Note(s): Spengel 1856, Rhetores Graeci, vol. iii, p. 1-6; TLG 0594.001
    • Excerpts:
      Incipit: f. [90]r l. 11 Ὁ Ἀλέξανδρός φησιν, ὡς δύο ὄντων τῶν ἀνωτάτω προβλημάτων
      Explicit: f. [92]r καὶ μετὰ τίνων θεῶν ἐστιν, ὡς Ἀπόλλων μετὰ τῶν Μουσῶν

    Section shown in images 193 to 244

    • Title: Treatise II: On Epiditic Speeches
    • Alternative Title(s): De demonstrativis
    • Note(s): The last folio is misplaced: the correct reading sequence is ff. [114]v, [116]r-v, [115]r (πάλιν διαιρήσεις - ἀρετῶν ἀρχόμενος αὐτοῦ). On the latter only 11 lines were copied and a later hand wrote "λείπει Aldus", and "λείπει" on f. [116]v; f. [115]v is blank; TLG 2586.002
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [92]r Μενάνδρου ῥήτορος περὶ ἐπιδεικτικῶν
      Incipit: f. [92]r Ὁ βασιλικὸς λόγος ἐγκώμιόν ἐστι βασιλέως· οὐκοῦν αὔξησιν ὁμολογουμένην
      Explicit: f. [116]v διαφθείρων παντοδαπῶς τοὺς πολεμίους. εἶτα μετὰ τοῦτο τὸ κεφάλαιον (Spengel 1856, Rhetores Graeci, vol. iii, p. 441, 6)

    Section shown in images 245 to 312

    • Title: Art of Rhetoric
    • Alternative Title(s): Ars rhetorica
    • Note(s): ; TLG 0284.056
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [117]r Ἀριστείδου περὶ πολιτικοῦ λόγου
      Incipit: f. [117]r Τάδε σοι περὶ τῶν ἰδεῶν καὶ ἀρετῶν ἐξ ὧν συνίσταται ὁ πολιτικὸς λόγος
      Explicit: f. [150]v καὶ περὶ κάλλους ἐν λόγῳ, καὶ ταῦτα καθ’ ἕκαστον εἴρηται

    Section shown in images 313 to 365

    • Title: Art of Rhetoric (defective at the end)
    • Note(s): TLG 2027.001
    • Excerpts:
      Rubric: f. [151]rΑυινου(!) τεχνη ρητορικη περι προοιμιου (added by a western reader)
      Incipit: f. [151]rΕἴρηται μέν τινα καὶ τοῖς πρὸ ἡμῶν περὶ προοιμίου τί τέ ἐστι προοίμιον
      Explicit: f. 177r ὅθεν ἤδη καὶ περὶ ταύτης λεκτέον οἷον τέ ἐστι, καὶ τὶς ἡ δύναμις αὐτῆς (Walz 1836, Rhetores Graeci, vol. ix, p. 567, 11)


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